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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. The Best you can find on the WEb :(Redefining Free Web Hosting! Hosting the way it should be ...! Making Paid hosting Free... :(When Paid hosting comes to an End...
  2. I checked again.. this is what I saw .......
  3. No.. the downtime was lot more than that I guess. I have mailed it to the members. I hope you recieved it. It was due to a major network outage. As far as I know, all the servers at the datacenter ( more than 300 were affected ). This is usually rare...
  4. Beware of the TweakUI program.. even though these programs do help you out to tweek ur pc for faster performance, wrong settings can result in adverse results. So it is better that you dont use such programs and do basic things like un-installing useless programs and also disabling them from startup. Disabling System restore ( be careful doing this ), periodically defragment your hard -drive.
  5. I assembled my computer myself.. So most of the options in the poll dont suit me.
  6. It appears all our techs were alerted 1 hour ago about a huge network outage that occured at 11am PST. Currently the main switch is being replaced which caused the same problem yesterday around 7am PST. Once the switch is replaced the network should be operational again. Thank you for understanding and we're hoping everything will be operational once the new switch is in.72% of the network has been bought up online so far.. it is a very major outage and more than 300+ servers in the datacenter have been affected.
  7. OpaQue


    that sucks! Damn... get him some councelling or something ... and if possible, get him out of time to some hilly areas ( much closer to nature ) . May be that will change his mind and refresh his thoughts. Give him a vaccation and I hope things will be fine and back to normal. Hiv is no longer fatal. If treated properly, one can lead a perfectly normal life. so tell him to chill. but I suggest, let him have a vaccation atleast for a month or 2. that will definately make him feel better.
  8. no doubt thats spamming! Please do not copy stuff else u will get banned soon;
  9. I aint good in installing those hacks.! most of the times, I screw them up myself.. but I visited your site and wanted to say that it was one of the sweetest site I have seen... I reminded me of DIDI ( that charcter in Dexter's Lab )... LOL.. very nice theme and template.
  10. neither do I, can you please tell us more about this day.. and the thing that you were telling about butchering of turkeys..
  11. YUK ! I used to HATE school a lot! I like a school with no studies
  12. OK! May be karlo forgot to put two of the best servers in the list... I have done it. So now you are free to vote for apache as most of you are gonna..
  13. Hi Members,We are ad supported company and I would like to know the categories in which you are intrested the most. Since I am using google alternatives, I would like you to specify some topics which you would like to explore.For. Eg. If you are more interested in ads regarding Web Hosting, I can set the ads category to it so that you dont click just for the heck of it. We are one of those few web hosting companies which is surviving without the high paying google ads on the main forums.. So if you know of any better advertisers or ad companies who would like to advertise here, please let us know.Regards,OpaQue
  14. Also, please do not use image links directly off an external website. Do not hotlink images from other website because in that case, the web site owner of that site is going to suffer. I had an issue a month back, a guy from an external site was blaming Xisto for his BW drain. That site was not hosted with Xisto but some user had hotlinked the image. Also, it is better that members who have cool graphics on their site, use the image hotlinking option in the cpanel to protect their own graphic files.
  15. Please do not post links which point to warez and other illegal sites. - Topic Closed!
  16. I got hundreds of PM's asking what the hell is Xisto, how did I get this name, what does it mean.. there is also a thread open regarding this. While most of the people are still wondering, what does Xisto mean ?? Ok! Time to open up the secret! I used to play CS in a gaming zone at my place called Xisto. I used to waste 8 hours out of my life,everyday in that place and I kept doing it for about 2-3 years! After which that gaming zone was converted into a Gaming Shop where now Game CD's are sold. Its name was changed from Xisto to Cobra! My friend and I used to miss (bunk) our college lectures and play CS. And after that place closed down... We were really disappointed. I wanted to keep that name up and soon after I registered that domain. Like most of you guys, I was looking out for free web hosts. Some of them, whom I tried are freedom2surf(which is now a paid hosting site), compactvision, dymihost, chromehost etc.. of which most of them either closed down or used to put ads on top of the page. Dymihost ( which has quite better than trap in terms of BW and space ) closed down suddenly. I had written more then 350 php programs and stuff. This was really a huge blow and It was like all my work was gone in a flash. Things were crappy and It was hard to find a good free host. I soon thought about starting my own free hosting. I made a small crappy site initially with my remaining programs and stuff.. Started free web hosting as a side feature.. and then I really started getting a good response. I signed up for google ads and I saw the revenue was quite satisfactory to keep up the web hosting requirements. The site which I had started more like a personal one was getting a reputation of a professional site. and soon people started critsizing the personal website, tiny programs and registration systems that I had created. I removed all my site data and made Xisto a dedicated free Web hosting site. To keep up with low expenses and stuff, I had a very simple design actually.. the only member whom I remember to be with Xisto from a very long time is WASSIE ( co-admin ) Soon I realised that, Xisto was falling behind as it was not having a proper presentation and template.. Lurk ( admin of http://lurk365.com/ ) donated the main template of Xisto.com and from that day, things really changed.. To keep the service as reliable, fast, secure and cheap as possible, I was testing out many servers. Old members may remember that Xisto had also lost the forum contents due to these server transfers.. things were difficult in the begenning. But the this was only a begenning... when finally my Google account was disabled! Due to a member who tried to spam on the ads. Frankly, at that time, the first thing that hit my mind was to Close down Xisto. But it was only the responsiblity of so many members and the feeling that I had at the time when my site was closed, I decided to keep up the site. Till now [26 Nov 2004] I have been covering up the expenses from the money I made out of my part time job.. At that time ( when I got my google account disabled), I met another person who had an advertising company. I partnered with him and he in turn introduced my to other companies. Xisto's Traffic statistics were pretty much impressive and It attracted a lot of attention. soon I was accepted by that company and I started a partnership deal to trade off the expense of the site by selling of the top advertising space at Xisto forums. Soon the partnership was terminated, but it did not make much of a diffrence because till then, I was introduced to many advertisers... so there after I Stopped running behind google ads and stuff ( even though they can fetch up 20 times more money that what I am earning of these ads ) but my main motive was to keep the server up and also to keep the site running. Even a little amount enough to keep this site up was quite satisfactory.. ( I haven't made any profits or even any money of this site .. Because all my google accounts were disabled at the last moment when I was actually expecting my payments ) I had registered about 2-3 google accounts and placed them on other sites.. so that I could atleast make some money off those. But Google Disabled them too saying that a Publisher who has been disabled is not allowed to participate in the adsense program. and when I saw my ad-tracker stats, I noticed that someone was purposely trying to get my account disabled. because everyday, I used to see a huge set of clicks from a single ip address. One by one all my google accounts were disabled. And I lost all of the money I had with google. 2 of my server charges have been paid by my pal who is from Canada. I still owe him more than a $100. But I think I can repay him back soon because, I will start getting the money of my advertisers after december. I hope to recieve before it, but it may take time due to shipping and stuff. I really thank that guy a lot, his name is Wen. It was because of this guy that this site continued to run. If I hadn't met this guy, this site would had been closed 2-3 months back.. Initially because of the name of the site and stuff, I also had to fight through a hell lot of bad reputation! This was the worst chapter for Xisto.. I dont know why, but members were afraid of the name or something. Or may be the competitors. Bad words, news etc are were spread about Xisto. (for eg. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) Issues were made out of small things like the MySQL hookups. Couple of members were also trying to spam the MySQL server ( the main reason that was and That is for the MySQL hookups )... But these things are practically un-avoidable. Haden't I recived funds, I could had ensured to get another chip of ram for my server, but due to financing problems. I could not upgrade. Xisto survives because of the members.. The Traffic and the popularity. The only thing that holds this community is its popularity. The reason for this success inspite of so many difficulties was simply that We did not make this site for profits at the first place. I am satisfied with whatever small amount I make to keep the server up. eg. 4discuss.com, one of the biggest competitor closed off his site, removed all the user accounts after he lost google ads. And gave an excuse saying that the server has been hacked! That guy did it, because his intension was profit. While I, even though I wanted to do it ( because I had lost my main source of income) , I simply could'nt. Xisto has gone through many difficulties initially... more than one can imagine. the ones listed out above still fall short. Very old members actually know what trap had been through before it reached the this successful position. I remember working for about 18 hours a day for my site! I used to literally sleep in front of my pc. All day, I used to search for advertisers, manage my forums, lookout for better servers and monitering them etc... But, now, I am able to concentrate only on financial, marketting and other professional aspects. Thanks a lot to my admins who have really taken the load off my head regarding the forums. After being with Xisto for a long time and helping it out sincerely, I finally gave Wassie the server rights and direct access to it for making and editing user hosting accounts. Then I gave it to Spectre ( one of the only members of Xisto who has helped us without any specific intension. ie. without requesting any hosting account ) . Here is the place where I guess we prove the amount of trust we have in each other in this community. After getting this site to work on a full swing, I launced Xisto.com for members who were very highly talented and were feeling un-confortable at the Xisto forums. And then due to the requests for paid hosting, I and one of my chat friends ( the former manager of freenukehosting.com forums ) launced a paid hosting site ( http://computing-web-hosting.com/ ) We belive we have one of the highest competitive and cheapest rates available on the internet. We are still young and learning ... I hope this site keeps growing ( umm.. well without those difficulites ) and continues getting loads of new members day by day. So that we may serve as many members as possible.. Thank You for all your time ( for reading this article ) and your support without which Xisto was simply not possible... Warm Regards, OpaQue.
  17. Time to open up the secret.. here it is.. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/4510-the-Xisto-story/?act=12&t=4510
  18. My server host has given my strict orders for not to use IRC also banning any user who uses it... May be they have blocked the port and hence, irc wont work.
  19. I try my best to accept most of the sites.. But most of the times when a site is supporting any activities which is against the TOS, then I am usually informed at the complaints@Xisto.com mail address.
  20. Praying to anything ( a thing in which you belive from your heart ) .. not necessarily GOD, Any person or any abstract thing in which you have faith is going to make you feel better... When I say pray, here I mean, seeking help. when ur in your examination hall ... all alone in between hundreds of other students, where you know, no one is going to help you out, you need someone ( or something ) on whom ( on which ) you belive so much that just by bringing a thought of it is going to make you feel better.. which is going to assure you that everything's gonna be fine. That Faith or abstract feeling on which you depend to consolidate yourself is God. ( this is purely what I feel ). Usually, The prayers ( phrases which are usually repeated and not the big ones ) are things which help you to have a firm will power and better concentration.I got a friend, he openly abuses god .. most of the times ( on phone, on chat .. ) just like the way one abuses an enemy or evil .. Well, all I can see is that he is fit n fine and he rides his bike as if he is playing road rash... and if there was such a thing, he should had been propably died in an accident or so.. which fortunately hasen't happened yet. If God was there, he would had probably screwed him for saying all those sorts of things .. especially for making it a habit. No doubt.. this guy is an *BLEEP*.. but WTF, I sometimes feel that there should had been a harder rule or something. You do something wrong and you pay 4 it! So, I guess, it is only an abstract feeling which helps you get good things like trust, will power, concentration ... Even though being astract, it is one of the best friends, one can have. So dont lose trust! and have faith!
  21. That proves it... your one god damn Eminem fan! I listen to him.. occasionally. I am usually tuned to Linkin Park...
  22. I got Sony Erricson T610. Now since it has been taken away by my stupid bro, I have got a 6610i ( which is belive looks pretty cool )... for a temporary basis. I really hate bulky mobiles ..especially when u carry it in ur pocket! I also had P800 but, then it was just too bulky for me to get along with it so I sold it off.. :(I havent decided my next cell... but it will be nokia or sony ericson.
  23. opss. sorry I forgot to email you back after your request. I have confirmed the issue and i was told that you are supposed to access the tomcat thing using some XML or something ... it was some technical stuff. If you know it, I hope you will be able to figure it out. but there were no issues detected from our side.
  24. I have registered a domain as well as hosted this guys site ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ )... Just the same thing like the above specified user. This guy puts ads on it for me. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Its a cool site for naruto lovers!
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