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Do You Think "aliens" Exist? aliens, alien autopsy, alien conspiracy

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This is a funny topic >_>I think aliens do exist. I mean, that whole Mars thing and just the universe being so wide and so massively large, stretching farther than the eye can see, why not? I highly, highly doubt we're the only form of intelligent creatures existing in this universe. Of course it's possible, just highly doubtful. I always resented the fact that I was born into this era of time where the technology is so limited. I always wanted to either meet the future of mankind, or the destruction of mankind. I mean, if you were given the chance to meet a creature of equal or greater intelligence, not of this world, wouldn't you greet it? I know I would, even if it was going to eat me. Aliens, at our current place in time and at our current build of knowledge, do not exist. In the future? Possibly. In the past? Maybe. I'm really interested in what they've discovered at Mars so far. I mean, they say there's traces of water and stuff, for all we know, we could've been the inhabitants of Mars and since the resources were running out, we came here >_> But I dunno. I believe aliens exist but we'll probably never get the chance to know for sure, in our life time. =/ I wish I could be reincarnated somehow...

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I believe that there are aliens or were aliens out there. I mean if we can be out there so can other life forms. I mean, if they didn't how did we get the idea of them. Im a big believer, but not in cropcircles. I think that either they are complex and are observing us or that they are more primordial then we are, and are in the early stages of exploring space. Even if aliens don't exist, they exist for a cause to discover the unknown of space. If we never had Star Trek, or Star Wars, or any thing to do with space, we wouldn't have any motivation to explore space, and it would seem as meaningless as it was 100 years ago. Sure the shows may be fictional, be it shows that no matter what our diffrences are we can always come to an understanding. SO either when we are ready to greet them, or they are ready to great us, they'll still be there.If we didn't explore Mars, we might not have known that rivers had once ran over the barren lanscape, and that the planet could have sustained life in it's early stages, and maybe what happened to Mars will happen to us. The Great Unknown."To boldly go, where no man as gone before. Beyond the reach of the stars and galaxies"

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i do think "aliens" do exist. in this i mean some other form of life at another planet or part of the universe. i do not believe in little green men or monsters flying around earth in their spaceships. unless some major proof comes along, i dont think im gunna believe in all those people who claim to see things flying around the sky and say they have been abducted.

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Yeah, I always wonder about aliens, Life other than us, do they speak English, what would happen if we find aliens. Well, I belive in AliensFrom.::DAMAN::.

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I do believe that there is life on some planet besides Earth. Might not be in this very Solar System, but there are possibilites that there might exist some life in some other Solar System very far from us who maybe are trying to hunt other life forms and they also believe that there is no other life besides their planet. I sometimes wonder if they would've invented more advanced technology than us or would they still be in the process of discovering fire?

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Yea, even me. I do believe that there is life in other planets apart from our earth. If you have a look at some of the things which have been happening in this planet, you will come to understand that there are other lives in other planets apart from earth.Take for instance, the UFO saga. I believe that there are UFOs coming from somewhere outside this planet to visit us and know what is goingon this this place. People have seen them and many of them have also felt the impact of these creatures.So, I am concluding that aliens do exist.

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I really really want to believe, I say yes, but have no proof, just feels like universe is soooo huge, we can't possibly be the ONLY living beings, just a matter of time before we go raving on spacestation 01 :)

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When you look at the sky, you see lots of stars, and each star is a galaxy (just like our sun is viewed as a star from another galaxy). since there are so many galaxies, it's very possible for them to have living creatures. However, UFO for me doesn't exist because we can't get to other galaxy, so it's equally difficult for creatures of other galaxies to come to our galaxy and our earth.



Life other than us, do they speak English


LOL, I was laughing when I read this question. It's so hilarious. The answer is 100% NO. English is a language created by human, and even not all humans speak english... If aliens can communicate with each other, they speak in their own language, surely not english. You watch too much movies :)

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Im not a believer in little green men so much lol.......but I do believe that via the infinate possibilities (urgh too many horizon programs) there would be life out there.......lol dunno whether they would be able to speak english as not everyone on earth can speak english for starters.....but hey there could be aliens out there by all means

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Yes I do believe in aliens, simply because there is so much space, that it would seem improbable that there would not be life on other planets, and if we are the only planet, then its a big waste of space isn't it. Wether or not they will be anything like us I dont know, I suppose it depends on the conditions they evolved in, cos if they are from a planet like Earth then it is fair to say that they will be similar to us. I dont think however they will come looking for us, I mean the mess we've made of the planet and all the wars and thing, if I was an alien I'd take one look at us and then move on, but that may just be me.

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Yea I do believe in Aliens myself, there's alot NASA knows and don't wanna share with us cuz they are affraid for "panic" :P .
The Universe is SO big, it's impossible it's only made just for us, warhorny humans.
Even ancient cultures talked, drawn and wrote about it. Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, Sumerians and even Dogons. There are at least 4 spots in our visual range wich have this potential. The Egyptians even believed their "Gods" were from other planets and I saw some Biblical drwaings wich had somekind of UFO in it :D
Maybe check out this movie (when it's declared legal :) ) and yea it's sci-fi but without the fi: 1anunnaki


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well for me just maybe their is something out there but do to fact we are a dangerous species we might consider them hostile terrorists and start killing them for kicks.but who knows maybe just maybe

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well for me just maybe their is something out there but do to fact we are a dangerous species we might consider them hostile terrorists and start killing them for kicks.


but who knows maybe just maybe




I don't believe aliens, you only believe them because of hollywood, old ages there was not a single person that believed untill greedy hollywood, made movies.



x-files and other crap are just money making tools.


don't be stupid.


There is only us and GOD.


I'm muslim and I do not believe hollywood movies.

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There is no way I believe in aliens because I was watching this show on TV (which I know can sometimes be misleading, but I acually believed this one) that said that there is this rare sleeping disorder that causes you to think you're seeing this you really aren't, like people that say they saw aliens at night that took them into their "space ships" and did experiments and stuff, and this disorder happened thousands of years ago and that's where people from ages ago said they saw mythological creatures. That's my belief anyways. Besides that, I am a catholic and I believe God created the earth and everything on it, and there is nothing in the bible to say that other life was created.

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But there's nothing in the Bible to say that your God didn't get bored and create other life, is there? I mean, if I were a supreme being, I would get bored watching one little planet try to blow itself up. I would concentrate on different ones, like the Sims perhaps. There are countless other galaxies out there that we will never discover. We are so minute in comparison to what lies around us and all we know is that its there, somewhere.


When I look into the sky, I see twinkling lights, little stars shining down on me and I wonder if on some bizarre other planet, we were shining on them too. We know the existence of Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and all the other planets near us. We also know about bacteria which are countless million/billion years old. I'm a firm believer in the Big Bang theory because it makes sense. Gravity binds tiny pieces of space particles from a supernova explosion and whirls them into a little sphere which develops its own core to heat itself. This little sphere falls into a gravitational orbit around a large star (the Sun) and a little rock called the Moon (which may have been a planet) falls into orbit with this planet. On this planet, the sun, the chemicals all begin to make this "primordial soup" as it's been referred to. From this arise all the species and from them arise the rest of the races and creatures. Who's to say that couldn't happen on other planets that may have "different" life forms...these aliens or strangers that we refer to? They're not little green men...not all of them. They could be merely bacteria and viruses, but that's still LIFE. Evidence of water on Mars has been found - little polar ice caps. Mars is not too far from the sun to recieve a bit of heating. Perhaps species were able to evolve to the conditions on that planet? That's how I picture it, even though I'm Hindu and my religion already graphs out what happened at the beginning of the world. There is no law that says you have to believe certain events of your religion and there's no reason you should call other people stupid because they think something else, cumar11. People have these crazy things called opinions that they can use to govern themselves. Therefore, I'm willing to believe that the "us" and gods (in my case) involves so much more than we know or are willing to comprehend.


And people thought of aliens LONG before Hollywood. Ancient philosophers mused about it as well when they discovered new planets. Hollywood only visualized those ideas to show people what could be[/]. Hollywood, on a whole, is greedy, and I'm not a fan of predictible plots and sugary happy endings as most of today's audiences are, but think of it from a filmmaker's standpoint. This is the movie of someone who's trying to prove that life is possible on other planets. Have you ever seen Contact? Indirectly, it's about ...well...contact with other lifeforms but they never go so far as to show anyone. It's an intelligent touching film I think you'd enjoy.


I for one love the X-Files. They deviate a bit from the standard crime drama shows that are on today. They show all aspects of the supernatural melding into regular life. Other than 24, it's the only real series I've watched and enjoyed. It's humorous, it's scary, and it's touching. Most of the episodes towards the middle of the show were interesting...towards the end, they were kind of sloppily put together, so I think that's what you were watching. Slow start, fast paced middle, attempting to catch up towards the end - it's like a lot of shows on today in that respect only.


Anyways, I'm going to stop typing now and go to sleep. Summing up, I say: Life is possible on other planets (aliens...good grief, we're aliens to them as well. The word has gained so much more superfluous meaning than it needs) and that the X-Files episodes were pretty good. I mean, when it came out, I was only a little kid (was it 93? or 91 or something?) and I remember being seven and taking some pizza to the TV and just watching episodes and enjoying them. I was a crazy seven year old, I'll tell you that.

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