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Everything posted by brandice

  1. I've been on a BBS for a few years now and everything has been cool up until a couple of days ago. This guy, who I don't even know- I don't think we've ever even been in the same thread- sent me pictures of himself and... parts of himself. And then he asked for me to send him some of me! "I want proof that you're really a girl", he said. So I wrote back to him and said that I wasn't a girl, but a fake account of the most annoying guy on the board. I hope that worked!
  2. did you upload the site into either the "www" folder or the "public_html" folder? you have to put your stuff into one of those.
  3. I got about 4/5 of the way through Mommie Dearest before I threw it across the room. I know the poor girl had a hard life and her mother was horrible to her but it just seemed like "my famous mother is dead and now I am going to make a few bucks" Maybe I was in a bad mood that day.
  4. My favorite singer is Mike Patton and I like pretty much everything he does.Picking a favorite song would be way too hard.The greatest album ever is California by Mr. BungleI can't remember who my favorite rap artist is. classic rock- QueenMetal- Anthrax
  5. I think this was the first year that I've ever made resolutions. Mine was to stop being such a packrat. I am actually making progress on it, I threw out a big trashbag full of stuff I don't need yesterday. I've kind of made it to where there is no turning back- I've been putting things on my bed and I have to sort them or I won't be able to go to sleep.
  6. I think at the moment I am at the highest I have seen myself- 7.10 I'm usually around 5. I'd better get to thinking of things to say, because it seems that about every other month the internet and cable get turned off here for a few days.
  7. I have no idea how my site pops up on the top of searches for the strangest things. (But then my site is just about the most random thing ever) It could be that I have a nucleus weblog on my site, and I guess it gets spidered or pinged a lot. I've been getting an alarming amount of visitors looking for Verne Troyer pictures. It's cool to get a ton of hits, but it's kind of a waste when they are from people who don't have any use for your information. If you want to get to the top of the results I think the most important thing is to have a site that is specifically about something and you have to target the audience that is going to be interested in that. Find similar sites and swap links, spend time on other message boards where people might want to visit your site and put your link in your profile/signature. all that = traffic = top of the list.
  8. I've been left handed my whole life and it hasn't screwed me up yet. I'd say the toughest thing is using kitchen gadgets like the hand can opener and certain spatulas. It took a couple of days, but I can use the right handed mouse just fine.I figured out a way to write when I was a kid that keeps the ink off of my hand. Some people say it looks silly, but have you ever seen how a lot of lefties will curl over their hands into a really unnatural looking way? What I do is I turn my paper completly sideways (with the left margin facing up) and instead of writing from left to right I write from up to down. No ink on the hands, and no bad posture from crouching over the paper.
  9. I can not stand Dr. Pepper, either. lol somebody once told me it had prune juice in it. Even though I know it isn't true, I always think of that when I have to drink it.I like coca cola the best. I am so hooked on the stuff that I get a headaches if I don't drink it everyday. Coke has the best carbonation of any soft drink. Pepsi is too sugarey for me.
  10. I know that my webspace here gets visited everyday by at least 5 robots. Perhaps changing your robots.txt (or putting one up) could stop them from spidering through and clicking on the links?Good advice on the keywords. and I understand about them not acceting blogs after I had a bad experience with the Adsense that they use at Blogger when you are hosted over there for free. One day I used the word 'joke' a few days earlier I commented on how horrible somebody was because they were a racist- and all heck broke loose. I had some very offensive ads that came up on the site. After getting the email run-around for a couple of weeks, the pretty much told me, "there is nothing we can do about it. Wait a month and they might go away."
  11. madisonn used the right term there. I am pro-choice but not necessarily 'pro-abortion'*. People need to learn about contraception. Wheher they live on a farm or not. *now that I think about it... I saw this episode of Maury Povich the other day that was called, "I'll be devastated if my brother is the father of my child" if you think your brother might be the father of your child you really shouldn't have the baby.
  12. enough with the 'retard' thing, kid. sheesh.We don't go to the moon every year, we go into space. We don't have to go into space at all. We don't go to the moon because we don't have to and people would think that costs too much money. But going up and studying what weightlessness does to bugs, I guess, is fine.
  13. Yes, they use sweatshops. Probably every apparel company uses them. What can we do? We can't all become nudists.
  14. I think the word needs to get out about this though. I've noticed a huge jump in unnecessary quoting as of late.
  15. First of all, you need to talk to your dad. If anything, tell him that you don't want to give this kid a ride home anymore. Next, try to avoid these guys, not like running away, but you need to find a different group of friends. The best way to 'get back' at a friend who has turned into a bully is to move on to different friends. My sister went through a phase where she teased me like crazy. One day she said, "the only reason that I do it is because you can't take it." As soon as I started pretending that it didn't bother me, she gave up.
  16. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/125-anchorman-review-thread/ There's an entire section dedicated to this stuff. We have some talented members here!
  17. I have reeboks right now- somebody bought them for me. But I usually buy nike myself. They're wider than other shoes and much more comfortable. It's all about comfort, I am not that stylish. There's an outlet store about an hour and a half from my house and I can buy my favorites- black on black 'air something' for, like, 20 bucks.
  18. Thank you for reading my poems and for the nice words. I don't really go into writing any of them with a topic. I just kind of sit in a quite room and they just happen. I know that sounds weird, but I really don't know how to explain how they come out. I kind of got the idea for writing in this style from an article I read years ago with this singer. They asked him about the meaning of his (kind of boring and predictable) lyrics and he said, "they're just words that sound good together."I thought, how about really writing something purely for the sounds the words make next to each other. That's why I'm trying to get people lined up for this newest one- to kind of force it to be an audio experience.
  19. I wrote this poem recently that I feel needs to be heard rather than looked at. And I was thinking that it might be more interesting if it just wasn't me reading it. If you've read any of my stuff, this will make sense- I was hoping that I could get some volunteers to read a few lines or words each. If you are interested in being a part of this, send me an email ( brandi.h@gmail.com ). All you need is a microphone hooked up to your computer and the wav recorder thing. In return for your help, I will put a link to your page on mine.
  20. brandice

    6 Invites

    *EDIT* let's change that to 5. As if anyone here who has ever wanted one doesn't have one. I give them away and I keep getting more. I don't have that many friends. haha.If you'd like one, PM me, I guess, with your name and email address and I'll set you up. When is this thing ever going to go public anyhow?
  21. I have always been a little scared of the programs that save your passwords. And I share my computer with four other people. So for most things, I just remember my passwords. It's kind of hard when I have a million email addresses and I am signed up at three messages boards but I have a system. I only have about five passwords that I shift around from thing to thing. If I ever forget what goes where I only have to make a few tries.
  22. It does cost money, but the first month is free to lure you in. It's like what the drug dealers do to get you hooked.
  23. I am so hooked on this game it's not even funny. I know (I hope) I am not the only person over the age of 13 that plays this. It has many of the elements that other games have, such as fighting, stradegy, and all that. Except instead of shooting bad guys you throw pie at them. Plus you get a house to furnish and you get to buy clothes. Is there anyone else out there willing to admit that they play this game? http://www.disney.com/
  24. This is a really weird one, and I don't know what the technical term is for this, but I am afraid of eyes. It used to be very bad but I am getting over it. Two things that helped me were reading the 4th Harry Potter book- the one with "Mad Eye Moody" (I'll see if I'm still okay after I have to watch the movie!) and watching "Once Upon A Time In Mexico" - I just couldn't look away from Johnny Depp.
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