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Everything posted by brandice

  1. a lady in the theater gave away what was happening during the 2nd movie so I decided to read all of the books before the third movie came out. It's funny, because the thrid movie is probably better if you haven't read the book. I want to go back to the original post and disagree about Gary Oldman. I think he is perfect for Sirius. He's got that sort of quality where even when he's a very bad guy there is something likeable about him and it works when you turn it the other way around... if that makes sense.
  2. The first video that I ever remember seeing was for the song "fish heads" I don't remember the name of who did the song, only that the kid who sent people into the corn field from the twilight zone was part of it.My favorite videos ever- Learn to Fly- Foo Fighters, Coffee & TV - Blur, The one with the muppets from Weezer, and Anything with Mike Patton in it, especially if he's wearing a suit (Faith No More's A Small Victory, Ashes to Ashes, and Last Cup of Sorrow)
  3. Cold blooded killers, the one's who would really deserve the death penalty, are going to kill no matter what. I don't believe that the death penalty has deterred anyone who was messed up enough to go out and kill people.
  4. It's funny, andrej, I have a dog named Carlos at my house too! He belongs to my sister, He's a giant (14 pound) chihuahua. He's the smartest dog I've ever known.I also have a lab/shepard mix named Marilyn. She's very sweet, but she thinks she is a chihuahua too and she's always trying to sit on my lap. I have also have a Chilian Rosehair tarantula named Trevor. I don't think he thinks he's a chihuahua though
  5. Ed WoodRebeccaRear WindowRosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas It's hard to narrow my list down to five.
  6. I've recently become addicted to Toontown. I know, someone told me it was for 11 year olds and I am waaay past that... I don't care! My little sister got a subscription for the month and then she left town to visit our dad... I didn't want to let it go to waste so I started playing it- at first with my niece and then alone at night when everyone in the house is asleep.
  7. Neat website: http://www.flw.com/ In the language of some of my Cherokee ansectors: Danistayohihv & Aliheli'sdi Iste Udetiyvsadisv don't ask me how to pronounce that! *calls grandma* lol
  8. yikes! drink some tea and count to ten, sjc. Sometimes people are just going to have different thoughts on things than you, it's part of life. You seem to get worked up over the little things. What is this about checking links? I think that it should be up to the person who made the site to make sure all of their links work before they submit it for people to look at. I think this thread really belongs in the bellyache section.
  9. There will be a two hour season premire Sunday, January 9th and then episode 2 will be on Monday the 10th. They're moving it to Mondays. That's a good idea, now it won't be pre-empted by American Idol.
  10. Thank you, odomike... yuor website is very professional. In the past, I've had crazy or blinding color combinations with a page like that you have the luxury of doing whatever you want. And no, that's not me. Every so often I'll change that, too, just to throw people off.
  11. I kind of silly, but somewhat effective way to keep (gullible) people from viewing your code is to put a comment right at the top of your code, saying something like <!-- warning, this work is protected by copyright laws. Your IP address has been logged --> and then you hit enter a bunch of times so it looks like that's all there is in the window. It'll freak people out enough to where they won't notice that they can just scroll down to see your code.
  12. brandice


  13. Thank you guys. I have been trying to focus a little more on the content than the colors. I didn't want them to be overwhelming, at least not on the main pages. I might try to add a little more variety in the future.
  14. That color picker is pretty cool. Thanks for the link. I also like to use this color schemer place: http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html because it will show you what colors match with each other. I thought of some questions for eveyone while I was in another thread so I'm going to come back in here and add to my post ... What do you think is the best color scheme for a website? The worst? Do you feel that people are starting to fall into a trap and only using a couple of different looks? (I see a lot of white&light blue or black&grey&silver) Or is it possible that those two are the best color color combos and we don't need to look any further?
  15. When I started using the internet way back when, I thought it would be a good idea to get evey different kind of email so that I'd have a different box for each sort of subject. (bad idea) Like, this hotmail address is for my family, yahoo is for this band's fan list, here's one for my secret internet pen pal... with that and getting tricked into signing up for a couple while entering contests or trying to access a chatroom I've ended up with accounts at hotmail, yahoo, excite, go, gmail and I few more I can't remember.Gmail's my favorite, just because it's so simple. Excite's email is my second favorite because I like how you can change the colors. Go and Hotmail... I don't use them much anymore, Go has a really wacky way of filtering spam. I think I've let my Yahoo account disappear since I haven't checked it in a year
  16. I was actually just thinking about shtml'ing my pages since I don't know php. shtml is handy when you need to add the same information to a lot of pages, like a menu or a disclaimer. you would put the html code that is on all of your pages into a file, say, called "menu.txt". Then, in your regular html page where you want the menu to go you would put in: <!--#include file="menu.txt" --> Then be sure to save your page with an .shtml extension. with shtml, much like with .css you can change a bunch of pages just by editing one file.
  17. I've put up my page, I love the hosting here! I thought I'd submit it for review for you guys... maybe the content might not be for everyone (it's mostly "experimental" poetry) but I was wondering about what you thought about the layout and colors and that sort of thing. I'm kind of going for a 'cheesy' vibe. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. as far as getting smooshed in the pit, it all really depends on where you stand/ where your seat is. If you are far enough back (or off to the side a little, if you want that 'feeling of closeness' to a band ) you can avoid that kind of stuff. I remember one time my sister went to a Slayer concert and she had a great time in the pit. She kept showing me bruises, "this one's shaped like a rectangle! it hurts! but I had so much fun!!"
  19. The worst remakes are usually on those tribute cds where a bunch of bands who might be able to know better get together and mess up some great band's songs. like the Queen tribute cd- that was a nightmare! Nobody should remake Queen songs. And anything Jessica Simpson sings.
  20. Since my last post I have seen another horrible movie: Lost in Space. It also had Matt LeBlanc in it. I need to boycott that guy! That movie was so terrible that everyone involved in it, even the computer generated monkey thing, should be embarrassed. I watched it on basic cable but I still want my money back.
  21. I made my first webpage around 97-98 with Frontpage when I went to one of those online html checker places (Bobby?... something like that.) the code was full of errors. So I went to webmonkey.com and learned the basics. After that, I would just pick up ideas from surfing around and finding nice pages and looking at the code. That's how I learned css, I noticed a bunch of .css files in my temporary internet files and I started to collect them, mess around with them and work them into my pages.
  22. Who are your favorite actors? People who you'd watch a movie, even if it was bad, just because they were in it?My list: Johnny DeppVincent D'OnofrioGary Oldman
  23. Yikes! Several years ago this guy who worked with my dad went crazy because he was hooked on pain pills. He also happened to be a gun collector. He was threatening to kill everyone. My dad was his boss so he went with the guy's wife to take him to the hospital, he was supposed to stay for thirty days but they let him out after 3. The night the guy got out my friend saw him in Wal-Mart buying a big knife. He asked her how my dad was... That night I couldn't stop thinking about that guy coming to my house. What was I going to do? My parents and 3 year old sister were sleeping on the other side of the house and I had a whole "wing" to myself. I ran through so many scenes in my head. At about 2:00 am I knew I had to go to bed or I'd drive myself crazy too. As soon as I closed my eyes I heard this loud "bam bam bam bam" like firecrackers coming from the other side of the house. I looked out my window, and I saw this shadow of someone little- I couldn't make it out so I put on my glasses. It turned out that it was just a baby goat with it's head stuck in a bucket.The scariest things in my life have only been in my head.
  24. They do look unprofessional, and they're crashing my browser.
  25. I tell everyone that the greatest song ever written is "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor.I really think it's the beautiful song by Mr. Bungle called "Retrovertigo".
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