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Everything posted by brandice

  1. One of my favorite foods is baby spinach. I know that is really strange. I can go for a week just eating the stuff. I love nachos. But not the kind you get at a concession stand. I like them all fancy, with black beans, rice, jack cheese and a lot of lettuce.
  2. It takes a lot of courage to tell someone what you actually think instead of just telling them what they want to hear when you are the supportive friend. I agree that the only way to straighten this out is to tell Kyle the same thing you told Kayla. It's out in the open now so you have to be blunt. It'll work out better that way because you won't have any unanswered questions and confusion over the whole thing and it will be much easier to remain friends in the long run.
  3. I started using Firefox about two weeks ago, I am still so used to having several browser windows open at the same time so I'm still getting used to the tabs. They are very handy though.My favorite feature is the extension where you can edit style sheets. That extension has almost got me out of my web design rut- it's so neat to be able to change things around without commetting to them.
  4. "The people who inhabited the land known as North America first"... I think most people say Native Americans, That's what is written in the kid's textbooks now. My grandmother, who is half Native American, says Indians. When referring to people from India, I've always saied "Indian Indians"
  5. People think I am weird, but my favorite color is manila, like the file folders. I have a starnge obssession with office supplies. :rolleyes:More than any one color, I like combinations of colors. I need something to contrast things with- Manila and sage green, black and gold.
  6. I though this was a funky little glitch in the system-I just gave someone a reputation point and commented on it. When the page loaded in with my comment it was not what I had written. Is it possible that whatever the last person wrote was put next to my name?
  7. First of all I would just like to say what a breath of fresh air you are, Puck 4004. Thank you for starting this thread.People who can't respect my personal space annoy me. One time when I was a burger king this old man came up behind me and started blowing on my neck. That really creeped me out. Another time, at Best Buy, some guy came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders and started rubbing my back. That kind of freaked me out! It turned out this guy worked there. I have no idea why he would do that, other than maybe he really liked polyester and couldn't control himself.
  8. I would love to have a video of the inside my digestive tract. I think that sort of thing is fascinating. Just wait, soon this technology will be available to everyone for entertainment purposes.
  9. I usually use headphones -but only when I am alone- I used to have a really good expensive pair, and it's really amazing how much more you can hear in music when you have quality headphones.On the other hand, yesterday I listened to a cd through the speakers that I had only listened to with headphones before and I heard new things.
  10. It's crazy, and I don't know why I don't always take my own advice, but sometimes when I can't think of anything to do on the computer I get up and walk away for a while. Then I'll think of a question and I'll have to go look up the answer on google.
  11. I love my dog, Marilyn, she is just the nicest animal that I have ever known and she smiles. It's true, sometimes I look over at her and she is just looking at me smiling. Dogs love you unconditionally, they make you happy when you are feeling down. Another great pet to have, if you don't have a lot of time and you don't like to clean up after smelly critters, is a tarantula. I have have several in my life. I've had my chilean rosehair, Trevor, for 7 years now! They make no noise, they don't stink up the place, and you don't have to pick them up if you don't want to and they will be perfectly happy. They eat bugs like moths and crickets, which are free and found just outside the front door.
  12. not in the six months or so that I have been here. I think the longest there has ever been any troble was like an hour and a half.
  13. I put up a board (SMF) that I was only got to have up temporarily but I am keeping it up since I put on an arcade. Of the 21 members I have on the board, only 2 people use the arcade. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Most of the people go there for the chatroom.
  14. I am one of those "I love everyone" people. I do get extremely annoyed with people though. And that kind of goes in waves. My brother-in-law is the person who gets on my nerves the most. He just doesn't have any common sense or manners.
  15. I am the only one in my family (even my parents! My dad is completely "sleeved" with tattoos) who doesn't have any piercings or tattoos. You really have to put a lot of thought into things like this. My sister picked out her first tattoo (a snake and drumsticks) a year before she had it done just to be sure. I think she's still happy with it.
  16. ahhh! I have this problem with eyes. So I would definitaly pick fingernails... and toenails too, if it meant not getting my eye scooped out. As for the getting married one... That seems like a no brainer. Never getting married would be better.
  17. It really depends for me. I share computer time with everyone in the house. The past week or so I've been squeezing in whatever time I can in the morning before my sister wakes up. (she's been on here a lot lately :\ )It's really made me get my web surfing priorities in order, knowing that I'll only get an hour or two.When she's away visiting my dad I can be on here 20 hours a day. lol
  18. Even though I've used phpbb in the past, and right now I am helping my sister with her phpbb I went with "other". I've been using Simple Machines for my forum and I like it more all of the time.If you want to add on things like a chatroom or an arcade or any little hacks like "now playing" in SMF, you only need to go into the package manager and install them from there. It's almost worry free.
  19. If you haven't checked- To expand a little on the problems with your site in Firefox, it's not a simple font thing or something.All of the div's are sitting on top of each other, making quite a jumbled mess. The flash button thing is sitting on top off the scrolling text box that is sitting on top of some links.Content wise, I can't tell what the site is actually about.
  20. I've got an overwhelming urge to vent about my number one pet peeve. There's someone very close to me who is guilty of this all of the time. Whenever I have a problem and I tell her about it, she responds with a worse problem Whenever I've ever been sick or hurt, she's had something twice as bad. (and she'll explain it in very graphic detail, too) If anything good happens, something twice as great happens to her.Me: I just hit my funny bone! Her: If this toenail infection doesn't go away I might have to have my foot amputated.Me: Tim finally asked me out.Her: Kelly told me that Kevin bought me an engagement ring!!!Me: Tim stood me up. Her: Kevin gave the ring to Kelly.Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but every single day this happens. I just wish it was possible to talk about anything without having it turn into a conversation about her.
  21. There are quite a few in the addon scripts in the cpanel. I used to use Geeklog and then I used Nucleus for a while. I recently switched back to Blogger though, because it's easier (for me, at least) to customize. They have a thing where you can publish it directly onto your site here through FTP.Blogs don't necessarily have to be like diaries, either. You can use them as a news or latest updates kind of deal. Or to write articles that you want people to comment on.
  22. thanks for looking at it, everyone. I still don't know about the buttons, but I guess I'll just have to live with them until I get around to making new ones.It seems that whenever I ask for an outside review about any of my sites, people don't like the color schemes. So I'll have to work on that I guess. What I ended up doing in this case was, I gave everyone the option to change to the default blue style that comes with the forum if they didn't like the brown one that I put together. It's been a week, and nobody has switched away from the one that I made.
  23. I've done a lot of research into this and I don't think that it's possible to find a free webhost with no ads where you don't have to post at a forum. The best you can do is to find one with text links at the bottom. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ check out this place. I agree with everyone else though. Trap 17 is the best place I've found. It really isn't that difficult to post in these forums. And the hosting is better than any other.
  24. I read them all when I started here or- for the ones that came later- when I've seen them show up on the board. But I am reading them again now to see if there's been any changes. I'm kind of paranoid about breaking rules.
  25. brandice

    I Hate Noobs

    I don't know if it's a question of whether or not someone is new to the internet. We all run into people in our interactions that just don't know when to stop. You've got to learn to filter out people sometimes, sometimes you may even have to be a little mean about it.
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