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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Difficult to say, for sure. If they buried them near Chernobyl, that could be a factor... :PDo you have a link to the source of the study? Then we might all read the particulars and be in a better position to comment.
  2. In future, please use the Search feature. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?acthlite=linerider This topic is to be merged with an existing one.
  3. I recently got involved in a Forum software script which is being developed and thought I should let everyone know that they need some assistance in the PHP, MySql, Html, and CSS areas. Also, some Visual Designers would be quite useful. AEF Forum Software is the name of the project. It is presently in version 1.0.3, and have some pretty cool features already, but in order to advance in its standings against such Boards as IPB, phpbb, Yabb, etc, more features and Themes are required. Good bunch of people working hard, but just not enough of us to do everything. Come have a look and see if you can be of assistance. AEF Forums?
  4. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  5. Can we see your page code please.
  6. One thing to note here: By the time you feel thirsty, it is too late, your body has consumed all the reserves it has. that 'thirsty feeling' is the body telling you that it has no more reserves. Try the above advise and let us know how it works for you. To summarize: Stay away from Soda as a hydration drink. The sugars are not good for you. Small doses of water before, during and after exercise 'Cold' is harder to deal with. Use 'tap water', not chilled Coffee is not a 'hydrator' either Water is the best, or milk is good (afterwards) Drink water BEFORE you get thirsty. Waiting will drain your reserves. It takes some time to get the water into your system, so small sips early and often is recommended Hope this helps.
  7. check your Hotlink settings. Images won't display on click.*edit*Ok now...Very Nice, too...
  8. Top Nav Bar. Right hand side. where it says 'Credits'. Everything you need to know about credits, but were afraid to ask. The reason you are having difficulty finding a way to be notified when your account is low on credits is because it doesn't exist and it is your responsibility to know the status of your account. There is no 'early warning system'. There would have been some information around if that system was in effect. Continue to check on the Index page.
  9. Save them. Last thing I need is more credits.I might need a little gfx work one day...
  10. that script is faulty. It sends two emails to the Sender instead of both the sender ands the recipient.The requirement to fix it is on a To Do list someplace ... where did that list go, any way ...
  11. Nice work, trufusion. I didn't realize this was available. Scooped.
  12. Boozker, I have a php script which reads the Images folder, confirms the presence of the matching Thumbnail in another folder and build a link for use by the Hoverbox Image Gallery. Search the Xisto for "Hoverbox". I think I posted a tutorial here, but can't seem to find it at the moment. You might be able to modify that script or PM me if you need help with it. *edit* Found it, right where I left it... http://forums.xisto.com/topic/41371-image-gallery-tutorial-using-hoverbox-a-php-solution-to-coding-the-hoverbox-image-gallery/
  13. Welcome to the Xisto. PHP Coder? Have a look here to see if you might want to get involved in assisting wih a Project to enhance an existing Forum Software. Might be right up your alley and they are looking for some coders. Tell them I sent you.
  14. The site Index file MUST be placed into the public_html or www folder. If it is in the "account root folder" it will not be accessible from the Internet.Upload it again or use Cpanel to move it into the correct folder.
  15. Absolutely, if the reply fails to meet the 'standards', adds nothing to the discussion, or otherwise violates the guidelines, please hit the Report button and request that a Moderator review the posting. This is a problem which is being reviewed. Some forum software (AEF Forums for instance) has the capability to have a pop-up window when a Member is replying to a 'stale-dated' Topic. It doesn't stop the posting, simply warns that this is an old Topic and do you really want to proceed. It might be available as an IPB add-on. we are looking at the options. On the AEF boards, the 'age' can be adjusted in the Forum Admin Area, so the 'stale-date' is configurable.
  16. Avant still uses the IE rendering engine, so all of the quirks and foibles found in IE are still there.
  17. Check this:Open the Firefox BrowserClick on Tools > Options > Main and see what the URL (address) is provided in the Startup area at the top of the pop-up box. I am thinking that perhaps someone has changed the selection from the default or is playing a joke on you.Change the Action and add a choice you would prefer. Also, might want to change your passwords
  18. First of all, you may not have multiple accounts at the Xisto sites. The Servers are busy enough now. :PAnd if you could have two accounts, it would cost you twice as much. 1 credit per day per account.
  19. Might also consider that moving water won't freeze as easily, either, so if you can come up with a method to keep a jug of water in the freezer moving enough to stop it from freezing and the mentos in the freezer, too, so as to lower their temp. Then add one mentos into each 'cell' of an ice cube tray, add the water and continue the freezing until the ice cube is made.Take them out and place them into a glass, add the Diet Coke and watch for the delayed reaction.... Might be fun, never know...
  20. The mysql pass is what they are talking about. Each user that signs in to the Chat room would have their own pass word stored into the database as they registered. On some Hosts (like the Trap) phpmyadmin is included in the cpanel. and you would use mySqladmin to actually create a new database here. HTML is easy to learn. Try over at the w3schools site and see their Tutorials. tThey have a cool system for using a sample Editor to show samples and all that.
  21. The information in the Control Panel sidebar is not updated very often. Couple times a month only. For more accurate information, go to the Web Stats link at the Cpanel main page and click on Awstats. Those stats are more detailed and likely within 24 hours. Also, if you have Sub-domains activated, there is another link on the Cpanel Main page to see their stats.
  22. google phpchat, an Open Source project.
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