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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Cleaned up some Postings which were off topic.Let's stay on Topic here...
  2. I googled "google search script" and found this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Nice graphics to start with. Definitely lacking content, though. You should use a Lorem Ipsum Generator to fill the columns as you wish the completed design to look like. http://www.lipsum.com/ I can't tell what layout you are striving for, but the Graphics look great. As to the use of a Shopping Cart, or E-commerce Software, there are several Freeware programs available. Once you get Hosted here, you would be able top use one from the fantastico scripts available on your account. Good luck with the site, and feel free to ask any questions in the PHP or HTML/CSS sub-forums.
  4. Those posts were sent to the Spam Bucket, yes.You failed to perform a Search, there were 6 consecutive posts, in the wrong topic, and the Report from a Member was correct, there was a similarly worded posting found by our Plagiarism Checker. You were awfully close to receiving a Warning for those posts.A Moderator viewed it as Spamming, which is not allowed on this Board.Take the advise given above and re-write the Article in your own words. No referrals, of course...
  5. http://www.w3schools.com/ is a good site for beginners. And Advanced, alike. There is a fairly good Forum there, too. Of course, the best answers to your questions will likely come from right here at the Trap. Post your questions in the html/css forum of the Computer/programming section for an answer.
  6. Excellent Tutorial... *claps loudly* Well Done.And just so you know, another option for this project (a challenge if you consider it so) is to use only a Flash Drive to do the same thing...GimpPortable, FirefoxPortable with the Fireftp Extension should do the trick... (HINT)
  7. As Minik says, upload a new index.html and be sure to place it into the public_html Folder.Navigate through the File Manager by clicking on the ICONS beside the Folder name.DO NOT delete any files or folders you have not uploaded yourself, (except the index.html in public_html), unless you know exactly what they do. they are there to allow the system to operate your account.
  8. I can recommend the Xisto Company Domain Registrar found at https://xisto.com/ Xisto is the parent Company to these Forums and it is the reason the Forums and Hosting are FREE. The operation of various other Web Hosting Services and the Xisto - Domains is what keeps our Hosting free, so if at all possible, please use them. Their prices are very competitive and the service is quite satisfactory, too. I think the last one I got there was $7.99 USD. About the same as elsewhere, unless you catch a Boxing Week Sale .
  9. Looks perfect.The good part is that the Internet never sleeps, so the propagation occurs even when you do.It might work in 24 hours, but plan on 48 hours minimum and 72 hours maximum (guidelines only).Good luck with it. and HNY to you and your site.
  10. What site?What User Manual?What Coding?Link to the site, please...
  11. Open Office, for the features, the fact that its format is Open Source, and also, the consideration that its format is fast becoming the 'standard' format in the world of Documents. The price is good, too.MS Office is bloated. Sure, its is pretty, but the performance leaves something to be desired. And it costs too much, besides.
  12. Are you trying to purchase a Domain? or apply for a Free Domain? Please specify.
  13. To the Opening Poster:Have you tried NVU (or Komposer)? A wysiwyg Editor that started out as a Mozilla project but has since been split off from the Mozilla group?Freeware. Google it.
  14. jlhaslip

    Fruity Loops

    Sounds good. How do you turn that into a Ring Tone?Can someone post a method? And djdarkskream, would you allow me do use it?
  15. Html or Css lists ? They are the same thing. Sort of.... Ideally, use HTML to 'structure' your page and CSS to 'style' it. So, use the <ul>, <ol>, or <dl> tag sets to define the list in the HTML page, complete with the list item tags. That gives the content to your page.Then use CSS to make them all pretty and stuff like that.There are no 'lists' in CSS. CSS simply adds styling to the HTML on the page.Hope this helps.
  16. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  17. The best way to obtain credits is to make good posts.Write a Topic posting about all the reasons we need to help you get your account back into the plus, for example.Write a posting about your Clan and maybe a member will want to join it.In short, be creative about it.
  18. No, referral links provide some gain in a monetary sense. Or potential to gain some value to the referrer. A site like this one does not create an advantage to the Poster except the prestige of having the most visitors. At least that is how I am interpreting it.
  19. Nope. Proper Doctypes tell the Browser which rules to use. It can tell the Browser to use xhtml, for instance, so your comments are not correct. Without the correct xhtml Doctype on your page, the Browser would have no clue that you wanted to have the page displayed based on xhtml and with no Doctype, the Browser uses 'Quirks Mode', which is its own version of HTML. Every Browser uses a different set of rules for their own style of Quirks Mode and that is the problem with Cross-Browser designing. While the page is in Quirks Mode, you require a bazillion Hacks to get the page rendering similarly across multiple Browsers. Using a Doctype sets the rules to be the same for all of them. Having said that, yes, indeed, each Browser does render things differently, even with a common Doctype, but the newest releases of those Browsers are becoming more and more similar in their handling of pages. Concluding in the comment that says: the best Doctype is the one which matches your style of Coding. If you are aiming for a cross-browser, standard compliant page and have thee skill and patience to code in xhtml Strict, then do so. If you only have the knowledge and skill to code in html 4, then use the Doctype which sets that level. For example, I have worked at honing my skills, and have a decent understanding of the Box Model, etc, so I am capable of writing xhtml strict BUT, since I do not use the pages in an xml environment, I have lately dropped my Doctype and coding back a notch to HTML Strict. IMHO.
  20. I won't miss it. It is/was a Gecko-based rendering engine, the same one as Firefox uses, but with all the extra junk they added, it was slow and did not search properly. They favoured their own accounts or advertisers too heavily. And the NS browser was slower and bulky, so it means one less browser to check before publishing a site... good. Saves me some work...
  21. Actually, if you read the Comments, the solid wood shape the guy is sanding out is merely a form for the Body shape.They will be laminating veneers to the mold (mould?) and changing the direction of the grain on the layers so the wood becomes like a 'composite' layer, which is stronger than solid wood. Plywood uses the same approach of altering the grain to gain strength.I work with wood, and the concept is intriguing to me. Any new concept using wood I find interesting.
  22. I do not recommend drinking to Excess and {Drinking and Driving} is a definite NO_NO...Plan your transportation needs BEFORE you go any place. Budget for a Cab, call a friend, walk (or crawl) if you must, just don't drink and drive.Most Parents will come and pick you up, a decent friend will, too. Find a ride anyway you can, but DO NOT drink and drive.Equally important, DO NOT ride with a driver who has been drinking, either... the life you save might be your own...(You might spill your drink... then we would have to kill you... )
  23. Is there a button to clck when you get there?I visited, too, but could not see if I needed to do anything else.
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