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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Have you actually gone to the web stats page and done an "Update"? and it still is n ot working?
  2. Some Mods work on both, some do not. You need to ask at the Mod Source whether each Mod works on the version you have. Also, check if the Mod has been tested with any other Mods you plan to install. Sometimes there are conflicts between a couple of Mods. Not often, but it happens. And no, I don't do Mods. If you have a 'good' Text Editor, most Mods are simply finding sections of Code and replacing or adding lines of the php/html source files. See BH's post #9 above for some guidelines to Modding. Sometimes it is as simple as uploading new files, usually it means you need to modify some files and change some code. ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE MODDING, and save them in a safe place until you confirm that the changes work as expected. Have you seen this site yet? AEF Demo Site
  3. There was a posting recently about the Adobe Air package and through that posting, and a review of the Adobe Air site, I found a package named Agile Agenda which uses Ajax and stuff to provide a Project Scheduling/Manager system. http://www.agileagenda.com/ The tests I have done indicate that it would be worth checking out. I used it to figure out a schedule for building a house and assigning crews to do various tasks which were interconnected. certain things need to be done in sequence, and the package did it just fine. You will need to download a Beta of the Adobe Air, but it is free...
  4. I noticed this, too, some time ago.I do not have any more information than you, or other Members, but *I think* the automatic update of Web Stats was discontinued in order to conserve Server Load.I have always simply "updated" my stats as I need to by going to the Web Stats page and selecting "update" at the top of the page. It is available for sub-domains the same way, but on a different Cpanel page.But I might be wrong.
  5. For future reference: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/53776-install-an-aef-forum-onto-the-Xisto-from-a-zip-file/ a tutorial about installing AEF onto a Xisto Account the easy way. Any new Updates are provided in 2 versions. One is a complete package and the other is a component set including only the changed files. Either will work for a previously installed AEF Forum and not lose any of the Database information. There are some Mods and Themes available at the AEF Forum Boards and also at this site, an un-official Mods site.
  6. Installing an AEF Forum on the Xisto Server Preparation for Installing the AEF Forum The following items are required for the installation of the packaage onto your site: 1. - a copy of the AEF Forum zip package from http://www.anelectron.com/downloads/ 2. - a MySql Database 3. - a Database User 4. - a password for the Database User 5. - Privileges allowed for the Database User The details for ensuring that you have all of these items are as follows: 1. - a copy of the AEF Forum zip package from http://www.anelectron.com/downloads/. Simply browse to the link and select the most recent zip package for downloading to your Desktop. Do Not Unzip it yet. The Xisto and the AEF package work nicely together so that the zip file can be 'extracted' into your account in the proper place without the need to upload seperate files, which can be messy in large applications. More on that after we have a Database and a Folder ready for the processing of the zip file. 2. - a MySql Database can be built for the install of the Forum by logging into your Cpanel and selecting the Mysql Database Manager Icon on the Account Home (main) page. Simply give the database a name and click on "Create MySQL Database". The Xisto will add a User Prefix to the name you use for the Database. Assuming you called the Database "aef", and your Xisto Cpanel name is "myname", then the actual reference to the Database will become "myname_aef". Note the underscore "_" in the new name for the Database. 3. - a Database User. This is not your Cpanel User Name. You must specify a Database User name. ie: "aefuser". Again, the Xisto will prefix this name with the Cpanel identifier, so the Database User Name will become "myname_aefuser". 4. - a password for the Database User is added while you are adding the User in 3. above. 5. - Privileges allowed for the Database User MUST be GRANTed. Select ALL as the Privlege Level. Loading the Forum Files onto your Account, Xisto style. The Xisto server and Cpanel setup allow you to 'extract from zip' files, which makes the Install easy for new account holders who may not be familiar with FTP and using the File Upload system for uploading a set of Files and Folders. Even still, the most frequent mistake made in FTP'g files is uploading into an in-correct Folder on your account, thereby making the files inaccessible on your account. Files MUST be uploaded into the public_html Folder, or a sub-folder under the public_html Folder, ie: myname/public_html/forum would be a folder named "forum" under the public_html Folder. It is recommended to add the Forum software into its own folder. There are several reasons for that. The simplest explanation is that it 'compartmentalizes' the application and makes finding things easier, especially if you add several different softwares onto your account. Each one will likely have an "Index" file, and the names would conflict, but placing them into different folders allows them to work independent from each other with no conflicts. So, decide which folder you want the Forum to be placed into and using the Cpanel File Manager, add the Folder as a Sub-folder to the public_html Folder. I will use aeftest as my Folder for the purpose of this Tutorial. Login to your Cpanel. Select File Manager. Find and click on the folder Icon next to public_html. Select 'create new Folder' near the top of the available selections. Type in the name (aeftest) and click on Create. The page should refresh the list and the new folder should be included in that list. Click on the folder Icon next to the name of the Folder to enter that folder in preparation to uploading and extracting the AEF zip file Once you have done the above, you will be ready for the Actual Install of the Zip file onto your account and into the correct Folder, so, now that you are inside the aeftest Folder, and have the zip file sitting on your local machine, select "Upload File(s)", browse to the location on your Hard-drive, double-click the file to select it for upload. the page will refresh once the upload is complete. Next, you will "extract" the files by clicking on the file's Icon and selecting to "extract file contents". Close that window once the files are extracted. Refresh the File Manager Screen and navigate to the public_html/aeftest folder. Find and click on universal.php. Select to Change Permissions for this file. Make certain that all of the select boxes are checked and the Permissions for the file are "777", then "save" the file permission settings. Okay, now the fun begins... Find and click on index.php, or use your Browser to navigate to http://forums.xisto.com. It can be done by clicking on the URL for the file inside the Cpanel, but using your Browser is an option, too. When the index.php is first run, it checks to see if the Forum has been set-up, and if not, it runs the installer for the Forum. The first screen you will see indicates that the Forum is about to be installed and you need all that information we created earlier, so, armed with the pertinent information, advance to the next stage by selecting to proceed by clicking "Install". Simply answer the questions and provide the information as it was developed in the steps above remembering that the Xisto will add a prefix for the Database Name and the Database User. For the Xisto, the localhost is exactly what the Host should be. It is often the Default Host on a Web Hosting Service. The MySQL Prefix is listed by default as "aef_". You can leave it as that or change it. The purpose for the prefix is to keep the AEF Database Tables seperate from other Applictions inside a Database for Hosting Services which allow only a single Database in tha off-chance that several packages might use similar names, so adding the Prefix alters the table names to avoid the conflict. At the bottom of the Install screen, be certain to add a Forum User Name for the Forum Root Admin, and a password and an Email address. This User will become a Super Admin for the Forum, meaning they can go anywhere and do anything, at anytime, even if the Forum is closed to the public. And that ends the Tutorial... enjoy your new Forum... *edit per below*
  7. Also, you would need to affect the credit value in the sql when a posting is edited (+ or -) , or deleted (-), or moved into a non-credit Category (-), so this script is not as simple as it sounds.Another thing, change the credit values awarded based on which Category the posting is made into?
  8. sonesay is correct in suggesting that you read the Readme file which is usually included in the package.And which software are we discussing here now? Did you download an AEF Forum? or a current YaBB?
  9. Ha! You are forgetting some of my first experiences with computers...1. Don't drop the stack of Punch cards... that was always a problem...2. the teletype would always run out of printer tape or ink just when you were ready to print the code for handing in...3. the Computer Lab would close and log you out at precisely 10 pm for its nightly maintenance... which took 4 hours to backup the system onto 12 inch Tape Drives.4. your cassette recorder would jam or run out of battery power at the most critical times...5. You could not find a decent coffee anywhere near the Computer Labs... and if you left to get one... you lost your place in the line to place your cards into the card reader...Fun times... don't miss it for a minute...
  10. Java and javascript are two different programming languages.javascript is a client-side scripting language and Java is a full programming language capable of much more.Please confirm which one you are discussing.javascript is used in AJAX to connect to databases and provide interactive web pages. I am just about to learn some Ajax, so I can't provide any more info than this.
  11. Internet Relay Chat Servers are not allowed at the Xisto Hosting Accounts, as per the Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) found by reading the Xisto readme file. Since this is a Shared Server, an IRC places too much demand on the Server and degrades the service for others.Finding an IRC Server in your account will result in a Cancellation of your Hosting Account. No exceptions. Xisto Readme file here.
  12. That version of Yabb is over 2 years old with Security upgrades missing. Try a more current Forum --> http://www.anelectron.com/ with zero Security issues... and running under php/mysql
  13. does it require a database and user to be set up? and did you do that?*edit*No database required. Totally Automatic Install. Only needed to add the Admin Password.*edit* link removed by jlhaslip to avoid a 404 error since I have un-installed the packageInstalled instantly. Not sure whay went wrong with yours, but try an un-install and re-install.
  14. I have never installed a Yabb before, but it looks like maybe there is a file permissions problem.Review the Install instructions and see if there are any files or folders needing a chmod to 777.Post back here with the results.Thanks.
  15. I am thinking that the Code should read as follows so that the default case gets handled after the check for "id". <?php$variable = $_GET['id'];switch($variable) {case "guestbook": include('guestbook.php'); break;default: include('home.php'); break;}?>The Default case is a 'fall through' value. If there is not a 'break' for any other, correct, value, then the Default is applied. Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.
  16. This message is for the Admins only.Previous reply deleted.The Hosting Application Script will likely fail unless the Member's Credit Total is re-set. Hence this request.
  17. I don't recall exactly, but I think I simply asked for a google search on "smf coppermine" or something like that. I am not familiar with either smf or coppermine, so anything I could assist you with I would find on Google. Does SMF have a Themers area in their Support Forum? Might be a better place to look for help. Unless someone else here is familiar, I guess.
  18. *EDIT*WIZ-MOD = {EVIL} MOD ... in case you Spammers think I might be getting soft ...*End EDIT*
  19. My thoughts are with you, your Dad, and you family today.Hope it all works out well.Keep us updated, please...
  20. Very Nicely done. Crisp, clean, the Art is the Focus of the site and is presented very well... Couple of things to consider: center the Navbar : http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/centered.html add some contrast to the dateline. Hard for us old guys to read. add Meta Tags to help with the site being Indexed better? Is the site submitted to DMOZ, Google, etc? the bottom Gallery Menu 'flickers' on-hover'. Any way to stop that? Overall, quite a nice site, well nicely done.
  21. alpha, Read this Topic. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/53609-reason-why-accounts-got-mysteriously-suspended-web-hosting-accounts-getting-suspended-mysteriously/ It explains the problem and mentions that the problem is now fixed.
  22. Server seems okay here. There are many things which affect the loading of a page. Server Load is only one aspect. The Local Provider could have been doing some maintenance? The Backbone could be busy? The Pipeline is only so large. I notice a slow-down of my response time right around 4 pm local when the 'kids' are just getting home from school, for example.Of course, the Server Techs might have been doing some work right around then, too. We simply do not know...
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