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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. The account and its files stay on the server until the account credits get to minus 30 and then they are deleted. Between 0 and minus 30, you can be assured they will be available when you get back to an active account status, which requires you to get to plus 4 for the re-activation script to work.
  2. serialmike,In order to answer this question more intelligently, we would need to see your database structure. Since the "id" is presumably the Primary Key for the Data Table you want 'sequentially' numbered, what other data sets are affected? Assuming this is a 'members' table, is this a Foreign key for other tables? Are members assigned to groups using this key? Is this key used to track their attendance at a forum? Or their posting activity? The Database structure will let us see if their are complications to deleting and re-organising the Data.If you simply need a 'count' of the members, can you use the count function? One of the greatest advantages to using a database for recording information is the ability to use this 'key' to track data rows. The 'ID' number does not need to be sequential. You risk major contamination of the Database by affecting the 'id' of a dataset. Forewarning is given.
  3. this explains a method to create a new customised php.ini for your account https://status.site5.com/
  4. Funny... definitely funny. I clicked on your Site name and found the image... hilarious... Glad my parents never bought me one of those...
  5. or use the mailto: protocolClick the link in my siggy to see one version of it.
  6. jlhaslip


    There should be enough postings here to keep you busy for quite some time, but very little in the area of Forensic Science. :PWelcome to the Xisto. Plenty of people to ask for guidance if you need it. Simply use the Search feature and post your questions if you fail to find the answer you are looking for.Lots of good stuff in the Xisto Readme file, too. All the silly stuff like rules and such are in there. Enjoy.
  7. In the past, Gmail was only available be an invitation system. Lately, you simply request the account and sign-up as you did.
  8. Yes, that Little Ole Lady From Pasedena Complex... Anyways, some of the wood around here is fairly large, so quarters are nice, otherwise, you would need to handle the halves at least once more to get them down to stove size pieces. The stove I feed has about a 10 inch by 10 inch throat, so that is still fairly large, and handles 24 inch lengths quite nicely, too. It would allow for longer pieces, but then it becomes quite a chore to handle them easily.Another trick is to put the large end into the opening first. That way, if the piece has trouble going in, you stand a better chance getting it back out. I have a few stories about needing to leave the door open until the wood got burned down to get that final piece all the way in. And that is just not a safe thing, to burn a Wood Stove with the door open.We use mostly Douglas Fir, but lately, there has been lots of bug-kill Pine available at a reasonable price. There is not very much for Hardwood around here, but once in a while, a Birch becomes available, and I snag it when I can. Like the one in the front yard that needs a serious trimming. Before the wind knocks it onto the house...
  9. I can't help but suggest you check out an AEF Forum Software found here AEF is a freeware Board that includes many nice features, is easy to install, there are Themes and Mods coming out weekly. Version 1.05 is about to be released this month. Check that one out. It runs faster than phpbb, uses smaller files, and includes a shoutbox, News rotator script and many more features.
  10. Lightbox is a javascript method which *might* do what you want it to.Google it.
  11. How and where does Windows XP SP2 modify the Desktop Icons for size?Compaq c300 Laptop running Win XP SP2, and I just fired up the machine to find the Icons have increased in size and would like tomhave them back to the small 16 px display size.surely these don't simply modify themselves? Must be a setting someplace, but I can't seem to find it...
  12. French was on the Curriculum for a minimum of three years. grade 8 through 10, when I was a student and then I took a year of Latin. Having the 3 years of French allows me to be able to understand a bit of the language still, but traveling through the Province of Quebec here in Canada was a great reason to have had the time to study it.Latin was a great course. It meant that all those big words at University were easy to comprehend due to the use of Latin as a base for the English language and knowing the 'root' of the words was a boost to my vocabulary.
  13. I have snagged this line for using in a Quote Rotation Script. Thank you. Nice words.
  14. According to my Research, Caffeine overload is a fictional condition and is not allowed to happen at my house...Welcome back Husker. Where have you really been?
  15. One way to look at it is: The Security Issues put up a fence and the Anti-virus is the Gatekeeper.I think the Suggested Framework is worthy of Admins consideration. Further to the recommendations above:Move the Database sub-forum into Programming? Combine the networking, Telecom and Wireless stuff into a single Sub-Forum?
  16. As noted above, Databases are definitely the right approach to take for many (most) data storage techniques. They handle more users, more data, faster and more securely. No doubt about that. Site membership lists, download lists, and many more applications similar in nature are best handled via a Database Management system. On the other hand, Flat Files can work quite nicely for applications which are not large, or data intensive, or are static and the security of data is not an issue. Site menus, static lists might be handled by Flat Files where either a Database /system is not available, or is restricted in volume, or if the amount of data is small, so the overhead of a database is not required. Additionally, Flat Files are a nice, easy way to learn a scripting language without the burden of having to learn the Database System at the same time. Focus on learning the scripting language first and then the DBMS. Besides, by working with sequential Flat Files first, you will then also know the 'old-fashioned' methods and will appreciate the DBMS more...
  17. I belive you are correct in your assumpitions about the Bots not gathering your email address via php server side scripting.If you look in my Siggy, there is a link to a page I have written that provides the code for an obfuscated mailto: link which you can place on to your page and I suspect that tyhe Bots are not *yet* able to find the email address from it. Gawd, I hate spam...
  18. $value = str_replace(array( "\r", "\n", "%0a", "%0d"), ' ', $value);I use that in a function that replaces all the bad stuff in Emails, Comments, $_POST arrays, etc. Yes, probably a little overkill checking for the hex values. And you are correct, the nl2br() would likely do it. I had not had my morning coffee yet when I replied...
  19. try this: $value = str_replace(array( "\r", "\n", "%0a", "%0d"), ' ', $value);
  20. Absolutely. We are often harder on ourselves than others would be, so, yes, it can be refreshing and insightful.
  21. can you post a link to the site, please, so that we can assist with a review of your html and css files.
  22. I have seen Wood splitters that run off a Tractor Power Take Off, too. Really quite handy to have around.All of the ones I have seen are hydraulically operated with a cross shaped "driver" so it will 'quarters' the wood. Unless you are using really big wood, once through the splitter will fit in almost any stove opening. I burn wood only during the coldest part of the season, so I only have a cord or 2 around, but a guy I know owns one and it saves him a tremendous amount of Labour. He does about 150 full cords a year and sells it, as a one man operation, too. He can split an awful lot of wood in an hour.
  23. mahirharoon, If you need assistance with an Install of AEF104, please open a new Topic listing the exact error you are receiving from your attempt. This is a Tutorial thread, not a Support thread. Thanks.
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