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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Start the Apache Server.Open your Web Browser, type 'localhost' into your address bar, select phpinfo() from the Xampp main menu.Php_info() will display a bunch of stuff. Find the Apache Handler information and then the path to the configuration file, php.ini which looks something like C:\xampp\apache\bin\php.ini. Open that file in a good text editor. About line 240 there will be a Max Execution time. Mod it to something other than the default time limit.Shut down and re-start Apache to affect the change.and, yes... your server will be slower than an optimized on-line server. Something about their quad-core and a whole bunch of RAM would make a difference...
  2. Submit a Support Ticket to Xisto - Support.com, please.
  3. Nice work... *waits for Tutorial* ... I'd like to see more of your stuff.
  4. I would refer you to XAMPP, a one-click installer of an Apache Server, MySql and Php. With this application software installed on your computer, you have everything you need to test your scripts locally. XAMPP
  5. Use CSS only to display then Pre-loading image like on this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. Doc Type Declarations are very much used. The Doc Type Declaration (DTD) is a message to the Browser as to which rules to use to parse the Html contained in the page. Without a Doc Type Declaration (DTD) in place, the Browser uses its own set of rules which is referred to as Quirks Mode. Each Browser has a very different set of Quirks Mode rules, so you will be better off using a DTD that has the browser using Standards Compliant Mode. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Incidently, the xml declaration is not required and, in fact, it is recommended that you mot use one since it places the Browser into Quirks Mode. Meta Tags are not used as much as they were before, but the SEO types Members would be a better source of information for that. I still put them on most of my pages by habit since it reminds me what the page is about, even if the Bots don't use them.
  7. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  8. The line "order deny,allow" says the restrictions are in the order to deny first followed by allow criteria. The line "deny from all" says to Deny all IP's and Domains. The line "allow from 199.166.210." says to allow IP's starting with these numbers. List each allowed IP on its own line. The line "allow from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" where XXX is an integer between 0 and 255 representing the allowed IP #. Your can truncate the list, but only in order from first triplet to the last. List each allowed Domain on its own line. The line "allow from Xisto.com" where this is an allowed Domain Name. Found this on the net using Google "htaccess IP allow". Excerpted from http://home.golden.net/htaccess.html
  9. Sorry, that image was not displaying for me, when I answered earlier.
  10. Of course we remember you.. where have you been?Are you going to be back more often? How's things?
  11. You do not supply the specs for your RAM cards, so I can't figure out if they would work or not.
  12. Just a reminder that PHP6, soon to be released, will not allow Register Globals at all, whatsoever, so you are better to learn to code without using Register Globals = on. Also, with resect to the single dot and double dot method of addressing a file: This syntax is a left-over from the days of DOS Operating System where a single dot meant "this directory" and the double dot meant "file's Parent Directory", so good programming practice would use the single dot syntax for a file in the Current directory ( include './filename.ext' ) and double dot syntax for the Parent directory ( include '../filename.ext' ) You can travel to several levels of Parent Directories by adding sets of double dots, too. ( include '../../../../filename.ext' ) would go back 4 levels. Similarly, a slash without the dots is used to indicate the path to the file starts at the Server Root. ( include '/filename.ext' ) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. what class is the assignment for?This reeks of homework.
  14. A friend of mine will be performing a Fund-raising Bike Ride to raise funds for the people of Darfur. I case you are un-aware, Darfur is in desperate need of Humanitarian Aid. To support the campaign, I urge you to visit this link and please read the short blurb, then vote to support the effort. Your Vote requires that you supply a valid email and reply to the email they will send back to you. Your personal information is protected and you will not be spammed. The Vote will caost you nothing but a inute of your time. When enough votes are obtained, the Fund-raising will recieve financial support through the linked site and is only a portion of the funds required. I thank you for assisting in this valuable effort.
  15. Direct connection to your Hosting Account can be found at the following SECURE IP and PORT: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You will receive a Domain Name Error due to the Xisto versus Xisto Domain. Accept the change in Domain, then you will need to enter your Cpanel Username, followed by your Cpanel Password. Post back here if you require any further assistance.
  16. Moved to Google Search Engine Optimization Sub-ForumThere are several considerations when trying to figure out an approach to Google Ads, and I am not an Expert in the area of SEO, but consider that the following have an impact on the Googling of your site:Web site TitleWeb site Meta DescriptionWeb site Page ContentEach of these are used by Google in determining the Results under which your site will be indexed and reported on Google Searches. Unique Content is critical, Meta Tags and Title to lesser degrees, I believe.Google on the robots.txt file for determining whether Google will or will not Index a particular page or Directory of your site.And semantic page structure makes a difference. Tables are clumsy and less likely to attract the Search Bots, I believe.I'll let the SEO types reply to see whether they agree or not with what I have added here.
  17. Definitely needs soma padding left and right.And maybe a little enhancement of the Header tags. Space them out a little from the body of the text. Opening up the page and showing some 'white space' makes it easier to see the various elements on the page.I like what you have so far, play with the suggestions you have been offered and see if you agree with them. It is your site, so do something creative that shows the world that you can be 'unique'.and Good Luck with the site, of course...
  18. SQL code for adding Table to the Database: CREATE TABLE users ( user_id MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, first_name VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, password CHAR(40) NOT NULL, registration_date [b]DATETIME NOT NULL[/b], PRIMARY KEY (user_id) ); #INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name, email, password, registration_date) VALUES ('Larry', 'Ullman', 'phpmysql2@DMCInsights.com', SHA('password'), NOW()); php code for MySql: $query = "SELECT CONCAT(last_name, ', ', first_name) AS name, [b]DATE_FORMAT(registration_date, '%M %d, %Y') AS dr[/b] FROM users ORDER BY registration_date ASC"; php code for printing the Results of the above query: while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo '<tr><td align="left">' . $row['name'] . '</td><td align="left">' . $row['dr'] . '</td></tr> '; } So, the DB Table has a field that is "DATETIME", that is added to the DB using the NOW(), that uses "DATE_FORMAT(registration_date, '%M %d, %Y')" in the Query, and prints it out via php as an Associative Array string... try it. *code snippets from a Book on Php and MySql by author Larry Ullman, PHP and MySql For Dynamic Web Sites*
  19. I had a problem with a Hard Drive and the local Computer shop snagged all the info and placed it on a DVD for $30 CDN. It was an old 6Gig HDD. But even if they need to do several DVD's it should not be a lot of money.
  20. Sounds Hackish to me...Should you be by-passing the Administrators Controls on the System?
  21. I'll delete the other two copies of this posting.Please review the notice at the top of this Forum grouping.
  22. and I think the Ukraine, too.They also follow the Eastern Orthodox Church calendar.
  23. Try this site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. Members are reminded that this is a Voting Thread.Comments outside of the Voting procedure should be made elsewhere.Let's resume Voting after this short interruption.
  25. Add to the list:Snews CMScutenews (flat files)Xpression News (flat files)
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