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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Ummmm... let me think about that... well what do you know.... IPB is what we are using right here... so why won't it work on a site???
  2. I am more familiar with the old fashioned method of "hand-coding" html but have recently started to investigate the use of php includes and such other techniques which I think will make maintenance of a site easier. This posting suggests that Server Side Includes are best handled using php includes on the Xisto servers.
  3. And I am Cdn as well.An interesting point about Canada being criticised over not joining the US in the Iraqi thing is that before the US got involved, there was about 40% of their own population against the action. That'd be 40 % of about 250 million plus people, or about three times our entire population.I sure hope they get out of there soon and it all works out. For them and the Iraqi citizens...
  4. Yup, Post to Host.Packages start at 10 credits for 20 meg and 500 meg B/W and 30 credits for 150 Meg and 5 gig b/wRules are listed in the Xisto Readme link below the shoutbox
  5. So are you going to cancel all the Xmas gifts they promised us?That'll sure be disappointing...
  6. Well, first off, the opening and closing style tags don't belong in the css file. That might be enough to have the css file ignored, and would explain why it didn't work. Secondly, the @import command, although it appears correct in your listing, affects the cascade somehow, but I don't know exactly how. I usually use the link tag for the css files. <link href="your_style_file.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">Change the file name in the link href and it should work fine. Thirdly, you have a "wte" and a "wte1" tag in the html and then some style for it in the css. I don't recognize that tag. Were you trying to set up a class? or did it come out of an html editor of some sort? like dreamweaver? A good reason for the Padding to not be working is because it is defined twice. First in the opening Body of the css file and then about 15 lines down in a line with "html, body". My guess is the second occurence overrides the first. Oh, and for the record, your drop-down menus aren't working, either. I'll let someone else deal with that. I don't do much (any) scripting. Okay, what the heck, I've had a peak at the script and although there are better script coders than me around, I noticed that the script seems to be looking for "LI" and the html in the file is "li" (UPPER vs lower case). Wonder if that explains the menu not working?
  7. Eikon,It would be nice to be able to view the source of the web page and the entire css file, so please post a link here. There may be something else going wrong besides what you have indicated. Also, for the css issue, what browser are you using? And have you tried another browser?
  8. Check this Posting If I remember correctly, this uses cookies.
  9. I assume that you are using the Custom Error Page feature of the cpanel? Another way to set up Custom Error pages is through the .htaccess file. This Link helps to explain how to do that. It is easy enough to do. Good Luck with it.
  10. After a few PM's it was discovered that the new index.html file had been placed in the root directory rather than the public_html folder of the root. Just a reminder that all the files or folder you want to have displayed off the web should be placed in either the www or the public_html folder. This should close this topic. Thanks for all the input from everyone. Topic closed.
  11. You are most likely reading the cache file. Empty your cache and try again.If that doesn't work, close your browser, empty the cache and then re-start the browser.
  12. amsho,* * * NEWS FLASH ***Problem with viewing your source is: there is no php in the page by the time it gets to my browser. It is Html code so my browser can display it. Why don't you post a code snippet here for others to have a look?
  13. All of the above is good advise. I use eBay once in a while, and in addition to the above list, I would add the following pieces of advise:Know your limits -- Don't spend more than what you feel the product is worth, and what you can afford. Period. Yes, there is a certain warm, fuzzy feeling about sniping a bid at the last seconds, but only if it is within your price for the product.Know your TRUE costs -- Add to the purchase price the following costs which may be associated with your purchase: Shipping/Postage, Taxes if applicable, Customs, Duties, Cost of sending payment ( paypal fees, credit card fees ), your time waiting for the purchase to arrive.Ask Questions -- eBay has their Community Boards full of expert users (well, experienced at least) who can guide or direct you to the information you need. They are more than willing to help and will flame you in a heartbeat if you treat them poorly, so be nice.
  14. This might be of some assistance to you: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/24588-for-those-who-cannot-wait-for-dns-propagation-dns-propagation-takes-time/& It discusses how to affect your computer finding the right domain before the actual propagation takes place.
  15. Moldboy, Here is a php script that does the error page for different error codes. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Not sure if you are allowed multiple .htaccess files in a subdomain, but why not try it and see? Let us know if it works.
  16. yourname.trap17.com yes no to having to buy a domain, unless you want to. click on the FAQ link in my sig for more info Notice from jlhaslip: fixed quote tags
  17. phpbb.comphpbbhacks.comand there are others around...
  18. jlhaslip


    Welcome Dukakis/Dusan.Would you care to tell us a little bit more about yourself? Where do you live? What brings you here to the forum? What are your favourite things?
  19. Marketing and Packaging.The "generic" branded products are quite often made in the same factory as the "branded" ones. The factory contracts its services or excess product to local or regional distributors (like Wal-mart) and places Wal-mart's label on the same product. It benefits both parties. The factory gets to run at an efficient level of production and the supplier often gets the product cheaper in a bulk purchase. Example: Sears sells a lot of Automobile tires, but where is their tire factory? They have another company manufacture them and put their brand name on them.Example: a manufacturer of cookies needs a place to sell its cookies which are not to their standards. They place a different label on them.Example: an Oil packaging plant that I know of puts Motor Oil in 27 different labelled cans, but it is the same oil in each can. Might be slightly altered (ie: colour), but at the end of the day, the plant has sold more Oil than if they only pump out one product label.
  20. I usually (by habit to improve readability) leave a space like the second example. After the colon and the semi-colon. It also makes it easier to select or highlight the value if the space is there. In theory, html ignores the white space. Once you begin using xhtml as the Document Type Definition (DTD) and start to add the closing slash to your single tag elements, IE won't like the lack of a space before the slash. It doesn't parse correctly in IE without a leading space, I am told, so I am also in the habit of including a space before the slash. Example: <br/> is not good<br /> is goodThere are other tags which require the closing slash. I am only showing this one example. Hope this helps. Notice from jlhaslip: Edit for typo
  21. The Upgrade will cost you 30 credits and your account gets reset to something between 0 and 3 credits depending on the number of credits you currently have. If you have 30.5 credits before you get approved, then the account gets reset to .5 and you must post to increase the count. If you have 33 or over, the account gets reset to 3 and you must post to increase your count. The idea is that it promotes posting and builds the knowledge base. Besides, when you first fire up the account, there will probably be questions you need answered about the service, so post about them and it is all okay.
  22. Check out the Pinned topic in the General Talk sub-forum for the Xisto story (at least the stuff OpaQue admits to).
  23. Have a look at this device. It just might work. It is faster than the laptop I am currently using to post this message and way smaller / lighter. Just might do what they are looking for. $149 US ??? That's cheap. But it will require millions of dollars to research and program, I'd guess.
  24. Listing of your machine specs adds little to the forum content.It is Xisto policy to include the specs inside quote tags so the bots and spiders skip them.
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