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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Dawiss,You might want to head over to the phpbb.com site and check around over there.Or try phpbbhacks.com for skins. The first site has a forum that you may find helpful. Those sites both include various Mods to the phpbb forums. Another point of interest: phpbb came out with a new version this week: 2.0.19.
  2. jlhaslip

    Im New!

    Zedisha,Welcome to the Xisto Forums. Please read the Xisto Readme file as found in my Signature or just below the shoutbox on every page. Abiding by the rules posted in that file we make sure that everyone enjoys the forum experience. Please don't spam. Short posts like your introduction are considered spam here. Also, tells us a little something about yourself. What interests you have? What area of the forum will you be involved with mostly? Are you looking forward to receiving Hosting? Or just here for information? Regardless, enjoy your visit. There are a bunch of helpful people posting here regularly, so we'll see you around.
  3. Recrush,Anyone needing HTML help would be looking in the Programming section under HTML. Keep an eye on that topic by subscribing to it and assisting whenever needed. Thanks for your offer.
  4. To upgrade from the first account level (10 credits) to the second account level (30 credits), apply for an upgrade here. And why is this topic in the Xisto dot net forum? Xisto dot net accounts are free and do not require posting, so I will move it to the appropriate forum.
  5. affhotspot, I have a piece of code that makes a three column listing page. I use it as a site map here on a site. It could include linked images that when you click on them it can go to the selling site.??? want a copy of that? It isn't exactly automated, but it is easy enough to manage umless your product lists change daily (which I doubt). It is quite simple to add another item to the list and the products can be grouped since there arre actually three levels of unordered lists included in the page. You can only see two levels there now, but the third is avaiable if you need it. PM me if you want to check it out.
  6. A Projection Keyboard or a Computer connected "projector"? One that you can display dvd's or Presentations from when it is connected to your computer? I have one here that works great for doing both. Basically, it projects the CRT screen image onto a wall or screen. The ultimate in Big Screen TV.Ahhhh, just looked at the link you had posted, nope, not the same thing, but that does look pretty cool... let us know if you try one out... $207.00 USD. Cheap for today's toys....
  7. I have a question about why you don't want a shopping cart. Are these items available for purchase? Wouldn't a shopping cart be helpful there?Over at eBay.com there are lots of the sellers that use a "gallery" software to present their products. Might want to check that out. I don't sell on eBay, so I don't know if they would work on a non-eBay site, but they might. Or what about using a "photo gallery"? There are a couple in the Fantastico on the cpanel.Just a few thoughts... hope they help.
  8. I don't know if this is the correct forum for asking, but here goes. If someone has an opinion about where this question is better placed, please move it or let me know...My Xisto subdomain (jlhaslip.trap17.com) has been visited by 4 or 5 Bots this month. I have several different sites hosted as subdomains. (ie: sub1.jlhaslip.trap17.com and sub2.jlhaslip.trap17.com). Each of these subdomains have different content and are unrelated.When the Bots visit, do they investigate all the subdomain index pages for their content and index them seperately? If so, how do I check for the page ranking of each subdomain?Thanks for reading this and replying.
  9. And the worst part about getting caught with bad posting is that the number of credits lost will always be more than you gained from your original post. There is a factor applied which is in the removal script, so if you earn 4 credits for the posting, the script removes greater than 4 credits when the posting is found to be plagrized or copied. The comment about the warning is a good clue to find out where the credits went. Also, if you self report the posting and ask for the quote tags to be inserted, most Mods will do that, so keep these points in mind before you cut and paste. The Mod crew stays on top of things pretty good and there are tools available to seek out plagarized information. (Google is your friend) Just be thankful the credit reversal didn't put you in the minus.Post the good post, get your credits back up and there will be no problems.
  10. Trap17 is as secure as you make it.It is running Apache version 1.3.34 (Unix)MySQL version 4.0.26-standard-logPHP version 4.4.1.This Info comes from the cpanel page. Each of these softwares will have their own security issues, of course. Be certain to have index pages on all of the subdomains, set your access permissions properly, set your Hotlinking securities, code your DB accesses correctly, in general, shutdown the loop holes as best you can and there will not be any problems.Keep backups of your coding and html/php pages on your local machine. Backup any Databases you need on a regular basis. The domain's security is looked after by the Admins, but your particular account should be managed by yourself. Use .htaccess and the other tools available on your cpanel to control what you need to to make your subdomain as secure as it needs to be. In my short time here, there has not been any security issues, and I hope there never are...
  11. jlhaslip


    Hi Chez,Why Xisto dot net? Get hosted here and enjoy even more benefits, like more space and bandwidth, better cpanel to work with, more features. Won't take you long to get hosted.And what is Bioinformatics? I guess that'll tell you I am not a Major in it???
  12. Best Admin: (20) Buffalohelp, I didn't consider Opaque because he is a shoe-in for the Internet's Best Owner Award...Best Mod: (20) All of them are here to help and so selecting any ONE is quite a challenge... I'll abstain.Best Member: (20) all around : St Mike. As recognized as any one member, active all over the place, put lots of effort into the gfx site.Best Designer: ((15)(Since am more interested in the Web Site Design aspect, I'll base my vote on Site Design rather than Graphic Design) Snlildude's site is the one I am impressed with as a member's site, but there are lots of other's that I haven't seen. Tyssen's design work is really good for the sites he has worked on, check out his portfolio of work, I'll say Tyssen for this one.MVP(Most Valuable Poster): (20)Inspiron has impressed me quite a bit in this category. As has Avalon. Both of them offer really good advise when they post and rarely is there even any suggestion of Spam, Spam, Spam... on their postings. Of course, these are only Nomination suggestions. There are a hundred good posters here. Any one of them could get this awardBest Programmer: (15)Kvarnerexpress always seems to be testing the limits and challanging others with his questions. Spectre is good, too. Always seems to have a good answer for the programming end of things. Most Active: (10)Plenoptic seems to here mornings and evenings everyday... except for the Mods, probably the most active (especially when you consider the Shoutbox) and very helpful to others.The Comedian: (10) What, like there is any doubt??? Saint Mike, of course.Good Luck to all the Nominees.
  13. The amount of Space and Bandwidth are determined by the choice of Hosting Package you select. The Admin (Opaque) would have to be contacted directly to increase either. On the other hand, if you need more, you might consider an account at Xisto - Web Hosting.com. It is paid hosting, but very reasonably priced.
  14. The initial Mysql password is blank according to this info for mysql ver 5.0. YOU WILL HAVE TO READ THE MANUAL FOR YOUR SPECIFIC VERSION. One of the first things they reccomend is to set a new root password and run the Grant table which controls access to the Database. The manuals are available at mysql.com either for online reading or by downloading. If you have installed it locally, probably best to download it. Hope this helps.
  15. Welcome to Xisto. I don't think it much matters where you are or where you have come from. The purpose here is to enjoy each other's company and share your knowledge with others. Learn a little in the process and benefit by receiving Hosting. Get to make some friends and share our knowledge. It is great to have someone here with such ambitions as a Masters level degree. There are lots of other educated individuals here. Please allow us to call upon your knowledge from time to time.What area of Computing Science are you specializing in? "Applications" could be anything.Enjoy your stay...
  16. I see Avalon has been busy...Thanks Avalon. Looks great. Haven't driven a motorcycle for years, but like it lots.
  17. Three hours and counting down slowly.Season's greetings to all.Have a safe holiday...
  18. Well, whenever I can arrange it, typically over the Xmas Holiday season, I "Book Off" work and life for a while and pick up a good set of books to re-read. The last couple of times it has been the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, but this year I think it'll be the Harry Potter series. Well written Fantasy books for sure. And if you think the HP movies were cut back from the book version, check out the LOTR. Both have been hacked to fit the "time schedule" for cinema. Too bad for that. So, if I am absent for a few days, you'll know where I am...And the Weasly Twins get my vote.
  19. I can't get through to any of those addresses. (Xisto.com) or (dot be) to see what you are explaining. One thing to check is if there is a file named index.html in the root directory. If it isn't there, that would explain the file list. If neccessary, use .htaccess to alter your start file name.
  20. Hello sammaye,Hope everyting works out for you. Welcome back.
  21. This Tutorial explains how to do that by altering the filename the server looks for first. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/25429-how-to-change-your-websites-index-file-a-simple-trick-using-htaccess/& It is easy. Works great.
  22. What I am curious about is how did they ever come up with the connection between this illness and the thc cure?Some of the most harmful things come from the strangest places. Heroin can help you or destroy you. The benefits of chewing cocoa leaves turns into a nightmare when it is processed into cocaine, and then crack.That is one very strong argument about the destruction of the Rain Forests in South America (and elsewhere). We really don't know what else is in the Forests which might benefit the world population. (Besides the tree's ability to handle co2 and produce oxygen.)I hope something good comes out of this research.
  23. What have you got for a firewall or adblocker? Have the settings changed? Or have you altered any of the browser settings?
  24. The new IP for the Xisto cpanel is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . Click on that and it will prompt for your cpanel username and password. As I understand things, you can have a folder under the public_html folder and access it using the following URL: yourtrap.trap17.com/subfolder and have an index.html file as the first file found (unless you have altered the .htaccess, but that is another posting). Or you can create an entirely new subdomain on your account in the cpanel. In that case, the URL becomes : subdomain.yourtrap.trap17.com Hope this helps.
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