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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. We would need to see the code to assist with this issue.
  2. Got your PM, Downlaoded the source file and found the javascript entry in the file. It was a series of digits, comma-separated, inside an eval function which translated into an iframe injection onto your page. The Iframe was only 1 px wide by 3 px high, so impossible to find with the eye. Anyway, the iframe contained a link to a site which will remain un-named. The purpose of this script is still unknown, too, but rest assured that it was a script-kiddie who did this. The Security sites have this code available on them and anyone with any degree of Googleese would be able to find it. How it got onto your site is anybody's guess, but the very next thing you need to do, before taking another breathe, is to delete any unused FTP accounts, change the passwords to the remaining FTP accounts, change your password of your Hosting Account, and then delete all occurrences of the script snippets in your files. You need to check all of them on your account. Each and every one. There might be a script out there to do that for you, but I could not find it. And quit hanging around script-kiddies... reference this link: http://linuxsysadminblog.com/2009/03/heurtrojanscriptiframe/ Postings around #35 are the ones you need to review. Clearly, it is an FTP issue on your local machine according to the 'experts' on there.
  3. Frozen,Link us to your site, please, so we can see what is on there. I am running Linux, so please give me a link that has the 'virus' script on it. I can handle it.Thanks.
  4. Please post the idea in the Suggestions Sub-forum so Admins will find it easier.
  5. Another 5 days... right after the Hockey game if the series is still on. Go Wings!!!
  6. Invision Power Board v1.3 is a Security nightmare. It is sitting there waiting for an injection of nasty stuff.I would suggest you do not use Invision Power Board v1.3 even if it is free. The holes in it have not been repaired for years. Also, there are conditions for its use that IPB will enforce, so it is not a suggested Forum Software.Check out AEF Forum Software from anelectron.com. It is included with a Softaculous install, too. Lots of features and plenty of Ajax, including the Shoutbox which is included in every copy. No Mods to allow the use the Shoutbox. Simply enable it.
  7. Old enough to reach the keyboard works. :lol:We have had several 13 year olds Hosted here in the time since I have been around. Act responsibly and nobody will complain. Make sure your parents are aware of the Xisto, and tell them it is a Moderated Forum. We keep a pretty tight lid on things, so if they have any concerns, please let them contact myself or any other Moderator. The Report button will send a message to all the Mods and the Admins, too.Oh! ... and welcome to the Xisto.
  8. Better submit a ticket to Support at Xisto - Support.com since we as Mods have no more information than you do about these issues. I know that my invoices are usually invoiced about 5 days before they are due and I always seem to have the xistodollars available, so my experience won't help you.
  9. Most often, there will be a 'margin' on the Reseller items, meaning that your customer pays $x.xx for the Domain and you would receive a portion of that as your profit. I am not familiar with the details, but something like 10% would be about right. Maybe more, maybe less.
  10. Congratulations to our one and only SM for a job well done the past couple of years.Wishing you all the best in your future and the future endeavours the Graduation leads you to.Hopefully, others will join in with their messages of hope and promise in the new career.Best Wishes to you.
  11. So you have this Domain name and need to know what to do with it.If you want it to go to the existing account Index file and the Account Root File structure, then Park it.Add-on Domains can be pointed to a specific folder of your account.Does that help?
  12. look at the left hand side of your post.
  13. Please submit a Ticket at Xisto - Support.com, thanks.
  14. Look in the Tutorial sub-Forum for an Email script. There are a few in there.
  15. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  16. You may wish to wait for a reply from galexcd. He is on a Mac and is Triple-Booted, I think.Also, he works at an Apple store, so he would be a good member to hear from.
  17. My (our) condolences, of course.Glad you are back. Glad the trip was a safe one.
  18. On the Xisto accounts, you have the option of using your earned xistodollars or paying by Paypal/creditcard, etc.For further details, look up Xisto - Web Hosting.com. The Xisto is a sister company. Same Servers.Same Suppport Team.Same Admins, etc.
  19. jlhaslip

    I'm Back!

    Oh Noes! Nol is back... :HEHE: Good to see you again. Where have you been? What have you been doing? When is your Parole finished?
  20. Welcome, and I notice that you are moving from the Toronto area to Vancouver... you'll be passing right through my town if you are driving. South east BC. First town in BC on the Trans-canada if you are driving.Good luck with those business things, and enjoy the city. Vancouver is a great place. I visit every couple of years.
  21. Go to the Xisto - Support.com site and on the left hand side is a list of Links. One of them is for the messages from the Admins.Your Hosting Account information should be there.
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