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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Lozbo, I understand that you wish to avoid 'hacking' your code. That is a noble objective, BUT (you knew this 'but' was going to be in here) until the Browsers all behave the same, only the most basic pages will render similarly in all browsers. Internet Explorer 6 is about 5 years old now. Much has changed since it was first released. There have been some fairly aggressive steps taken in the world of web design. Designers are 'pushing the limits' and things are breaking. Even the most compliant Browsers don't handle everything the same. Firefox has its problems and so does Opera, and these are about as close to the Standards as any Browser gets today, so when IE 7 gets released, I suspect that there will be yet another round of hacks coming. Your goal (and mine) is to create good presentations for serving onto the web so that users can benefit from the information and content we provide. In today's world, and until everyone is using the same Browser, or until they all handle the html and css the same, that means hacks are neccesary to achieve 'similar' presentations. As I said in the last paragraph, even the two most common 'Standards Compliant' Browsers have their differences, so I don't expect that Microsoft's I E 7 Release is going to solve this problem. In fact, it will only get worse, I suspect. I hate to sound negative, but I have not seen anything yet which suggests otherwise. I expect that IE7 will have a degree of 'better' compliance in some regards, but consider that they may also take a 'backwards compatible' approach (as they often do in other products), so the hacks required for IE6 will continue to be required. Yes, IE6 has the largest Market Share, and it is important to ensure the pages that we produce are seen correctly on that Browser. Because of the differences between the Standards and IE6, some hacking is required if you want to present properly across all of the most popular Browsers. And with the strength of Microsoft's position in the Computer world, eventually, their new Browser will (probably) still be pre-dominant, however, the process of distributing the new IE7 will take some time. Until then, IE6 will continue to be a strong component of the Market, (with Mozilla/Firefox and Opera and Safari and Netscape continuing to be strong as well). Mathematically, as the number of elements in a population increase, the number of possible combinations of relationships increase exponentially. The point of this comment is that as more Browsers are introduced which are not fully (or nearly) Standards Compliant, the number of required hacks will not only increase, but become more and more complex. Already there are hacks for specific Browsers which must include other hacks to compensate for otherwise compliant Browsers without the first hack. Round and round the circle it goes. It won't be long before it will be absolutely required that Browser Sniffing and css file switching are required for any degree of cross-browser design. I'm thinking that is going to be the correct solution. Yes, it will be more work, but the complexity of the hacks and the number of them that will be required is nearly as much work already. That's my take on the New Methodology. Incidently, where and what, exactly, was the question in your opening post? Oh! And what is the difference between hacking IE6 with the Star_Html hack and the proposed technique of writting the css for IE6 then using the Child Selector to serve to the real Browsers. If you were to think about what you have done, you've simply replaced one hack with another. The first method hacks one Browser, and the second method hacks all but one. I don't get your point one this being any better than the other. Furthermore, here is a Frameless CSS-based page that validates strict and the css is valid as well, but it does have Hacks to compensate for a couple of issues in a couple of Browsers, so is the Html and Css any less valid? Valid, semantically correct, and well formed are different things. Don't confuse them.
  2. Good to see that you read my earlier posting. That should do it. Now get the logo out there on the 'net and watch the crowds follow the link...
  3. I just added the script onto my site and had no problems. Only difference is that I am at Xisto.com, but I think the fantastico software is the same. Are there any restrictions on Xisto - Web Hosting or on your level of service about the number of mysql databases? Have you un-installed and tried a re-install? That's probably should be your first procedure to try to remedy this problem. Keep us posted on the progress. Thanks.
  4. Lozbo, Have you read this site or seen its demos about frames using css only? Frameless frames The author uses straight css (and hacks, of course) to create frames much like yours. Might be a good read for you to overcome some of the problems you have encountered.
  5. Put the link to your forum in the signature or avatar spot on all the Forums you are a member of, especially the ones that are similar to yours. For example, if you have games, and want to attract Gamers, those are the sites that need to know about our Forum. That should get people looking at the site, but content will keep them coming back, so be sure to have some reason for them to return to your site. Information, Dowmloads, a list of links they can't do without... something to attract the masses. Also, spread the word by mentioning it on the Forums. I notice you don't have anything on the post above. I might've gone to have a look if you had've included a look. See, another customer that didn't get to view your site. cut and paste this in to your posting above to make it easy for others to find your site: [url=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Games are Here![/url] Fun Games are Here!
  6. This should be in the HTML sub-forum. Ill move it.Works fine for me in IE, NN7, Mozilla 1.7.3, and Opera 8.5.The link shows up on the top line centred on the display.
  7. Post a topic in the HTML section of the programming Forum. Give a link or the code inside bbcode tags. Someone will come up with an answer for you.
  8. Very well done site. I would expect that if you keep pumping content in to it that it will be quite successful. Best of luck with it. 9 point 9 plus.
  9. With regards to staying warm on the slopes, nothing can keep you as warm as a good Hat. What we refer to as a 'toque', preferrably wool, but many other options work well, too.Sun glasses or tinted goggles if it is sunny. Layers are a MUST DO. Wool next to the hide, just like the sheep wear it. (if you can stand the itching) Likewise, two thin pair of socks are good, too. And don't cross the tips of your ski's... that can be darned near fatal. In general, stay in control with regard to your speed, and keep flexible in your knees, especially on 'rough' terrain. Learn to 'snowplow' to stop. Otherwise, if you know how to Ice Skate, stopping is about the same method, sideways onto the edges.When it looks like you are going to crash, sit down on the back of your skis or try to fall backwards. It doesn't hurt as much as a face plant into a tree.Take some snacks and juices (or other suitable beverages) to consume throughout the day, because by the time you feel thirsty, you will already be dehydrated.Most of all, enjoy the day.
  10. Cassettes? CD's? Ipods? MP3's? I remember buying my first 8 Track tape when I was 12 or 13 years old. It was either The Beatles or the Stones, not sure. I had a paper route that took me past the local "record store" every week on collection day ( Saturday ), so I stopped in and bought the tape because I had heard a couple of songs from the radio. At the time, the only 8 Track player we had was in my Dad's car, so as soon as he got home, I plugged it in. The player wasn't even stereo... as I recall.
  11. Welcome to the Trap. Good to have you here. Read the rules, please, and use some common courtesy and web ettiquette (sp?) manners and we will all enjoy using the Forum. It would've been nice to here something about you. Are you interested in anything in particular? Hosting services? Web Design? Games? Where are you from? Post some more information so we get a better impression of you and know something about you. Thanks.
  12. Why are you going to risk your machine and whatever else you would have to committ to this sub-domain Hosting Service when this is available for cheaper than a gallon of milk per week (sort of)? (at least at the price of milk around here) Sure, it might be nice to say you have a hosting service running out of your bedroom (did that sound right?), but realistically, the machine would have to be dedicated 24/7 and the security risks are pretty huge if you fail to protect the system properly. But, whatever, it is your machine and all... Have fun...
  13. Here is a previous topic about capturing videos and such. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32011-how-do-you-take-a-video-of-you-desktop-is-it-possible/
  14. Another Canadian on the Forum... we're gonna take over this place some day!
  15. I needed some more Ram in my laptop and the Compaq specs said the max Ram for the Model was 96 Meg. The native chip had 32 Meg, so I should only be allowed to add 64 more Meg, but a buddy had a 128 Meg card that worked when it was installed, so it is still there and the OS picks up the toal Ram, so it is staying. I don't know if the speed of the card is as critical or not, so I just wanted to let you know that mis-matching SOMETIMES works. It may not work as well as a matched item, but it may work all the same. But let a Hardware type come by and tell you what they would do before you toast the thing.
  16. well, its not like we come at them with full combat gear. The 'warning' is usually a polite request to please don't do that, use the sig block instead, and most members do it that way, so nothing becomes of it.
  17. I suppose this forum is as good as any other to post this question in.As to the question about display sizes, sizing pages in ems or %'ages work best for fluid designs.As to Html, that is still the best way.As to Browser compatabilities and producing consistent results across Browsers, begin by developing your site using w3c Standards and test the validity using the w3c Validator. Use a 'compliant' Browser like Opera or Mozilla/Firefox Explorer to start with. After validation, (check your css as well using the w3c css validator), check the site in Internet Explorer and other Browsers to see if the display is 'acceptable'. They will almost never be the 'same', but they should be similar. There are lots of web site that will help you to understand the problems which you will run in to, so when the page has a problem, Google on what you suspect might be the culprit and find a hack to correct it. There will be lots of trial and error during this stage, but it is easier to correct the problems in IE rather than force the standard compliant Browsers to behave incorrectly.Hope this helps. As you develop your site, check in over at the Xisto html forum to get some assistance.
  18. Welcome to the Trap. Lots of good stuff to read up on and learn from. Quite a variety of topics to choose from. Lots of good info and people to get to know. Enjoy. Hope you keep rambling. And that 'strangeness' will hardly be noticed around here...
  19. Finally, around Jan 3rd or so, the policy of no 'sign-off' siggies came in to effect. Yes, they are annoying and cheat the credit system a little bit, but mostly, they ae not neccesary. It is simple to add a sig block in your profile. And nobody is really sure how many sigs St Mike has, so keep reading his posts and maybe you can tell us... Check out the info in my signature abut the sign-off policy.
  20. Another member has taken the time to post a topic about their search for a Content Management System that you may find useful. They have posted a couple of links you should checkout. There is one link that takes you to a site which lists all the Open Source CMS downloads and lets you view and modify them live online. Use the Admin log-on to get into the guts of them and see how they work. It may take some amount of time to correctly identify which CMS you will need, but this would be a good starting point for your search. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33573-experiences-of-building-my-Xisto-website-maybe-you-can-learn-from-others-experiences/
  21. Wow, four thousand bookmarks... yes, you'll be busy sorting that out. Good luck with it.Sounds like you aren't just jumping into it. I would be interested in finding out more about the decision to use Drupal and the factors which caused you to select that one CMS. Do they offer anything in particular which you need or were the others lacking something? Other members might benefit from your comments about this decision.There is another user currently looking for a CMS to adapt his site. I'll send them a link to this topic to see how you have proceeded. They may wish to copy your methods. Thanks for posting the topic.
  22. Fall is my favourite season. A bit cooler than summer, crisp in the morning and evening, less rain, The colour of the trees changing... last year Fall was on a Wednesday, then Winter came on Thursday... (a Canadian thing)
  23. Yes, that member is using that as his signature, but there is more to it than that. The 'note tag' is a bbcode tag that wraps the contents inside a labelled box like the signature you are referring to. It is used here on the Xisto forum for Mods and Admins to add notes to postings, so regular members are asked not to use them. This way, if there is a note on a posting, it is from a mod/Admin. That's what I know about note tags.
  24. It would really help to know what Browser you are using and be able to see the source html for the page. Have you run the code through the css-validator at w3c.org? There are several possibilities for correcting the problem, but the first would be to supply us with the above information. And include the css, also.
  25. Shigajet, On the top right hand corner of the site you link to, there are three square buttons, small 'a', medium 'a', and a large 'a'. Clicking these buttons by a user will alter the size of the font for their display. And I think this piece of code which I found by doing a view source is the html for those links, so find the classes in one of the stylesheets and change the font-size to whatever you want it to be. <div id="fontcontrol"> <h3 class="hidden">Adjust font size:</h3> <ul> <li class="font1"><a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet('Small');return false;" title="Small"><i>Small</i></a></li> <li class="font2"><a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet('Medium');return false;" title="Medium"><i>Medium</i></a></li> <li class="font3"><a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet('Large');return false;" title="Large"><i>Large</i></a></li> </ul></div>
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