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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Thanks for the tip about moving the webdev menu, serverph.That will be quite helpful on the Laptops with an 800 x 640 resolution.I'll get working on that right awayYes, the webdev toolbar does a whole bunch of things that other extensions do, so I typically don't use the others. That color sniffer is nice, though.
  2. Might have a missing single or double quote is all. Something like that.Take ghostrider up on his offer.
  3. "100" what?choices would include pixels (px), em's, en's, axe Handles? What?
  4. Looking pretty sharp. I'll be back when the music and other stuff is there.Good luck with it.
  5. SourceAs quoted on another Forum I belong to which deals strictly with PHP and Mysql matters. And the php.net page which discuses the topic is here: http://us3.php.net/manual/en/security.globals.php. Nothing to be worried about if the variables and coding are properly managed. Biggest thing to remember: NEVER, EVER trust user data. Always cleanse it using the method appropriate to the data source and the data target. Stripslashes(), html_entities(), magic_quotes_gpc all have different intentions and should be used accordingly.
  6. I am very sorry to hear about these recent difficulties you and the boyfriend are going though.Not much I can do about it, except suggest that you seek some guidance and councelling from someone better suited than I am. All I know is that relationships can be difficult during the down times, and they don't always feel as good as they once might have been. But there is always the hope that they can work out. With proper coaching and discussion, the outcome can be successful. (Often the service will be a 'not-for-charge' affair. Look in the local phone book.) Find someone to counsel you and the boyfriend, please. For the child's sake if no other reason.Best of Luck with it.
  7. Here is a link to a Tutorial that uses no -zero- javascript, but is fully CSS based. http://webdesign.about.com/od/css/a/aa072406.htm And here is a link that explains why I didn't do it for you: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. A Xisto - Web Hosting.com Topicdownpour, Please post back here to tell us what's up. Thanks.
  9. Yes, some script kiddies have been causing some grief around the 'net.They appear to only be defacing index pages, so take a backup of your site, change passwords for your ftp and cpanel access, etc as pro-active security measures.Several other sites have been affected, none seriously, though. And it is way beyond this Domain. They are pretty busy little individuals.
  10. Check this out: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/42590-using-the-rewriterule-htaccess/
  11. Define "Hs", please, then maybe someone could help you.I am thinking it means "High Schools"?
  12. Start by installing XAMPP. It includes Apache, Mysql, Php, Perl and a bunch of other stuff.Tutorial is in the Tutorial section.This has been discussed numerous times in other Topics. Use the Search feature before strting new Topics, please.Closing this one.
  13. Might be a good set of questions to direct to the support@xisto.com people by email.Attn: OpaqueThe Servers we generally deal with are the *nix boxes and you will require a Windows VB.net configuration, I believe.
  14. w3schools.com has a php tutorial and there is a quiz at the end of it.Only one that I know of.
  15. As far as I know, mod_rewrite is exactly what you need to do that.The forum at the Word-press CMS might have some information, because that is one of the Mods they offer.
  16. Check out the bbcode page on this Forum. There is a new bbcode named "imgfit" which shrinks the image to fit in the viewer's Monitor. Please use it. You might also check out the "hide" bbcode for the benefit of the dial-up users.Please be considerate of others. Thanks.
  17. They link to the same page which 404's for me, too.
  18. Perform a Search before posting new Topics. This topic Title returns 12 PAGES worth of posts on this Forum.Closed topic.
  19. Found this Forum posting at devshed. See if it helps? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. What sort of Database? Mysql? Postgre? MS Access?Mysql can be 'exported' using phpmyadmin on your local machine and then 'imported' into the one on your server. I am sure there would be similar tools for the other databases, too.Tell us what DB you are using and we'll help sort it out.
  21. aggie: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/ then select products and pick the one for the Operating system you use. Does anyone know if the Web Developer Extension, or all the other Extensions, needs to be downloaded fresh for the FF 2.0 installs? Please confirm or deny here. Thanks. RE: Web Developer Extension 1.02 Compatible with FF 2.0
  22. Check in the Php Language Topic. There is a calendar / yahoo thread which discusses how to mod the time relative to the server time. Buffalohelp is the original poster on that thread if it helps.
  23. Currently under review. There were a couple of others, too, but many, many others were hacked by the same group recently on different servers. At present, there is no information about how they attack, but generally, it is only an Indexpage being defaced. I am not aware of any databases being compromised. It is suggested that you change your passwords for the account and ftp users, databases, etc. Being pro-active is the best approach.
  24. The script should run once an hour, so allow max of two hours now that you have the credits above 4, like Pleno explained.
  25. I think you might want to chmod the file, and that file would not be web accessible. It would only be accessed from the ftp and a software inside your public_html or lower. ie: public_html/forum/here/index.html by traversing back up the route like this ../../../etc/file.html. My thoughts, anyway. *edit* yes, tested using http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and a 400 Bad Request error occurs.
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