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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I hate steortypes, but I was having a 'blonde' moment there.Thanks, Spectre.*kicks self*
  2. Ah... puppy love?You will have to simply bite the bullet and drag up some courage. Try to just ask the question in the normal flow of a conversation. ... just do it. One approach could be gently leading up to the question and directing the flow of the questioning. Example:You might say: "There is a dance/party/football game next week. Might be fun to go to it. Are you considering attending? And could we go together, kind of like a date?"See what mean... Good luck with it.[And don't show any signs of disappointment if you get the wrong answer. There will be other opportunities come around. Of course, jump up and down like it's the best thing to happen to you in a million years if she answers 'yes'. She'll like that.]
  3. And are there Operating System limitations that apply to this Software? Can I use it on my iMac ppc g3, for instance? They must be web-connected and turned on at the time of access? Does their Browser window need to be open?
  4. *insert standard Virus reply here* 1. delete temp internet folder and all files in it. 2. empty cache, history, all private stuff for all users. 3. restart in safe mode. 4. do an AVG scan using an updated checklist ( i forget what they call it). Avast is also very good. Quarantine all the stuff it finds. *** Do not simply delete it.*** 5. restart in Normal mode. 6. Use a registry cleaner to erase all the stuff that shouldn't be there. Hijack this can assist in determining the 'bad' stuff. Requires the assistance of "those in the know". This will eliminate 'most' bad stuff. Anything left, Google it by name and seek assistance from one of the many sites available. I have used PCpitstop.com in the past and D-A-L.com. Both were quite useful and successful. Lastly, *** stay away from those sites that give you trouble *** ie: p2p, pr0n, toolbars, filesharing sites
  5. In php coding, when you escape certain characters, they have an impact on the output of an echo'd or printed string. ie "\r\n\t" should give you a new line and a tab before outputting the content for a line of printing. They vary by OS, I know, but I have tried all the variations I can think of and can't seem to control output using them. Believe me, I have tried multiple variations and nothing works for me.I have checked the php.ini file for settings but I can't find where you can modify them.So the question is : Where do i look to confirm the settings for using these Control Characters in the php parser or config files?Anyone know? And thanks in advance.
  6. Just thought I'd post you a Birthday wish in your favourite colour! Black. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SM!
  7. A friend of mine has forwarded a request to post this on the Xisto Forum so that this Professor can reach some Internet Users in Canada and hopefully some of you might be kind enough to support the Research by answering his survey, or whatever. Please at least read what the request is all about. Be assured that the strictest of confidentiality and privacy standards would apply to this Research Project. *** Unfortunately, this Research Topic will only allow Canadians to participate. *** Thanks for assisting. [hide=1] I am doing some work on the government online initiative and in particular the connection to free and open source software. I would be eternally grateful if you would distribute the following call for participation to your colleagues and - especially - students, as I would love to have representatives from across Canada in the survey. The text of the call is below and please feel free to cut and paste it into a class mailing list or whatever. Thank you so much... <snip> Government Online? Your input and experiences are valuable and will be used as the basis for policy recommendations that ensure that online government services are representative of your needs and inclusive of a diverse Canadian population. No experience with online government web sites or services needed. To complete the online survey, please visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Additional Information The Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology at Simon Fraser University is conducting this research to ensure that online government services are inclusive of your needs and that they represent a diversity of people and computing environments in Canada. The only requirement for participation is that: - You live in Canada and use the Internet from home, OR - You are a member of a non-profit, non-governmental organization in Canada. Questions, suggestions, or comments? Please contact us. Dr. Richard Smith Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology School of Communication Simon Fraser University Email: smith@sfu.ca Phone: 604-291-5116 </snip> -- Richard Smith, Associate Professor School of Communication Simon Fraser University, 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, CANADA V6B 5K3 Phone: 604 291 5116 Web: http://www.sfu.ca/~smith/ Skype - callto://richard_k_smith New book: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [/hide]
  8. The scipt now in use *does* adjust for edits. If you edit and add / deduct characters / words, credits are adjusted accordingly. What I am not sure about is whether the script deducts when a posting is deleted. I suspect it does, but I cannot confirm that. Maybe Opaque will comment on that?
  9. Firstly, post a link so we can check and reply back as to whether it works for us. Secondly, if it is a new domain-name, you may have to wait for propagation. Check the - Xisto Readme - for instructions about modifying your Hosts file local to your computer.
  10. Try phpadmin. I am sure you can have it perform a backup of the smaller table with the structure included. This will create a text file containing all the SQL neccessary to Create the table and also provides the neccessary INSERT commands. Then Modify the text file which it has created to :1) remove the CREATE TABLE command and 2) Edit to remove the id's from the records, since this may cause some problems if you have duplicate id's. Use find / replace?3) Use find/replace as required to point to the larger of the Tables and issue the INSERT commands against the second table instead of the first. Voila! The updated table should contain both sets of data. You might then DROP the smaller table or keep it as a backup, but check to make sure the transfer was successful, first
  11. The pollutants caused by automobiles and other vehicles are particles suspended in the air around which the moisture condenses and then when they collect enough moisture due to the temperature changes, etc, they fall to earth as raindrops. The particles may be 'acidic', thus the expression "Acid Rain", which is a major problem in Industrial areas and becoming more wide spread all the time.This short version of the process could be researched in the Wikipedia probably, for those who are more interested in the damage that Industrial activities can cause.
  12. Don't they make Ice Cream Sandwiches still? Same as what Trufusion says. Yummy, too.
  13. I see that Admins have authorised your account. Have you completed the process to create your account? https://support.xisto.com/ Please try again. It seems you are still listed as a regular member. Opaque and BH installed a new version of the cpanel software last night, so there might be a glitch in there someplace.
  14. You are welcome and I hope you understand the difference now between the php "include_path" function and the path for an "included" file.It can be confusing, sometimes.
  15. While you are building that script, consider that it would have to be written using java or javascript (client side) otherwise there would need to be a page refresh once in a while. That would be hard on dial-uppers. And some people do not allow javascript. Others do not have java.Another idea is to show the members the number of credits earned on a pop-up immediately following the submission. Then they might edit the post and add some more content immediately, before they leave the Topic.???
  16. I turned the last post invisible since the user-name and password is not something which should be made "visible" on the net. I don't think the problem is with the php "include_path" as your original post suggests. That path is for php to find the libraries for its functions, etcetera. I believe the current problem has to do with being able to find the correct "include" file and the "path" to the file is incorrect according to the error messages I received when I tried the link you provided. Without knowing the directory structure of your site and the specifics of the code which is calling the include function, the only thing to suggest is to remove whatever is in front of the 'filename.php' and change it to something like: "include('filename.php')" which means the 'included' file will be in the same directory. or "include('./filename.php')" which means the 'included' file will be in the server root. or "include('../filename.php')" which means the 'included' file will be in the directory above it. or maybe : "include('../includes/filename.php')" which means the 'included' file will be in the directory above it and forward to the 'includes' directory. Short version of this reply: Please post some code and the directory structure because without those, we can only guess. *edit* And of major concern to you should be the requirement that the sites hosted on the Xisto server must be available in English. It appears that the index page for your site is in other than English and that violates the Terms of Service, at least to the best of my knowledge. This requirement is very clearly stated in the Xisto Terms of Service. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/42022-free-web-hosting-irmlm-free-website-pgulfblogcom/
  17. Well, I hate double posting, but here goes... Still playing with this thing a little and here is what I have so far: Version #9 used for testing - loops back to the php_self address Header lists the filename, displays flag settings in footer Test 9 Version #10 Full linking mode, no styling used Test 10 Version #11 Full styling, Footer announcement, clickable Full Header, no flags displayed. Test 11 Hope you like them.
  18. This is the file type of a file I just uploaded to a folder on my account and the file doesn't work. It is supposed to be a lowly CSS file, but the page comes out with - zero - styling on it. Wrks fine locally on a windows laptop and an iMac, too. Also, when I view the file in the cpanel file manager editor, it is double spaced and there are some really weird characters in the front of the first line. I can't 'snag' the characters on a cut and paste, but they are really weird, like a small a-e combined. None of the special characters show up on my laptop editor, but I load them onto a zip drive and then upload them using a Mac PPC which is connected to the Internet. Could this be the problem? Except the file never lands on the Mac, though. The file Manager grabs them from the zip drive connected to the mac. Make sense to anyone? How do I get the file onto my account without this character encoding being wrong? *edit* Solved this by copying the file on my laptop to a '.txt' file extension and then proceeding to upload the file the same way. Than in the cpanel, renaming it to a '.css'. Works great now. Just a little mysterious, though. I use this procedure all the time and it hasn't failed yet...
  19. There is an option to check the server status on the Cpanel Home page.It is a clickable link at the bottom of the 'specs' column listing the version numbers of the available softwares / utilities. It lists the server status of the "Hosting" server only, not the server the Xisto Forums are on. (they are on different servers, I think)Of course, if you can't get to the Cpanel, then that 'll tell you something.
  20. Yikes!... but the member is 'Hosted', so I presumed he was referring to Xisto... Perhaps irmlm could specify which service he is talking about and a Mod could move this topic if he is discussing the Xisto Hosted account? And thanks for that info, vujsa.
  21. When you get to 99 sub-domains, you will probably have bandwidth issues, particularly if there are some 'hot' Blogs in there. At that time, you may want to check out the Xisto - Web Hosting.com Hosting Plans. Xisto - Web Hosting is another Xisto company that provides paid accounts with similar services to the Xisto, but more variety of plans having larger bandwidth allowances.Also, Computnghost.com has domain registration services available, too. Notice from jlhaslip: Moving Topic to Support sub-Forum
  22. Position:relative is the default positioning and should not have to be declared there. Also, Absolute positioning is a problem child in many situations. Best to avoid it unless absolutely required (pun intended) for the purpose. Having said that, I would be tempted to remove the position:relative from the Universal selector and declare it on the direct ancestor to affect the elements you want positioned absolutley. And any descendants should be reset to position:relative. Might work. *edit* I knew I had a link... http://www.positioniseverything.net/abs_relbugs.html And also, check the CSS Creator site for their discussion about 'haslayout'. Simply stated, trigger the 'haslayout' condition using their hack. Typically, add a height to the Parent contiainer, but read about it first, there might be something else that would work better for you. Since you haven't posted a particular example, it is difficult to say for sure which trigger you should use to set 'haslayout'. See also: http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/onhavinglayout.html
  23. Nice stuff.You will enjoy the Sig of the Week competitions here. Check them out in the GFX topic.I hope to see more of those. Thanks for coming by, enjoy yourself
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