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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. If you are using 'includes', simply erase the DTD, style,html and body tags from the 'included' file. Php will parse the 'included' file as html automatically, so the duplicate html tags are messing things up. My guess.
  2. Well, to begin with, this code segment should be at the top of your page and not in the middle. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Untitled Document</title><style type="text/css"></style></head><body Once you fix that, let us know. It may be the cause of whatever problems you are having.
  3. Yup. I know the name. Spend a little time at Xisto once in a while myself. Post your full-blown Introduction in the Intro Topic and stand back to avoid the rush of welcomes. Good to have you around.
  4. Schedule and the post-season results leading to this Series: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Start here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82983-how-to-3-custom-bbcdes-for-this-board-note/ Brought to you by our friends over at the Xisto Forum. Also check in their HTML Topics over there for other examples to create other codes. I know there is a Topic about the "note" or "notice" tag used by the Xisto Moderators and Admins.
  6. Coolduck123456,Good topic. I'd like to have my say here, too, since I wrote that reply to Albus D, I feel I should be able to defend the position I explained in the reply.The Xisto Hosting is dependant on these Forums for advertising revenues. Each time someone requests a page, the income generated by the ads helps to cover the cost of the servers, etc. So, the more ads that get displayed, the more money Opaque has to 'squander' on the members here at the Xisto.com facilities. Hosted or not, these ads pay for the services here. And the best way to have people like you and I visit here is to make this Forum a good place to come to acquire information, tips, tricks and assistance for our Projects. Some come to socialize and rarely glean anything out of the place, but the point is that a well maintained 'decorum' around here is critical for most of the user's to have a good positive experience. And as outlined above, the more members visiting more often, the better it is for all of us.So, there is another issue that blends in to the revenue side of things. All the Moderators and Admins here are volunteers. We don't get a plugged nickle for the time we spend on the site. That saves Opaque some dollars, too, but more importantly, because we have our lives outside the Trap, we can't be here all the time, so the more experienced Trap members assist us with some discipline and 'verbal' warning techniques. You apparently witnessed that in action one day last week. Probably the biggest point to be made is that there is a sense of Community here which develops into a common desire to keep order in this Forum. Some of us are allowed to issue Warnings, Bans and Suspensions because of the actions of others, but in fact, we all should do what we can to promote Harmony and civil obedience here. We all benefit from that.Thanks for listening.
  7. Give the paragraph a selector, either a class or an id. Then use the selector to 'select' that (those) paragraph(s). If there is only one like it on the page, use an 'named selector. If there are going to be more than one of them on a page, use a (.class) selector. use this to select a named element in your css: (only one allowed per page) #named p { font-weight:bold;} // for bold type face<p id="named"> ... stuff here ... </p> // a 'named' selector use this to select a class in your css: (allows several per page) .class_name p { font-weight:bold;} // for bold type face for the class<p class="class_name"> ... stuff here ... </p> // a 'class' selector *not tested*
  8. The budget plan for 5 gig/mth are $2.95 per month and the premium package is only $3.33 per month and allows 33 gig Bandwidth per month, so it would be a no-brainer to take the premium 3S package for the price difference. Identical services because they are hosted on the same cluster of servers.I think Opaque can set-up your new Xisto - Web Hosting account without touching or moving your files, but I am not 100 % certain on that. I know that he has done some trick apache server stuff in the past for other members moving to Xisto - Web Hosting, so maybe I'll let him explain the details.And you would need a Domain-name, too. Computnghost has them as low as $1.80 per year for a dot info and around $8.00 per year for a dot com.Good luck over there. Stop back here any time.
  9. My Opinion:They value you as an employee and are trying to make the Work Environment suit you and your requirements. They realize that you were stressed at times and are attempting to relieve some of the pressures from you. Any decent manager would do that for a valued employee.I might be wrong, maybe they can't find anyone else to work your shift? But you'd think that would be easy enough to do in a College town? I'm sticking with the first line.
  10. Sounds like an XSS (Cross Site Scripting) vulnerability. Or something similar.
  11. I'm thinking this topic will only result in warnings and bans to those members that post information about using SQL injections to 'hack' or damage sites. And I really don't want that to happen. Instead of taking this 'destructive' approach, I would like to suggest that the members focus on preventing SQL Injections. Sites are never bomb-proof, but security on the web is a continuum and those sites we consider 'secure' are at one end of the continuum, by using correct and pro-active coding. Surely the members here know some of the better techniques to prevent SQL Injections and other security breaches. Let's hear them. Here is a couple of articles as a starting point: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_site_scripting http://alistapart.com/article/secureyourcode http://alistapart.com/article/secureyourcode2
  12. Most Forums and CMS 's today have a 'word censor' built in to them which gives you a list of un-acceptable words and their replacement values.Phpbb, IBP all have the script. It is done using sub-string replacement. Simple enough to figure out. Perform the replacement before the information id stored in the file or database, about the same time as you do a strip_slashes or html_entity check.
  13. Yes, found it. I re-read the Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy and could not find any discussion about Proxy servers specifically mentioned, BUT, IRC Servers are not allowed and neither are things which are deemed "unlawful", so whether using the Xisto service to by-pass the firewall restrictions is a good question and I will have to suggest that you wait for an Admin to drop-by and answer this question.
  14. What is a phproxy? and how does it work?
  15. Download and use Firefox or Opera with their ad-blockers.or start-up in safe mode and use AVG or Avast to get rid of the malware which is running on your machine.
  16. Looks like you got your wings clipped someplace along the way.Not being 'angelic' enough lately?
  17. A friend installed XP on a 333Mhz machine to see if it would work and sure enough, it took the system, but man, was it slow. You almost needed a calendar to swap pages while connected on the wireless card. LOL. Then we installed Win 98se and now the kids use it.
  18. Maybe I'll suggest to Opaque that this be used in the 'word censor' instead of *bleep*...
  19. Credits for any posting are determined by the quality of the posting. The same applies for Tutuorials.
  20. CONTRIBUTE > The Internet > Website Discussion > Showcaseand there is also a NON-HOSTED sub-forum there also.
  21. sent a PM just now to test... post here to say whether or not it was received.
  22. Hey, we like our Beer... so what, eh? Seriously, though, the situation in Iraq isn't going to go away even if the US pulls out. (Which they can't do until certain conditions are met, according to International Law). So, lets all hope and pray that the conflict gets resolved with as little damage to both sides as possible. Soldiers and children included.
  23. A quick "search" found this Topic: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/41671-making-your-xp-as-internet-web-server/ Also, I'm pretty sure there will be something in the Tutorial section about using your PC as a Server and all the things to check for, etc. Good Luck with it.
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