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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Matak,This has been reported, so sit tight until we can investigate further, please.And thanks for your patience.
  2. Unfortunately, the answer is no. But you are allowed to park or add-on domains. Effectively, add-on domains are like a whole new account if you handle them right. Simply treat them as sub-domains of your main dot com. Sort-of, so they become seperate, yet joined to your account.
  3. Not so sure either place would have me :PBut thanks for the invite anyway...
  4. Just upgraded to Opera 9.1.I don't know how recent this new version is, but man, is it ever quick. I'm liking it.Now if it only had the Firefox Web Developer's Extension... Must be checking on their Widgets and stuff... back later.
  5. and the right hand sidebar is dropped down to the left, as well. Might need to narrow the content container to allow it to float back up. Or reduce the margins?
  6. Bring your interests, I am sure you will find something on these forums to enjoy.A bit of a traveller are you? And where did you study for your Teaching Certificate? South Africa?Nice place, I hear. I have a local Doctor and his family which hails from those parts.And I look forward to your participation on the Forums we love so dearly.
  7. you want something to match this image?
  8. I am using Quicktime for lots of stuff and using iTunes as a music player. Problem I have is getting the Classic Rock and Roll I like. Hard to find 8 tracks converted to mp3's...
  9. I have uploaded a sample html file for a live working demo here. And sorry to disappoint you, but this menu IS a list, just made Horizontal for the Upper level links and Vertical for the sub-level drop_downs.
  10. GHarrison, In future, kindly search the Forum for similar Topics before starting a new one. The search for "windows Vista" had the following results : Results 0 - 25 of about 552. Search took 0.0724 secondsso, as you can see, I will just move this topic to merge in with a similarly-minded one.
  11. Email service such as you describe are often included with your Hosting Service. Each service might offer a certain number of email account to you based on the package you have signed up to. Here at the trap, This service is included with each account once you get Hosted. If I remember correctly, you will receive 99 email accounts on the default account. I might be wrong, though.
  12. This is the first anchor or link tag on your site. It is most likely the source of your difficulties. This is probably what the adsense program is seeing first, so that is forming the image of your site being a Blog, hence the adsense links about blogging. I would change it to something other than "blog" and see if that alters the adsense links. Of course, the change may not be quick, because Google will have to re-index your site before they recognize the change. Try something like : <li class="current_page_item"><a href="http://themusiconly.info/" title="My articles about Music today">Music Notes</a></li>
  13. Fariscript,Yes, your site page is coming up now. Although it does include a pop-up. And not a very smart one because it advertises a Registry Cleaner and I am Browsing with a Mac which doesn't have a Registry...
  14. Down shifting the Motorcycle's transmission could have slowed the motorcycle down to a more manageable speed and saved both of their lives. That is one reason I drive manual shift vehicles. They are safer in this regard. Select a lower range on the transmission and it maintains its speed better. I rarely own an automatic transmission on a vehicle.
  15. I doubt that will happen. Firefox 3 is expected to reach the level of Standards Compliance required to pass the Acid Test 2, which means behaving strongly to the w3c standards and scrollbars enhancements are not in the specifications, so don't be holding your breathe waiting to Firefox to breach those specifications.Just my take on this problem.
  16. jlhaslip


    Does your signature contain a bad link? All I see is "IPB Image". Should there be an image there?
  17. What do you have for meta tags which describes your site?I'm wondering if the decriptive phrases used in the meta tags makes a difference?Page content is supposed to make a difference. Do you mention Blogs or blogging in the meta tags or description?
  18. Iceblade, and others, of course,,, Templates (or skins) are available at this link and also check at this site for other (unsupported) templates. The phpbb (first) link is the official phpbb site, so, I would use it first. They also have a good selection of graphics to use for modding your forum.
  19. Any of the GFX crew working on this one?
  20. delivi, check your site using this link. It will make suggestions about how and where to adjust your site. Often the graphics on a site can be 'optimized' quite alot before they degrade, so check the site using this link and make adjustments accordingly. http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/
  21. When you first enter your account via the cpanel, you are in the "account root" directory which is NOT accessible from the web. Only the public_html folder and sub-folders under it are web accessible. Consequently, place files in the "account root" that you don't want direct access to.Also, DO NOT delete the www folder. It is merely an alias for the public_html folder, so if you delete it, there will be problems. guaranteed. (guess how I know that?)
  22. The short version of mayank's posting is:Traffic generation services are a waste of time and bandwidth.
  23. Approval is not very difficult at all, simply abide by what we call "the rules", avoid receiving any warnings, provide some quality posts and assist others with their problems is a good way to proceed. Essentially, treat others with respect, give as much as you wish to receive and your experiences here will be awesome. As to the quality of service, you won't find many services out there with a full cpanel, fantastico, and the storage and bandwidth available here. Not even paid hosting services provide what the Xisto hosting service does, so continue behaving yourself and anticipate the Hosting when you apply.
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