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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Hey Jimmy, edit your post to remove the link when you drop the file from your availability list, thanks.
  2. there are a bazillion tutorials on the web. even some here at the trap. The Tutorials/lessons at w3schools is good. They feature a try-it board also. And their reference pages are good too. http://www.cssplay.co.uk/ has a good tutorial on Menu building and the examples there are terrific to use a learning, but nothing beats practice, practice, practice. If you want, I will build you a template with lots of classes and div's and you can practice on that???
  3. Maybe you could explain exactly what that site is, what it does and why would I use it. Also, it is in a language other than English, not that I mind, but it might've been good to know before hand.The point is that your original posting could be more complete. if you find this posting, please fix the opening post of the topic. Thanks.
  4. There is a new Feature in the Opera browser, too. Sort of like the Firefox Web Developer Extension, but not exactly the same. Having this feature may attract more 'web developers' into the Opera crowd. I know that I use the FF WDE quite a bit to investigate page details and structure, so now that opera lets me do that, I'll most likely start using it more because it seems to load and render pages quicker. I think it preloads off the link list inside the page you are viewing into cache. Not certain.
  5. I would be tempted to construct 4 'panels' of the desired height and wide, then 'assemble' them where you need to protect the melons or whatever. Set a diagonal brace from panel to the neighbouring panel for stability. Anchor them by tying bricks or blocks to the 'panel' of sufficient weight to avoid the wind thing. Not requiring any 'posts' the Septic system is safe. Spacing the boards far apart will lessen the wind load. Or better yet, use stucco wire instead of boards for the panels. Less wind profile and the wire could also be stretched across the top since deer and critters can jump/climb 9 ft fences easily enough, but the top stucco wire may be effective in keeping them out.Use diagonals lower down as well and the whole thing should be wind/critter proof easily enough. Stucco wire comes in 4 ft wide rolls (I think) so that should be plenty large enough for a melon patch.Another thought would be to make small 'mounds' for each melon plant and not 'cultivate between them like a garden so these portable protective fences can be placed over individual plants and not the entire 15 x 15 area???Just a couple of thoughts.
  6. I'll move this after I have replied.Lots of sites provide Hacks or Mods for phpbb forums. Have you tried any of them?What software version are you using? Where is your code? What have you tried already? Frame sets? I frames? CSS only? lots of stuff you aren't making available here.We need more information.
  7. About time to resurrect this relic and let the newer members have a look at the trials and tribulations Opaque has gone through to bring them this site...
  8. There should be none of the above listed activities here at the Xisto Forums.If you feel you are being un-rightly criticised, or flamed, use the Report button and a Mod will deal with it. That isn't to say that opinions aren't welcomed. Simply support your opinion in the manner of civilised people. Target the content and not the provider. Generate a Debate of the matter at hand is what I am saying. Do not debate the other member's personality, relative newness or their heritage, etc. Maturely discuss the issue as presented and let's keep it civilised. Thanks.
  9. Check your FTP program and see what the settings are. Certain things, and I think images are one of them, must be uploaded in Binary format. This could be an issue you are experiencing. Some FTP packages, like SmartFTP, have an auto setting which determines the correct method of uploading.
  10. At the request of a member, here are some links for instructions for downloading and installing the GIMP Graphics package. This discusses a Windows application. Other versions are available. Follow these links to find the version suitable for your particular installation. GIMP download page here : https://www.gimp.org/downloads/ Select the Windows Binary link : https://www.gimp.org/windows/ Select Automated Installer : https://www.gimp.org/windows/ Select Download Stable version : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Select Download : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Might need to also download the GTK softwares : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Save them on your computer somewhere you can find them. The Desktop works for me. It is a temporary location only. Double click the zip files. Your default extraction program will then unpack and begin the Installation. Follow the screens. I suggest you Install the Default version of everything to begin. There are tutorials available at https://www.gimp.org/tutorials/ and a Manual here : https://docs.gimp.org/en/ Happy Grokking with the Gimp.
  11. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Php has an ini_set function, but it is not effective at run-time for register_globals since the server settings are already declared before the script is run, or some such thing. There is some discussion on that link about settings in .htaccess which might work for you, though.
  12. Here you are, a whole new section about Cascading Style Sheets and some information in that section will improve your HTML coding. The two go hand-in-hand. Everything you learn about one will assist you in using the other to make better Web pages and sites. Cascading Style Sheet Sub-forum
  13. Well, in my most humble experience, *ahem* modesty aside*cough*, you will be better off (long-term) to drop the relationship. Nothing worse then the uncertainty that develops in this situation. You don't know from minute to minute if you are in or out of the relationship, the required trust is gone, one of you starts thinking differently about the whole deal and *stuff* happens. My recommendation, anyway, for what it is worth.
  14. start here http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shohl=random+image in the Tutorial Section
  15. This member of the Trap works in the field of Personal Computer customisation. Send them a PM, or look in their Profile to find their site. Just trying to stay within the Community for support of each other's needs/wants. Why go anywhere else... http://forums.xisto.com/user/32028-plugcomputers/ Please forgive me if I failed to recommend anyone else who may also be capable, but this member came to mind first.
  16. Even without the Race Card, this is indeed a sad state of 'affairs', if you will 'pardon' the pun. ('bail' me out of this one, please) :lol:Teachers are symbols of respect within a community, regardless of race, colour or creed. They should not be falling to this level. Makes me wonder sometimes. If the situation were different, if the teacher was black, or male, and the student white or purple, my opinion would not be any different, but maybe that's just me.Shame, shame. Throw the book at her.
  17. bradrulez1, We prefer full words, sentences and thoughts in this Forum, unlike other spots on the web. And spelling, too. I have edited your posting to reflect what I interpret your request to be. Please read the Xisto readme. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18 And posting Personal Information on this or any other site on the Web is not a recommended policy. Do so at your own risk. Particularly if you are a Minor.
  18. Here is a tip for its use on your site. Using CSS to tell your visitors where they are on your site can be fairly complicated depending on the method you use. The CSS Specifications have defined a "pseudo-class" for the link which currently has 'focus' and another pseudo-class for the 'active' state. They can be used to tell your visitors where their cursor is on the page and you do that be altering the CSS for the link which currently has the focus and those which are being activated. The 'active' state only occurs momentarily while the mouse button is being depressed and released, so you need to look carefully for that condition. Or if you 'drag and drop' the link, it remains in the active state, too, but the greatest use for these pseudo-class attributes is for accessibility. The 'focus' state tells you which link would be delivered to your Browser if you pressed the mouse right now. The ':focus' can be changed by using the tab button to navigate a page. this is a common technique for adding accessibility features to a site. Some users depend on their tab button instead of the mouse for whatever reason. Visit this link to see the use of :active and :focus. View > Source the code to see how simple it is to add to your site. *note* Because these links on the Demo page all point back to itself as the current page, the focus state is retained by the browser. Don't expect that on a live site where you actually change pages. There are other techniques for indicating the 'current' page. Might need to add that as a Tutorial. Soon. And the link back to the Xisto forums is not highlighted by the tab buttom because it is not selected by the "dl a" selector. To have the pseudo states effective for all links on the page, alter the :active and :focus rules deleting the 'dl' preceding the selected states. Or simply add another set of Rules defining the :active and :focus for the balance of the site outside of the 'dl'. The correct order for listing link states on the CSS is a, a:link, a:visited, a:focus; a:hover; a:active, otherwise the various states override one another and won't behave according to the rules you have defined. reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/selector.html%23d-pseudo-classes
  19. using Cable DSL, 12:00 Noon @ GMT -6hrs. Speakeasy gives me:Los Angeles : Download Speed: 2098 kps download, Upload Speed: 517 kbps using Cable DSL. San Francisco : Download Speed: 1060 kbps, Upload Speed: 523 kbps Seattle : Download Speed: 3116 kbps, Upload Speed: 571 kbpsJust posted this info to show you how different Servers can perform differently, ceterus paribus, The Server distance alone doesn't seem to matter. Seattle is the closest to me, Los Angeles the farthest, San Francisco in the middle, but the performance differs not by distance. There are many factors invovled in determining speeds on the Internet. Perhaps there are no other users on my Local network sharing the pipe. Or perhaps, as BH suggests, there are other users on the same leg of our service at the same time sharing the bandwidth ... or the restriction could be any place along the route.
  20. For the purpose of diagnostics, please start a new thread for your code, Imtay. It will be better that way. Sorts out things easier.
  21. Quite frankly, if you can access the Database via phpadmin, then the Servers sure are not down. Check your scripts to confirm the db connection information is valid. Use phpadmin to run a typical Query and if you get results it has to be somewhere in your scripting, I would think. Remove any error suppression from your script, run the script again and report the errors here in this thread, please. As BH keeps reminding people, just because there is a problem, you cannot simply assume the Servers are down. Did you do a status check via the Xisto pull-down menu? Was it red? The Apache server of Iota is normally red, yes, but check the mysql server on Iota. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. Won't work where I live. We don't have municipal Water supply. I have my own well and Septic System. Darn.Funny that they would announce this on April 1st, don't you think? Especially being a Sunday and all.(they get better every year, don't they...)
  23. Welcome, Pinwillie. Have a look around, throw a posting in where ever you would like to contribute.Lots of Coders hanging around. Check out the Tutorial Section, post any questions about your html and CSS in the appropriate section of the Computer > Programming Sub-forum and have fun, what ever you do...
  24. Sheesh, that pretty much covers the whole range of currently supported operating Systems.Is there and end to these Security leaks? Not in the foreseeable future.And who has the time and resources to find the procedures to make these 'holes' appear? They need to get a life outside of the Web.Any indication as to how serious or common this breach is? How many users have an animated cursor by default? or do you simply need to have a spinning hourglass while you are waiting for a download? Those are animated by default.I'm downloading the patch, since every download on the 'net uses that animated cursor.*edit*The download is a full anti-virus software. I didn't install it, so I cannot express an opinion about the package.
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