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Everything posted by mra550

  1. I thought after you purchased a domain name and a hosting into xisto company billing they will send you the account and the google mail information also, please check your inbox and you might miss something, there is also an instruction there on how to log in in that particular thing you are trying to tell us, and also please take a look at the section you posted your article, you post it in the wrong section the right section for this is the help corner or the Xisto corner, thank you
  2. Well Gambling for me is bad yeah.. because It is a sin where you spend your money instead of feeding your family so don't gamble ok? it is a good hobby if there are no money bet xD yes just a past time play but betting money is in other case.I don't know about gambling anyway, I don't even touch or play with cards or even go to casino. Those people who have a lot of money used to go there they didn't know that they are wasting money instead of giving it to charities or orphanage they do waste it in that way
  3. youve got very nice site and have atleast very nice and iformative posts for some reason it is not SEO friendly maybe you must do some optimization, optimize the title of the page also the title of the post, optimize althe the permalink and my suggestion is make it to like this /%category%/%postname%/ so more keywords for your site, you are using a wordpress blogplatform so you can use the All in One SEO plugin where you can edit your post titles and page titles so that it can be SEO friendly your articles are nice so you must do some optimizations so that your articles can be known globally, The Design is xD yeah I really love your template its cute most of all the header part the color combinations are also perfect. Like what I said you only need to optimize it.
  4. your post are kinda long and I love your stories thank you for sharing this to us it will surely help others thatthey must really care for their animals since animals are have their own life's too like us human being and I agree with you that animals are a gift of love.Ive got a Dog and that dog was in my age now yes because when I am a baby that Dog is also a baby we grownup together and I really love to hug that Dog of mine when someone is trying to get her I don't give it xD simply because I just want that Dog to be mine and theres nothing wrong with being selfish right? That Dog became one of my family I love when she lick my face.When she runs over me and bring the frisbee to play fetching xD so childish right?But sadly last year that Dog of mine died in a sickness maybe its because of me not taking care of her too much, because sometimes I am busy at school but my mom said that it wasn't my fault and Dogs growsup faster than a human what I mean is the age because I am thinking of me and my dog had the same age as mine but my mom said that if I am 17 that dog maybe in 34 or something like that because they don't last longer like a human.We are so blessed that our life is more than an animal I hope those who maltreated the animals have the conscience and hope they will do stop eating Dogs xD.
  5. Ok guys this day because of the bad weather or climate change here in the philippines there are a lot of skin allergiesthat goes into the people I think there are 60% of filipino got this allergy because of the change of the climate..you know in this time it should be sunny but we are experiencing a very windy and cold weather then sometimes it will be veryhot, and then cold xD well were gonna die if the weather is like this always changing almost everyday. So Ive got this Pruritis as the doctor said it is a skin allergy that can acquire in weather/air as she said it is so itchy but thank God its not that many. I see alot in the Dermatologist clinic having the same problem as me but OH My God their pruritis was not just simple xD I mean its all over their body maybe they go into the doctor really late (I hope Im not) so the doctor gave me a lotion and a medicine that will help mego to sleep because this itchy skin never let me go to sleep because it is annoying and irritating I want to itch it but I am just controlling myself,The Doctor said that I must not itch it if I can tie my hands then tie it, because she said that pruritis can become a dangerous disease it can cause Dermatitis and mm I forgot the other one? also it can cause kidney failure OH my! I didn't know that this itchy *BLEEP*y skin disease will cause something like that so I am afraid to itch it, Do you guys know any other treatment? I mean self treatment know about this spotty red and itchy skin that I have now? well they are not that many now since I take the lotion that the doctor gave to me. Take care guys hope you won't get something like this
  6. well the demon is friendly? mm I am not going to force you but my friend sky why not try to believe? and give faith in him?you know God is weak if the people doesn't believe in him, if you believe in demons then demons are powerful in your body or soul, they have you.. I mean they owned you, why not owned yourself? and cast that demon out into your spirit? if he is friendly to you maybe it is not a demon, since demons are not friendly anyway.. xD. but not to force you again my friend .... try to have faith
  7. wooo xD this sure is a large topic and I enjoyed reading it, first of all I want to ask something, you don't believe in Christ? mm well, that's why.. anyway this experience was cool xD I mean terrifying and your story makes me afraid of you xD is that Demon still inside of you? well don't eat me kay? aha kidding.. just trust and believe in God my friend
  8. you can see the not spam button I know? and remove it from being a spam message and the next time it message to youit will be directed into your inbox not in the spam box
  9. actually I don't know about bash is it also a programming language? like C++? what are the difference ?
  10. I think this is a very old topic to pick up and the author knows all about the google maps since it was posted on 2008..hope admins will close such old topics like this so that it will never be hooked up again if its ok?
  11. of course facebook is the best and it is owning (EXAGGERATED) yes facebook is the best social networking for meI can use it for business, Games, Traffic source for my blog and more more.. My facebook account can also be use in some websites so it is very flexible imagine having one facebook account in so many different websites like digg or more.facebook also dominating, it dominates all the competent or rival networking sites
  12. Welcome to Xisto enjoy your stay here don't become a spammer like others do and also be active in order for you to earn a lot of mycent and become a mycent millionaire xD aha that's exaggerating sorry however, anyway mycentis the virtual money here in Xisto forum you can use that to buy a domain name or even a host .mycent is the best currency and Xisto is the forums you joined, you will notice it later and you will also inlove into this forums we old members (Im not old member xD) is already inlove because of the service of the Xisto gives to us.All members here are also friendly so if you have many questions inside there just approach us ok? we will help you.
  13. well maybe it is so big thats why it is so difficult and slow, thats the reason I know , I also don't know about FTP servers but I know how to use an FTP it is where I upload my files in a website right? or is there any other use of that thing? its a file transfer protocol? and?
  14. wow xD its soo cute is that a boy? or a girl? what his/her name can I have it? aha I was just kidding.that puppy will surely grow up as a though dog I can see it that he/she is so healthy and thanks for its owner :)hey take care of him/her ok? don't let that puppy get sick treat him/her as your baby.. because animals have feelingstoo, some owners or pet owners maltreated their animals which is bad for the animals
  15. well I choose Ipad xD yeah because I like that one and that released of apple is so awesome with a lot of features in it and the sad thing about this ipad is I can't have it aha yeah that's the worst thing, I want it but I can't have it still no moneybecause I am poor to buy that tech
  16. is it possible to use one domain in two blogs? I know you can only use one blog in one domain name or maybe yes you can by adding some subdomains right? or adding some new folders into your publichtml like blog wherein domain.com/blog/ and the other one is in the root domain which is domain.com, sorry my friend I also don't know about this one you are talking about
  17. ohh thank you mr. opaque Ill go see it later but the last time I check it its not free as in its not clickable
  18. wow so thats how it is I never knew that you can raise up that GHZ thing using that technique all I know is to buy a new processor to speed it up,
  19. well I don't know about this game xD really, so let me check this one... well I am so late aha its ok just let me see this game if it will past my taste and gaming
  20. there are a lot of asp.net files or codes you can get in different websites or forums just try to google it and I am here replying in your post to share you this one maybe it will help you get a code for your final project try to look at it http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ To the mods please edit my post if sharing link is prohibited thank you so much . and for the author good luck and God Blessed to you my friend
  21. maybe you set up a wrong keyboard ? theres a lot of keyboard, north american keyboard, korean keyboard, japanese...maybe you choose the wrong keyboard settings in your OS installation maybe try to reinstall your OS or if I am wrong it is in your PC or you have an outdated driver, try to check it out
  22. waaa can that be made? wow I didn't know that you can do that... can that trick be applied in a laptop? or in desktop only? how did you did it? that sure is fast you make a 2ghz into 4ghz processor mm, you overspeed? why not roll it back?
  23. wow everybody loves deadman7's signature I also do loved it and just a question mr.deadman how did you do that supernova is that what they call it? maybe you can teach us to do that effect for some extra knowledge thank you :)and you will surely win aha no doubtthe sig of mr. truefusion is also nice I am wondering how did he do that dashed border? did you use marquee square tool and stroke it? and use eraser to erase some and make it like that? teach me how please? and also the effect, I can imagine a ball of aura?
  24. I am a well balance libra xD yes thats my astrological sign, anyway thanks for anwii for sharing those descriptions of every astrological signs you guys believe in horscope? no? aha well I am not believing in that thing, I only believe in God and his missions for me to do.
  25. just a question ok? what do you mean by over clocked? sorry does it do somthing about the computer clock? or maybe you mean cloak? I am not a geek in computer sorry what does it mean? I want to learn more terms thank you if you wouldn't mind to tell me what
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