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Everything posted by mra550

  1. mra550

    Hi Hi

    hey to you two welcome here at Xisto hope you will enjoy your stay here if you have any questions just approach us okaY?
  2. Hello everyone good day Hope this is the section for my thread ok Ill not make it long or complicated so that otherscan understand my query very easy,I want to point my blogger.com blog to a xisto domain name that I purchase I mean removing the .blogspot.comand make it a .com domain and the .com domain is purchased in xisto using my mycent my question is, Is there a way thatI can point my blogger to the domain name I purchased at xisto? because blogger says that I must create a cname record but I can't see the Cname record option in Xisto - Support billing, all I can see is nameservers. please tell me if there is a way and thank you Godbless.
  3. lol you can't change that into something like abc.com since you are the localhost and the thing is abc.com was already taken by someone, maybe you must buy a domain name and update your nameservers
  4. I think a man will stop growing on its 21, xD thats what they said but yes its true that you can be tall with eating some nutritious foods like protein rich food and doing exercise and the best thing to be tall is sleeping xD, also stand straight will help you to be tall, good luck then
  5. keep your computer fresh everyday and be sure to check game requirements and don't follow it, I mean do more so that you can experience more, fast and reliable gaming, a gaming computer must have a high ram, processor and a display card and updated driver, windows will make itself slow but you can get rid of this by keeping it fresh. regularly disk cleanup and run anti-virus daily to check if there are some virus also get a temp cleaner so that it cleans all the temporary files that you don'tneed anymore.
  6. I'll go for the real instruments , well it is real and tangible I mean its better to practice and play in a real instrument than in the virtual instruments, simply because you can feel it more so you can do it more better,and the real instruments have the full functions not like the virtual instruments
  7. @nameless render is the one you are placing in your sig, your render is the guy jumping...I want to vote all of them xD since they are all nice except in my sig aha sorry Im not a game renderer also
  8. well a new car? I want to have a sports car like a viper xD or a red cherry ferrari well I am not that Good and don't have muchknowledge in terms of cars but I like those cool cars
  9. wow so many great entries the event will end soon xD Im so excited for the result
  10. Hello welcome to Xisto I am also from the Philippines please follow what will I say for you to earn mycent what is mycent? Mycent is an cyber currency in this forum that you can use to buy a Domain and a host How can I earn mycent? You can earn mycent by posting topics in this forums the better the quality the topic you made the more mycent you get also by replying to other topics. before you can start earning mycent you must first link your Xisto account to xisto billing support. How can you activate it? just into this website https://support.xisto.com/ sign up there using the same email you used here in Xisto it will not link fast, but it will link ASAP maybe 4 hours but you can start posting and it will be credited when your xisto billing and Xisto is linked together. anyway if you have more questions don't be hesitant to approach us ok?
  11. well the very first thing I take and the most important for me is vitamin C and then milk xD yeah milk because it hasa compilation of the nutrients and vitamins that I need in everyday leaving
  12. oopps maybe I can still join right? xD sorry for the late entry I just saw this contest today and did a signature I am that good in photoshop and you guys make better . Well theres nothing to lose if try to join here's mine not that good xD sorry as I sain Im still a beginner in photoshop hope you like it guys
  13. writing, using it, reading and more those are the techniques in learning and improving your english communication skills,don't worry if you do failed in grammar or took the correct term for it because one must learn from his/her own mistake.There are also English tutorial websites that makes learning english fun its the latest now a days, playing with learning
  14. why not? they are still person made by God even though they do a sin because of changing their real gender well its ok :)they are only person who commit mistakes, me also commits mistake not sometimes but often, because I am not a God,Im not perfect, Im a person. So why not give rights to them if they really deserve it? They also have feelings and heart
  15. Ok I like the render, it is cool, I also do like a little bit the background its in over bright sorry xD I have a differenttaste and maybe adding some glossy effect into it, and the text? mmmm did you rush that and put only wind into it?well thats the worst for me, maybe if you change the opacity of it a little bit, maybe it will look good a little ,but its a nice sig although
  16. isnt this a javascript? or just really a flash? wow its like mouseover but not kinda, I don't know how to do this onehope a gfx artist can teach us
  17. yeah! and they are really cute but they are annoying you know? aha we have 3 and when it is in the middle of the night :Dthey will keep on barking until your ears %1$%@ , well its a good thing to have an animals in the house,but be sure to take care of them carefully and give time, don't just buy and leave them ok?
  18. I got the plugin for the upgrade but it seems not working I can't activate it and says some error, I don't know what theproblem is if its me or the server
  19. Can I upgrade it online? mm let me try your suggestion thank you so much hope it will work, I tried so many fixes and still cant make it run
  20. Hello Good day and bad day for me I got my host and new domain today wow its nice and I am happy in the first place then I will install wordpress in it so I go to my cpanel and look for fantastico deluxe and I saw that the wordpress version of fantastico is 2.5 so it is outdated then I saw Softaculous so tried opening this one also and when I am trying to install the wordpress it says that the software needs a higher version and it said that I must report this to provider, so I didnt be able to install it again, I decided to manually upload it then I go to wordpress site and download the version 2.9.1 the new version of wordpress and then after downloading this one I check my domain name and I see some error like this one Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/pinoyblo/public_html/wp-includes/classes.php in line .... so I didn't be able to install it I google some solution and some said that I must reupload and some said that there is a missing } in the classes.php file I do reupload, redownload and then I also do editing the classes.php and add a } but when I am done still I am having that trouble so I decided to look for older versions and it might work properly, I downloaded 2.8 versions and do delete the wordpress 2.9 in using my filezilla ftp and after uploading it I got another error like this Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/pinoyblo/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php in line ... ok this time it is the functions.php is the problem so I try to look the 2.7 version of wordpress and downloaded it I try getting the functions.php file on that version and when I overwrite the file and check for my site yes it is ok it setup the wp_config.php and when done typing my database name, password, and host, I click proceed and start wordpress install and when I do start it it only appears a white blank page I tried refreshing and changing browser but not work so I tried uploading the whole 2.7 version in my host when its done I again got an error this Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/pinoyblo/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2089 please help me guys I want to install it perfectly and it seems that I cant, but when I am trying to run the wordpress using my wamp or xampp it is working, I don't know what is the problem if the Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting or the wordpress scripts hope you can help me in this matter and hope the managements will resolve the issue regarding the softaculous so that I can easily install it in one click thank you
  21. wow hey congratulations that sure is fun and hows it feel mr.buffalo? isn't it nice huh? ehewell good luck in your uncle career
  22. Yes absolutely true we must live our life to the fullest without having any regrets, we must do everything we want to do and say all the words that we want to say, explore the risk and take it as it will teach a good lesson for us, A life of a man nowadays seems so fast unlike in the past in the time of our forefathers, and you guys have a lot of experience I think xD because my teacher said that the more the experience had the more things and words it can say or share, you guys above me sure are heavy posters, your posts are a huge anyway sorry for the offtopic
  23. wow you are reach enough to buy an alienware computer lol xD will gift us? aha if you will develop something well be itdo the things you want and buy the things you since it is your money, I only have bad and low specs computers so I can't give you a suggestion anyway what computer type? desktop or notebook?
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