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Everything posted by mra550

  1. A nice topic finally well if I were in that situation I'll go spend my life withe the ones I love I want to go anywhere I want,do the things that will make me happy, eat everything I want to it and say all the things that I want to say especially all of my secrets since I was dying anyway so its no use to hide more secrets to the people I love, I don't want to think that I amdying, I want to think that I am happy and I do the things that I want even if I will die at least I am happy, and satisfied.My greatest fear is to live alone and to be alone, I want to die alone and solve my problems being alone, becausethere is no man with an island (I am wrong with the terms I think), so that is my answer into your question
  2. theres a free trial in their website but only to those people who are living in US and CAN as always xD mmmwell another new great technology and you can talk to someone even if its countries away much in you,its like he/she is in your side hope I can have this one
  3. my laptop is a neo but I am not satisfied with it and if you will ask me what is the best laptop brand for meI will answer MAC/Apple, yes because it is the developers laptop and I want to become a developer*Developer like movie editor, gfx artist, software, website designer and coder, because mac laptops has a lotand good specs and fast for me I dont know if you guys dont agree to me its ok for me it is the bestother laptops only have a ram capacity of 2GB and I think as I read in some laptop store theres a Mac with 8GB of ram and I was shocked because Im a noob in computers and I only knew that computers have only a ram of 4GB xDnoobish right?
  4. hey why not keep them all? cats are sweet we have a lot of cats in our house because my mom love to we have I think?? mmm maybe they are 20+? yeah its not yet enough xD and my mom do blogs about them and they are absolutely cute so why not keep them all? it is also the best reason why rats are afraid to build a house in our home aha,
  5. your blog is nice but its not yet fully optimize for search engines, the article and the template is good I like your logo and maybe you must apply some seo techniques like changing your permalink because I see that it is set to the default permalink which is domain.com/?p=xxx like that you must change it too /%category%/%postname%/ thats the best permalink structure for me
  6. mra550

    Hi! :d

    yes it will be credited so you can start posting now creating good topics and replying to post is a good way to earn mycents here also the good the quality and the longer the replies and the topics youve created the more mycent so try to make it longer
  7. ok first of all you double post and I think thats against the rules but you are still a newbie maybe its ok xDyou can really make money online in some different ways there are so many ways but 80% are not genuine or scamyou can make money thru PTC sites where you can click an ads everyday and you earn .01 - .20 dollars per clickthere are also Paid to read emails which I think are scam because never tried it once in my life xD as the title says you willget paid to read emails from advertisers, There is also called paid to take survey you get paid by sharing your opinions to themI saw some genuine but some are scam, you can also earn online by ecommerce I mean buy and selling products it is the latest today because online world has billions maybe? of users, there is also called blogging where you can earn from advertisers and sponsors into your blog but this will take a hard of work when it is in the start because you will start with a scratch and beingunpopular so you must to be a hard writer and blogger.I think there are so much way to earn money online just don't know more about them sorryohh btw I forgot to say affiliate, being an affiliate is one to earn money online you will promote and sellssomeones product online and you earn some commisions
  8. mra550

    Hi! :d

    hello welcome to Xisto.com family here we are one family and you can ask questions from us so don't get hesitant ok? first thing you must do now is to linked your account to xisto billing support which is here https://support.xisto.com/ you must use the email address you used to sign up in here so that Itll be link ok? you can start earning mycent even if its not link yet and it will be credited when it link so you can do post to topics and even create a new thread, ok sorry about mycent XD mycent is a virtual or online money here in the forum we use this to buy a free domain and a host great xisto right? every 100mycent you get $1, you can earn more mycent if you became more active in this forum so be it ok?
  9. Yes I know that there are countries would help not only france, great britain but also countries from asiaif... Obama will accept our help as you said GW bush didn't accept the help, we all know that US is powerful todayand rich and other countries are poor even our countries is poor we can help by the terms of rescue operation not that much in support and america I think can handle it all US wants to show the world that they are strong andcan handle all tragidies well thats a good attitude somehow but accepting the help of others would be much better
  10. hello welcome to Xisto keep posting and be active so that you can get much mycent just don't do spam becauseI do it and I warned so dont do it kay? anyway if you have more queries don't be hesitant to ask us,looking forward for your threads and topics
  11. introduction? introduction of yourself? or introduction into your product? well aha nice huh I see many newbie like that whowill just advertise something and then leave it, mm aren't you guys get annoyed? I don't think it is a spam bot since the registration of the forum is secured mmm lets see
  12. the Good and easyway for you to advertise your website is list it to 10000 directories and join to 10000 forums and makea sig with A href html tag into it and the best thing is make use of search engine xD I mean optimize it well and apply someor maybe as many as you can seo technique search engine power rules also you can use some social networking sites andsocial bookmarking also join in a chatroom for webmasters make friends with them and then let them go into yourwebsite when you are that friendly 100% guaranteed they will come back again and again into your website btw also writegood articles
  13. wow so the hand has its own life and free to do what the hands want xD well this is so bad imagine your hand will move anddo things even if you didn't want it and control it? what if it do some bad things? xD hands at lose
  14. how can I know if port 80 is being used by another program? because I don't know how and it says it works when I type "LOCALHOST" or "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; and its fine but when I do try to put my Ip address I can't access it I think the apacheis running because it says to the control panel of the xampp that it is running I am sorry about this I am a tech noob :)hope you can help me figure it out
  15. hey soviet nice demo bla xD and for the author, the code is so big and long but yes it works thanks for this one I can use this in some of my projects in school aha thanks again hope you create more styles in text using a js
  16. sir truefusion here is an example of their similar teachings although the use different way to say it and words to express it and let others understand it, look carefully and you will see and understand they have the same meaning I know one similarity of teaching doesn't mean that Christ do learn from buddhist teachings, and I am still not convince there are a lot of teachings like that in google you can also search in the buddhist sultra and teachings to know if its true
  17. well youve got the feeling ive got when I first search about it Im finding more things to solve this issue about Christ and Buddha because sometimes priest cannot give the correct information we want to know or sometimes they hide a secret too many secrets and wondering about it, why not reveal it? I am sure the bible is not yet completed as of know in the news there are still new scripts and scrolls they found
  18. when reading many articles about their similarities and teachings I also have many questions in my mind and thats the question well maybe Buddha is really a great teacher into his deciples and really obtained the enlightenment but somehow I am still not convince about Jesus being a Buddhist well maybe if there are proofs that can convinced me why not.
  19. I do agree to you xD I also laugh at them after seeing the video of that newly created Sex Robot its a wtf. They spend money just for that? well only sex maniac will going to buy this Robot aha those who can't have a sex partner aha most likely
  20. Since I am bored and I don't know what to post now I am going to share a story about me so that you guyscan make things clear for meRecently Ive got a friend from china come here in Philippines and he is a member of the religion budhist,he do shares something about budhism and the sultra (I am a Christian) well I do listen to him since heis so friendly to me and not hitting christians (not like anti-christ religion) as the conversation continues hedidn't metion Christ or our God so I didn't get offended. He shares more and more lessons and I found that some lessonsof Budha are most likely the same with the teaching of christ? I have so many doubts now can someone correct me?did Jesus Christ Became a Buddhist in his time? or lean a few lesson from it? I also research the google and somearticles say that there are some missing books in the bible.
  21. its a cause of stress and uncleared mind try to meditate if you are getting that problem and can't get sleep mm maybe you can also try the sound meditation you can search some in youtube it will refresh your mind so that you can sleep tight btw if it doesn't affect you try to use sleeping pills xD kidding
  22. I didn't experience the rich text editor yet but the chatbox problem yes I do and its annoying thats why I am using chrome here in Xisto but have another bug also, is it the browser we have? or just the shout script itself? the firefox new themes personas is great as well xD yeah I saw some
  23. wow another hooked up topic from 2004 xD mmm well I will also reply here since no one is doing or creating a new topic :Dsorry for the offtopic ok from the topic, I do slept 8 -9 hours because I do follow a health chart and my age is 17 and it saysthat I must sleep 8-9 hours a day not bad for me anyway much sleep is better than lack of sleep (I wish not to got bad dreams). Sleeping is one way of overcoming stress as myself do it when i am tired
  24. Teeth grinding is clinically referred to as bruxism. Simply defined, it is the act of consciously or unconsciously clenching your teeth either during the day or while you sleep. Bruxism is considered both a medical and a dental problem. This is because it affects both the teeth and all of the structure near it, including the head. Teeth grinding usually happens during sleep. Teeth grinding is as common as snoring. However, unlike snoring, teeth grinding sounds are a little on the low side, although it can be as bothersome as well. Doctors believe that it is because of stress. Dentists say that it happens because one's teeth are not properly aligned with each other. There are quite a few reasons why people grind their teeth. To know more about teeth grinding causes, read this article.. Treatment is go to the dentist and don't let this teeth grinding become more serius I mean more complicated
  25. ok first of all this is again a hooked up topic xD its way back from 2008 and still alive wow? so you have a problem actually its a common problem it is called Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep.Breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes. They often occur 5 to 30 times or more an hour. Typically, normal breathing then starts again, sometimes with a loud snort or choking sound.Sleep apnea usually is a chronic (ongoing) condition that disrupts your sleep 3 or more nights each week. You often move out of deep sleep and into light sleep when your breathing pauses or becomes shallow.This results in poor sleep quality that makes you tired during the day. Sleep apnea is one of the leading causes of excessive daytime sleepiness. Doctors usually can't detect the condition during routine office visits. Also, there are no blood tests for the condition.TreatmentsLifestyle changes, mouthpieces, surgery, and/or breathing devices can successfully treat sleep apnea in many people.
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