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Everything posted by mra550

  1. bad thing if those buttons affects SEO I agree to nameless and your post are heavy XD youvegot a lot to say how come you can do that? ooh sorry I was off topic lets go back in the topicyes many botters will create a bot to make a gmail accounts and use this buttons to affect their seo rankgoogle is a smart company so XD yeah they are really smart no one even knows until now their Search Algorithmsbecause they keep it as secrets, im wondering about their workers/employee so if you work for googleyou will learn that? and make a tons of high PR site amazing
  2. wow so every year Xisto conducted an award like this? its fun and make members awake congratulationsto all the winners hey do some blowout XD especially ash-bash for conquering all the awards
  3. another new geek welcome here in our Xisto family and enjoy chatting and sharing your thoughts with uslooking forward for your tutorials about PDF hope you can share some and thank you for that if youwill don't be hesitant to ask questions from us we are always here to support since all members here are titled asfriendly I am also a new member here like you so I must become friendly to be so called Friendly Xisto member XD
  4. you good work and neatly done but maybe you can try adding some more lights to your render I mean a glossy effect?is that the right term when you duplicate a render and the duplicated one you will use gausian blur and turn its blend mode tooverlay? I don't know the term sorry XD
  5. mra550


    hello too welcome to Xisto family hope you enjoy your stay here chatting with us and sharing some of your thoughts and Ideas and if you were here for a host and a domain well we are the same good luck for us and lets become more active to achieve our goals ok?your mycent is already fine so I don't have something to say and to tell to all I will say is WELCOME
  6. @evil technologies are getting smaller every single day I wonder why people do that thing? well maybe because theywant to save more space? and small is cool XD well too small is bad for me because its hard to use.. I remember a newscovering the world smallest book aha
  7. So I am write with my explanation regarding this small icons ? XD its only a guess i didn't know it was for thatand you are right its nice to see our website/blog in top of searches XD but its only in our account how we wish to build a SEO friendly top ranked site
  8. yes definitely we are not blaming MS because atleast they develop the popular windows OS we like thatand most people like that also their Visual Basic and ASP and their office tools those tools/software are very useful for us today what we don't like is the Performance of their Web browser which is the IE the problem with microsoft is we need to get an anti virus yes another money to spend and another risk since not all antivirus software are safe and certified by MS
  9. wow your a web designer? I want to do design websites too but currently im not that good in CSS I only know HTML a little bit but not that good in it. your story is nice XD and funny searching who is go daddy ahaha your silly XD youve got me there huh?
  10. wow shadowx you sure a great tech geek XD you know so much about this also the sound of the BIOS maybe you are a computer technician? sorry for my off topic anyway good luck author on repairing your laptop hope it will work soon so you can use it again try everything we suggest here maybe you can get that to work
  11. yes you are right with that and I agree that some websites and applications can only be run in internet explorer but not in other web browser well I don't know why Developers not making it universal and choosing internet explorer as their standards but there are some good browsers than it and Internet Explorer sometimes didn't correctly display a webpage for some reasons but if you will go check with other browsers its fine so sometimes I don't know what is the problem if is it IE or my html XD and also loading websites with some errors where in firefox, chrome, opera doesnt have any errors
  12. can you try hitting Fn+F6 immediately? this is the one I do when I have the same problem as yours yes I knew what you feelits annoying if this didn't work maybe its a hardware problem and you must go to the nearest service centerand let them do the work or maybe try to Unplug the power, remove the battery and then hold the power button for 30 to 60 seconds. Then reattach the power and attempt a boot. Just shutdown, put the battery back in you're good to go.
  13. maybe you typed a wrong domain ? or the DNS is not pointing into your host or maybe you didn't not yet registered this site to co.cc because it only shows the co.cc ads and it shows that it is available so anyone can get it if you didn't move these domain may get by someone if you really want this domain name XD
  14. Im thinking the same thing as you XD yes true they are liars and don't give the best service in their products they always release risky softwares w/c is vulnerable to virus and they don't damn even care about this and let other anti virus company to do the job so more money to expense thats so bad of them as I knew Bill Gates got a case regarding the release of the Microsoft when they saw that he includes IE into the OS which is not included for an OS that time you can't use any browser but only IE Im so happy that we have more browsers today that is better than IE.
  15. yes you are right there are some pros and cons about this flying cars thing XD the pros is less traffic, less lang incident, people only can walk freely on ground, more space on ground and the cons ofcourse all things have cons, air incidents yeah all I can see is the air incidents only
  16. hey thank you for sharing this one I didn't know that there is a new version of FireFox so excited to tryand and see whats new about this update. about the Persona thing is that a good theme? well maybe I must golook for my self because we have different taste at designs at all XD.
  17. I don't really know if there is a Demo from this one XD anyway its more likely GTA im not saying its look like but more likely because like in GTA you get missions, cars, guns and even rebellion to government
  18. its costly because it is popular from being small and light and remember it has a record on guinese XD so bad aha maybe it has some features and you know people are collectives, they want to collect so many things but they won't use it its for the sake of collection . Imagining that this one will get a full keyboard/keypad like in a real size Mobile Phone I don't think it will fit into it and if it is XD wow so small keypads maybe you will use a thin stick to hit it
  19. yeah you are right I am new but I feel like the forum is dieing and only saw a few old membersall are new members like me.I also saw that if I am not mistaken it is the up arrow image and down arrow image isn't?when you click the up button into one result that result will go up and when you click the down it will go down?when you hit the X the result will be deleted? right? is it?well I think the use of this one is to record what is the best result for you so the next time yougo and search for it the one you turn up and down or even X is recordedthe one you X will not show anymore in your search and the one you up is going to always beat the first place of your search but its only in your account if you try to search in different IP and computerthat result will not be the same as what you up,down,X The first time I saw this one I thought it will make my blog in the first page XD well maybe im wrong
  20. yeah I agree its the best way to surf my internet works faster in google chrome than in my Firefox. Firefox is best on add ons but sometimes laggy and slow so I also recommend google chrome safe and fast, and back to topic.. I didn't know that IE 8 is also vulnerable? XD
  21. your also right there are a lot of keywords and rich contents in that section and opaque don't want to lose those thing for visitors purpose since that section is all about requesting a host and a domain because many end users today use to find free hostin and domain like me I just search on google because many of us wants free right? (like me) well maybe that opaque is good in SEO and knows what to do mmm
  22. its not a book xD well I don't know if an Ebook is a book after all sorry not too techny.. ok the last book I read I mean Ebook is "31 days to build a better blog" from problogger I didn't buy this Ebook my friend did just share it to me and I finish reading it but I am going to read it again when I have my own blog in this time i Don't have yet so I must post more so that I can get more mycents
  23. yeah I agree with you massive broken links will put this forum to destruction in Search Engines so better not to close it or remove it for safety purpose however maybe you can do put some privilege or rule where you only pick who can access that section?
  24. yes it is a 3D game for PC and the intro of this game has a lot of controversy because of its sexual intro which is not suitable for kids the story of this game is set during World War II and the game was develop by Pandemic Studios (its one of big game production). The main character here is an Irish man named Sean Devlin a racer in Paris and in that time the German Armies grip over the country is gettin tighter everyday and he and his friends ignores it they don't have rule XD , until one day his friends are killed so he will do some revenge here . Its a full action game maybe you must try it go buy and try for it
  25. ohh yeah im sorry about not giving credits to where I originally read this news ill edit it sorry about that the problem is I can't edit the post and can see the edit image i got the news from here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ again sorry if i forgot to put the source of my quoted tags when I notice it I cant edit it
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