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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. Google doesn't pay attention to them anymore. Some other search engines still crawl for them . (for example, cuil, quintura etc etc). I yet to see any good posts from Aron wall or matt cuts about meta tags importance in new SE update (Google & Bing).
    If you're using wordpress then i suggest using these plugins:

    Headspace 2
    All in one SEO

    And then do the tweaks that are necessary for your wordpress setup. These two plugins are enough for most of the SEO tweaks.

    Thats what I am talking about -- the Major search engines don't pay attention about them.. and more than 99% of the traffic is from them. I am also using HeadSpace 2 SEO on Wordpress and the meta keywords don't appear on the page source, no matter what i do.

  2. I am kind of in a Limbo state right now, I am currently doing "SEO" optimization on my site and came across some Plugins to do them for me (Headspace 2, All in Seo,etc.). Then i found out that the Theme i made doesn't support Meta "Keywords", only Descriptions and Titles. I messed around with them and tried different codes but NONE of them seem to work.


    After that, I searched the web to see if they were that important and if they weren't that i could just skip them. I came across some blogs that said that they were "essential" and others who said the search engines don't look at them anymore (google,bing,yahoo,etc.) and that only small Search engines do that nowadays.


    So, i wanted to know if they were that "important" or not.... Whats your opinion?




    If they aren't : Skip them and work on other seo important stuff


    If they are : Spend my every living hour trying to make them work.


    Details : I use Wordpress 2.9.2 and my own theme that coded 100%... okay -- i learn them from WD's site :) And I WON'T SWITCH MY PLUGIN -- it has other SEO stuff that others don't offer.

  3. There is no way of changing the name of your account -- the easiest way to do this would be to "tweet" that you are changing your account and tell your followers to follow on your new account. Thats the way I would do it. Just use your name whatever name you think of... even makeup one like "TheBikeGuy" or "Shitmydadsays" which aren't the person's name but something about their life -- you have WAY more chance of getting more followers if you do this :D

  4. I don't know what you are talking about, your site is already ON google. You can check by searching "site:freersguides.com" on Google. It shows up there but its only the homepage and it doesn't seem to have ANY meta data. You need to add meta keywords, descriptions, title tags and optimize it for your keywords to rank higher.

    The more SEO-friendly your site is, the higher your SERPs will be -- which basically means that when people type the keywords of your site, for example "free runespace guides", the more SERPs you have, the higher the page of the search your site will be. Also, get a Google XML Sitemap for your site and submit it to Google, this will help get ALL your webpages on your site indexed and ranked.

    If you have doubts on the SEO part, you can ask our member Anwiii, he is the SEO legend here :D

  5. Most of the users here are getting 2$ mycents no matter how lengthy or short they post. Plus it's general observation that you can check that only number of posts are checked here and that shows it's manual update. Why will new mycent will reward less for longer posts if it's running right now (or working as most of people are saying)?

    The code isn't finished or it isn't working properly -- thats why. Someone is probably just added some myCents to users based on how much posts they did... i don't even think the script is running. I'm really disappointed -- almost 1/3 of year now and the myCents STILL HAVEN'T BEEN WORKING NORMALLY! There just doesn't seem to be updates on what is happening too. People just don't care.

  6. that's like me saying blacks will have it easy finding their way in heaven if it's true people find god in jail. because when you look at the percentage of blacks in american compared to whites and compare the percentages of whites and blacks in jail, you'll notice an imbalance. but see....again....if i were to state that, i would only be showing my own ignorance. i just used those statistics as an example of how people can be so blinded by the truth.

    There IS an imbalance because most black are poor -- at least the ones that live in the ghettos and stuff, and they want to have some "protection" or just want have enough money to go to school -- that's why there is an imbalance... there is still a kinda "difference" between black and white people in America and you can't deny that either. I know a African-American guy who robbed a 7-11 just so he can pay his family rent -- he had 3 sisters and 2 brothers... he was caught, of course, but he says that he doesn't regret it.

    also, you claimed in anothe thread that you haven't even traveled out of the south or even past the borders of your own state. how much can you really possibly know first hand about things unless you believe in everything you hear or read? i have been to africa btw. they don't seem to be hurting or "poor" unless by their own choices. they have universities there and they have places where the small schools would be lucky enough to have enough pencils to go around and who live in mud huts and caverns they built themselves. your statistics may be correct. i don't know, but when i went to kenya and tansania, if those two countries are 70% white owned, it was SURELY not shown in the polulation. believe me. blacks are the majority as far as population. that was clearly shown. in fact, white people were scarce or they were hiding somewhere where i surely didn't see the abundance.

    Ya, I HATE people who characterize Africa based on what they saw on 'Blood Diamond' and 'Hotel Rwanda' other movies... it isn't even showing the GREATER part of the community -- of Africa. It focuses only the corruption and war. All African general people aren't eVil freaks... the army people aren't plagued by corruption anymore... they want a better life and better government like the citizens -- the army are the citizens.

    i know maybe three weeks in two countries isn't much time to know exactly what goes on, but i do know that coutnries like give GREAT credit for their gains through tourism. something you failed to mention in your statistics because your thinking is not balanced. and why is it that when i went there and would get personal with the locals, they actually claim to love whites? i know the answer to that as to why. do you? i wont answer right now only because i see it pointless to make this topic in to some sort of racial argeument about who is getting in to heaven easier. also, i am smart enough to know that problems aren't due to any ONE thing.

    True, white people and other race people have done a great deal in making Africa a better place... they don't show any of that, only how the white man robs the wealth of the black slave.

  7. good work rvalkass, i hate vista too :P thanks for changing it, and i really loved that KS you added instead of START in windows :) .


    he didn't add 'KS' thats just a K and its part of the theme. :D at least i think so... i could be wrong :P


    major appointment guys, turns out that the 'game' was actually just a billboard inside another game... specially the Santa CLAUS Christmas edition of the widely popular 'PROTOTYPE' game. I spend a huge hour doing this lol....


    I wanna play both games XD




    Posted Image

  8. my question was can i get it using my cent feature ?is it possible ?
    I want a urban Terror Server or a compete shell access to it

    After you get enough myCENTS, go to Xisto - Support.com/billing and apply for hosting. It will credit the money from your myCents and if you want SHELL access to your server, it costs like $3 more, which you can get by clicking the (CHECK) on your hosting package order page.

  9. wheew! I'm done with Mahesh2k's Signature Request. This is the 2nd signature request done. It was completed in approx. almost less than 2 days... :) And here it is Mahesh -


    Posted Image

    If you feel that it should be edited -- just tell me and I will fix it if you have any problems. I just wrote "mahesh" instead of adding the 2k... If thats okay with you. The white things on the background are the 'leafs' from Byakuya's Special Attack called 'senbonzakura' which are mixed with autumn colors and leafs. I tried to keep it colorful and not dark because the theme was autumn.


    Current Queue -


    1. Magnafrost - (DONE)

    2. Mahesh2k - (pending - done)

    3. Web_designer - (have to start tomorrow)

  10. cool deadmad ;) good one, i really like it. you are doing better day by day. i hope magnafrost will like it, and i hope you good luck in your summer school.

    now all that enthusiastic me, i am really wondering if i asked you to make me a one, how it gonna looks like??
    so, i will say "I want Deadmad's Recommendation signature cuz hes cool!" ;)

    i trust you creative eye deadmad, so let's see what it gonna bring up this time about me :) .

    Oh thanks! I just got back from the exam and I got about 44 1/2 outta 50, pretty good! Just made it into a A- ;) Thanks for the request! I'll start making them by tomorrow, I'm really tired today -- I've been up until 1 AM and waking up at 5:30 AM every day for the past weak to study... so its chill time now B)

    Wow. Its brilliant ! Thanks a lot dm ..

    Glad you like it! I'm assuming that you like this -- so I'm gonna close your request and make it into 'DONE', if you want something changed, I'll be glad to do it! :lol:

    And btw, where do i add wisdom flags for someone ? :)

    I talked about it here and if its for me... thanks! :D

  11. I just completed Magnafrost's Request. This is the 1st request that I have completed, took less than 15 hours since the time of request.


    Posted Image

    The best Warrior Dragon that I know of is the Prince of Persia, I hope you like it Magnafrost! Thank you and come again!


    @mahesh2k - im going to start on your signature day after tomorrow -- sorry about that, I have to attend a summer school exam tomorrow, then I'll be free forever! *until school begins*


    If any of you feel like you might want to a new signature, now is the time :)


    Signature Shop Queue -


    1. Magnafrost (done - pending)

    2. Mahesh2k (unknown)

  12. Wow !!! I am the first! :) Please make me a signature deadmad ! It would be great if I could use a part of it as avatar too. And for the most part, I choose the "I want Deadmad's Recommendation signature cuz hes cool!" way :) But I think I would like a signature displayin some kind of power! The way a warrior, or a dragon would! Thanks a ton in advance dm !!

    That's alright -- I could crop some part of the sig to create the avatar. So, a powerful dragon warrior sig coming right up!

    And you forgot to mention if you want a text or not... Should it say magnafrost or something?

  13. Sorry for the post...ya.. I love it when it's raining hard and I 'm cuddied in my bed...

    You just broke the rules again... you were supposed to comment on MINE and then say yours, last warning. <_< I am going to start without commenting on yours because I have already done it.

    I love it when... I search for my dog for frantic minutes and then find out that he is sleeping under the bed :D

  14. The long awaited (i wish) "DM's Signature Request Shop" is now opened! I would take any requests which are posted here by Members which are within the rules and is posting when the topic is [OPEN]. Your signature request would be ignored if you post when its [CLOSED].
    which follows -

    The rules for request are sightly different than the forums... so follow my rules which are as follows -


    In this Signature package, the user specifys which kind of signature he/she wants and I follow to my best ability. This is the code which you must post if you want Package 1.

    Size: anything you likeTheme: anything you likeRender: YES or NORender Theme: Comic, games, etc.Text: Yes? No? What do you want it to say?

    "DeadMad's Recommendation'

    In this signature package, I take what I know about you -- as a person/user and try to create a signature about it... Just say something like this -

    I want Deadmad's Recommendation signature cuz hes cool!

    In both of the packages, I add my OWN special effects and graphic ideas. Though, If you don't like it -- you could try me to change it a 1000 times and I will do it... :)

  15. I love to sleep in my bed when raining heavily outside...

    another breaking rules here :o It HAS to be 'I love it when' and not 'i love to'... for example you can say "I love it when... it's raining hard and I'm cuddled in my bed :lol:".

    But that's pretty weird... I would want to be dancing/playing around in the rain... not sleeping ;)

    I love it when... I remember how i used to fake being sick so I don't have to go to school on a exam day B)
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