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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. Of course english is the global language. And about its future it will be as the local language in all countries.Even chinese people are also more excited to learn english. In my country I have observed many people wants to learn english and also they wants their child to complete their education only in english not in the local languages

    I don't think we should teach children only in English, English should merely be a Second Language if you are in non-english speaking countries. It is MORE important to preserve the local heritage and cultures. I would actually like it more if its diverse people from different part of the world rather than everybody speaking English and not knowing anything about their own country. Personally i believe that more LANGUAGES and MORE cultures that you know and have witnessed, the better life you would have.

  2. I've had this problem a bunch of times since I recently started coding the themes and tweaking them in Wordpress. Sometimes, when you leave "blank" spaces or lines after the ending code of your header.php or functions.php, this problem starts happening. This blank space seems to be the "real" culprit since i have seen a dozen problems of blank pages being fixed by taking out the additional space. But I think the latest 3.0.1 version of WordPress doesn't look at the blank spaces anymore, so just update your WP and you should be safe. @Nik - How can it be a PHP error? If there is a php error, it says a error line like "Error on line 34: /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/something.php file". And also if you CAN'T change your theme to the default since its a blank space in the admin area too, just FTP to your webspace and make a copy of your theme, rename and then delete it. It should automatically switch back to the default Kubrick (2.9) or TwentyTen (3.0) theme.

  3. LOl na it was just that day that i had the dream....
    After that day i have had dreams but some small ones which i cant rembr or just thought it was dreams cause i was too stoned nd sleepy....

    Its not a problem... Dreams and nightmares are normal.. It was just creepy how big a coincidence it was.....

    It's not that "big" of a coincidence as it really seems. At least 7 out of 10 people in the world have reported similar dreams in their life. It is MORE likely to occur in places where the cultures have a really scary story or have myths about people sitting on their feet. It's totally normal because it occurs in the REM (Rapid Eye Motion) part of the dream where all your dreams happen and your body can't move. But that is kind of "creepy" though.

  4. I think this is cold be justifiable for everything. The "blah! blah! wah! wee!" screams of the baby -- language. Everything around us -- science. "I should do this, not that" -- early philosophy. And the list goes on. So, you can ask "Is Language/Science/Philosophy a built in Thing?". But the real thing about "math" is that when you look at the planets, you don't KNOW that they are ROUND, ONLY when you know what "round" is, your mind generalizes it as "round". And the "native american killing buffalo thing" ? They probably learnt it like all ANIMALS do, trail and error. They might have NOTICED that when they go in the group, they get more kills. Even all animals do that... ants and lions... so do lions do math? :wacko: I don't think so.

  5. The beginning of touch technology. So funny to hear people say that, like Apple invented it. They didn't, they stole it just like they stole everything else. They just have a killer marketing team. That is the only difference.

    Read correctly, i didn't mention that Apple invented it. I just said it as a "general" way like its just starting. And they didn't "steal" it, there hasn't been just usable touch screen platforms like iPhone and iTouch and iPad ever before. If ANYBODY else made such a great device, im sure they would have stolen the spotlight, for example Google or Microsoft. And its not always about the marketing, its more about the word of mouth with these kinds of things and those sleek looks.

    Touch screen devices have been around for a while. First in POS in stores, then in hand held devices like the Palms and pocket PCs. I have been using them since early 2000s. So yes I agree that it is in it's infancy and can progress greatly, but let's not kid ourselves. It's been around for a while.

    I have even used the first Palm Pilot which was made in 1996 and all the way upto the iPhone 4 releases last month, so i know what I'm talking about.. most of the time.

  6. really?? :( i thought it is a new news, for me this is the first time i hear about it. and i will hope that they are many like me who didn't hear about it before. and sorry for the old news guys :) .

    Haha, you thought it was "new" news :D Anyways, your wish has come true -- I didn't know about it. So, thanks for telling me the news :P And whats up with the twisty title... not some kind of new movie trailer right? But I think this is one of those "flop" designs... not one of the things that is going to get used for a long time, but rather the kind of thing that "sets the path" for more advances to follow.

  7. Microsoft office is not that much bad. Sometimes I also face the same problem. But I save the file after typing 4 to 5 lines. I think Microsoft office is the best option for Windows users.


    I would have to disagree with that, i find the free OpenOffice Package to be WAY superior to that of MS Office Suite. It has a WAY lot of language packages and it is fully compatible with Microsoft Office. It's actually much simpler and it could be used by all ages from kids to old people because its so simple. I even taught this 3 year old cousin of mine to mess around with the features in OpenOffice. Plus, its constantly updated with new fixes and new features by developers around the world.

  8. IE is preinstalled with windows operating system that's why IE is most popular. And most of the people don't know about the availability of other browsers. They stick to the IE only. And they think that IE is better and don't go for other browsers.

    Internet Explorer IS better in many ways. It's PERFECT for families and even big companies are still sticking to IE since its clean and simple. It DOESN'T bother you with updates and everything. IE NEVER lags one bit on my XP Home Edition computer with 512 RAM and it works for EVERY webpage ever made. Even when some sites don't load on Firefox or Chrome, i load up my IE 6 and it works fine. And you don't even have to worry about adding some addons and plugins and themes and other useless things... no hassles at all.

  9. well my first words in English began when i was six, but i started it officially in school when i was 10 years old and continue till college. of course i was developing my language with reading English books and magazines and listening to English songs. in fact i know i don't have a problem in speaking English with others, because in my job i was speaking English most of the time when it was necessary and in my daytime too.
    but i don't know if you heard about the TOFEL test exam, it is so hard exam for those who speak English as a second language. it contains four parts, reading, writing, listening and speaking. i made the virtual test and i got the highest scores in listening and speaking even speaking needed more work and concentrate from me. because they ask questions like "Who would you like to go on a trip abroad with? Describe this person and say why he/she would be a good travel companion for you"
    and you should answer that question in ONE minute. 30 seconds to think of the answer and 30 seconds to talk. so i found that hard to be done because i am sometime out of ideas. it contains minimum about 10 questions and all of them the same 1 minutes to answer and think.

    all the other parts are timed too. the writing part is kinda good, the free writing exam is fine but there is another part that i found it a little hard, they give you a paragraph about 10-20 lines and you should read it and took notes because it will disappear from the screen in 3 minutes and answer questions about that paragraph.

    the reading is the worst part, they give you about 4 passages each one about 50-70 lines they are articles most of the times and we have only 20 minutes to read it and answer the questions which are mostly from 15-20 question. the hard part for me is that these articles could be talking about anything astronomy, biology, human resources, policy, anthropology, literature...ect. and there are many words that i never heard about them before especially in biology, since my major was in math and computer science so i am so far away from other sciences terms. add to all that they give scores for punctuations, like using semi colons and dots in the right place and using a capital letter for the first word of each new line ...ect.

    therefor i have doubts about my English, because i know i should learn a lot of new vocabulary to pass this exam with high grade or it will be worthless if i pass it in low grade.

    Well, to start off.. i will say that your English is terrific :D Coming from a different country where you have talk to your people in different languages in the streets and probably in your house, it isn't easy as other people have it because they can interact with english where ever they go. Besides, when YOU were born -- i bet WAY LESS people in Turkey spoke English and it wasn't as widely used as it is today. Most of the World's countries are just starting to have a high growth in English literacy in their countries.

    I don't know how you "speak" english, well, probably because i have never heard you talk haha :P But from how you talk and chat in the Chatroom and in the forums and how you blog on your website, i see that you would be at the "higher" level in the intermediate stage. The only mistakes that i rarely see from you are the little tiny misspelled words here and there and those occasional grammar mistakes where a verb has a "-ing" when its not supposed to or when a word that is supposed to come after a noun or something comes BEFORE... or vice-versa. Other that that, i don't see that much... though now i think i'll start looking :ph43r:

    I don't know what a TOFEL exam (if you asked me what it is, i would have said that it stands for a internet abrev. for something like "Tall Offices Falling Everywhere Laughing :wacko: ) is but from what you tell me, it sounds similar to the state exams that we take in schools. They give you some reading material thing about ANY topic and then they ask you some questions from it and ALL the answers look like the correct one. And another is when they give something like "you are [this guy] and that you have [this job] and then they give you [some situation] and then ask you to write some kind of essay on it. They have these tests EVERYWHERE and EVERYONE seems to to struggle with this one, so you are not alone LOL

    If i were you, i would start getting some *new* novels that have just been published in the past decade or so and read them.. ALOUD everyday for 30 minutes at least... and it would be better if you could read it your baby at bed time or something like that. You and your baby can learn at the SAME time hahaha . Just wait till the baby reads for you ;) You could also watch some TV Shows like "friends" , "glee" , "house" and stuff like that where there is LOTS of conversations and you could listen to them. And another thing that could HELP ALOT is getting some hip-hop music and listening to them, its fun and it helps too. I'm sure if you just try, you could become a "advanced" english person in no time :D

  10. and i thought of the static page in wordpress. but if i added the recent posts box an the recent design box. this way it will be dynamic unless i do the edit myself.right??

    what do you think guys??


    Not really, if you add the "recent posts" widget to your sidebar, the HOMEPAGE will still be a static page -- it would just also load sidebar.php . So, i think you should try the Blog and Portfolio Images on the upper side of the page and just have a normal sidebar, besides i would hate to lose that awesome sidebar :P


    And you can't do the updates by YOURSELF, thats just too time consuming. Just add it to the widget area in the sidebar and you don't even need to worry about that. But i have another idea that since this is more like a "personal" blog, on the sidebar, in a small text widget you could add something like "Hi, I'm Taha" and give a short description like the one you have in your twitter page about what you enjoy and have small 50x50 or 25x25 picture of you. This could really establish yourself with the visitors. You could also add a PHP function so that the widget ONLY appears on the homepage and not on archives or posts. Also, at the bottom of your posts, you could use the "Author description" function of wordpress to show the same thing like "The Author of this post..." or "This post was written by..." and have a box showing your interests and picture.


    Also, at the end of EACH post, you could have a few bullet points showing the "key points of the post" titled something like "Highlights of this Tutorial". This way, people could recollect what they have learnt. Another suggestion is that added a simple plugin called "Yet Another Wordpress Related Posts Plugin" to your blog, it shows the related tutorials of the current one, so after visitors finish one of them -- they could easily find one more that shows a similar thing and this way people could read ALL the tutorials in your site and have them interested the whole TIME! Good Luck! :D

  11. Earlier people thought about touch screen and it became possibility. There were some movies about virtual simulation games and we have it. There were some concepts like biometric scanners and we do have that. There is improvement in artificial intelligence so i don't think it's impossible. But it'll take hell more than 200 years for computers to even think in terms of whole and then to relate the thoughts which is what the barrier for current experiments i guess.


    It's not easy for computers for thinking and then taking over like skynet. It'll take hell lot of programming from our part to even give them enough self-programmed intelligence which is not so easy.


    If you think about it i don't think it will take centuries for that sort of development. If we could code a "bug" or "virus" like the ones we have today that learn from its mistakes... we could create first prototypes of The Terminator robots from Skynet. Then the little "newborn" virus will learn and learn and before it does something that it did before it "thinks". That's the basis of Humans. Sure, it could take several more decades till they can feel. I think they could do this by examining the surface of what they touching and determining it from a central computer. But I don't think they can ever become "real" humans... the most they get to the robots from iRobot. Probability and those stuff, that's all its really about.


    But if you think its all impossible, just think about if we create a dozen of these robots with these "bug" inside them, then we could create a "central" power and a "network" kind of system where they learn together. Like how the zombie creatures worked in the novel Cell by Stephen King.

  12. don't make excuses to assume stealing peoples stuff is ok. you should ask first. plain and simple. after you saw my post, you should have deleted it and not waste moderators time in fixing the problems you created. i have absolutely no patience for anyone who can do that. and also, ask first. it is just polite to do so and wouldn't have put me in the mood i was when i saw you used my photo without my permission. so now you know. good :)

    OH, i never knew that it was you, i thought it was your dog :P ok...k.. im just kidding... yeah, i tried to delete it though, but i can't edit it. Sorry........

    EDIT - is it just me or am i seeing EDIT buttons everywhere? I guess we can edit all our posts now huh? I guess i didn't see that update (if there was one at all, i doubt it). Well, know i know and i edited it... thanks for reminded me.

  13. If you are adding a homepage with ways to get and posts from both your portfolio and YOUR blog, then don't be worried at all. Simple fact why, your HOMEPAGE changes everyday... that's because Wordpress creates "dynamic" pages of your blog and executes PHP and mysql calls everytime a user goes to your site. Now, there is a other thing called "static" webpages which are just normal pages which won't change unless edited by you. So, what you are doing is basically doing is adding a normal homepage to your blog. No harm done. Instead, static webpages are actually better for your site because it reduces the server load and saves costs. I recommend that you add a image to your blog with two widgets on the top and both having images that say "meinterest BLOG" and "meinterest Portfolio" . These images/widget places should be below the banner. Now, below the images you could posts from either your blog or your portfolio. This could give a "personal" feel to it, in my opinion.What most webmasters do nowadays is that they have a blog on your site and have a Menu link leaded to another domain for their portfolio. This idea works well and if you want to take advantages of your SERPs and Pageranks on your Blog, you could add a folder like "meinterest.com/portfolio" and use another Wordpress installation under that URL. You could do this by going to Settings>General on WP Settings and change the "What address do you want to access this site by?". Good Luck!

  14. I like songs/poems which have rainbows and unicorns in them... wait nevermind i said that. Nice poem though, and i WONT let anwiii say something like... well you know how its like. Well, if he does says it... its not like i can stop him through the internet... so don't get mad at me. :DI liked the friends in it and the last stanza is my fav part! *don't worry read the whole poem, not the first and last :P* So.... thanks for creating a poem for me! yay! just kidding ;)

  15. I would imagine each company felt their technology/method is/was better for their products. When I work with optics project we had to decide between CCD and CMOS. At the end it came to hybrid of CMOS and our own hardware.
    I believe this is just the beginning of touchscreen technology. In just short years we'll see even greater touch computing and multiple touch/gesture devices. I saw a remote operating robotic arms that actually gave pressure feedback to a surgeon using reverse touch technology--causes fingers to feel small bumps and pushing forces embedded inside gloves.

    Aw man! This is ONLY the beginning of "Touch" technology? I thought we could FINALLY move on to the Mind Control technology we have seeing since the 80's :D iMind, iControl, meAndroid, htControl or whatever its going to called... i would rather end with the touch screens that are here right now! Well, actually i would like that Touch thing that they have Iron Man, Criminal Minds and those high tech offices commercial where there is a computer screen like a glass and its completely transparent and then they have like Bio data of the criminal on it/tony stark as the blueprint of iron man suits? And they touch it and then a little "wave" comes out? That would be cool! But are those possible? And if they are, when could we see the first prototypes of them? 5 years or 20 years or something like that?

  16. HEY, this was a bad joke but it was funny :) you made me read it to the last.
    so opaque you were disappearing for weeks and showed up with this joke. hmmmm i wonder where you were !!! :D

    Haha... he had to work double shift for WEEKS to come up with this dirty joke :P Don't spoil all your staff!

    Well, now that you are here... CAN YOU GIVE US A UPDATE? please?

  17. Lol. What's wrong with easter eggs though ? I mean they do have powertoys and some hidden functionality which are only found by some MVPs after 2-3 months. For example, check some games in excel package i think there are 2-3 games in old excel suite. So yes, there are some eggs in software of microsoft. That's quite interesting as well. I don't think adding easter egg makes any company less professional.

    I don't really find any real "problem" with them but when ever i think i of Microsoft, I think of a serious Bill gates in front of a computer, typing random equations and numbers... i don't really know why though :D It's probably the way they market it... even those Jerry Seinfeld advertisements don't help.

  18. Definitely easter eggs. I guess these are the only ways that left for microsoft to keep their customers happy. Lol. I do have XP but i guess this doesn't happen in new XP SP3 update. Maybe help got overwritten and that's why i can't see this anymore.

    Really? You think they are easter eggs? Wow, i always thought Microsoft was a professional company and all that and that they wouldn't do "these" kinds of these... besides, that in my opinion is that "easter egg-ish" compared to the things done by other companies like Google and Youtube (before being bought by google).

    well, i guess it is... Microsoft would have had the time and money to test these kinds of things.

  19. Depends on situation. Some problems are dependent on problem+solution+feedback. This type of loop makes it so easy that we don't even consider them as problems. They become part of our life to do. For example, turning on kitchen gas etc. Like others, i don't invest much time into this type of problems.
    I handle every problem as per the situations and the parameters affect them.

    I prefer to :
    1. observe surrounding
    2. relate to past personal experience
    3. relate to experience of other people
    4. seek help from others

    So i short i try to solve the problem as much as i can. Some problems can't be solved always. So accepting it and moving on does help. If you're interested in problem solving then I suggest reading paco underhill, seth godin, steven pinker if you're interested in social problem solving. Daniel pink is also one person worth to study. These people don't talk about these cases directly. Sometimes they explain such points via other examples.

    Gee, thanks for bringing the "honest" guy solutions to the topic. Now, people are going to go crazy saying "i disagree with you" and stuff like that to my post haha :D Those are probably the nicest ways to handle problems... it helps to get rid of emotions that lead to people getting hurt.

    Now, im really intrigued... what else do some people do?

  20. People will do ANYTHING to get out of a problem/situation. Its just a little *SPARK* in their brains which gives them a incredible idea. It happens to everyone. Look at me, I can get out of situations pretty quickly, don't think of the consequences right now -- just act. It happens to everyone and sometimes more frequently in others. Here are some of my reasons - 1. I'm High on Mountain Dew. (ultimate trick, i use it so much that even when i tell the truth about this, people don't believe me LOL)2. Look up and down until they leave you (works with old people).3. HE DID IT! (works like charm and if it doesn't buys you ALOT OF TIME)4. Make up Something on the SPOT! (You have to have talent for this one and the more you practice, the less ridiculous your outcome is)5. Accept it (100% tested and it works!) 5.1. Modify the truth (twist and crunch the truth and chip and turn the truth so that you don't get into trouble)Well, those are the weapons of my arsenal, care to unveil your army?

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