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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. I like the generally idea of a "dark" IPB theme... but the design looks kind of un-original. I have seen literally hundreds of forum themes which look pretty much the same. I would take WD's suggestion to mix up the colors a bit. You don't have to totally switch from a dark theme but adding some vivid colors would do nicely :D I would try blue,green,pink,red and possibly purple too. These colors go with black pretty good. But I seriously LOVE the post image! It looks awesome, and those buttons fit right in! Maybe you could add the red concept in your homepage? add red header, category images? If you can do that, it would be a awesomest theme ever. I would even like it for KS!

  2. thank you for the useful information linekill and deadmad. now i know that the next laptop i should buy is HP ;) . it is a great way to track our computers if they get stolen, and knowing about these tracking programs first will help a lot. now we all know and we will keep that in mind.for me i will do some researches to find out if there are the same for dell laptops or windows. thanks for sharing guys.


    HP? I think MacBook is WAY better for tracking. It has more tools and it practically is MORE secure than Windows -- for now. The only thing is that it also costs more... like 2x more. But I don't think anybody is really going to be a company just cause you can track it easily :lol: I would rather that you buy a good quality one with the latest tech stuff rather than worrying about how to find it if you lost it ;)


    But are that kind of software which tracks effective? Usually a thief of a laptop don't use the OS available on the computer, usually he sells it for another user, which usually starts using it with installing a new OS through the boot menu. The thief of the laptop I think formats everything, otherwise maybe it could work..


    To find your mobile phone is quite easy, when you have an IMEI code, you always send it, it doesn't matter what kind of phoen service you're using, so it's easy to detect it.. My phone was stolen one time and I got it back quite fast.. Bu with laptops, I think it's a different case, it's a small chance that you'll ever get your laptop back even with those tracking software? or am I missing something?


    Yes, I think thats usually true. The robber is going to format the computer and erase everything sooner or later, but who can resist the human temptation of finding out the info on the laptop? Go through their files, steal their passwords! :rolleyes: When the robber does this, the tracking software can alert the website through its internet (if its connected to it).


    And there is a HIGH chance that even if you have the tracking software, you are still going to need some luck to get it back.

  3. I usually watch some TV, surf the net or out to the park when I feel bored! That's all you can do during vacation :P It's the most boring part of the year... It's not like in movies where you can get fake IDs into clubs. Here are my favorite pastimes -


    Watching TV while using the computer -


    i just sit in the couch with my laptop and keep a eye on two of them. Or more often a hear on one and a eye on another.


    Going to the Park


    Well, it actually isn't like a park... its more like a entertainment center near park. With a couple of friends watching some movies and then ride some boards and get alot of free food.


    Drawing Something/write something


    Ahh... I have my own Manga story kinda thingy. The drawings are actually VERY crappy but the story is pretty good... something you would except from the opposite from me :P


    There are ALOT more but I'm too lazy to write them all!

  4. There's a way to track lost/stolen/robbed laptop but it depends on the laptop. There's a service called "CompuTrace". It's available in HP laptops as an add-on to any customizable model. I don't know how it works, though, but I know it's effective.
    A similar program may be available for Macbooks.

    You are correct, there is a program called "UnderCover" for Macbook. You just have to install it and it runs in the background services. When you lose your macbook, you just have to go to the internet and log in to the website and report your Macbook lost. Now, when the robber/thief turns on the computer and has internet connection, undercover updates its status from the net and if its reported lost, it sends out its IP address and locks the computer. But to use this, you should have installed it before it got stolen.

    I use Undercover for my iPad. It works great, I installed it after my iPhone got lost :lol: lesson learned for me ;)

  5. oh no! chini you broke the rules... you have to comment on Wd's before you say yours... :rolleyes: Just edit it :lol:

    i love it when i get appreciated for delicious food i prepare

    Lol, me too... i get angry when people say that I over-microwaved the noodles. What's 30 more seconds going to do? or 30 less for that matter :ph34r:

    I love it when... I wake up from a dream and the same thing is happening in real life :P

  6. haha, it happens to me all the time, sometimes i search for my glasses and found it above my head :) .
    i love it when...i pick up the phone and hear a happy news, nothing could turns my mood so fast but that.

    Hearing happy news on the phone is a real luxury now... besides, its pretty cheezy! :P

    I love it when... I bump up a good topic!

  7. Could be a problem with your DNS, switch to OpenDNS using these methods. If that doesn't work, unplug your router and wait for 10 secs and put in back in. That's what i do when I have a problem with internet -- it works for everything :)


    Are you having this problem ONLY in the forum? Have you experienced something similar in other forums/sites? Because if it doesn't happen in other sites, it could just be a problem on KS or your profile. If it doesn't happen on other sites, I would do this -


    First, Clear your cookies by clicking "delete my cookies" in the bottom.

    Log back in

    Go to settings

    Change everything back to normal

    clear your cookies again

    Log back in

  8. Cool! I've run a few private servers of mine, but not in Runescape. I had 3-4 PS's in MapleStory and in WoW. Most of my MapleStory PS were only for friends and for fun, except 1 called "MvPMS". It was a rather large hit in my neighborhood and 100-200 people could be online during the weekends. It had a forums and everything, but my network couldn't handle the large amount of people and I couldn't handle the big electricity bill ;) I had to shut it down, but I made a fortune of $200 - 300 through PayPal donations. It's very, very fun to have a Private Server, especially if you can get it to be hosted on a Dedicated Server host for like $30 - 50. I just couldn't spend that much money, so i dropped it. Which does your private server run in? a DS or Hamachi or something? Hamachi is pretty good if you have less than 50 people. I used play RuneScape back in the day (2005-2007) and I was pretty good, after that i realized there were Free games that were WAY better than RuneScape. But I wish you luck on your PS and the whole point of a PS to be creating new stuff and having fun, so don't listen to the flamers :D I created my own jobs, skills, characters and quests. I like yours PS name but It could be really confusing because there is already a kingdom called misthalin inside runescape. But its pretty good overall. Good luck on making your PS fun!

  9. well you have a good theory in here, but sorry i didn't vote at all :) not even clicked on the "vote " button. and my topic about the problem is still waiting a moderator approval. and i see posts now but not all of them :( .
    any way, thanks for the information deadmad, and keep me informed ;) .

    Sure, anytime! I have another solution now, try using the methods i talked about here. Good luck. Update, I got 1 more vote now, we are tied! :D

  10. for some reason i can't see the voting, i only see "null voting" :( and this is a sad fact. so i hope somebody be nice and write the result in here :) , good luck for all.

    So this means that your posting problem got fixed but not your poll problem huh? Well, i think you can try to press "delete my vote" or something like that and get back to the voting. You probably voted null. But thats just a theory, I never had that problem.

    The votings are -

    dm - 1
    wd - 2! :D
    zanzi - 1
    trampo - 0
    tf - 0

    On second thought, I'm pretty sure that you have voted null because I can see 4 votes but on the top it says that 5 people have cast their vote. But on the other hand, somebody else could have voted null.

  11. Hey! Welcome back! I was wondering where you went... but now your back with a ICHIGO avatar! cool. Well, now that your back i hope you stay active again because we have great new members now :D Oh yea, i just wanna add that Xisto jokes are out of fashion now.... :lol:

  12. Well, you have to admit having an image that large and then saying you shouldn't resize is stupid. 1000px in width wouldn't cross the screen for most people, but 1500 px is too much and inconvenient to edit.

    I used to play this game when I was 12...

    I never said you can't edit it. I said try to keep it at the same size. That means you can but don't make it ridiculously small like its happened the past.

    Good edit though... But I'm sure that guy makes a shadow that long.

  13. I like Stairway to Heaven too! It's the best song of all time.. according to many magazines like Rollingstone. I put Led Zeppelin somewhere next to The Beatles and Queen. Some of their songs are just too crazy to understand what they're saying and others are too slow and boring. But they DO have some good songs which have meaning in them.


    My Top 5 Led Zeppelin Songs -


    Stairway to Heavan


    Whole lotta love


    Going to california

  14. Posted Image


    I really really really hate this one and put little to no effort into it. Just thought I'd put that out there.


    I haven't had much time to tend to my graphics since I have had Two aday's and backstage in between.


    Good entries so far.


    YAY! C.C. FTW! I gotta do a c.c. or v.v. sig soon! That looks pretty good. The only problem I find with it is the render, its the MOST used render of c.c. everywhere, so it doesn't look new. But no one else will notice it cause they don't watch the anime :lol: Pretty good effects though, and is it just me or do i see 2 soldiers in the sig?


    Anyways, I think we have enough people to start the sig by tomorrow! Don't forget trampo. ;)


    EDIT: i see 5 of them now.

  15. Yes Linux Mint is a Linux distribution, but I don't know why it was slow because I've never encountered this problem, maybe you've used a Beta version idk.

    Hmmm... I got it for free on the net. And I have a fast computer and even installed it in a own partition. I never figured out the problem. Maybe my computer is just made to handle windows. And it wasn't a beta version. It was the first standard release. But I'm glad that Linux is working out for you B)

  16. I've read somewhere that Mac's are not so secure maybe less than Windows.

    Yup, where ever you heard that, its true :) But only because no one wants to spend looong hours developing a hacking program that can only attack THE SMALL PERCENT OF PEOPLE WHO USE MACs, instead they make a pc one.

    But however I dual boot Linux Ubuntu with Windows XP (for my family:S), and I must say that I really like linux maybe I love it :P.It's secure, never crashes, appearance very appealing, faast and so much more. Maybe it takes some week to get used to it but after that you will be never switch to Windows again, maybe for just test purposes.

    I'll never used a Linux before, but i used the Mint version or something... the one that can boot from the cd. Does that count as a Linux? Well, anyway I would pick Windows 7 over that anyday! It was so slow... and the only thing I liked about it was the desktop backgrounds.
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