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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. well, i really think it looks more better now, at least his face is more clear and your iron man doesn't seem like covered with fog. but i think it stills need more work, i think you should make these spots of light in a lighter color to give it more sparkle.but after all, it is better than before, and you are the signature pro in here ;) .

    Alright, I added a bit more sparkle to it -- without the use of any C4D... Just some old techniques. I think this one is the best one so far...

    post-93768-068128300 1279199078_thumb.png

  2. I have had this problem before-- and I also found a simple solution. Just click on it and go inside the notification and then click on the 'Forums' link and you should go to forum and the notification would not be notified again. And if that didn't work -- which it doesn't most of the time, I just go right ahead and delete stuff like 'Username added you as a friend' but no matter what -- I always keep my PMs.

  3. 3. Post count on profile page and post count on forum reply author box are not synced so there is error in post counter.

    I actually like this feature (YES! IT is a feature and not bug) because I can check how many posts I have made in sections that count and in my profile page i can check all the posts i have EVER did -- which differs about 80 posts right now. So, its actually helpful. And I DONT think we should sync those... those are very helpful :D

    I agree, there is very little hatred coming from America. As I was saying, most of these e-battles involve 20 Britons shouting amongst themselves. The point I'm trying to make is that I have no clue my fellow Brits seem to despise America, and why YouTube has become the place to vent your frustration. Seriously, just look at any video about America/Britain and you will see hundreds of obscene threats. Good fun to read, but it does make our nations look bad..

    Hahah... the English hating Americans, I think Britons just are SO freaking PISSED off that they weren't the ones who got on the May Flower but their neighbors :P You guys just like America so much and want to be here -- that you just start hating it -- its kind of like 'Love Hate'. IF you ask me -- Americans had it WAY... WAY better than the British, I mean -- the British got their *bottom* kicked -- literally, by everyone they conquered. Now, I think its a kind of sadness that they lost all of them -- and they hate the Americans because Americans are Britons -- except better.

    Idiotic Britons + a ship = Americans :D

    And its funny because I have seen those comments on Youtube and its always about Americans and McDonalds or the English and Tea time. I really don't pay attention to them though, from what I have learned from my visit to UK is that all english don't take tea time -- only most and the same goes for americans and mcdonalds.

  5. well, in general all the entries are good. tramposch, your entry is good but you do better than that usually, deadmad's entry is better but too much lights make it look a little fade, and rvalkass's entry in spite of all these fires is the best in my opinion so i will vote for rvalkass. good luck for everyone.

    Oh! Thanks for the critique.. I posted a fixed version of my signature here.

    @rvalkass - would you might attaching your render? I would like to see how it is... looks like a cool one!

  6. To calm everyone fears about this, the reason for the long update is that the script is going through the databases and because of that it takes up a nice chunk of the server load. Think of this way, if the script was running at real time odds are you see a lot of down time and so I would suspect that OpaQue is checking out how the server is handling this script to see what kind of damage it does.
    This happen before when it was first introduce so give it time and it will most likely be brought down to 30-60 minute mark for auto-updating MyCents.

    As for the email, check your spam folder to see if got booted into there.

    Way ahead of you... I check my spam mailbox days ago. Nothings there and i thin its because of Microsoft Live blocking emaiosmfrom xisto or something like that... But it doesn't go with the fact that i get mycent update emails everytime i get a dollar.

  7. I reported this exact same problem sometime back in this thread - it was lost somewhere between the pages!Now if you want to take a look at the top 20 posters then you have to click on the "Members" list on the top and then click on "Post Count"to see the top 20 list. Here is the link to that:

    Oh! Thanks for the quick and simple reply! Now that I remember it -- I think i have read that post before, but now we can bring up the problem again that the myCents are restored so it has become a bigger issue now. I hope an Admin could look into this problem as soon as possible...

  8. Well I go loads of free time at the minute why not just make loads of things I have a CEO for web hosting, the URL shortner I just leave by itself brining $1 a day in from ad revenue. I find thinking things through is a boring way to look at laugh and once you have an idea you should go with it. The domain I have for the Fail Blog is very unique and no other like it. I have already got people working on the pictures and no they wont be a copy picture off another website. But technically I have thought it through for a bit as I have got all these people working on it.


    I don't know what you mean by you 'got people working on the pictures', who are these 'people' and how do they 'work' on it? Are they just 'you' or you do have a community or something? Cause I doubt you can gather a FailBlog community that LARGE and so QUICK... its impossible unless you had one already. By working on it -- do they take out their cameras and go around taking pictures of people getting PWNT? or do they ask people over the net for fail pictures?


    This thread really makes me scratch my fleas!

    What the heck is a fail blog????


    LOL! I can't believe that you don't even what a FAIL is, I thought everyone knew. FAILs are just weird stuff that people have photographed/caught on tape over the years. I don't really know how to explain it -- here try to look at these pics and you'll see what im talking about


    Posted Image

    so, basically a group of people started a site called 'FailBlog.org' to post these pictures that they thought were 'FAIL'. Here's what it says on wikipedia -


    The site prominently features pictures and videos of someone (or something) failing at something they are supposed to do, or displaying blatant stupidity or incompetence, captioned with the words "fail", "epic fail" or "X Fail" (X being the activity that the person failed at), although occasionally there are some cases of "wins". The first "fail" was uploaded to the website on January 3, 2008. Since this date, the site has grown rapidly, with the style of the images used on the site growing to become a popular internet meme, and many other smaller sites have spurred after the meme's popularization.

    I really hope you get it now -- and if you wanna get your daily dose of FAIL, go to failblog.org


    I'm not even sure what Wordpress, Joomla, Mambo and Drupal are, though I could guess some kind of computer programs, maybe for making web sites? I'm just guessing here. But Fail Blog has me really confused.

    Wordpress, Joomla, Mambo and Drupal are CMS (Content Management Systems) which are a type of control panel for your website that has addons, place to post your blogs, edit your themes and other stuff like changing your title bar or meta data. You are kind of right but they aren't computer programs -- they ARE your site, they basically 'manage' the 'content' on your site.


    If you want to know the DIFFERENCE between Wordpress, Joomla, Mambo and Drupal -- see this post where i talk about the differences.

  9. I guess that's a case of missing images(on the server)? If you could mention where you see this bug, then perhaps Opaque could put in the missing images soon. I haven't noticed this though. Will keep an eye out for it.

    I think that was just a temporary problem -- I had it for a few days then it went away. But I have found ANOTHER bug now -- When you click on 'Overall Top Posters' it doesn't take you there, instead it takes you to your messenger and it shows you your notifications. Is anyone else having this problem?

  10. There should be a limit to 'luxury', anyway, in my opinion. Simplicity is always best.

    That's breaking Human rights there, Shakrukh. You can't just put a cap on the amount of money people have -- that's worse than communism. Everyone doesn't have to follow the term 'simplicity' -- i'm sure if you were filthy rich -- you would want more money too and sure, you might donate some to charities. All rich people aren't devils -- only most.

  11. Why not use a blog software like wordpress or pixie?
    That will give you well-developed, well-tested, optimised code for free with lots of plugins and pre-built themes; you can make your own too.

    P.S. I would highly recommend wordpress.

    Wordpress isn't the only thing you should use. Here, I broke it down for you -

    USE WORDPRESS if you don't anything about codes and want your site to look normal and simple and clean.
    USE JOOMLA if you want your site to break barriers in web design and have a powerful website.
    USE DRUPAL if you want to control your users and content to the max and to have a great looking site too.
    USE MAMBO if you want the same effect as joomla except in a idiot-proof way and less add ons for your site.

    I hope it helps you...

  12. See u put the condition ..THis is what iam saying..for the survival u can have anything even i would hate to die starving..i only said if just for taste you r doing so..it is wrong

    OF COURSE EVERYONE DOES IT FOR ITS TASTE, at least now that we aren't primitive any more. What I said was just he stone-age humans, people have been enjoying meat since... since forever :D I doubt that you could find MORE meat than PLANTS when you are literally starving -- which means the animals should have been starving too.

  13. And to Anwiii, I've been using IE since I first got a computer. I HATE getting anything new. Takes me forever to figure out the differences. I even hate it when they upgrade Exporer, but at least I know the basics in it, so I can usually muddle threw.

    Oh yea... I guess you weren't kidding when you said you can barely work your own computer :D But seriously, browsers aren't something you should take lightly, at least get out of IE and into Firefox or something, IE barely has any security and it has NO ADDONS -- browsers like FIREFOX make it easier for people to browse and help make the internet user friendly -- which is very hard thing to do.

  14. I wasn't in a good mood when I made that last post, so please excuse me if it sounded rude to anyone, I have just been so mad lately it's not even funny, but I thank you anwii for your post it made me feel a lot better about the whole situation, I am just hoping that everything gets together soon, and I know that everyone is trying hard to get it working, and I know it takes a while to fix a code when you have a big update, so I wish you the bestest of luck, and yup!! That's all. ^_^

    There ain't any reason to apologize here Kira, everyone was pissed off at that time -- you were not alone, that's exactly how I felt. I hope you can let go of that anger now that the myCENTs are back. Good Luck!

  15. THANKS! for waiting people! I'm finally done with my sig for the SOTW. I call it the 'Iron Mad' -- a ironman to battle tramp's spidey. The ultimate showdown :D


    Posted Image


    It's an ALL-AMERICAN sig with bright red, blue and white. I guess you can say that I had fun making it lol.


    @rvalkass - nice entry. What's the character's name called? and game (if it is a game)?

  16. @ magnafrost , thank you for your explanation you are FULLY understood me in here.


    deadmad, i didn't start a topic to prove that anwiii is wrong, this is too childish and silly. do you think i am a child or silly?

    it is a discussion to exchange knowledge, maybe i am wrong not anwiii, we are discussing to get the right way to get the average this way, and again please pay attention, it is all about math not abut how mycent works? i don't care how it works but i care the way we doing math in here, so i hope you get me in here, and thank you for your reply.


    Well, it does seem like your are childish and silly -- the whole reason of you starting this topic was to prove everyone wrong -- and even after Anwiii did it the way you did it (which is the out of reach method, you say that it is still wrong, who might be 'childish' and 'silly' here? I don't think you are-- but this topic is.


    'The Right Way' to get the answer is 40/400= 0.1 mycents, it IS the right way to find the average of all your POSTS. IT IS MORE ABOUT HOW MYCENTS WORKS REALLY, that is the whole little problem here, why can't you just see that you average .1 cents a post? Are you afraid of or something? It's the best of everyone in the forums... $40 bucks in 2 months from the INTERNET? That's hella good.

  17. haha just because her math was correct in what she did doesn't mean that she didn't leave anything out. she did. and some of her thinking was flawed. if she wants to separate the total posts in to groups based on the size of the post, then we will have add that factor in to our calculations based on the weight on how many lines AND how many posts in each group. NOT JUST HOW MANY LINES. this was a major flaw and i took time out to prove step by step....accounting for EVERYTHING. basing the weight on how many lines per post in each group is only half correct. here is my proof which is not flawed....


    now to get an the average mycents per post, all we do is add up all those figures and divide by 4:


    .033775+.072375+.14475+.2895= .5404/4= .136


    this total isn't accurate though because we didn't figure out the weight of each group. as it stands now, each group has a total weight of 100%. so we have to recalculate by multiplying the weight percentage of each group. since 100% of the weight = $40, group A has an average weight of 5.9%. group B AND C have an average weight of 36.2%. group D has an average weight of 21.7%. this adds up to the total weight. now all we have to do is multiply the weight percentage of each group and subtract that weight for each group.



    now to get the true average af mycents per post, you add the new totals and divide by 4


    .031782275+.04617525+.0923505+.2266785= .396986525/4= .09925 or .10 per post


    now the EASY way of figuring out mycents per post is taking the total mycents earned($40) and dividing that by total posts(400) which also equals .10 per post


    so no matter if you do it the way i originally stated in another thread, or you break it down to lines per post, posts per group, and seperated in to 4 groups(or however many groups you want), the average mycents per post will always be the same. the only reason it didn't add up to .10 EXACTLY is because i averaged the weight percentage to the 10ths.


    so this is my proof here. i didn't just average how much each post is worth, but i averaged how much each LINE is worth in each group. when i figured in the weight of each post, the more correct average was displayed.


    I have just learned (more like read) that Anwiii is a NERD and so is Web_Designer. ON topic though -


    @Wd - Your formulas and everything is correct but the way you estimated the myCents worth is wrong... of course, no one knows how much lines gets how many myCents (except for OpaQue). I also don't seem to understand why you would want to start a topic just so you can prove Anwiii wrong when everyone else says that he is right.


    @anwiii - how did you calculate the lines of mycent's worth so you got 10 cents per post? Did you guess by your knowledge or trail and error process?

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