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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. If you are trying to view it faster from a web server..... You need to have a fast enough internet connection to actually load a 12MB file in seconds...... I think a 2Mbps or above would be fine but if you are trying to get it load faster with a slow internet connection ..... Its just not possible...

    And it just doesn't stop at your connection, the server's connection has be excellent and not overloaded. Usually, you can do these kinds of things if you have a high speed connection AND the server's servers are good... for websites like Youtube and file storage sites.

    You can also try to download it faster by using a download manager such as Flashget. There is a guide below on how to this.

    Help Files -

    Increase Speed using FlashGet
    Flashget troubleshoot

  2. Hey, I just found a WordPress Plugin called "WP Super Cache", it basically turns all Dynamic Pages into FULL STATIC HTML pages. It only needs downloading and installing then sit back and watch your site performance increase. I tested it out on my site and it loads a second faster, but thats only because I don't have any content yet. Install it and wait a day or two and compare both the before and after site speeds, it will probably decrease by more than 5 seconds on some sites.

  3. Apple Computers are HARDWARE computers and Microsoft is based more on SOFTWARE. I hope that answers your question... and if you want to know, I have been using my XP computer (now turned Windows 7) since 2003 and i have using it day and night for 7 years. I had a PC outage once in 2007 but no problems after I bought a new Voltage converter box for $20 bucks. I bought my HP Pavilion for a little for $1000 dollars and i spent about $100 dollars since the years for additional drives, better dvd burner, more RAM,etc. when the pc burden have been more demanding. Oh yea, my Sharp monitor which i bought the same day as my PC is working fine now too. That is my personal computer though, my Home computer is packed out hardware machine which i got last year :D

  4. I think this might be a DOS attack. Have you told anyone about you site recently? Or published widely in forums,blog,etc.? Or you have competitor who wants to bring now your site. You could ban the person's IP address as soon as possible or take down your site for a few days and put it back online -- but its the exact thing that the attacker probably wants. Try complaining about the problem to your hosting provider, they must know what to do :D

  5. Wordpress works best for people who don't like to spend too much time over learning how to handle the CMS. Joomla and the likes have got a huge learning curve and this makes them an unattractive option for some. Wordpress is simple but some people underestimate it to be too simple. With the proper modifications, Wordpress, Joomla, PhpNuke can produce almost identical sites, but of course that depends on how they are used.

    And thats EXACTLY what they get at a OpenCMS Convention as a Project by Joomla, Wordpress, PHPNuke and everyother major CMS/Blog system developers. They were to told to create a website with a given niche and they were given a week. After a week, when they compared everything, Joomla's Website was able to handle the best designer and had more modifications and cool things than Wordpress or any other. Joomla can be modified into ANYTHING, thats why its the most powerful and it has even won awards for it, the only kinds of awards the Wordpress is FAMOUS for is the set up time and simplicity.

    I personally like WordPress for the above reasons, for people like me, Joomla is only good when you order a theme or buy it, other than that -- making your own Theme is too complicated. That's why i prefer to stick with WordPress, for NOW :)

  6. It says it right on the screen when you upload your file. I think gMail has more space, i always see that gmail think counting up in the login page :P But I have found gMail's attaching and its whole mail system to be way more appealing than that of yahoo's. I would stick to gMail if i were you :D But you can make the switch into Windows Live, it also can make attachments very good and it's mail inbox,etc. are better than gMail's.

  7. yea, i agree. plus, there is no real profits on domain names

    You mean to say there is no profit for the PROVIDER, there is TONS and TONS of profits for the buyers :D I know a bunch of people that became rich and partially still live off being able to buy domains for cheap and sell it at the right time. You just have to have a niche that you think will become rich and popular in future and buy 20-30 domains in that. It's a real business and it works :) Wish i had been born before, i could have used my tricks on the domain boom!

  8. You can remove IE but it isn't simple, as you say. Since windows 7 there is the option to remove it completely. For earlier systems like XP you have to first remove SP3 and then you can remove the core - but it leaves some dependancies.


    If you really want to get rid then you need to follow a guide like this:



    or use nlite to do it for you



    Warning - do this at your own risk and don't come crying to me if it goes belly-up :-)


    Uh-oh. You don't need to do all that work. Windows 7 and Vista comes with a settings for "Hiding" Windows 7, it doesn't get officially uninstalled but you can't open it, see it or get annoyed by it. Just go to Control Panel and Add or Remove Windows Components. Or just search "windows components" in the start search bar.


    EDIT - I'm sorry its Windows "features" not windows componenets :D

  9. Since you already told me that changing browsers doesn't work, I think you should try changing the DNS servers of your site. Your ISP's Dns is probably overwhelmed right now or doesn't handle something in your site. Usually, problems like this with the ISP's DNS takes weeks at least to start working normally, but instead of that, you can change your DNS server to something that works in a jiffy, and its free.

    The BEST free DNS provider is OpenDNS. I use them too and when some sites are down for the rest of the net, it works for me :) The DNS IP address for OpenDNS is -

    Primary DNS server:	Secondary DNS server:
    Write this down, you are going to need it later. Now, open up browser and type in "" without the quotes. It should ask for your Username and Password, usually its "admin" without the quotes for both of them. If it doesn't work, check the box that came with your router or ring up your ISP and ask them. Now that you are in, look for the settings tab and advanced dns and then DNS (this varies according to your router but just keep searching until you find it). Then enter the DNS server IPs into the boxes. Now click SAVE and then turn your router off and wait for 10 seconds. After 10 secs, turn it back on.

    Go to the internet now, and check if a page loads. If it does, then it means you did it correctly. Then try going to your webpage. I'm 99% sure that your site should load now, Good LUCK! :D

  10. So you are saying that Math was just handed down to us out of the sky?Even cavemen understand basic math. They knew as hunter gathers that they needed to get enough food to feed everyone in their clan/family/cave, a more or less scenario, which is math. So yes it is needed for survival in some respects. Not off the wall thinking at all.

    Math had to have come from somewhere. Or else we never would have developed it into a more complex language. Just as we are all capable of language when we are born.

    We are born with basic survival skills: language (communication), math (deduction), and movement (gathering) not in any particular order of course.

    You are just bringing your original question again, what you just said as your example is just common sense, like anwiii put it. It doesn't really involve any "basic" math in it. This just something that makes us "alive". Being "Alive" doesn't just mean having blood flowing and your heart pumping, its those things COMBINED it it. If you didn't do these common sense things, you will just be dummy.

  11. I like to drive power steering car like fortuner, TATA indica. I don't like esteem because it's not a power steering car. I don't have car. But I have driven my friends car. I also like Innova car. So in near future I will be looking for Innova car.

    That sentence just makes me laugh! I hope you find your Innova CAR though! :D I don't really know what those cars are but they seem like big vans that you drove... the only time i have ever driven is in Chuck-e-Cheese, so i shouldn't be complaining i guess :ph34r:

  12. I always regarded China as the World's second largest economy. But you forgot to mention that CHINA WILL OVERTAKE US's Economy by 2050 at the rate of growth right now. In fact, China's economy is growing so fast, that some companies are shipping over to Japan and India because its CHEAPER to produce over there. India is probably going to take Japan's place as 3rd in a decade or so. The thing i found the most ASTONISHING was finding out that the UK economy is bigger than that of Russia. France and Italy are on top 10? really? Hmmm... I never knew that.

  13. @Shahrukh: If this is your first domain then it might take some time for them to approve it, but usually it never takes more than a couple of days. My first domain was registered within 24 hours and after that my other domains were up and running within a few hours on the same day. So the waiting period is long just for the first domain and it's possible that yours is getting delayed due to a busy schedule or/and a long list of pending registrations. Remember that the Xisto's staff is small (yet efficient) so don't get too irritated with them. If you feel you can't wait any longer then go ahead and open a support ticket and put the status as Critical (a few members suggested 'Urgent' but I found that 'Critical' gets the fastest replies) and you will be given high priority immediately. So don't worry about it and I hope you get your domain soon enough!


    That's exactly how the power of "critical" goes down, everybody is going to create a ticket and put it on "critical", for example if there are 3 critical and 1 urgent, im sure that the 1 urgent will be taken care of BEFORE all the criticals, if the urgent is older than the critical ticket. But I prefer to just try to figure out what my problem's urgency and this is one of the most complained problems, so i think urgent will be the correct one.

  14. WOW, that sounds to be a sick horror story about what might happen if you cheat. So, the chances catch up to you huh? Catching AIDS, which is kind of rare but not that rare nowadays and the husband getting hit by a accident and dieing, really? It probably has a less than 1 out of a Million chances of happening. But I really feel Sorry for any family broken apart by this, that must have sucked for the daughter. I hope the daughter lived happily and healthy after that. @Anwiii - why do you think its her? It's just a story and she want's to know how we would do in the situation and whole thing is in 3rd person view... I think it could be a friend or just a story from a different person she heard. Is it, missy?

  15. what's the problem, deadmad? you're neither a giver or a taker? yes. i said it was for something important and it is personal. i needed a little over $100 and they gave me half. the thing is deadmad, you say the guy who donated to the church should have kept his money. some people actually do in fact believe in being selfish like you. not give to charity or help someone out in need. me, i practice giving religiously because i believe what goes around comes around. yes. churches give money to good causes deadmad. now you know. they don't just give money away though. you are right. i am a hater. i hate racism and always will. i thing it's bred in people like a virus. that's just me though. it's one of those things i would die for if i could stop it

    I gave before, but i have never taken so far... so i might later on but i hope i don't get down on my luck though :D And I didn't ask for you needed the $, i knew it was personal. And stop right there, don't you dare call me selfish. You don't know anything about me.. well, not EVERYTHING... you are just being ignorant. I DO give to charity, all my toys (yes, even the ones i used to hug) old clothes and everything i don't need anymore goes to orphanages. I also think about "what goes around comes around", but in a religious way... sort of like its just a part of life :) And go ahead, i didn't say anything about you stopping racism, go start a hunger strike if you want.

    so to repeat, YES! churches have excess funds to donate to worthy causes. either you have to be a member, or in my case, a lot of catholic churches will help someone in time of need. salvation army and the red cross will also help someone in need. there are a lot of organizations out there that help people. even the gonverment where some of our taxes go like welfare or food stamps or programs like hud to help people find a roof over their head. so are you seriously telling me that there should not be people helping people out there in the world? maybe you should volunteer on the weekends to help the homeless and see if the act of giving doesn't put a smile on your face knowing you are helping to save a life.....or not.....maybe there are other things more important, eh?

    I'm not religious in any way, gone to a church only a few times and probably even went to a hindu temple more times than a church, since my mom is hindu. since my parents of different religion but my dad isn't that religious too, only my mom but they don't force me on anything... and i have never really chose any religion and i don't ever plan to, but i don't think that makes me a "atheist", i respect others religious and I also DO kind of believe in God only in those specific times when its a big issue like if a person is seriously hurt or when i get scared.

    i have learned a lot about giving. the one time that sticks out the most is when a homeless guy gave me the last bit of his food when i was in a jam once traveling across country. at the same time, i know i had an impact on him that he will never forget either. the act of giving allows others to feel good and allows us to feel good about our own selves. the world would be a better place if EVERYONE could sacrifice a part of their lives for others....wether it's time or money one is sacrificing.

    Really? A similar thing happened to me one time. I was lost when I was like 3 or 4 years old and i was walking alone in the street and this homeless guy found me and then he gave my some of his fries and stuff and then he took me to the police and then they called my parents after i told my parent's name. We never found out who that guy was, he just left after he handed me to the police (some lazy police :P ). And i remember this all clearly and its only memory i have from when i was so young.

    so yes, you knew i would have to respond to you knowing i hate selfish people and your belief that people should keep their time and money for themselves. and you....you travel a little bit now and again. do you take it for granted or do you not care OTHER people are sacrificing their time and money for YOU right now? maybe they should keep it for themselves too, huh? so the question is....what have you done to give back?

    FYI, i spent last summer selling candies and other things like cookies and doing this door to door to raise money for poor, disabled and abused children. I have also done 20 hours of community service for free since i joined High School. I DO care about money spending their time and money for me, thats what my parents do everyday. And i also said that i don't feel anything wrong with you borrowing money as long as you PAY IT BACK. I surely think that you have $50 bucks right now. Go donate it to charity or the church, what comes around goes around, doesn't it?

    oh god....

    I am also puzzled my this, you SAID you needed y (100) but when the church give you x (50) you took it because it was half of y but it was enough for you? Then why did you want y in the first place since x was sufficient? Did you get something smaller x? (if it was a product) or you just pitched in your own money?

  16. I usually dream in Color but sometimes i have dreams where its all creepy and it has "Sepia" colors, why its kind of like a pink and brown mix. Those happen mostly in nightmares when im chasing someone and i am bobbling my head back and forth to catch them and the colors act like a fog so i can't see whom i chase. I have never had a Black and White dream though.... are you supposed to? :wacko: Maybe i just dream in black and white but when i wake up i think its color.

  17. Hey z6972233 and welcome to the family :) Everyone explained everything before me, so i am just going to leave you with the help file.

    Hello friends........ This is Jesmin.

    Hello friends, this is Nik. I joined this forum, and I have posted my some questions on this forum so please give me reply. So far I have received posts from many friends from this forum, so please read my question carefully and kindly reply to it. Thank you.

    Jesmin and Nik, you guys have to make your own "Introduction" thread. Each member has to create their own. But welcome to the forum anyway :D

  18. well since i don't use widgets in my sidebar. then it is not an option i think, even it may make things easier for me but i coded my sidebar myself. not added a single widget to it. and i don't prefer adding a sidebar to my home page. especially my blog sidebar, because i have a different design for the home page which is will be similar to my portfolo. i would like to know what do you think guys about it. i will post it in the showcase and ask for feedback :) .

    You don't use sidebar widgets? Really? So, you just add the code yourself to sidebar.php huh? That's the hard way though, but it works ;) And sure, i think we would love to review the design. Would you be coding that yourself too? And any sneakpeeks? :D

    and i already added a little lines about me, but not a picture or any personal information, even i must say that your suggestions are great, but i cherish my privacy ;) .

    I don't see any lines about you lol All i see is your name in the copyright.. :ph43r: Staying hidden isn't going to help your site as much as it will if you make yourself known. It could also help you since you said you are a freelancer.

    about the author thing i don't think i need it, since i am the only one who write in my blog :) .

    Well, this is true unless if you could let me post some "guest" posts on your blog ;) I think that would be interesting...

    key points of mt topics is a great idea too, i never thougt about it before. thanks for suggesting that for me. and also thanks for suggesting the plugin about related topics for me, i was thinking of that a while ago but i was lazy to search and find a good one :D. same as updating my wordpress version. i should update it to the newer one but i was kind of busy and lazy the last month to do that. thanks for your help and your notes.

    All these "little" tricks that bloggers add like "guest" posters, highlights, What's next on the series, about the author,etc. are the things that make your site STAND OUT from the other MILLIONS of bloggers out there. And if you are going to update your WORDPRESS to 3.0 version, DO NOT DO IT ! :excl: I tried to for my site and it just ruined the whole thing, all the plugins like "all in one seo" and other essential plugins aren't compatible yet! So wait until all plugins move on to 3.0 compatibility!

  19. i will tell you one things sheepdog. i remember when i needed some money for something and had NONE! i called a church and the total they gave me equalled half of what i needed. i couldn't thank them enough. that money came from someone who worked hard for it. now the question arises.... where was the money better spent when obviously someone deserves to spend it on their own selves when they are the ones who worked for it?

    I really AM happy the church gave you some money for the "important thing" but i personally think that the guy you said "worked hard for it" should have it more than you. I don't really know why you took the money, it could be that you had to have a serious life or death operation or something important like that, so not to say what you did was wrong but the guy who worked for it SHOULD have spent it on something... even if he was in luck financially, he might have even saved it up. You on the other hand, is the one who didn't work for it and it practically doesn't even belong to you. If i were you, i would HAVE took it and paid him back at least some amount of it or might have donated/bought something nice for the church. But i can't really complain on this one because the guy knew what he was doing :)

    now peronally, i am not a firm believer in charity for myself so it was really hard to ask for a handout but it was for something very important. also, we all do know that in the united states, all charity donations are tax deductable, right? :)

    I actually never even knew that the church gave money like that, what do you have to do? Do you have to sign some papers or something?

    and while we are on this subject, i don't think it's fair to blame democrats for anything. that's like harlot the racist blaming whites for problems. we have taxes in this country where the government sees it their right to take money from those who have money. although that money doesn't all go to charity, but it does go to the better good like fixing the roads where they are safer to drive on and to even go so far to say it gets used for this countries defense so it is a safer place to live.

    Ahh...anwiii...anwiii... stop hating on people because they have different views than you. It's not like i hate you after you make that anwiii-long post about what i just wrote.

  20. Well I think this depends on what type of media, because quite frankly I use 1 for music and 1 for videos.For music I choose MediaMonkey. Why? It's a very robust free app. It syncs with a lot of mp3 players and has a great media library. Plus looking or updating mp3 tags is easy to use, and can be searched for over the inet. very nice app

    For Videos: I choose KMPlayer. I think it's the nicest player of all. Very light, robust and it handles mkv videos better than any other app, including DivX.

    I feel that rather than using MediaMonkey, you could use SongBird, a music manager and firefox-source web browser, 2-in-1. It's also light and its open source and you could even use the Firefox plugins with it, so you don't have to worry about missing your browsers and it also has easy history and bookmark sync system. It can get lyrics and display them along side your webpage, so you can browse and sing along to your favorite songs.
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