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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. I don't know why, but I think that'd really annoy me. Of course, I wouldn't know because I have yet to feel an emotion other than contempt and blissful joy. :)
    I love it when... Someone invites me on holiday to another country so I can be free of my parents and Britain for about a week.

    Hahaha! You always want to get away from Britain dont you? B)

    I love it when... I purposely get lost by getting off a bus in the wrong side of the city :P Sunday adventure for me! :ph34r:

  2. Nice WD! I can't believe you are the same person who added butterflies... P.s. I love the jack knife on its left hand!


    i added some more violent in there ;), made that robo holding two knifes and a hammer.

    haha, i started with roses and butterflies and end up with knifes and a hammer :lol:, this is your faults guys :D


    Seems like us boys (and girls :P) stumbled upon texas Chuck Norris' Cottage? What are the odds of that? :D This game loading screen is now 100% CHUCK NORRIS APPROVED! ;)


    Posted Image

  3. Good job deadmad7.
    I like it, you have really improved quite a lot. I think you could have done more with a sand theme, when I think of what I watched from naruto, and this character it doesn't exactly match the show. I think it would need a lot more sand, but maybe like adding a couple sand bands going across the signature, and create a sense of flow in the signature, because there is currently no flow.

    Really, try to make some tutorials, I am sure the people here would love to see from you.

    I didn't base this on the Anime, I did on Gaara's Kazikage personality after he becomes the Land Of the Sand's Kazikage (ruler). In the first naruto -- he is a demonic young kid who just kills people with sand and rips their limbs out, but then in "Naruto : Shippuuden (second part)" he becomes "good" and a just ruler. He never kills people satanically anymore -- only when he needs to :P So, this is just the emperor version of him -- not when he is fighting. That's why there is a lantern and dragons in the background.

    Personally I don't know about tutorials right now... still deciding if I should make them or not...

  4. i would love see you play deadmad, and lose :D .
    i love it when, i took some photos and i look great in them :) .

    We aren't that bad! :lol: We win a lot too!

    Are you gonna post some of those pics lol :P

    I love when... I take a perfectly good picture and photoshop it and then the person gets mad at me :)

  5. Sorry to be back with a signature so soon, I just wanted to test something out real quick with kind of the style I used last time. I twisted it more this time and I used Gaara from "Naruto" as my render. I tried to add some Japanese feel to it by adding the lamp and stuff -- but I don't know if its japanese... so don't shout at me if its Chinese :lol: The sig is also like a desert and the sand in engulfing Gaara. Anyways, I thought a simple text would be more than enough to get this signature looking good.


    Posted Image

  6. So I want to thank you for the recomendations and I won?t to make this project because I am really scared about go to jail and lose some years of my life living behind the bars here in my country. And all the pain that I will cause to my family leave me without choice. I have to work and open a company to get rich there isn?t another option.

    Nice choice here :lol: If you tried anything stupid... you wouldn't have lost 'some years of your life', you would have lost all your old years and came back into civilization when your like 50. But doesn't Honduras have the 'toughest police force on the planet' to clear away false money problems and drug wars? I think I saw that on TV... Well, I can't be sure. Anyways, Good Luck on your enterprise!

  7. I love it when...People go on forums and call other people "stupid," "moron," or other derogatory names; especially when the person throwing out those names can't even differentiate between simple things like "your" and "you're."

    RPG, please read the rules of the thread before posting. You are supposed to respond to someone's 'I love it when...' before you post your own. ;)

    i love it when...i enter the forums and see members talking in a warm and a funny way :) , i really love it and this brings joy to my heart for hours.

    Hahaha... I was gonna say that one... but you beat me to it and you made it even more cheesy. :P
    I love it when... i see the smiles on my teammates face even when we lose a game. B)

  8. IPB already has an App (which I have not announced yet) and an inbuilt support for mobile devices. I recommend you checking out Xisto on your iphone. I did on mine and the interface is ROCKING :) IPB 3 detects user device and displays the correct version of the forum.

    Nope... I tried that. The Interface isn't good and it takes forever to load things on my EDGE network. I would really appreciated it if you could install the Tapatalk Plugin, please. It should only take a moment of your time to download and install the plugin. You could install it on ALL your forums like Xisto, so that the users can HAVE A MOBILE VERSION OF ALL XISTO forums. Besides, it IS FREE! No losses -- only gain.

    PLUS you can get new users how have Tapatalk and stumble upon Xisto in one of the categories. ;)

  9. deadmad, play the game fair! wd edited the picture first. you should haven noticed this before you posted yours

    ooops... sorry! :blush: I had the page open while i was doing the photoshopping...

    alright, i will try to fix things. i merged them together. and deadmad refresh next time before posting, even i can't blame you because it happen to me a lot when i took time in posting ;)

    Thanks for understanding and the quick fix wd! :lol:

  10. oh, chini i love shopping and having new cloths. so maybe we could go shopping together, someday ;)
    now, i love it when, i open my wordpress dashboard and find a nice comment from a reader,this really make me smile :) .

    It makes me smile too! That's why I posted a 'nice' comment on your site! check it out ;)

    I love it when... my dog puts his head out the dog door when I come home :P

  11. hey deadmad, it is cute and weird!!

    but i like it really :)

    i love the colors in there, the background is strange in a way that gives the signature a unique look. and he is so cute :) , who is that character?

    now i will rate it 8/10. good job, and thank you for sharing ;)


    The Character's name is 'Ragboy' -- i saw awhile ago on TV and i thought he looked awesome! So, I picked him this time :DThank you for rating.

  12. No, it still won't detect it because the ONLY reason the iPhoneTM can detect your finger is because it measures the change in capacitance. The screen is coated with a conductor, carrying a current. Your finger is also a conductor. When you touch the screen this causes a change in capacitance, which the phone detects and measures to determine exactly where you're poking the screen. Heat has nothing to do with the detection. That's how it really works.


    No, it still won't detect it because the ONLY reason the iPhoneTM can detect your finger is because it measures the change in capacitance. The screen is coated with a conductor, carrying a current. Your finger is also a conductor. When you touch the screen this causes a change in capacitance, which the phone detects and measures to determine exactly where you're poking the screen. Heat has nothing to do with the detection. That's how it really works.


    Wow... I was pretty sure I got it right... that's what its 'advertised' as. But I did some research and I found out that you aren't totally right. This IS really how it works -


    As we now know, all the touch screens use different systems, but the majority of them use resistive or capacitive because they are the best technology so far. In a capacitive touch screen, it relies on a 'electrical charge', so when you touch the screen a charge of electricity is detected by the capacitive layer. In a resistive touch screen, it uses the push effect of your finger to alter the circuit's resistance to pinpoint your location on the screen but one of the main problems with the capacitive and resistive touch screens is that when you touch on 2 or more places at the same time -- nothing happens or the system goes haywire. That's where your point defers. In the iPhoneTM you can use both of your fingers because it uses a Multiple Capacitive TouchScreen Interface, which is basically a grid coordinate system where the iPhone marks the place where it detected the touch and as a 'point' on a grid and uses that data to locate the exact place -- then it makes into a gesture which can move objects on the screen. That's how it really really works ;)

  13. According to the android market the free version is only a demo. Do you know if it will expire.

    Here is the website for the Android Market App. The free which is called TapaTalk Demo' for Android is JUST THE SAME as the PRO one for $2.99 except it doesn't have the ability to POST or view PMs. That's the only difference between the Pro and Free. If you don't want to buy it -- you can still view the updates around the forum and know what's happening.

  14. 'I Love It When...' is really simple game in which you say something that you love about your life or anything in general.


    Here are the Rules -


    You must post in a simple way and you MUST include 'I Love It when...' if you are going to post in this topic. So, please don't spam in it or anything.


    For example you can say -


    I love it when... I get up in the morning and it's only 4 am and I go back to sleep :P




    I love it when... I make friends with a random person.


    So, when you start out, you make a comment on ANY of the 'I love it when' that comes before you and you get to post your own. :P


    Ok, I'll go first.




    I love it when... everyone on a bus suddenly starts singing the same song. (spontaneous bus songs FTW) ;)

  15. Are pictures no longer allowed? All I see is "Posted Image" :blink:

    Nope, they are still allowed. The 'Posted Image' problem is just another problem we are facing right now... it really sucks because most of the images on the forum aren't showing up for me now, even the LOGO! and the thing under the rank... all i see is a whole bunch of 'PIP PIP PIP'. What the heck is the problem with the forum? and why does some of the similes like (XD) and (FART) and (ANGEL) not working now?

  16. You should probably clean your room! You sneeze because dust gets caught in your nose hair... clean up your room and everything should be ok. Here's a trick i use, clean your bed, study table, computer, floor and everything else thats in your room. Mop the floor with antiseptic or if you have a carpet, vacuum it 3-4 times and then clean it with a carpet cleaner solution. Then clean all your windows and the ceilings. By now, all the dust on physical areas should be clean. Now, open up all your windows , balcony, door and everything else that leads outside and turn on the AC and put it on circulation or if you don't have a AC just put on the ceiling fan, all the dust should go outside now. Just do this once in a while and your room should be spotless.

    Oh yea, I forgot to mention that your bed/ bed sheets are the culprits most of the time -- wash them at least once a month. And try not to use a blanket that irritates your nose! :P

    If youre ill with a cold then that's normal, but if you've been like this for a few weeks and it show no signs of clearing up, then perhaps it's time to go to the doctor.

    I would say that this is a good practice for any illness :lol:

  17. So I'm guessing that you could use a stylus with the iPhone screens if the tip was filled with liquid similar to blood? Would that make the screen detect it?

    No, it still won't detect it because the ONLY reason the iPhone can feel the touch is because of the heat and if you just 'fill' it with liquid like blood, it won't have a heat generated in it. But it doesn't only have to deal with the blood -- its mostly the 'friction' that gets generated when your fingers slide against the screen. The monitors on the iPhone/iTouch/iPad read the heat and they use it has a gesture. That's how it really works.

    On second thought... how did that idea ever come to you? Why would you even want to use a blood inside a stick? :)

  18. I have recently started posted more and more using my iPhone rather than my computer. I carry my phone around 24/7, so that means I can also post 24/7 :D Doing this made me realize the PAIN of pinching to zoom in on the screen and wait for minutes for the thread to load. That's when I started to look for an alternate for using Safari to view any forum.


    Tapatalk is a forum app for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia. The app provides super fast forum access to any vBulletin, IPBoard, phpBB and SMF forums that have activated Tapatalk. Forum owner can download the free plug-in to activate Tapatalk in your forum.

    I came up with this 'TapaTalk'. It's basically a forum viewer for the iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia which you can get for FREE from the Apple/Blackberry/Android/Nokia Store on your phone. Though, the Free version only offers read-only, you can get the paid one for $2.99 and have PM ability and Reply to threads. The Forum APP has 5 stars and all the reviews are good. It's totally trust able.


    I have already purchased the full version of the App and I can tell you that is gorgeous! All the posts are laid out in a simple way and switching between pages is awesome! I can view my messages and reply to them.


    The APP comes with 5000 forums and 1000 forums are added 1 month. After the ADMIN of a forum adds the plug in for Tapatalk in the forum control panel, the forum becomes available inside the APP and the users can view it. The only drawback is that the forum HAS to be added by the Admin with a plug in for it to be visible, so you can't just view it by itself.


    SO, how do you add it? Well, its simple. The Admin (OpaQue/BH) has to go here and make a account on TapaTalk. Then the admin can download the PLUGIN for IPB 3 and install it WHICH IS FREE! . After you do that and follow all the instructions by given by Tapatalk, the users can view the Xisto on Tapatalk.


    Here is some advantages of Tapatalk?


    Multiple forum access

    No Safari pinch-zooming

    Super-fast Post Loading

    Customizable interface

    Reply & edit to post

    Private Messaging

    See who's online

    Image upload & viewing

    and some Q's and A's -

    Q: How much does it cost?

    A: As a forum owner you are free to activate Tapatalk in your forum, and you are free to remove/deactivate it anytime you want to. A free version of the app is also available. There is a paid version at US$2.99 for iPhone, Android, Nokia (BlackBerry version is in beta and is currently free).


    Q: Which forum system does it currently support?

    A: Currently phpBB3 3.0.x, vBulletin 3.7.x/3.8.x/4.0.x, Invision Power Board (IPB) 3.0.x and Simple Machine Forum (SMF) 1.1.x/2.0.x are supported.


    Q: I have multiple forums, Can I activate more than one forum?

    A: Yes, you can and additional forums are free also.


    Q: What's the point of this app if my members can access my site with mobile skin at no cost?

    A: We received a lot of feedback from users that they want a dedicated app on their smartphone. Most users are contented with the mobile skin or a standard web browser but some of them would appreciate a full-on native app on their phone. For example Tapatalk app allows user to upload photo directly from their phone to your forum as an image attachment. We are also rolling out Push Notification support so it helps your members to stay in touch with your forums while on-the-go.

    So, I hope this thing gets ADDED! :)


    Sorry for the double post but I forgot to add some pictures to see how it looks like.


    Choosing your forum -


    Posted Image


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    Posted Image


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    Posted Image


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    Posted Image


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