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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. I love the ideas you incorporated. I wish I could take step by step guidelines from you for making my personal website. From the time I am online, I am thinking about making a website of my own. WELL..... let me see how long it takes to build my own website.


    In my experience, it usually takes 1000x more time than you think it will take. It takes even more time if you want to make your site popular... as i have learned so far. :D


    So basically,


    x x 1000 = y

  2. I appreciate your work. Though I have read the entire letter, I am not sure how to comment on it. But, I appreciate that you had written the letter.

    Did you even understand anything in the letter? Why it's in a quote or why another person is signed there? If you don't, you better read this first before you make any other comments on the forum. thanks.

  3. if it is now stable and out of beta, then why did you quote an exception to your statement towards me? obviously it is not stable if someone uses different email accounts or if someone changes email accounts. do you really think this wasn't relevant to the topic buffalo help closed???? in fact, there are a couple more threads that need closing if closing threads is what we are up to right now....... and don't smiley face me trying to get people to presume that the credit system is out of beta. i know better.....and buff was wrong to cloe one of the threads!

    I don't get if you are mad that the mycents aren't working or because the thread was closed! :huh:

  4. I made a creepy graveyard/spooky building up noise... I know its not that good but It's my first attempt :D

    The file was originally created under FL Studio 8, but i did make some modifications to the song under FL Studio 9. I did not think it would be that much of a problem using an older version of FL Studio that is merely one version below the one i use. But i can confirm that the file is not corrupt, as i have downloaded it myself and it opened perfectly under FL Studio 9. If you have purchased FL Studio, then you can download the latest FL Studio (since the license allows for unlimited updates to the program). If you have downloaded FL Studio illegally, then tough noogies.

    Well, I downloaded it Illegally! (phweet :P you really think im going to spend $200 bucks?). And all i have to do is download FL studio 9 lol... who actually buys stuff today? :D


  5. like i said before. maybe this is your opportunity to do what you want to do rather than what you think you are forced to do. keep an open mind right now. just know that when we search for what we want and even GET what we want, there will always be a sacrifice. but the easy road without sacrifice is usually the wrong road or path.....

    I think what Anwiii is saying is right... maybe you can FINALLY do the thing that you have wanted to do all your life. I think all you need is a opportunity right now... but that still doesn't mean you can stop looking for something.

    You might try to get that job (the 1/2 salary job) and do something temporary like working part time from home, free lancing or anything else that you as a techie can do. And then when you finally land your "big" job, you can leave both and join that. Or keep your part time for some extra cash.

  6. TrueFusion, your link to warzone2100 doesn't seem to be working. I tried a few times and it's dead. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ isn't working either. Could be my ISP...
    The connection has timed out
    The server at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is taking too long to respond.

    Will try it later.

    I can download it fine from the website... but when I load it up on my FL Studio, it says that the .FLP file is corrupt. I don't know, it could be because of my version.

  7. I guess you have already tried to ChaCha the question? Haha. I had this problem a few months ago, all the images like to logo, forum icons, mood change icon,etc. just disappeared and it probably took me another two weeks to find out that I had accidentally changed my theme to IP Mobile Skin. If you did the same thing, in the mobile skin its the same thing as the normal one but without any images. Just change it back to the default one and there you go. Back to normal. New and sparkly.

    Next time, Deadmad the question :D

    i am not having that issue, jonny. i see images and i see the icons such as the "start a new topic". if you couldn't see the icon though, how were you able to start this topic? :)
    i am using firefox as well...

    All the images are replaced with Broken Image Icons, you can click on them but its a hard thing to finding out with icon is which.

  8. Ok here goes this one. I have an idea for a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) based on an RCE (Real Cash Economy).My idea goes like this.

    Make the game called Opportunity. The game centers around 3 playing elements. A free to play option, a pay to play option, and a land owner/play option. The difference is, that the land owner hosts the land on their server through our services. A doorway to another land type of framework. The land owner would have the ability, using our developed software, to terraform the land as they see fit, add or remove mobs as they wish, and charge a tax for hunting or mining on their land.

    Just like any other game, allow the players to choose a race and a job function or skill, like hunter, crafter, miner, etc.

    Now here is where my idea becomes different. Each user would actually OWN their character and it's assets. As part of the incentive to continue playing the game, offer recreations of their characters in real life.

    The reason this would be a HUGE money maker is because of people's wants for what they invest in. People spend a lot of money gaming online, and they spend a lot of time building up their characters. Give them the ability to really customize their characters as they want, and you will have them hooked for life. Give them the ability to change the character frame, skin color, eye color, facial structure, tattoos, garments, etc.

    Hence offering the 3d characters in real life, Kind of like action figures of their characters, with weapons and all. Even offer creatures from the game and foliage.

    In that alone you will wind up making a huge amount of profit.

    There is a lot more detail about this, I have worked really hard on a Mindmap of the whole scenario. but I hope you get the idea behind it.
    I wish I had the money to develop this, because of all my ideas, this one is 100% a winner.

    Ehh... I don't think its as "DIFFERENT" as you think it is. There are GAZILLIONS of games which are exactly like you described right now... Even I, who likes everything, find it kinda boring. The game you talking about is a mix between SimCity 2000 and The Sims. And there is no way you can achieve this amount of graphics you are going to require on a normal gamer's PC specs.

    Besides, games just aren't that interesting when they are based on real life... I mean, people could actually BECOME ANY job they want in real life and EVEN get paid for it in real money... so would they do the same thing in a game?

  9. It sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
    Man if there was a way to collaborate with people all across the globe to work as a team to get work and make money, that would be the bomb.

    Wow.. I'm glad that you are moving on! That must be hard though, especially since you got a family and stuff.

    And don't ways to collaborate with people all across the globe and make money already exist? Internet job finding websites like monster.com and craigslist.com?

  10. Reviving this topic which almost became dead (outrage! :D), Google also is considering improving the "regular" Web search in the browser. It should have an Ajax-like functionality, where the results would update as soon as you would type a term into the search bar.
    Now, I am more sceptical about this "feature" than the image search (turn out to be quite OK), but we shall see what they will bring us. Fingers crossed!

    Until we can see and test the new search bar features in action, we can only feast (I hope that's the right word :D) our eyes on this demonstration (I hope it doesn't take too much bandwidth or PC power to actually load the results in an environment like that):

    This could actually defeat my ONLY point of going to Google.com to search for things... because it used to be soo dam SIMPLE. Now everything like Search background and stuff are coming in and I might as well switch to Bing.

    And I also find that this could INCREASE the bandwidth usage and server strain on Google by at least 10x on Google's servers since instead of doing 1 search for your keyword, it now has to do multiple searches for the keywords as you type them... I don't see how this is ever going to work.

  11. I agree - using Facebook to link with other sites can be really risky if the site is not trustable. I would suggest logging out of facebook after every use so that even if we visit another site with facebook apps, they won't link to us automatically.

    That's not really true... There isn't really a way that the people can access your Username/Password just because you use Facebook to login to their site. You could even do that in my site and there is NO way that I could access the info that is passed between Facebook, my API code and my site.

    The thing I think that you should REALLY be worried about is the APPS inside FACEBOOK it self, many of them are plain EVIL and they do steal your private info and sell them to companies... That's why I rarely do those quizzes and those games... thats probably why Facebook's privacy policies are in shatters :)

  12. i am so sorry for you zanzibarjones,

    and i can't state any opinion here because i don't have an experience in working in USA brfore. but i think you have a contract and there should be some rules in it that protect your rights!!!

    i mean, is it normal to get fired suddenly just if he gave you a notice two weeks ago??

    i hope others who live in USA give some opinions that may benefit you.


    cheer up, and good luck.


    I don't think anybody works in contracts that say that you can't fire them... even for people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobbs... they can get fired if the Board Of Directors do so. And yes, it has been getting more and more normal since the economic collapse... and usually, I don't even think they give you a large time like 2 weeks or so. I think its pretty darn lucky that they give him 2 weeks more to work there and a month's salary. It's going to be a helluva month, but I'm sure you can find a job before that :)

  13. Aw Man... You are in a pickle now :) The Boss really doesn't get to decide who to hire or fire... the company probably told him to fire you and hire 2 other people. Maybe the company thought that :


    You aren't qualified (i doubt this, they wouldn't have hired you other wise)

    It was losing the company's money by keeping you on the job.

    There were too many people with your job and they just had to let someone go.

    Instead of having too many people on the same job, they would have decided to hire you and hire people for more "important" jobs. :(

    Your position isn't valued in the economic anymore.

    Maybe the company thought you were the worst of the bunch and that you were doing the job wrong/scaring away the customers :D

    Well, thats all i can think of... Most of them wary from the Company being on bad luck and you being too crazy LOL. And I think his "behavior" is that of any typical "BOSS" :P But now now.. You shouldn't think of the past. It's not like you can "win his heart" and get your job back. I think instead of being under this detective and emotional stress and all the time that might be wasted for this, you could look for jobs elsewhere. Just let the past go and think of the boss as a mean grumpy old man... the mean grumpy old man you are never never going to see in your life again! yay your finally rid of him! :D I hope you find a new job and I know that its not easy these days.. but maybe you could find a better one and one that has more benefits,etc. and slam it in your boss's face!

  14. Well great then. I have an idea or two laying around that might work out well for this forum. So we will see. Of course, I will take criticism as it comes. I like learning from my mistakes. And i hope you guys are upfront and honest with me. It's the only way I will get better at what I do.

    Don't worry... I'll try to be BLUNT :) Though, it is hard for someone innocent like me :D

  15. buffalohelp if thge mycents system is so stable? why is it still in beta? seems as though you are confused and prematurely closing topics

    Thats what I was going to ask... but couldn't since the topic was closed :) It is FAR away from being stable. It doesn't work for half the people and if it does work, it works rarely. I thought it was supposed to be every 24 hours... it does it every 2 or 3 days for me. And i get FAR less than the amount i used to... so the system probably changed. IF it did, these things have to be told to your Members...
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