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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. Usually takes 24 hours and if its over the weekend, you will have it by Monday. I have ordered two domains through Xisto (open-anime.com and yoanime.com) and both have been approved of hosting and domain within 24 hours. They have never failed me on that and the Ticket Support is NOT AS BAD as everybody says it is, i put a ticket on "Urgent" and it gets answered in a few hours, what more can you expect?

  2. Yay! Escape to the Caribbeans with your hot girl and your $68 Million. You could buy some islands in the pacific, buy a beach house in California, order to have Tome Cruise killed, run your own Mafia and practically anything you want! I say that you take this chance and live your life. Once in a time opportunity dude, don't miss it. I'm just kidding, I agree with the Good Fellows who posted above, it has scam written all over this. I say that you find another dating site, add the email address to the spam list and move on.

  3. Ohhh spooky! I had a similar dream once when a demon-like lady (A.K.A normal lady :D ) was sitting on my leg and i couldn't even move, all i had to do was just stare. I couldn't even scream or do anything. This lasted for like a whole minute but it seemed like a eternity. I later found out that the reason i had that dream was that when you sleep the brain disconnects from your body so it doesn't act out the dream and when you suddenly wake up, the brain has to connect to the body again, thats why your brain "makes up" something like a demonic lady to sit on your chest,leg,etc. to make it feel like there is weight there. I suggest you wait it out this time and if you keep having the "SAME" dream over and over again or have different variations, go to a physiologist or a dream specialist, they would try what you have to do.

  4. Just think of it this way.... They people of apple are just much more smarter than the people at Nintendo lol....
    Remember Steve jobbs who developed apple computers smoking pot... :D Much smarter....

    You can't really compare the programmers and designers at Nintendo to the likes of Apple. Nintendo is a gaming company and only specialized on it, unlike Apple. It's like comparing a Ferrari to a Toyota, both cars but different still.

    Second, Apple was invented by Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, especially Wozniak, he did most of the coding and he is the man "underneath". Steve Jobs (like Bill Gates) is just a commercial guy -- he is the reason why they got famous and he was the one who took the company in a new direction.

    Third, Steve Jobs is a wacko. He travels to distant places just so he can smoke weed... and I hate his turtleneck black sweaters... does he ever wash it? Hes been wearing that ever since he came back to Apple after leaving in the late 80's.

    Fourth, I love Apple. It is futuristic and it aims to provide good quality products (we have been seeing the bad side of apple for a while in the media now) and they never seem to amaze with their next line of products.

  5. There is actually a very simple way to solve this. Click the Start button, type in the search "Windows Update". Then click on the underlined-line that says "5x Optional Updates are available". Scroll down and look for "Windows 7 Language Packs" and download the English pack. After you have installed it and restarted you computer, go to Start menu again and this type type "Language" and then click "Change Display Language" and then below "Display Language", choose "English". Now, restart your computer once again and the English language should have been installed and working properly on your computer.

  6. Disable cookies and other caching software on the browsers and then try. You could also code a proxy into it so they don't conflict with the same IPs. Did you create the browser using either the Mozilla Firefox Source Code or Chrome Source? Then you could ask for help in their support forum, they would have plenty of options for troubleshoot. Good Luck.

  7. I was being sarcastic....


    People have been talking about computers to be self reliant for years.... Its never going to happen not even in the future..... In the 80ts and the 60ts people thought that by the year 2000 we would have hover cars and fly to planets.... Its all a dream.....


    Computers are going to be computers....


    Yea, and back in the 1500's if you had a idea like computers, they would have burned you on the stakes. Things evolve, people do and since technology and computers are like humans they evolve too. I bet in another 50 or 60 years we will have hovering cars which use air and if possible CO2 as fuel. Totally possible.

  8. I'm no female but i think the site looks good! :) It had has the "girly" feel to it, you did a good job with that. But the site would look 10x better if you could put the menu BELOW the "iamissa" banner... that would have been awesome. I especially LOVE the little rock for the sidebar widgets :D And also, the top pink for the menu and down pink for the footer seems to be different shades of pink, you could fix that a bit. Overall, its pretty impressive.

  9. i don't really like love the way you lie but i like it,anyway the video of Love The Way You Lie was added few days ago on youtube and it got lot of views!
    It's gonna be pretty popular :lol:

    It's already "pretty popular" and it has millions of views now... its also #1 on the US billboards for WEEKS now, that makes up for one popular song :lol: My favorite songs are "Talking 2 Myself" and "Space Bound".

  10. i really don't think there is no winner from all that mess that been happening the whole past seven years. both Americans and Iraqis are innocent people who died because they tried to protect something they believe in. it is a big game generated by terrorists who try to force their own deeds and rules, never minding who will die and why. so if there is a way to save any part of them then it should be done.
    killing, war, bombs and terrorists are a real big game, that only brings misery and sadness. hope this will end soon and peace returns again to take part in there.

    I'm just saying that the Iraqis HATED Americans when they were there and now they want them to stay... where is the loyalty here? And its Iraq's problem after all, why does the Americans even HAVE to help? MAYBE THE GOVERNMENT cares about the middle east "oil money" but normal people in the US don't care, they just want their neighbors, friends and family to come HOME!

    PEACE WON't COME anytime soon, all the Middle East rich government people just feed Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda and other terrorists organizing with their OIL-MONEY, its not going to end anytime soon. Now that the US is leaving, the terrorists won't have that much of a tough time blowing up more stuff.... and this also gives them a huge chance to REGROUP and gain more members under the nose of the government. This whole thing WON'T end until like 2050 or something, after all the Middle East money is gone... then they can't buy anymore guns and can't travel alot.. LOL

  11. aren't you the one who created the poll where one of the options is that we are all going to die? if you wanted to be so positive about it, why n ot put an option that we are all going to live?

    I DID put stuff like "2012 is a hoax..." and "You believe in that crap?! :lol: " but i have added "nothing is going to happen" as a option (thanks :D )

    also, with as much so-called research you have done on this, i am very shocked in how subjective your thoughts are. you don't even go in to great deatail of what the mayans believe or the translation of their calendar or even what the handfull of experts interpret everything as.

    I'm just looking at the "pessimist" side... there is isn't ANY PROOF the world is going to end or not. It's how each person represents the "C L U E S" that the mayans left... maybe its just a normal calender... just have to reset it, thats all.

    and the title reads, "2012 exposed". where in the world is the basis for that title? and what do troops in iraq have anything to do with the mayans???

    What do you think we are doing? We are "exposing" 2012 A.K.A exposing the truth and im talking about iraq because maybe by 2012, the terrorists will gain major parts of the Middle East and wreck havoc across the GLOBE? i mean, more than they are doing already :P

  12. now that you have ruined other peoples work and stole other peoples idea, now you are using copywrited material? i think i will have to report your last edit :)
    i am making it clear now, that you will never be allowed to use my photos for your edits. you're just going downhill all the way, aren't you?

    Your pictures are copyrighted oO... you should have told me... now the feds are after me!!

  13. I'm reviving this topic now, alot of "bad" things are starting to happen again... and seems like it is all heading for 2012. It just raises my doubts a bit. The mud floods and landslides everywhere in Asia and the US pulling out of Iraq... is it just be being paranoid or is 2010 one of the most disastrous of this decade?

    Were at a crossroads, says Mitch Battros, author of Solar RainThe Earth Changes Have Begun and Global WarmingA Convenient Disguise. He also hosts the Earth Changes radio show and edits the Earth Changes website and newsletter. The scientific community has caught up to ancient texts and now both are saying the same thing.

    A lot of people who AGREE and those who DISAGREE are on the web now, and I have found a every good topic about this. It shows scientific evidence that we are going to see MANY, MANY changes in Earth during the year of 2012. It says that are alot of "magnetic" forces heading for the Milky way and all so that he Sun ray things from the 2012 movie is actually true....

    Some years ago, during response training with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Battros says his instructor told the class that they cannot rely on government workers for help in the event of multiple catastrophes, such as a large earthquake and a major flood at the same time. It will not be the fire department to come save you, he recalls the teachers words. Or the police or the Red Cross or FEMA. The person who you will be relying on will be your neighbor.

    And it also raises questions like how will the people react if it was "TRUE"... I would freak out and live my life out in this 2 years and go crazy! What about you???

  14. A while ago, we were informed that the US Army will finally pull out from Iraq. Most of the forces will leave by the end of August and about 50,000 will stay behind to train Iraqi soldiers/personnel until the end of 2011. This came as a huge relief to many Americans and I think after nearly 10 years in Iraq, its about time the United States took off from Iraq. But Barack Obama give NO word about the almost 100,000 paid mercenaries who are in Iraq fighting for the US.


    Although a outcry from a top General of Iraq said that Iraqi forces aren't going to be able to hold up forces on its borders if US leaves now, and that they need American forces at least through his decade and until 2020. He also said that Obama will leave "iraq to the wolves" if US leaves now. I think this is just BS now... For the years we have been there, the Iraqis (most of them anyway) *BLEEP*ED about how US are taking over them and that they should go back to America and now that they are leaving, they don't want them to go because they KNOW they need us so the country doesn't collapse.


    But I think the US is getting its money/lives worth because it wants the Government of Iraq to take over the aid for victims of US military operations and Obama is finally making ANOTHER good decision in his Office. If the US still stays in Iraq and takes heed of the Iraqi General's warning, the US will be branded as fools who just help other countries when its own country is in the *BLEEP*.


    After the General guy who made that warning, the Iraqi people are starting to pretend that he didn't say that and I seriously think they are going to hang him after this is all over cause he said that :D This actually comes after the next General told the US officials in a press conference that "Iraqi forces are ready to take over". The violence has been GROWING and more attacks are starting to appear everywhere and people want the US to stay, in fact the deadliest month for US this year (and the whole war i think) was July. I'm pretty sure what the General said was true though, they are going to be MORE ATTACKS and MORE DEATHS of Iraqis after the end of 2011 and all the US forces leave, only making a few hundred/tens of US soldiers to stay. I feel that the US is DEFINITELY making the right decision! What do you guys think?

  15. Mycent is great but i dont see it active any where so dunno if my posts are even useful.......
    Also my display pic does not show up so i guess i need admin approval..... just guessing here....

    Can any one help ??

    There is no such thing as "admin approval", just the email approval you SHOULD have activated when you signed up here. Just go back and click it now if you hadn't already.

    If you did all that, go to https://support.xisto.com/ and make a account with your name, details and the SAME email id you used to sign up with Xisto. After that, make a bunch of posts (5-10) and wait a day or two. Your "myCENT" and "Credit" should appear along with your post. After you get enough myCENTS, go back to the Support page and you can order for hosting :D

    To get the "display pic" you need to set a "Avatar" image, you might not have set it or you would have set a picture for the "profile picture" and not the avatar. You need both, you can use a different one for each. Hope that solved your questions :P

  16. WD, its $12.95, not $10. And I almost made it to that amount in about 2 weeks.The myCENT system seems to be not working properly, but it is there and working in the background. You get rewarded for posts even thought the actual update might show up a little late.

    I took about a week to reach $10, just go on alot of posting sprees and avoid spam. You just have to active and post a bunch of posts every month to get enough for your hosting needs ;) The hosting IS professionals, they have support forum, ticket complaints and alot of servers. If you make a complaint, it usually gets answered in a day or two and they fix the problem really fast.

    If you need any more reassuring, just go ask anybody in the CHAT :lol:

  17. ummmm....one last thing. if anyone needs an admins response, don't be afraid to hit the report button with "ATTN: ADMIN". normally a mod wont delete the report and will stay in a queue until an admin has looked at the report. unfortunately, buffalohelp is never online and opaque seems preoccupied with other things which he mentioned a month ago. we are still in a transition here and it's NOT just the credit system. people still need to be a little patient. the good news out of all this is that the mycents system IS working and paying out...whether it's too little or too much....it is still paying out.


    Hmm... I am pretty sure we aren't supposed to talk to admins like that, I read about that somewhere in the reade and it could possibly lead to a warning.


    EDIT- here it is, i found it when i clicked the report button :


    Please note: The moderator will be made aware of the link to the page you are reporting.

    This form is to be used ONLY for reporting objectionable content and is not to be used as a method of communicating with moderators for other reasons.

  18. This is just ridiculous, the titles of the videos are just numbers so they have no way of ever being found on search and there is no info on any of them. All the videos are on 1080p HD which is the best possible on Youtube and they seem to have professional director skills and awesome effects/techniques. He/she definitely knows how to shoot these and the other people on the video seem to go in flow with this, so they are probably actors. My guess is that these videos are part of a Movie Making college project/work and some student is just uploading them for fun. It sure is creepy though, but no, it isn't real :)

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