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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. Man, Vanilla coke was awesome. I loved it! I heard it was pulled because it just wasn't popular enough though.
    In the U.S. we have both Mountain Dew and 7-Up and have for years, :P. At least since I was a lot younger (12+ years ago).

    We don't have this "Irn Bru" though, as far as I know.

    I would kill for a Vanilla Coke right now... I hate all the new Cokes that are coming out now, Diet Coke and now Coke Zero! Why can't they just keep to the original.

    @Phil We have 7-UP here too! I don't like it that much though, Mountain Dew is better. And I'm curious now how the 'Irn Bru' tastes like. How do you even pronounce it? Iron Bru? or Eran Bru?

  2. Based on the law, anything you write on your own is automatically *yours*. The only issue with this is that if someone steals it you have only a couple choices:
    1) Request that they stop stealing your material

    2) You can fire off an email/letter to their ISP/Hoster and notify them about DMCA infringement

    3) If that doesn't work, you can file a lawsuit

    As long as you're willing to fight for your rights you'll have no issues. The problem is a lot of people are too passive and don't want to take the time needed to protect themselves.

    Note : You do not need to copyright the material for it to be yours. That helps, but it's not required.

    Also, if the forum has a statement that your work belongs to the administrator, or the forums, you forfeit all rights when you post here. I haven't read it or anything as I don't post anything here I'm afraid of anyone else taking, but if it is something that bothers you I'd definitely read over the ToS.

    I don't think you understood what Anwiii posted about the Creative Commons License. All those would be right if it weren't for that this forum is already under a COPYWRIGHT protection. With the Creative Commons license, anyone CAN copy anything you write on this forum and post it wherever they want and even reproduce it on paper. IT is licensed but Creative commons gives any body the right to 'share,remix and reuse' which means that nothing we write on this forum is ours after we click post.

    If you want any more information on the Creative Commons License here is the link.

  3. The other day I was thinking about the money and all the work that a lot of people, including me of course, do to get the most amount they can. All the industrial zone and the comercial zone, all the students, all the people work to make money. And the banks borrows money from another banks and the economy depends of the money and the country depends of economy, so everybody and everything depends on the money. I get entertained thinking in all that people who today will get rich and all that people who today will get poor, all that people who today dream with the personal superation. Everybody work for the money. The money is the owner of the world. The money motivate to all the people go to work everyday. So, the money owns to you and me.

    The thing about money is that it really doesn't have value. WE give it a value -- we make it worth something. WE own it. Without people MONEY is just a paper.

    And thinking about these arguments I was. Until a spot in my head said me: "... why work to make money, when I would can to make literally the money, printing it..." and I got this idea. The central banks in all the countries print money, the federal reserve in the U.S. prints money, Why can´t I print money too? So I am thinking about make a secret printing house and print money to get rich. I don´t know how can I to make false money but i can try, Rigth?

    Before -- I mean... a long time ago during the 1800's people used to print money all the time and get rich overnight. The only way to put them in jail was catching them while they were printing it or if they don't provide information on how they used to be poor 2 weeks ago and now they a mansion and thousands of dollars. In some interviews people said that 'it was fun' and that 'it was worth it' and 'its not like printing money nowadays'.
    In modern times, the bank and the police/FBI/IRS can track the money because the government has some kind of special area where there is more chemicals than others. They test that part and if it is found to be fake -- you are going to jail for a very long time.

    I have the knowledge about a man who was in my country printing false dollars and with a lot of precision that the only way to get discovered was that once in a casino in a Royal Caribbean´s boat he paid with a bill with the same number of series that another bill the cashier has. What is the probability of that? The police discovered like 200 thousand dollars in his home and a little machine to make dollars. The case was very popular and the U.S. asked for the extradition of this man and never know what happened with him. Maybe I would can be the latino Frank Abaganale.

    Everyone is going to get caught sometime or another. Even if you only use a bill once and then think you got away with it -- they will find you sooner or later. Printing money is popular in third-world and south americans countries -- they usually use it to 'pay' for drugs from a buyer, of course the buyer has now got a detection kit or something and they are gonna kill you with their UZIs. :D

    So this is my idea. Maybe is not intelligent to post it here but I want to know the opinion of Xisto´s members. Some recomendations? Would be good to take the risk and go to jail? I am thinking about it all day long so my head is burning.
    I am confused. So I wait some advises or recomendations. Bye.

    My advise is that you just forget about the whole thing. IF there WAS a way to get away with making fake money -- everybody would be doing it... heck I will print night and day :P YOU are going to get caught if you try something like that.

    AND if you are going print some... don't print it out from Google Images :)

  4. i always stick with three media players, REAL PLAYER, GOM PLAYER, and JETAUDIO. in these i could play and watch almost everything i want, if not just installing a simple codec and everything work fine.

    I have used all of those you mentioned and ideas NOT happy with them. They are too bulky and the design looks like they tried too hard toake it good. Especially GOM player -- I downloaded it and I competed hated everything about and it's orange interface.

    Wd, I suggest that you try KMPayer -- the best thing and it's free! After you download KMP, download KLite media codec pack -- it has very thing possible and t render any sort of video -- no more codec problems. I installed it about 3 years ago and I have never hat to download a codec again! Try it and see if you like this combination of kmp and klite codec pack.

    Another thing about kmp is that it looks good while playing video and audio -- you don't feel weird at all and you only need one player after you install it.

  5. I am going to try a demo of Artisteer before I purchase it. I am not a big cms fan, however some of the site I build really do need it. I have never heard of Artisteer but if it works out ok I will post it here and will purchase the program. As of right now I only have a few companies that I am working for. I live in Gulf Shores, AL so business is not really booming right now thanks to the oil spill.

    You CAN trust Artisteer to get your a nice theme but if you really don't want to spill all that money just to get a 'not so great' theme -- you might as well get a free one. There are plenty of good looking wordpress themes in this site for free! and if you want to make your own, try using Wordpress Theme Generator -- its Free, easy and compatible to Wordpress 3! PLUS it even supports 3 columns of widgets!

  6. I have recently made one which is on a very fast server though many people are now using it I will be moving it to a even faster server it is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I'm not so sure about that... I tried using your proxy server but i keep coding this error -

    The requested resource could not be loaded. libcurl returned the error:name lookup timed out

    Also, the name 'school.tinylx.net' is too long to type... you might want to shorten it to proxy.tinylx.net or just get another site just for proxy. I would also recommend that you get another proxy server script -- this doesn't look unique and it has been used around the web for ages!

  7. Seems like your topic resurfaced here. Looks like you need a mod to accept the poem before it gets published or it got into pending because a mod had a problem with it.

    And we are also have a problem in this forum where you post something and the post just disappears. Sorry if that happened to you. Just to be safe -- you should try to copy before you post, so your copy gets saved.

    Also, if your computer is 'hacked' then we don't you 'unhack' it? There are plenty of topics in the forum about malware and virus removal tools and tips. I'm not going to list them -- search for them. That's why we have the handy search button. Here's a hint :)

  8. hmmmm now that's funny

    i found this name on the topic list : Guest_James_* , yet when i entered the topic i found out the thread starter inside is : Unregistered027. is this some kind of bug? :lol:


    Hmmm... good find :) That happened when a mod maybe edited the topic and then the username got changed... happens. Might be a bug I don't know about that but the privileges of the Guest could have changed too!


    Anyways... Let's get back on TOPIC guys!

  9. The majority of Americans may not be bothered about Football in these 4 years but if I'm right there are some clubs and a league present in the US too, which was why David Beckham was hired to play in the US. Anyway I don't know too much about that - so let's live and let live :P The fans wont stop following the game at any given time.


    Yeah! You are exactly right! There IS a United States League but it isn't as popular as you meet except... but the League is trying very hard to popularize Soccer in America by getting people like Pele (back in the day) and now Beckham to play in the Los Angeles Galaxy (YAY! GO GALAXY) and as everyone can see now -- just because you have a ton of money to get people to play for you -- it doesn't change the hearts of the people -- the 'real americans'. :) That's why I think no matter how many billions is spent for Soccer games and advertising soccer in America... it just isn't going to work.


    I saw a BBC documentary about American football fans.. It really weirded me out. There were these shirtless frat boys who had painted LA GALAXY on there chests, and were spraying beer everywhere. There were also these seriously drunk fanatics chanting hate slogans at David Beckham because of something he'd done. Apparently Football is big in some parts of America?!


    There are some regions of America where Soccer has gotten popular during the 90's-2000's but they are mostly like immigrant communities and places like Boston where there are a lot of Irish people live -- in THOSE regions soccer is big but in the regular small-town place Soccer is rarely played... and if it is no body shows up for the games. Except on late nights of the finals.. you don't see people hating Beckham on the street. They brought over Beckham to Los Angeles to REBOOT (or should i say 'BOOT') Soccer in America but as we know that even the best/most popular soccer player of recent times can't even do that. Now, people are hating him because he might leave LA Galaxy.


    Maybe the fans were just one of those newly changed lovers of soccer (again, not football :)).


    I see the 'newly changed lovers of soccer' all the time in LA... they were EVERYWHERE during the World Cup and when US starting during good people where talking about soccer everywhere but after US lost in the world cup... its like "oh thats great...". So, ya nobody really cares about soccer.

  10. NICE poem! You are very talented! I hope you use this talent for something good... and are you a poet? Because you seem to only login to post somet poems and post your comments on Anwiii's? or are you just Anwiii in a disguise... trying to post how your own topics or and post some more topics because you have poem addiction? :)

    Should this be in quotes or something.

    Nope. This thing is 100% legitimate work... I even check it for plagiarism(only because it was SOO good) and he's clean. You only have to put quotes for something that you didn't write.

  11. Winamp was a good audio player and I never really saw it as a video player! So time keeps changing and these little surprises keep coming up!

    Me Too! I downloaded WinAMP a few days ago and then I played a .AVI file and it started playing it in WinAMP, but its not a good player though. I have Windows 7, loads of ram and a awesome video/graphics card and even with all these goodies the WinAMP player gets stuck every five seconds.

    Likewise, using VLC to play mp3 files also seems weird to me today.

    I have always felt that way too! I think the reason why its so weird is because the design looks like its for a Video Player and when you use it for Music it looks just awkward. But the ONLY Media Player where I don't get that sensation is Windows Media -- it works both ways just the same. That's why I use it nowadays and that's also why I used to despise it.

    I think VLC is going to keep the top spot for a few more years until someone worthy gets to dethrone it.

    I can see it happening too -- but not anytime soon though. VLC is going through major extension the past year and they have included HD video and hardware acceleration support. But IF they ever get beaten -- its going to done by KmPlayer.

  12. Welcome Nickol!
    I do think that you shall be glad to be here! As you can see -- there are lot of juicy brains here :) You might want to read our help file here before you begin. ;) And I also hope you like them dogs! I love 'em! :D

  13. This was the reason I left retail.

    You should really try posting something useful when you go around digging graves in the forum.

    You seem to have a knack of resurrecting old threads comp2. I'm fairly new myself so I dunno if thats fine but maybe you should check it up.

    It's totally OK, as long as you stay relevant to the topic and don't make it obvious that you are resurrecting a dead topic -- so try posting something meaningful when you do that.

  14. So this feature is best for those people who just like to read the new threads and posts and wouldn't like to take part in any other activity.

    Then why would anyone really want to come to a forum if you don't want to interact with people? That's just useless in my opinion. It could work for this forum though -- if your a mycent freak :D Good thing no one does that kind of thing... don't get a idea you lonely people.

  15. Agreed, but its the simplest to get things started.

    And a tutorial site will usually not require the advanced features and complexity of the CMS you mentioned.


    Also, I had another idea about adding comments to your site. That is: OpenSocial and a Google account.

    It lets user sign in to your site using any of the Open Social networks. So people don't have to make a new account and it prevents spam.

    I think they have a rating widget too.


    Details here: https://developers.google.com/opensocial/?csw=1


    I know -- its as easy as the famous 5 minute install but after that things don't get any easier -- that's just have wordpress is. IF you are going you use WordPress, and I think you should then you use a plug in called 'DisQus' for comments -- its the best comment system in any cms and any SITE. You could have central DisQus account and use it on all your sites to comment. It also has a avatar and a reply button. The admin's comment is also green color so that users can easy find them. Major sites like Lifehacker use this -- so its bugs and everything have been sorted out and PLUS ITS FREE!


    Umm .. Guys .. I appreciate the intent but I think it might be just a little too late to help him with this issue. But, I like the way the thread is going. I had no idea about mambo and differences between the various CMS was also not obvious to me. So thanks :)


    I don't know about this one -- what if someone else has the same problem or a similar one? This is a very common issue with people new to web design and this topic could help them all.


    Wow. You are right. I never noticed the date when posting that reply. :blush:

    But it will help people to come. Like it helped you, a bit.


    Really? Us resurrecting a old topic is a good thing -- just added one more post to help solve issue.

  16. Il nostro cibo č cosě gustoso. :D
    We eat alot of Pizza, pasta, meatballs etc. It's just unbelievable how much food we do. ^_^

    Don't forget the sausages... thats the next best thing about Italy after Pizza and luxury bikes. After reading this topic -- I'm having visions of the fat ghost guy from Ratatouille... weird.

  17. hahaa, this is so funny deadmad,and this will be a version of a horror movie :P . no, i invite you to join us in the coffee shop or the library but please don't wear a potato sack or you will scare everyone else.


    Thanks for invite :D But where are we going meet? Somewhere close to los angeles, chilowhee, turkey and india... which would put us somewhere like this -


    Posted Image

    That'll be fun! Coffee in the Middle of Africa! Im looking forward to meeting you all :P

  18. The funny thing is if each couple decided to have just a kid or 2, the world population would start plummeting down. Both because of the direct math involved ( No. of people get halved each generation I guess) and because of diseases and so on. Even if it was 2 per couple, the population would still start going down gradually. But its surprising that there are so many people on the planet who seem intent on depleting all the resources! If only we could enlighten them, the world will be a much better place for us and for everyone else!

    I heard that that's what everyone says until they have their first kid... then another and another and so on. And there already rules like 2 kids per family and in China you could have only 1 baby. And most people don't see their kids as a old guy with beard going around trash at homeless people -- they think of them as cuddly babies who are sooo cute.

    Almost everyone on earth know this by now... they just keep ignoring the facts as we lay them.

  19. i checked the site too and everything work fine. so please try to log in now and if you couldn't post here again. i think it happened before, some of server error i guess.

    It happens to me once in a while and it usually goes away when you wait about an hour or two. Sometimes it could go on for days, but that's very rare. Otherwise, it works when I clean my cookies or something... I don't really know how that helps but it does work. After that, i came to the conclusion that the cookies that are stored in your computer from Xisto are being checked by Xisto again, and it doesn't the whole cookie (im cracking me when I'm typing this hhahaha :D ) or it gets the cookie and tries to match it to your xisto's cache cookie and finds it invalid because the server rebooted or your computer changed it's ip automatically.

  20. But this topic will not reach a consensus unless we can all sit together in the same room and talk, which I guess is next to impossible. If someone can figure out a way to get close to that, we should try it sometime :)

    It's something very close to possible. We could imagine that the ChatRoom was actually a 'room'... but if you decide that you are too old to be pretending, we could just use skype or gtalk or ytalk and just talk through video... but as you all should know -- my identity should remain classified, so I'm gonna wear a potato sack on my head and talk through oinking morse code.

  21. This poll is outdated and so is the thread, which has been resurrected :P The top spot surely goes to VLC and although there are people who loyally use the old Windows Media Player, those who want to enjoy their playback will definitely go for VLC.

    Yeah... it is old as heck! I mean, who stills use WinAmp to play Video Files and I haven't even heard of half the things on the list. My top would definitely go to Media Player 12 (or is it 11? I forgot) in Windows 7 and Vlc Media Player/ Mplayer which are almost he same thing (someone copied from the other :D) and the best of all KmPlayer -- It's the best one which I found so far -- it doesn't exactly have the best quality video rendering but it sure has the best user interface (not too much) and user controls and stuff.
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