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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. Yeah, I started playing it yesterday and like 3 hours later was still going at it. I definately enjoyed the strategy that comes to playing this game, of course, I enjoy the fun graphics and animation that is in this game. Of course, I was taken aback by the Michael Jackson zombie and surprise no one has complained about it. Granted I didn't look up anything as such but kind of bad to enclude someone that died last year.
    Still the game is fun and looking to kill some time, try this game out.

    What are you talking about? MJ Zombies are the best! :D Thats my favorite part of the game, and the second one is those Scuba diving zombies and the ones that make shark sounds. I never finished the game though, played for more than 10 hours and that game never gets boring.

  2. I just got a idea for a new forum game, based on the thread "I love it when..". This one could help us know secret things about each other :lol:


    It's a game where people share their favorite..(something). It goes like this -


    The Rules


    First, I'll start off by saying a line "What's your favorite ice cream?" or something like that. The next person, it could be anyone, has to post the answer to the question, and at the BOTTOM, a another question. So, it looks like this -


    My favorite ice cream is vanilla strawberry with chocolate sprinkles. Blah blah blah.


    What's your favorite thing to do on a bus trip?

    The question could be answered by anyone, you can't ask one person to answer it.


    OK, lets start.


    What's your favorite song to sing in the shower? :lol:

  3. I have few ideas in my mind but then again it's hard to see if they get invented ever. By the way, is there any chance warp gates will get invented ?

    They all might.

    I think a Warp Gate could be possibly if you mean one that could split through dimensions. I think research from the Large Hadron Collider and a better understanding of Black Holes could send us well on our way. Though, you might get ripped into a gazillion pieces when you travel through dimensions. :D

    And if you mean a one that could help us travel to different places, like teleport tunnel or whatever, thats possible too. If you could consider the transfer of quantom information from one photon to another, they could transfer using no physical matter in between -- no physical medium. Lab tests have transferred quantum information from one atom to another almost a yard away. If we could do this with a large scale, and possibly we could achieve to transport living objects.


  4. Lol.
    Really weird news. Spark and boom, a fire? I can't even begin to imagine how it all started. Maybe there's some fire accelerant on that part of the course. Or it could be just plain "malas" (bad luck)

    The reason -- It's summer, its California, dry bushes and a rock. The golf ball scratched against a sharp object, like a rock and created a spark. The spark slowly grew for hours and it turned into a huge fire. But I guess its a little "malas" thrown in too! :lol:

  5. I don't know what you guys are talking about... this one is looks better for a webhosting site than the one before. Hosting sites have to be quick to point with the info all there. People surfing through don't want to see "personal" stuff. I really love the new design but the logo is kinda off. I think its a G globe with a arrow around it... something about fast and all around the world i think? The menu is the part which is a little unprofessional with the blue underline thing, Instead, try a blue coloring inside. I think you did a good job with this one. P.S. - I gotta give you props for the "Meet the Team" page, its great. ;)

  6. You can use a golf club for all kinds of non-golfy purposes -- walking stick, fishing rod, club, to name three. And now we can add to that list -- firestarter.Over the weekend, a golfer's routine swing in the rough at the Shady Canyon Golf Course in Irvine, Calif., struck a rock. Not so different from the way you play, right? Only this time, the impact caused a spark, and the spark set off a blaze that eventually covered 25 acres, according to the Steven Buck, General Manager of Shady Canyon Golf Course, and required the efforts of 150 Orange County firefighters, writes the Associated Press.
    Wow. And I felt bad the time I shanked a ball through the window of a house too close to the fairway. That was nothing compared to this!
    The golfer's name is being withheld, which is probably for the best, and no charges are going to be filed. Fortunately, it all could have been much worse. As it was, the blaze required both helicopters and on-the-ground crews.
    The conditions were ripe for a blaze, with dry brush from a recent heat wave just waiting for the right spark. Like, say, one caused by metal on rock.

    Thats some weird news for this week :lol: Who knew golf could be so dangerous? Now, its time to take your new knowledge to your club or any place which you hate and want to destory... perfect opportunity. If you are lucky, you won't get sued too! B)

  7. :P I didn't really plan on making a skin, nor do I really have an interest of doing this all the time, I was making a new website, couldn't find a skin I liked, so I made my own :P idk I might start doing this, I might even start selling my skins, who knows :)

    I guess you can sell it when you get really good at it. I have a hint for you : Always try to keep it simple... minimal works the best. People hate bloated themes. :rolleyes: I have seen Minimalistic themes be the most popular and get sold the most.

  8. oh seems i missed your post deamad :( i think we were writing a post in the same time but you posted it before me 5 minutes earlier. sorry i will take care next time :blush: .
    and yeah deadmad, i love it when rich billionaire do that especially for poor people. and i think they should to, because helping others brings the ultimate joy to our souls :) .

    i love it when, i help a friend and succeed to draw a smile on his face :) .

    Oh, thats alright! ;) I like it when I draw a smile on a person's face, not only a friend :lol:

    I Love it when, I wake up on a sunday and think its a monday and when I'm about to get ready for school, i remember its a sunday and go back to sleep :P

  9. OK site, OK idea. The site looks like its from the 90's and its not centered... something you don't see very often in the internet in 2010 :P The logo looks shabby and like it was made in 2 minutes. I'm also sure that I have seen those numbered stars before in another site.

    Your "news events" have the oldest on the top, its usually latest on the top and older ones descending. You have littered "share" icons everywhere on your main graphics page. The beta page is the same as the rest, are you still testing out something? The Forums page doesn't exist anymore, i get a 404 error. And overall, i can't even begin to pronounce "phyzizle"... is that Snoop Dogg's new word or something? :lol:

    You have alot of work to do before this site is going to look good. Get crackin'!

    well, the idea looks strange a little but i like unique ideas. and working you and your life together is a cool thing i guess, because this site will be like your baby :).

    Dam... you are good! How do you come up with your lines? :D

  10. I'll been a fan of COD since Big Red One came out back in '05 or '06. It was the greatest game back then and the COD series has been getting better and better. My favorite now is Modern Warfare 2, because of both the graphics and the complex story! COD always comes up with the next time and I think zombie is the next one. I already know how the gameplay will kind of look like since I got the COD zombie in my iPad... its pretty good. I hope its better for consoles though. And I hope the zombies are believable at least... and a good story.

  11. Well, this is a really strange thing that has been happening to me ever since I can remember. I usually have these GREAT ideas that just pop into my heads at random times and I tell my family, friends or anyone that is just around in the moment. I'm pretty sure this happens to almost everyone... but what happens next is the weird part.

    So, I have these ideas and then a few months.. or even a few years later -- its INVENTED! Some crazy scientists in Geneva or some other place have the same thing that I thought of! It's so crazy! I remember the time that I thought of Wireless energy and I had a WHOLE FREAKING plan about how everything is connected and that there are huge "power" stations that emit energy and suck in energy too. Cars pick up those signals, so no more gas! (I'll explain more about this later in a thread in the Theory section). This was waaaaay back when I was in 2rd or 3rd grade and then sometime in 2009 i learn that its now possible and heck, they have companies based on it now. Gooood Luck Ryan Tseng, because I'm coming after you!

    I have a few more ideas like this that have been invented! Did this happen to anybody else? Or do many of 6 billion people have the same ideas? Or are the Russians spying on me? B)

  12. hahaa, this is bad chini, you will make them hate you. kids get crazy when they loose.
    i love it when, i keep on thinking of a new design, and suddenly a great idea pops up in my head.

    I think chini wins by stealing their cookies! :lol: I actually like it better when I'm not thinking of one and I get a really great idea... but that doesn't happen in design lol :P

    I love it when... rich billionaire people donate like millions of bucks for poor people! :D
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