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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. Usually my favorite would be Saturday (as there is NOTHING to do that day so I can use it to catch up on stuff I haven't gotten around to yet) and my worst would be Monday, as that's the beginning of another week of things that need to get done.

    Saturday is great, but Friday night is another plus to the weekend. I don't hate Mondays as much since I already dreaded the end of weekend on Sunday -- I freak out on Sunday evenings lol :D

  2. Hi Deadmad7
    thanks for your prompt response, would look into php,mysql and html and get back for further questions.In the meanwhile, Would you let me know why should i start from scratch if there are existing solutions available i.e., joomla and drupal. I appreciate your efforts in helping me out.

    Web Designer

    If you start from scratch, you can customize it all you want and you can also try selling it for money if you want. You would be able to control everything and integrate everything perfectly with some tweaks. But if you use solutions/CMS like Joomla and Drupal, you won't be able to control everything -- only those options which the plugin gives you. Basic point: Making it yourself is harder but the result is great. Using a CMS is easier but less options.

  3. I think I'm one of those 90% of the people who hate Sundays and love Mondays! In Sundays, its usually boring and your like "oh no... the weekend is gonna end tomorrow.. more work :( " and on Friday, its the fun, fun day where you spend the whole day thinking of the weekend :D So, which day do you like the most and which one do you despise?

  4. Maybe there is a sort of Right of Free Posting. It is not possible to kick somebody out of the chat. And it takes some time for posts and topics to be deleted and closed. And people can start their own forum and type on it whatever they want. So in some way the internet offers a lot of freedom.

    What the heck is this topic about? Some "right of free posting" that you think there should be or something? I don't think you can kick anybody in the chat now too, maybe admins or mods. Why would you want time for posts and topics to be deleted and closed? There could be a really obscene post/thread and you won't be able to remove it.

    And people can start their own forum and type on it whatever they want. So in some way the internet offers a lot of freedom.

    I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about "free posting" here... how did the topic change to internet freedom? Me no comprende :D

  5. Something related to this is that it seems that some people don't realize how much information about themselves is available on the internet. And clicking on some links on people's facebook, profiles and other social network websites can reveal names and names of schools. And it seems a lot of people don't realize that.
    In fact it seems that facebook and other websites make it easy for people to publish their names. Because it seems websites ask for names and addresses in the forms that are used for sign in. So it seems that it is okay to type personal information in websites.

    A discussion is going on about the hide function of Facebook. Some people think that it should be on hide by default.

    See, you get the point now... why try to hide all that information if it is so easy to find out?

  6. I am a newbie in web designing and hosting. There is too much info that i need help, please advise me in the right direction.


    The Project is to design a single login portal for intranet.

    The main requirements are

    1. to send internal memos to user's email

    2. good and appealing eye candy for the UI

    3. ability to request IT support service

    4. request item purchase.

    5. IM or Chat on LAN.

    These things should be at different user levels, for example, manager should be able to see the purchase request submitted by the user and should have rights to deny or approve the request.


    i have given a detailed description, in order for me to ask the following:

    1. Could somebody point me in a direction of what technology or solution should i use.

    2. Would CMS do the job.

    3. which CMS would be better.

    4. The technical requirement is that solution should support IIS server.

    5. The hosting would be done on the intranet, but solution should also be scalable to internet (login would still be available for employees only)

    Any help is appreciated


    Hello and Welcome to Xisto... WD #2. :D


    1.Could somebody point me in a direction of what technology or solution should i use.


    I think you could make your own if you know PHP, HTML and MySQL.


    2. Would CMS do the job.

    3. which CMS would be better.


    Yes, CMS is the name for what you are going to be creating. I think Drupal or Joomla will do the job perfectly. You might need some free or premium modifications from the Extensions area, but once you install them -- it will be perfect.


    I hope that answers those questions...

  7. The name of 1 of the pictures is something like annoying picture. This indicates clearly that the pictures are ment to annoy other people. So it can be argued that deliberately and willingly try to annoy other users of the forum is not 1 of the best things to do.


    If being annoying is 1 of the reasons that the pictures are made and even more that the pictures are put on the gallery there is no need to complain about it that such a picture gets reactions.


    Another point is the rights issue. It seems the pictures of the orange with eyes and a mouth are made by somebody using photoshop. These pictures are put on the Gallery. Does this make the pictures free of rights? Uploading a picture to the gallery doesn't mean every computer owner and internet user has the right to copy the picture and download it on a website. Not even when it is the same website the picture was uploaded before. So the ownerships rights of internet content can be taken in consideration here. This remarks are made about the person who uploads the picture made by somebody else to the gallery. It might depend on the intentions of the person who made the picture if it is allowed for somebody else to copy and upload the picture. Just putting a picture on the internet itself doesn't indicate the picture is free of rights.


    The same question whether or not it is allowed to copy and upload pictures regards the other pictures found on the internet too. When the gallery is used for showing self made pictures there is no issue about the ownership and user rights.


    The picture/series is called "Annoying Orange" on Youtube, thats why the title is like that. And the ones that are uploaded are copies from the series... not photoshopped and if they were, they still belong to the publisher and since the title comes with the picture, it could promote the series (which is not meant ;) ). And I don't think that guy on youtube is gonna mind much because his creation is all over the web.

  8. An image will be removed if found to violate the rules of the forums. I believe the rules, at least a general form of them, are already in place for the gallery. If you are not allowed to post them in the forums, then it should be obvious that the same rules apply for the gallery.
    That being said, there is no need to be rude to the topic starter simply because he was courageous enough to post his thoughts on a certain image.

    I don't think its about the "ranting" of the image, I think why they (shadowx and maybe anwiii) are angry is that Inea posted some really really crappy images to cover it up.

  9. I think that happened to me on a Saturday.
    I love it when I think it'll be a crappy day at school then my friends make me LOL for real. Almost to a ROFL.

    Lol, that happens too often that I don't usually think about it. :D But that is something to look back to in the future :ph34r:

    I love it when... im hungry beyond imagination from playing and I come home and my mom made my favorite food!

  10. it is a hard question, because i usually say "sorry i can't answer this question... :D " but sometimes i can say, " do you really want to hear my answer?" :P

    what's your favorite way to apologize and say you are sorry??

    That'll have to be anything thats funny at the moment... doesn't work 100% though.

    What's your favorite *ENGLISH* (prevented chini from getting away with "hindi") TV show? :D

  11. Meh, I don't think anybody gives out "that much" information in the Introduction section... the most is the Age and the region/city where they live. I don't think you can stalk anybody from there... and I know this because I'm 100% stalk-free (well, nobody will wanna stalk me anyway :D ). Besides, thats why Mods are there, they can edit it if you give out too much info. I seriously don't know how "risk" comes in here...? I can see NO ONE having their address/phone here or any exact place where they live. I'm pretty sure its in the TOS too (idk I never read it but I'm "pretty sure"... prove me wrong :P ).


    If people post their details then they will soon learn when someone stalks them. I have *very* little sympathy or compassion for fools or idiots so what happens happens IMHO!


  12. No that would never happen. Starting programs will always come with new OS's. Yes they will get faster, and lighter. Getting rid of all the crap they have now thats useless and just slows it down. They need to make a computer that is invincible to crashes.

    I'm not so sure of that.... I think you're talking about notepad,media player,etc. (those will ALWAYS come with the OS) but I think we are soon gonna get rid of bulk ware like Windows Movie Maker,etc. But I also think that it will become EASY to download the extras with Windows Update and stuff like that.

    BTW - As long as there is computers -- there is bound to be crashes.

  13. Correction - It's not a lot like Chrome, its the best features of Firefox and Chrome and Opera that are put together. Consider the BIG BACK BUTTON from firefox, small space taken by Chrome and start up page with website panels from Opera. The new browser is also very, very fast to start up in Windows 7 (i think it preloads it or something) and you can combine it with Windows 7, and use jumplists, pin websites to taskbar,etc. that you can't do with any other browser. So, Microsoft has the advantage on the OS -- the biggest advantage it has. The loading time in IE9 is faster than or fast as Firefox but not faster than Chrome. Some websites take a second to load and some take like 10-20 seconds. It's pretty unstable right now, but Microsoft has promised to fix that in the Final version. IE9 Beta also hangs ALOT and sometimes it just gets stuck for no reason and than you have to "end process" on it. Thats why I'm not using it full time -- yet. I did the ACID3 test (yea, I did them from http://acid3.acidtests.org/ cause I don't trust reviews :D ) and turns out that Chrome got a score of 100, Opera - 100, Firefox 3 (didn't test 4 beta) - 93 and IE9 Beta- 95. BUT Microsoft also said that they will bring IE9 to 100 soon. IE9 loads HTML5 beautifully, way better than Chrome or anything else... the second best part. All we can do for now is just wait and see the Final versions of Firefox 4 and IE9... Chrome and Opera updated a little more than a week ago. So, I think this is going to be slow. And who knows? IE9 might pick itself outta the ashs. :)BTW - I'm not gonna even vote in that *BLEEP* poll... and if anybody is gonna rule the world, its probably Google. :P

  14. It's alright kids, the "pompkin" is more frightened of you than you are of it :D Inea, you did a pretty bad job of posting images to block the orange... just google searched for a computer and a dragon :P Well, it looks crappier now than before if you ask me. I hope these things get removed...

    Haha can't believe I never found this thread before :lol:

    uh oh... didn't see rob's post -

    If the gallery is going to exist, I think there should be some rules regarding what goes into it. Things uploaded to the gallery should be something that a member made, example: a banner/signature, drawings or an artistic photo taken by the member. A show case for the talents of the members. It was being used for this, but some it degraded into images of schematics, pictures of computer and fruits. I don't think what INEA is doing is wrong, because there are no rules, it's a free-for-all. It shouldn't be this way, but until OpaQue makes the rules, I'd say nobody's doing anything wrong.

    True, there are no rules on this but the only thing I uploaded was some stuff that I made and some internet characters... that doesn't even come close to what inea did...

  15. Woah! That looks awesome! And I know that skin from gelaskins from where I got my iPhone. You can get it as "skin" from gelaskins for your iphone, its like a protective cover, i got this one called "worth dying for". It cost me around $18 + shipping. I don't that think this would look good, as a poster. It could be awesome on a Room Wallpaper, covering the whole wall... if its really cheap, you should buy it though.

  16. Hmmm... the first thing that I notice (and what troubles me the most) is that the second part/footer part of the site is sooo good and the top part/header part doesn't even come close. The "girl" picture (is that you?) takes out the "creative" part. Try using the blue,green,yellow colors that you used on the logo to fill in the inside or use another vector. Next thing, the menu colors are out-of-order... one is yellow, one is blue, and the rest are white? Wait, that doesn't add up :wacko:


    The body: the introduction (great job adding that btw) is off color. And there is a "w" in "My Namw is" instead of "e". Use a color that goes with the brown AND the black swipes. The slider (i think you made it yourself) is OK but it could be better try using the WP Easing Plugin and insert it into your template. Looks better, and feels easier.


    Everything from that point on looks AWESOME, especially the "What can I do" and the "footer butterflies". One thing that you can fix, like Simpleton said is the "Wanna... check my blog..?! it is cool and awesome..." text. Try using this code :


    <div>      <p> [color="blue"]Wanna[/color] </p>           <p>check out my blog?</p>      <p>It's [color="pink"] cool [/color] and [color="pink"] awesome! [/color] </p> </div>

    I don't know if thats correct code or not, but you can see what I wanted to say. Anyways, I read your About Me and its funny :D If you could fix all these problems, your site will be perfect! And good luck on your site ;)

  17. Well i would go with the PS3 but it's a crapload. $300 if i recall. The games are expensive as well. I know the method of getting an xbox360 for like $70... It's just that the accessories, the errors, etc... I have no chance of getting a ps3 (or this year at least)... So should i just get a PC tablet or something instead of an xbox360

    PC tablet instead of a Xbox360? Are you kidding me?!?! Maybe you didn't see how much fun xbox is... and all you can do on your tablet is LESS than you can do with your computer. If you are trying to get a tablet because its cheaper, trust me...you will regret it and i don't think you can get a touch one (those are the best) for under $300 (if you can, its probably cheap china bulkware). Just save up enough money and get a xbox360.

  18. Totally agree with that line lol... Highsschool sucks. Or so i'm thinking at the moment... Big crappy school, no lunch this year, packed school and a traffic crowd everywhere (literally) and various *BLEEP*s you'll come across every 5 minutes regardless if it's in class or in the halls.

    Don't worry... High School grows on you. :) When I entered Middle school, i thought it was crap and thought that Elementary school was way better but it got better after a while. The same thing happened in High School. You don't have to worry unless your in a really bad school like (la high) where people can actually get stabbed...

    Where do you live? Don't all schools have Lunch? Really? If it was a "packed school" than won't it get more funding from the state. And the school is actually supposed to handle all that crowd by spreading them to different schools/accepted only kids from the nearby areas and not faraway. Also, you might find *BLEEP*s that will actually become your friends lol.

  19. Hello Everyone :)

    Hey, Welcome back on the forums! :D I see that you are a old member, i hope you can stay with us :)

    I have a question regarding the "Decade" plan - I am satisfied with what I will be getting off the decade package.
    Though - I only need the webhost for 1 year (It is a website for my school's committee), I don't want to stack on Xisto with a 9-year idle package and clog up space :P So I am asking here if I can use what I have right now (which is almost half the credit of the Decade plan), and grab a 24 month (Our school have special policies regarding websites, it must be valid for 2 years..) plan instead of 10 years?

    Simple solution - Sign up with the decade plan and use it for 2 years, come back after 2 years and cancel the account :P

    Another question - How can I transfer my current Google apps to Xisto? Do I have to record all the A, CNAME, MX.. and those stuff, then manually input it back onto Xisto? Or is there some way that can conveniently do it?

    Go here and submit a ticket asking this question, it'll be answered in a matter of hours (depends on your timings).

    I wish that can solve your problems B)

  20. @Trampo - Aww... thats awesome! :D


    @mich - thanks for the entry, one more for the Xmen collection :D


    @kira - I can't accept your signature since it doesn't follow the rules, enough time was given to do something about it. Sorry, there is always next time.


    OK, now that we have 5 entries, I think its about time we started the SOTW voting.


    oh yea, forgot to say TOPIC closed!

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