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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. Exactly. Forum is close to dead and i see no point in keeping on topic discussions either. I need mycents for further payments and without tangent discussion i see no way of getting there. Look at the system not even updated for me in 2 days. maybe for others it is. script is supposed to run 1 day alternate. anyway, what's the point in keeping expectation. :/ leave it. just post on topics and have fun.

    Hmm... I remember reading that the mycent script was supposed to run every 24 hours, and then after that the time is going to be slowly reduced to a few hours or something. I think i get mycents everyday... I average about .30 cents for each post ($1 USD, myCENTS: 21.02 - 4 posts), at the last update for me, which was on the 7th. It's pretty normal for me, except for the update time.

    When did you guys get your last update?

  2. Woah, thats pretty weird and awesome at the same time. I think it is just a little coincidence though, there is no way that it could have happened otherwise. They could have picked the same city,casino and same game/slot area because they have similar interests. I think you are the middle point, maybe you hang around people who have a certain kind of interests and so they have a "high" chance that they might might. nice story, i wonder how they felt lol :P

  3. I agree with mahesh2k Totally.

    I don't think its fair that old members get less mycents, as old members have contributed to so much more than the new members, and that is what turned many off Xisto in the first place (now called Xisto).

    I don't mind if you make the average mycents rate less, but not as less as this, because that just means that you are turning loyal members off, or encouraging them to make new accounts, or something else, etc etc etc)

    AND if that happened, as in, if you changed the system, then what web_designer wants would be achieved, because the members that ARE getting turned off by this would stay, like... someone else who's name I forgot. :/ I'm sorry. But it did happen, and after a while, I can see Xisto keeping their old members, as well as getting new members that would stay loyal after a while.

    We actually don't know whether the lower mycent rate for member with more posts has been implemented, or if it ever will. OpaQue said that he will but he never said that he DID it. Maybe it was forgotten like the wikipedia links and more mycents for people with wisdom points. Maybe an Admin can clear this issue?


    Unfortunately... have you ever noticed? This is the very topic that administrators (that is, Opaque and BuffaloHelp) always ignore... so... whats the point of having this topic if the admins don't even want to listen to us?


    But yeah. What IS the point of having this topic if the admins don't even want to listen to us?


    True, you are absolutely correct. But that's only because all these issues were scrambled over many threads, like the trapper thread, the mycent thread, the logo thread, the knowledgestura update thread,etc. I hope they will listen if we bundle over issues in one thread. But really, its their job to do so :)

  4. Haha... I remember the times when I wouldn't sleep for ages just to post on Trap. :PNice... Has this forum been rather dead lately? You make it seem like it is. :/

    And that would really suck, because I like this place alot.

    Welcome back, nameless. it's really good that you are returning, and its perfectly at the right time too, everyone is sooo dull here cause there is pretty much NOTHING to do. I remember seeing you from time to time a few months ago, but I wish you can be more active now, good luck on your foruming!

  5. What Simpleton said.GUESS WHAT. I'm BACK!

    And I love you all for staying with trap and are teh same people that I first met when I was confused about everything and stuff. :)
    It's so great to be back. I hope I'll be able to learn how to program for real finally and stuff. Had some bad news about my site, but there is nothing I can do about it now :/
    So yeah.

    Reallly realllly reallly reallly sucks.

    But anyways. :/ I reckon people that have stayed at trap for some time will always come back to trap... like me, and I always will, I think. :)

    Wooho! Another member came back to forum, It's really a good thing -- but It really sucks when they make a post like "I'm Back!" or something and then the next thing you know, they're gone again. :P I hope you can stay with us. ;)

  6. Perhaps all these "changes" in the forum aren't a bad thing after all, and could do us something good. I made this thread to practically "showcase" what EVERY member WANTS from Xisto -- what they expect. Mainly something to show other users and the Admins and Moderators. Something the forum has to "live up to". We can share our ideas in what "direction" Xisto should move in, "what should it do now"? and maybe the Admin's could even take some ideas from here.


    What I except from Xisto- is a clean forum, with a lot of users and new threads to post in. I don't need any fancy theme (but it sure is appreciated) nor any features, just some plain old people. Next up is ACTIVE, friendly and dedicated Admins. They are the core of it all. Apparently, we don't get much of that around here. Third, the ideas of the members have to be appreciated, even if it isn?t going to be implemented, a comment will be nice. The other things I think it needs are common things that I don?t need to explain like spam-free, working shoutbox,etc.


    I hope everyone will share their ideas...

  7. Well opaque has a choice to kill all of our hosting in one go by discontinuing the mycents if he wishes not to come back here. Then i guess the only mycent that we earned earlier will remain and from there we have to manage on our own. It seems to me that this forum is not giving him profit anymore and that could be the reason revenue sharing is disabled and admins are also inactive. And their inactivity also is one reason why mycents are low because admin has control of manual mycent as opaque said and if they are absent then opaque can keep script running which rewards low mycents. you know how much mycents you get don't you ?


    i prefer to go either forum tangent to earn mycent or ask others to create more topics if i can;t. i don't see any other way to react now.


    Yes, mycents are probably the only way most of us are using but even through that, its really opaque's decision. If he decided to close down this forum because (a) not gaining enough money (b)no real activity or any other reason, I won't complain --not that much, anyway. It's his site, his decision. We already have MANY examples of him using that power... I'm not saying its right and telling him to go ahead closing off the site... just saying that I wouldn't have a forum with which I don't spend time with... i would try to make it better or hand it off to people who can do better with it. My opinion....

  8. But the point is if the admins are not active how we are going to see the new sections or improvements ? we can't so only way to do is start creating topics. If there is no anime section we can still start in relevant section where we can get mycents. don't know what topic to come up but anyway i would like to see if there is any topic from others members.

    But you can only do that for so long, its all going to come back to "having an admin around" situation. Seriously, I think "why have a forum if you can't manage it"? A few days,weeks or months is OK. But half a year is just bull!

  9. why don't you try to come up with a good idea of your own, deadmad? isn't there a new sotw you should be working on? don't worry about others who take an initiative in things, worry about your own responsibilities first.

    I did say "lets see how it goes", thats a neutral statement :D Oh yea, and the SOTW's aren't going on because of many many reasons... like holding the logo ransom and stuff. Those are part of my "responsibilities" too, but nobody is listening to me... even when I TRIPLE posted myself over 3 months to say the message.

    and btw- make buffalohelp the first one on the most wanted list. i think he still thinks he is the best admin for the job. i will bet $100 cash that if we get better mods and a better admin in here, this place will be more than twice as good as it is today. who wants to take me up on this bet. opaque??? :)

    That was my idea, or opinion or whatever, I said that like a 1000 times. :P and I think you should be a admin or whatever...

  10. ok i think this is time to withdraw my words and say, I DO LOVE CHATROOM better than the old shoutbox. now, we could talk in so many things without others know about ;) . i mean we can talk behind people's back :lol: hahaa, just kidding.


    no, i mean now we can talk in more things than we used to talk in shoutbox, sharing ideas and opinions in a more private way especially with close friends, and forcing members to show more respect and understanding to other's opinions since we can talk in a more free way. we can even talk about silly things sometimes, well, everyone who comes to chat room a lot will know what i am talking about ;) . especially when starting me and chini talking about makeup :D . so the chat room was a good choice after all.


    You are right, the chatroom is almost prefect. But I wish these mods are added to it...


    the annoying rules thingy doesn't come up everytime, only at the first time for a new member!

    Shows when a new topic/post is made

    shows when a user logged in

    shows mycent update

  11. ok, it is time to ask again, WHERE ARE YOU TRAPPERS????god, the whole past week the forum was dead :( and it is really irritated me i sometimes can't find a topic that interested me to reply on :o . i don't know where is the error now. things now are better than the past three or four months, mycent system is working again. and no more real errors or annoying bar in the footer or error in posting. i remember that things were better a month or two ago, so why now?? and what happened i don't know??

    new members post one or two topics and disappear, old members rarely come again. and i returned wandering alone here :( with chini, sometimes. even moderators and administrators don't come as they used to do before.

    so where is the wrong??? where is the active members?? where is everyone???

    School wiped out half of the population and the rest, I see doing more productive things on the net... like not waiting for a topic to appear in the forum. :D But its mostly cause of the less people who know about ks and how the admin/mods never come here... EVERY forum/site that is still flourishes is because of the work of the admin/mod, but I just don't see any on this one.

  12. Sheesh. Don't make a big deal out of it unless you want to make some big bucks out of your website. If you have keywords, you will likely end up higher in the search engines, but even if you don't -- you can still make it high up there. Use tools like Adwords keyword and SEMrush (my fav) to research about your competitors and make backlinks related to your site. Like if you have site for medicines, try getting a backlink from a hospital locator or something like that.

  13. now, i am seriously thinking of changing the rules i put above and starting annoying members :P . i mean i am thinking of taking anwiii's idea of adding members without their permissions to the board, and send them the scary words "YOU ARE WANTED" :D .
    but i will do more than that, i will pm everyone who is been added to the board, and tell him about that and i will give him/her the choice to be removed from the board if he/she didn't want to. and i really think that this is a good idea, because members who are away and didn't come to the forum for a long time, will receive a notification in their email and then they will give the forum a visit and see what is all about?? ;)

    so what do you think guys and girls??? good idea or not??

    Ah, its a good idea but it seems abit "google-ish" to me... well, we will see how it goes.

  14. I think there should be category for anime in general. Creating another sub category for anime titles can create a lot of navigational junk. But i think opaque should create anime category in section where our post count and mycents are on mode.


    Ha, I'll love it if their is an Anime section with mycents, thats a goldmine. I have a way that you can avoid the "navigational junk" by having an a section like this -


    -Anime/Manga Section

    --Anime Discussion

    ---Major Anime 1 --Major Anime 2 --Major Anime 3 --Other Anime

    --Manga Discussion

    ---Major Manga 1 --Major Manga 2 --Major Manga 3 --Other Manga



    This will be a pretty good section and we could add more if we want.

  15. I have Google as my homepage but here is my Chrome startpage -


    Posted Image


    ThePirateBay - I download ALOT of movies,music and software, so I'm usually torrenting 24/7 in the background :D


    Bing - Hmph, trying it out for the maps and stuff like that.


    Bit.ly - Shortening links so i can post in twitter.


    Wikipedia - Probably most used site after Google.


    Flickr - upload photos to my picture album.


    Twitter- don't use it that much but chrome just ranks it there :P


    PsDeluxe - My last closed tab lol.

  16. How do you unzip using cPanel? I know how to do the uploading but I thought you need SSH access to run things like unzipping.

    LOL, I do it everyday... Go to the File Manager (not legacy one) and navigate to the ZIP file (I tried Rar, it didn't work) and select it and on the there is a Extract button, click it. Enter the path and click ok. It should be done now... It's ultra fast too, can do any unzipping in Andes

    BTW - I dont think I have ssh access, I never selected the special options...

  17. Throughout the day I haven't noticed any of my database-powered sites going offline. Accessing cPanel and purely HTML pages would be fine during a database outage as the database runs on a separate server. It sounds like the database server either went down for a while or lots its connection to the other servers for a period. At the moment it seems to be up and running fine, but I shall keep an eye on my sites.

    I have noticing this actually for months now... They usually go off late in the night in my timezone. They usually last for a couple of minutes or at most one hour or so. It happens everyday, even for A few minutes. I noticed that this ONLY happens on some sites hosted on xisto, which I suspect are hosted on the gamma server. 

    I had opened a support ticket about a month ago where I took a pic of the downtime and the server downtime X from the cPanel and attached it. They responded bysaying that there are no error logs and no downtime. I didn't argue cause they started working again correctly for about a week. I believe that this is the longest time it has happened and why so many people noticed it. 

    I think All of us should report this issue... Or it will keep happening over and over again. At the time of me writing this, my site still hasn't come online again... a record of one day.

  18. Hey guys, I'm wondering if anyone else has been having issues with their FTP or SQL lately.
    To elaborate a little:

    When uploading files I get kicked off the FTP every 50-60 files (to upload 6k files, for phpBB, for example, can take as much as an hour due to all the disconnections. When using the online file manager it's not an issue -- the one through cPanel).

    As for the SQL, I'm working right now on adding stuff to my site and for some reason I keep getting the "cannot connect to SQL server" error. If I wait a few mins after getting that it works again, then dies a few minutes later. I haven't had any issues with this part in the past though.

    So I guess what I'm asking is do any of you guys experience this? If you did in the past and somehow resolved it, could you please shed some light for a newbie?


    I always experience that while using FTP like Firezilla... it could be that Xisto - Web Hosting's servers or slow or something like that. Just ZIP the file and upload it via cPanel File Manager. And then extract it from there. It's also easy to set permissions this way too.

  19. That's not solving the problem. That's avoiding the problem. :/ Which tends to be the way it shouldn't be, they should fix it, or allow us to fix us it ourselves, which is something Microsoft won't do. :( Let's hope they fix it or change it before the final release. :(

    I actually like it that way, It's takes less space but you can reduce it to favicon size if you want. I think Chrome's UI is the best so far... I'm so addicted to chrome that I haven't used another browser regularly for months now.

  20. wisdom flag or reputation has been given to a member when he/she post something that deserve to be given a wisdom flag from others, or if a member helped you and you want to thank him/her so you can give him a wisdom flag.
    and you can give it to any member by clicking on the plus "+" sign in the bottom right of every topic or post.

    Damnit! I missed my +1 Rep by explaining how the Wisdom flag thingy works! It always works like a charm... :D

    @inea - but be sure to give it only when its absolutely necessary... don't click it on every other post. ;)
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