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Soviet Rathe

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Everything posted by Soviet Rathe

  1. Well i'm not getting any errors or anything, and the myCENTS are updateing on the asta forums.... just not here.
  2. Ok I half way agree with you there :(Transferring myCENTs between accounts wouldn't workwhy?because new members to the forum current earn myCENTs quicker then existing members. if transferring between accounts were made possible then there would have to a flat myCENTs system and something to prevent a member from making a new account and earning those mast cents and transferring them. so this would not work.Rewards for the GFX part is a good idea. like you would get so much credits for each completed sig or banner request. I think this would motivate people more to be more active. but again. there would have to be something stopping people to request a banner on one account. and fill the order on another one with just any image. then on your other account go and say "OOOOOO i like the banner!!" then u get credit for it so theres a problem with that too lol.Cheers
  3. Ok It's been about 48 hours and my MyCents have not updated. their stuck at -85.95 and with the number and size of the posts ive made since it last updated I should have gotten a few dollars by now.
  4. Ok about two weeks ago I bought a Coby MP705 4 GIG Mp3 player for $59 Heres my review. At $30-$60 this is a really good MP3 player. at a first glance this looks like a really expensive piece of electronics but upon use is when you see why it's cheaply priced. wait! don't get me wrong this is still good for the price but it's no $200 Ipod. the front is glossy and the back seems to be made of stainless steel! and it's very slim and compact. the sound is pretty standard. there's several EQ setting but no user-definable EQ with adjustable bands which I was really hoping this would have. but it doesn't... if you listen to hard music like I do then most of the pre-set EQ setting distort sound which really disappointed me. trying to listen to Death Core is awful on the "Bass" setting. in fact the only setting where it sounds really good at is the "POP" setting. The overall volume of the player is a little better then most MP3 players where you would have to turn them up high to be able to hear them in a car or in a loud room. but as I said. Don't expect an Ipod. but I'm pretty satisfied with it. Supported audio formats are MP3, WMA, Protected WMA, and OGG It did come with a pair on ear buds and a what looks like a velvet protective skin and I must admit. the ear buds are alot better then standard. they actually sound pretty good but I ended up giving them to my friend and just using my $20 pair of earphones which were alot better. I really like the touch pad. it won't work unless you touch it with your skin which is both good and bad because you can brush up against it with your arm or hand and it can pause/skip songs I think they should have made it a little more pressure sensitive to prevent that.. the buttons aren't visible until you touch them which is what that silver ring is for. looking at it would make you think it was a click wheel but it's no more but a guide to show where the buttons are and to look stylish. Based on which menu you are in the buttons have different uses. if you are listening to music then the left and right ones are to skip and the top and bottom ones are the volume. the one under the left side of the screen is the menu and the one under the right side is the options button. you must hold it for a few seconds and a menu will pop up with options like EQ, repeat etc... now on the other hand if you are watching video the buttons have the same use but you must turn the player on it's side. The menu looks really cool when scrolling through and has several options. Music, Pictures, Movies, Radio (yes it has radio!!) E-Books, File Explorer, and Setup I don't really like or use the radio mainly because I can never get a signal but the radio has 40 presets and you have the ability to adjust the scanner sensitivity and every time you set a preset you get a religious message "Have been saved!" lol.. The E-Books are NOT for audiobooks. is it for .txt files where you can actually read them. weird but cool huh? Getting videos to work wasn't easy. the only supported video codec is (MPEG-4/Xvid) but at last. I finally got all my music videos on there... but the manual claims it will play videos at 30FPS but when using the only supported codec.. I could only get the FPS up to about 25, although the only software I used was AVS video converter and that's because the provided software didn't work lol. another draw back about the video is you can only have the video res the same as the screen size which is 220x176. now on other players with the same screen size you can have it up to 320x240 which makes a big difference. I havn't tried the pictures bit yet but the sample pictures that it came with looked good on the screen but while your listening to music. if you will look at the picture above. where the picture of a CD is if your file has album art it will be displayed there which is cool. Getting my computer was a real challenge, I had to keep disconnecting it and re connecting it before I finally got it installed. and if I don't plug it in my computer for a while my computer forgets it's installed and I have to go throught the process all over again. but you don't have to use the files manager to transfer files if you don't want to you can just drag and drop into the appropriate folder. Coby rates the battery life for the MP705 at 24 hours for audio and 8 hours for video. but after using it I would say that music lasts 8 hrs and video lasts 4 hrs Overall I rate this 4/5 it's really good and I use it all the time Thanks for reading!!!
  5. Ok about two weeks ago I bought a Coby MP705 4 GIG Mp3 player for $59 Heres my review. At $30-$60 this is a really good MP3 player. at a first glance this looks like a really expensive piece of electronics but upon use is when you see why it's cheaply priced. wait! don't get me wrong this is still good for the price but it's no $200 Ipod. the front is glossy and the back seems to be made of stainless steel! and it's very slim and compact. the sound is pretty standard. there's several EQ setting but no user-definable EQ with adjustable bands which I was really hoping this would have. but it doesn't... if you listen to hard music like I do then most of the pre-set EQ setting distort sound which really disappointed me. trying to listen to Death Core is awful on the "Bass" setting. in fact the only setting where it sounds really good at is the "POP" setting. The overall volume of the player is a little better then most MP3 players where you would have to turn them up high to be able to hear them in a car or in a loud room. but as I said. Don't expect an Ipod. but I'm pretty satisfied with it. Supported audio formats are MP3, WMA, Protected WMA, and OGG It did come with a pair on ear buds and a what looks like a velvet protective skin and I must admit. the ear buds are alot better then standard. they actually sound pretty good but I ended up giving them to my friend and just using my $20 pair of earphones which were alot better. I really like the touch pad. it won't work unless you touch it with your skin which is both good and bad because you can brush up against it with your arm or hand and it can pause/skip songs I think they should have made it a little more pressure sensitive to prevent that.. the buttons aren't visible until you touch them which is what that silver ring is for. looking at it would make you think it was a click wheel but it's no more but a guide to show where the buttons are and to look stylish. Based on which menu you are in the buttons have different uses. if you are listening to music then the left and right ones are to skip and the top and bottom ones are the volume. the one under the left side of the screen is the menu and the one under the right side is the options button. you must hold it for a few seconds and a menu will pop up with options like EQ, repeat etc... now on the other hand if you are watching video the buttons have the same use but you must turn the player on it's side. The menu looks really cool when scrolling through and has several options. Music, Pictures, Movies, Radio (yes it has radio!!) E-Books, File Explorer, and Setup I don't really like or use the radio mainly because I can never get a signal but the radio has 40 presets and you have the ability to adjust the scanner sensitivity and every time you set a preset you get a religious message "Have been saved!" lol.. The E-Books are NOT for audiobooks. is it for .txt files where you can actually read them. weird but cool huh? Getting videos to work wasn't easy. the only supported video codec is (MPEG-4/Xvid) but at last. I finally got all my music videos on there... but the manual claims it will play videos at 30FPS but when using the only supported codec.. I could only get the FPS up to about 25, although the only software I used was AVS video converter and that's because the provided software didn't work lol. another draw back about the video is you can only have the video res the same as the screen size which is 220x176. now on other players with the same screen size you can have it up to 320x240 which makes a big difference. I havn't tried the pictures bit yet but the sample pictures that it came with looked good on the screen but while your listening to music. if you will look at the picture above. where the picture of a CD is if your file has album art it will be displayed there which is cool. Getting my computer was a real challenge, I had to keep disconnecting it and re connecting it before I finally got it installed. and if I don't plug it in my computer for a while my computer forgets it's installed and I have to go throught the process all over again. but you don't have to use the files manager to transfer files if you don't want to you can just drag and drop into the appropriate folder. Coby rates the battery life for the MP705 at 24 hours for audio and 8 hours for video. but after using it I would say that music lasts 8 hrs and video lasts 4 hrs Overall I rate this 4/5 it's really good and I use it all the time Thanks for reading!!!
  6. I like Warez :)you have to think of the people who cant afford a $400 peice of software...File sharing will never be gone. it takes about 10 years for the FBI to shut down just one major bittorrent website like thepiratebay but then when they do. people get mad and 5 more sites will pop up.file sharing is here to stay!!! bottom line!!!! ---------and hey. no disrespect but.... HAIL PIRACY!!!!!!!!!! LOL
  7. Transformation packs only give the look and feel of the real operating system.. if you want it to be truly like the OS then you should go real OS as for me I like the options of XP and the look of vista and that's why I have the vista transformation pack if you used the pack i posted then you shouldn't ever see the xp logo ever again even in the boot screen will say vista/7
  8. yea imo no one can find you just by knowing your age and what state you live in so I make them public. idc
  9. ROFL Well it's possible to have intelligent conversations tho
  10. Haha I have over 50gigs of Full quality mp3's and over 10gigs of programs (dont delete this post) TPB has a very interesting story and after all that TPB is still running Cheers
  11. imo it's best to post quality answers and advice even in old threads because Xisto is well known on google. so people google something and it points them to a really old topic they still read it and see the solution and it might solve their problemso even if theres a solution posted in it. if you think you have something valuable to add to it or another solution for it go ahead and post! it will give who ever is reading the thread with the problem some options to go byCheers
  12. imo that's just like telling little kids "OOhhh its alright to give the man your phone number and address!!! he might give you some candy!!!" rofl but seriously this sounds weird. I kno we are chatting with total strangers every day on the internet but this sounds ridiculous. yeah.... that's what I'm taking about Edit* ROFL look at this!! and heres the next one i had so yea I'd say these are computers but their funny!!!! ROFL and smart they interact with you well but i really think their computers **EDIT (again) omg rofl after using it for a while I can say that its real people. they are just twisted and outta their minds!!! LOL
  13. tbh I don't think I would change anything if I was an admin.. things seems great they way the current admins have them.but I think I would get a new site skin :)and I would come up with something more interactive where theres more to do then just post.
  14. ahh kk. when your asking a tech question it's best to state that your using a MAC in your first post Cheers
  15. haha isn't the whole point to make them as long as possible without them being spam? ps. bahahaahahah im not a newbie anymore
  16. well you missed one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. Heres a 4 page review o.o http://www.pcworld.com/article/172602/windows_7_review.html I havn't been able to try 7 yet (mainly because of the $400 price tag o.o) so for those of you who are like me you have get the windows 7/vista experience for free if you are running windows xp!! Windows Seven Transformation Pack http://www.winxtp.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t Windows Vista Transformation Pack http://www.winxtp.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t These are thems and skins made to make every aspect of your computer to look and work like windows vista/7 everything from the cursors, sounds. start menu. explorer. Even the boot screen will look like vista or 7!!! You will never see the Windows XP logo ever again!!! I'm currently using the seven pack and I very much like it I highly suggest them if you are stuck with XP (soz for sloppy typing i was in a hurry lol) Cheers
  18. I have used paypal for years with no problem and if you ask me I think it's a good idea they don't ask for much info because for people who use it for making their money online all you would have to do is make an account and send your money thereit's safe as long as no one gets your password or security questions and when your ready to get ur cash they send u a check or you can use it to buy stuff online.As for EBAY i never used it but I also never heard of them scamming anyone.It's a good idea not to leave your money in your paypal account for more then a few months because after all this is the internet and people can hack into servers just like they can steal your runescape account they can steal your paypal accountSueing paypal and or ebay is a loosing battle lol
  19. I like both rock and rap.but not rock n roll.... I like death core :DMy Playlist:Rap:Eminem50CentT.I.Soulja Boy !!!! YEAH!!!!! Superman Dat!!Plus alot more hardcore rappers i cant think of right now lolRock/Metal:Bullet For My ValentineFive Finger Death PunchAll That RemainsBring Me The HotizonAll Shall PerishSlipknotSlayer <--- sorta classicPlus alot more i cant think of :Pthats just off the top of my head
  20. That computer is worth a lot more then $300 if it is in good condition and runs well 1GB of ram is really good. my computer only has 512MB RAM Your Hard Drive is worth over $200 itself.. 500GB is insane!! are you sure that's what it is? Your 2.4 Ghz prosesser is very good since most computers have 1.8 or around that. (mine has 3.6 Ghz) The monitor and Speakers are also very good is they are in good condition I'd say if everything works and it is in good condition you should be able to get around $700 on the other hand if it is custom made computer (made yourself) then it will indeed decrease in worth by a few hundred. Cheers
  21. No, there is no program that can detect the strength of the CMOS battery On a fairly new computer (no more then 5 years old) if your CMOS battery is getting low then your computer will warn you of this at boot. but sometimes it doesn't the CMOS battery is responsible for memorizing information like disk sizes, computer ports, installed devices etc.. this information is needed for the computer to boot properly or completely and work well. the CMOS batters powers the CMOS which contains the information needed to boot up the computer and run programs. and works with the RAM if the CMOS battery dies or becomes very weak it can cause bigger problems which will cost money to fix the only way to detect if your battery is weak is the following: 1) the computer keeps going off by itself (The CMOS is required to keep the computer on!) 2) Programs load slowly (remember! the CMOS works with the ram! without it your ram doesn't work right!) 3) you get an alert telling you to clean up disc space where there is alot of disc space (The CMOS contains data about disc space and size!) How to replace the CMOS battery just open up the cover on your computer and look at the mother board (the mother board is the very large circuit board) look for a small flat battery that looks like one of the larger hearing aid batteries. then just take something small like a hair pin and pop that battery out (don't worry you wont hurt anything) also be careful that you don't touch the motherboard itself especially with your skin because your bodies natural static can mess it up. then look at the set of numbers and letters on the battery and go to walmart and buy a new one then just pop the new one in. Cheers hope I helped!
  22. NEINsometimes it's 3---4AM before I get to sleepmy mind is so full of stuff... my mind like... never stopps even during the dayI also have insomnia.. to put it bluntly, no I don't have a peaceful sleep.
  23. YES IT CAN!!!!!I HAVE ALWAYS SAID THAT!!!!It's like the matrix. your body cant live without the mind.go around and ask people... actually ask yourself. have you ever had a dream where you were killed in a first person perspective?First person means your actually looking through your own eyes.When you are having a dream and your falling. you feel yourself falling right?ITS JUST LIKE THE MATRIXyour mind makes it real and tells your body to react because your mind thinks it's real!I bet no one here can say they have been killed in a dream in a first person perspective. I would bet all my money on it! because I have never heard of a living person who has.That's why I try to wake up in dreams.. unless.... its a happy dream.... (ya kno what i mean )
  24. My niece is bi and I love her to death she is soooooo funnyand 2 on my family members are homosexual (their togather if ya know what i mean ) and I have no problem being around them.so I don't mind homosexual people, in fact they are really funny in how they talk lolCheers :)PS: IM STRAIGHT!!!
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