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Soviet Rathe

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Everything posted by Soviet Rathe

  1. good enough? =D I can be coding a website while another window is answering emails =D Cheers
  2. Try this hopefully this works <frameset rows="*" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="URL TO LOGIN PAGE GOES HERE!" name="login" scrolling="auto" noresize> </frameset> <noframes> <body> </body> </noframes> Replace the URl to the URL of your login page. and paste the entire thing some where on your main page. Cheers
  3. <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <label> </label> <label> Forum Name: <input type="text" name="textfield" tabindex="name" /> </label> Email Address: <label> <input type="text" name="textfield2" tabindex="email" /> </label> <p>File Title: <label> <input type="text" name="textfield3" tabindex="title" /> </label> File URL: <label> <input type="text" name="textfield4" tabindex="url" /> </label> OR Upload: <label> <input type="text" name="textfield5" tabindex="upload" /> </label> </p> <p>File Description (Public): <label> <textarea name="textarea" cols="30" rows="5" tabindex="desc"></textarea> </label> File Type: <label> <select name="select" tabindex="type"> <option selected="selected">Please Select</option> <option>Mod/Other game Modification</option> <option>Music</option> <option>Video</option> <option>Tool</option> <option>Software</option> <option>Other</option> </select> </label> </p> <p>Other File Information (Not Public): <label> <textarea name="textarea2" cols="30" rows="5" tabindex="otherinfo"></textarea> </label> Has this file been Virus-Checked? <label> <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox" tabindex="virus" /> </label> </p> <p> </p> <p> <label> <center><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" tabindex="Submit" /></center> </label> <label></label> </p></form>
  4. ahhhh I see. thank youI'll just cancel it and keep posting until I can get itCheers (getting the hang of stuff)
  5. well the domain was supposed to be http://www.mysite.com/ (no subdomain) does that matter?
  6. I just ordered a domain from Xisto and I had $2 on my account from posting.. the package was supposed to be $1.95 but not it says i owe $9 for the domain... i understand after studying it that I can pay for it when ever i want my host activated but what im asking is:is the $2 i saved up already already been activated? like if i wait a month to pay the $9 will the $2 be gone by then? or is it pending or something?
  7. Lol. look at the forum your posting in right now. This is Invision Power Board!!! ohhh my did I let the kittie out of the bag? But there is a free version of IPB It's called InvisionFree I think they want you to use their servers but I think you can also download it and install it on your own server. If you want to pay for a board then I really like IPB its easy to use and easy to modify
  8. NOOOOOOO RULE ONE Never connect two computers togather... NEVER doing this you will run a high risk of shorting them out. then you'll be out 2 computers I guess you could use your IPod as a USB stick?
  9. I hate the new messenger. I had to actually hack the old version to trick the servers into think I was using the new one so I could keep using the old one!!! why? because I can never get it to work. even with a system re-format When I sign in non of my contacts are there and if I try to add someone it will say "You're done! it looks like doesn't use messenger yet we have sent them an email invitation to them" and if I try to add the same person again it tells me that that person is in my contacts already which they don't show up on anything... and if I sign out and back in and add that person I get the same "it looks like doesn't use messenger yet" message. I have been trying for a long time to solve this with no luck and others have had the same problem.
  10. I agree Green Day = FAILthey only did a few good songs. those of which I name:Know Your EnemyI Walk Alone
  11. AHA I'm glad you made this thread!!!!!!! My website is on 000webhost It's an Invision Power Board forum and they don't allow it. That's why I just joined Xisto because they shut down my account. fortunately it's back up because I requested they re-activate it until I can move it. also my review on their service. the features are very nice. the BW and web space is OK but you have to be careful what scripts you host or they suspend your account. with no explanation what so ever but their server stability is bad. sometimes I have to refresh 2-3 times before it loads they also have poor customer service ----------- ROFL I saw that comment before. someone posted that on the 000webhost forum.
  12. I've been looking for a clan on COD1 what's it called and how many members u got? and how many servers u got?
  13. There won't be any add's in DAP if you get the premium version which is easy to find on torrent sites (not providing the links!!)
  14. I've been trying to get a web form on my IPB forum to work with no luck. I used Dreamweaver to make it but after I fill it out and press submit nothing happens. I heard you need some kind of script on your server some where.. Basically what I need is a web form where after the submit button it clicked the results are sent to me through email or maybe even PM on the forums Cheers
  15. when I try to post a new thread in the Web Design forum nothing happens and it just goes back to the forum index.
  16. Lol hope you don't hate me for having Soviet in my name :P

  17. Name:Jonathan Experience(Years/months/programs used)**: About 4 years using Photoshop CS2 Specialty**:Graphic sigs and banners Examples**: Sigs: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Banners: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Might post more examples later. Cheers
  18. Hi!My name is jonathan and I am 16 years old and I live in IllinoisI am very experienced at the internet and forums and I am a talented Web designer/Image artistAside from joining the Web design and discussion forum I will also be joining GFXTrap forum, making sigs and banners.I have heard of Xisto in the past but only now decided to give it a try. main reason is that I am desperate for a web server to move my IPB forum to.. so far I almost have my first month rent ready if all turns out good I will be here for a very very long timeYou can contact me on:Msn: Soviet_Rathe@hotmail.comXfire: bandtiMy Website!!! http://error404.000webhost.com/ SOON TO BE!!!! bloodingsouls.com; Cheers
  19. This has always been my opinion.If you wright a book saying something like..... "and this volcano will urrupt"sooner or later it will. that's my opinion on the bible. sooner or later things like it says will happen as with any book unless it was meant to be like a firyland or somethingAs for the "final days"I believe if we do end and the earth is destroyed it's our own doings. Not to do with God or anythingwe are destroying ourselves with our pollution and war and breaking down the 0-zone even more with rockets and whatnot we're sending into space.Yes I admit I am an aithiest but that's only because nothing good has ever happened in my life so I have no reason to believe but that's a whole other discussion right?
  20. I think it is because I can't get a job and I live with my parents? lol besides I could just make a macro that would do it for me so I might give it a try
  21. 7-zip has a higher compression ratio then any of the above.. plus it's freeware
  22. @firestorm uhhh... no illegal files? also AVG isnt that good. best around is Avast! When a virus is moved to the chest/vault it's compressed into a file where it cannot harm your computer. Best thing to do is when you find a virus. move it to chest/vault and leave it there for a few weeks. why? because theres things called false-positives which means your anti virus might mistake the file for a virus and it may not be. it might actually be a critical file needed for a program to work. so. keep it in the chest/vault for a few weeks just in case something goes wrong and that file is needed. if the file isnt needed you can go ahead and delete it.
  23. I look for storage and bandwidthat least 5GB storage and at least 50-100GB bandwidthalso to check for downtime I always read reviews on the host.I also MUST HAVE a MySQL database because when I use a host. it's more then likely that I will be hosting some advanced content and it must support PHP.
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