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Soviet Rathe

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Everything posted by Soviet Rathe

  1. This is why new members shouldn't be able to post topics until they reach 20-25 postsI see ppl register here. post a scam and never post again
  2. well when ever I get my website finished and running it will offer web design for a small fee. I have about 2 others working with me to start my business
  3. another GREAT game that's still in the beta stage and runs purely off of donations it's better then runescape and you never get board of it. and it's not 2D it's 3D. and it's realistic too. it takes place in mid evil times with swords and stuff but unlike runescape where all you do is click. this is alot different and it's not revolved around quests like runescape although there are quests to do.they have daily special events like asid rain and whatnot and theres day and night.. yea. one real day is one game dayand it's world is HUGE in the 2 years I played it I never even saw the whole game because it's so hugejust exploring it is really funbtw it's called eternal lands http://www.eternal-lands.com/
  4. I think I would feel to... naked if I slept naked. I wouldn't feel securebut I sleep with a top and boxers
  5. I posted a tutorial on how to use the old messenger but it wasn't approved.... or no one has looked at it yet
  6. Thanks Yea I was thinking the same thing Glad you like it it's actually supposed to look like plaid tho :/
  7. Well my idea of a goth girl is a plain black tea shirt. with a black skirt and stripped leg warmers or those fish net thingys on the legs and black lipstick with black fingernail polish with black hair with either pink, purple or white highlights and some piercings.
  8. On a more simple note. RSS channels are for announcements/news/new content and they are usually text based if you have something like Google desktop (which I use) then there should be an add on for RSS feeds. you can just click on that and paste the URL of the RSS feed. for example the Xisto RSS URL is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ after you have added it to the program you want to use, while you are connected to the internet it will show text with announcements/news/new content and if you want to read more of that you simply click on it. and it will take you to the page where the content is
  9. ahhh runescape.... great game...... that is.... until they killed it.....Your looking at one of the best merchants there ever was..but you can't merch anymore because of the trade limit.... and GEthey have been slowly and painfully killing runescape. they don't have to but they are!! with the graphics updates and whatnot they could have made it great! but no! they just had to do it.. the thing that made me quit runescape was the recent updates. really I could live with the trade limit and everything else but it was the final drawl when they changed the look f the weapons... you just look so ghey now.. the dragon scimy and whip look soooooooo stupidbut they brought BH back which was cool. But I really never got into pking or anything so the wildy change didn't really bother me. but the reason the trade limit didn't make me quit was because by the time the trade limit came into play I had the stats to make my own money.plus I got $250 for my lvl 130 from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but I kept my lvl 83 because I still play every once in a while.
  10. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ another one to add to the list and lol if I went to school I'd bring my DVD which has alot of hacking goodies then not only would I be able to surf all I wanted I'd be able to hack any website I wanted EVEN BANKS?!!?!?!?!??!?!?! jk
  11. well before I came here I used http://www.dot.tk/en/index.html?lang=en but I have to say I don't know why your saying theres ads because I never saw an ad anywhere on my website :|
  12. ok check this out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png and I made this one purely out of fun lolz http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  13. Sprint sucks BADLY!!!!My brother and his wife live 500008068976989009780960978 miles apart. currently he is serving time in prison. well it's not really prison but hes not a free man.he has a Motorola razor and she has a razor. she litterely went through 5 phones in just a few month! it was pathetic they all just slowly died.. it kept turning itself on and off and features would randomly stop working. his Motorola was fine for a while but after a while he started having the same problems.and the service is bad. no matter who you would call you would barely get a signal.... while I used my Verizon $20 phone was crystal clear lolzDON'T GET A SPRINT.. insted get a Verizon or an Alltell
  14. Working on your request **will edit this post with link when I'm done** ------------- Ok done! soz for the delay First I came up with this. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png But after looking at it I didn't really like it. so then I came up with this! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Hope you like it! btw I didn't really have the time to do an animated one. but tbh it's not a good idea to have an animated gif as a banner because it would slow your site (unless it's a flash which requires more effort) Cheers! if you want something changed just tell me
  15. .....an idea?don't buy a game until you finish the other?they will always be there for you to buy when you get ready to play them?simple?
  16. just do this <MARQUEE direction="left"><iframe src="http://echoofthunder.com/noaa/nhcfeedparse.php" height="15%" width="50%" frameborder=0></MARQUEE> I think I got it right ^^"
  17. Ok I got Thanks Mod Light for my IPB forum and it works fine except for one thing. When you click thanks and the little loading thing comes up but if you click thanks multiple times before the loading is done your name will show up multiple times that you thanked them like.... The Following 3 users say Thank You person for this useful post Soviet Rathe, Soviet Rathe, Soviet Rathe Heres the code for it // Thanks Ajax Adaptex By ThiagoInfo - Start if ($this->ipsclass->vars['thanks_mod_enable']) { $thank_pid = $row['pid']; if ($this->ipsclass->vars['thx_topics_replies']) { $row['thanks_button'] = "<a style=\"cursor:pointer;\" id=\"thank_".$thank_pid."b\" onclick=\"thanks_add('thanks', '{$thank_pid}', '{$row['author_name']}','{$row['author_id']}')\"><img src=\"style_images/p_thanks.gif\" alt=\"Thanks\" title=\"Thanks\" /></a>"; } if ($row['pid'] == $this->topic['topic_firstpost']) { $row['thanks_button'] = "<a style=\"cursor:pointer;\" id=\"thank_".$thank_pid."b\" onclick=\"thanks_add('thanks', '{$thank_pid}', '{$row['author_name']}','{$row['author_id']}')\"><img src=\"style_images/p_thanks.gif\" alt=\"Thanks\" title=\"Thanks\" /></a>"; } if ($this->ipsclass->member['id'] == $row['author_id'] || !$this->ipsclass->member['id']) { $row['thanks_button'] = ""; } $thank_text = ""; $thank_text1 = ""; $tquery = $this->ipsclass->DB->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_post_thanks WHERE postid = '$thank_pid' ORDER BY username ASC"); $thank_tot = $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows($tquery); if ($thank_tot) { $thank_text1 = "<div class=\"row1\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"top\"><strong>{$this->ipsclass->lang['thx_thanks1']} {$thank_tot} {$this->ipsclass->lang['thx_thanks2']} {$row['author_name']} {$this->ipsclass->lang['thx_thanks3']}:</strong></div>"; while($th_row =$this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row($tquery)) { if ($this->ipsclass->member['id'] == $th_row['userid']) { $row['thanks_button'] = ""; } $thank_text .= "<a href=\"index.php?showuser=".$th_row['userid']."\">".$th_row['username']."</a>, "; } $thank_text = preg_replace( "/,\s+$/", "" , $thank_text); } $row['who_thanks'] = "<tr><td class=\"row2\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"top\"><div id=\""; $row['who_thanks'] .= "thank_".$thank_pid."\"> \n{$thank_text1} {$thank_text}</div></td></tr>\n"; if ($this->ipsclass->vars['thx_member_display']) { $thanksquery = $this->ipsclass->DB->query("SELECT thanks_point FROM ibf_members WHERE id = '{$poster['id']}'"); $thanks = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row($thanksquery); $poster['thanks_point'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->member_thanks_point( $thanks['thanks_point'] ); } } //Thanks Ajax Adaptex By ThiagoInfo - End Now in this bit of code $row['thanks_button'] = "<a style=\"cursor:pointer;\" id=\"thank_".$thank_pid."b\" onclick=\"thanks_add('thanks', '{$thank_pid}', '{$row['author_name']}','{$row['author_id']}')\"><img src=\"style_images/p_thanks.gif\" alt=\"Thanks\" title=\"Thanks\" /></a>"; thats the actual button you see on the forum and heres what ive tried to make the button disable after the first click $row['thanks_button'] = "<a style=\"cursor:pointer;\" id=\"thank_".$thank_pid."b\" onclick=\"this.disabled='disabled';thanks_add('thanks', '{$thank_pid}', '{$row['author_name']}','{$row['author_id']}')\"><img src=\"style_images/p_thanks.gif\" alt=\"Thanks\" title=\"Thanks\" /></a>";tried"this.disabled='disabled'"this.disabled=disabled"this.disabled="disabled""this.disabled = true"this.display='none' No matter what I do when I try to modify them I eather get a T_STRING error, or when I click the thanks button nothing happens I'm still learning PHP so I might be using the codes wrong anyway plz help
  18. I would be more then happy to make a theme. I would make a test board and put the skin on there for everyone to see first
  19. Ok if your like me and have been forced to update your MSN messenger only to find out that the new version doesn't work then heres a simple solution. I'm about to show you how to hack your old version of MSN and make the servers think your using the new version. therefore you will not be forced to update Step One if you have already upgraded to the new MSN you will need to get rid of it by downloading Messenger Deep Clean from here (if you have not upgraded and are still using the old version you can skip this step as well as the next one) after you have downloaded that. extract the files and run "WLMessenger_DeepClean.wsf" then a black window will appear. wait a second. then press enter. this will remove all traces of Messenger new and old. Step Two install older version. you can get WLM build 8.5.1302.1018 here Step Three you need to get Resource Hacker which will be used to tweak your messenger. you can get it here extract and run "ResHacker.exe" then click File > Open and find the path where MSN is installed this is usually C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger then click on "msnmsgr.exe" and you will see something like this: 1) Expand Version Info > 1 > click on 1033 2) Scroll down until you see "VALUE "ProductVersion", "x.x.xxxx.xxxx"" 3) Change the number value within the parenthesis to "14.0.8064.0206" 4) Click "Compile script" 5) Click File > Save Close rshacker and launch messenger!!! YOUR DONE!!!!!! now you won't get that message telling you to update (which before you HAD to do) Cheers
  20. And the winner is......................WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER BY A LANDSLIDE me. I use wmp 11 it's by far the best plus I have the whitecap visualization
  21. Currently, Myspace blocks alot of codes. these include playlists such as playlist.com.If you somehow get around this and their staff sees that you are using a music player other then the one that they provide they will remove it immediatelyBasically they want you to use their media player and no other which is stupid...
  22. Yup yup mine updated and I got about $3 :)Account Credit Balance: $8.00 USDFTW!!!!!!!!!
  23. I tried smoking once when I was 12. my cousin gave me a sig lolI didn't see anything special or addictive about it tho.I don't believe in chain smokers it's just stupid. ppl that go crazy without their 30minute sigMy brothers wife stayed with us for over a month. and I had to practically be watching her 1 year old son all the time.... he would be crying and she would throw him down and go smoke a sig...
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