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Everything posted by TheDarkHacker

  1. Thank you.Again i have problem with my first problem.What about >,© and other like that? I think i would replace all them with empty string ('') using object.replace(firstTag,"") and that will replace most used tags in my paragraphs.I haven't some complicate code in paragraphs,just few <strong>,© and few others.I am not good at string manipulating so i don't know how i will find the exact string only,using what function? I tried few example with combinating charAt() and my cekor loop variable,and replacing but it didn't worked.Could you give me code how to highlight only one word?
  2. Can i see screenshot of somebody who earned something? You can hide details you don't want but i want to see how much you got.But i don't want fake HTML page,i want to see the URL of the service.I am sure that if you have more then 1 dollar that you needed to click on minimum 10 ads,and complete 3 forms.If i am wrong,post here.ANd other think i am sure is that they got x2 more money then you.From referral i believe that you can earn something,like in Xisto - Support but from ads...You will get money with referrals only because you will bring more people,and they will click more ads,and your money making company will get more money!
  3. Here in macedonia we have free WIFI somewhere.If we go in our city park (or how to say it) we get internet,or in some popular place we get free internet...I don't know the current speed and the usability of this wifi connection but i know that there is message board where is written free wifi.I didn't saw it but i watched on TV.BTW It is only for the capital city,Skopje or you will found it like Skoplje
  4. I wanted to create script which will search for <p> and it's content.This is the code i did: function search(string){var elementi=document.getElementsByTagName("p");var cekor=-1;while(cekor<=elementi.length){cekor++;if(elementi[cekor].innerHTML.indexOf(string)==-1){}else{elementi[cekor].style.background="blue";}}}And it worked,after many fixes and tries.I know about that {}else{ that i should replace with one ! in the if statement.That is not my problem.There are two problems: 1.My script allows searching tags,so paragraph may contain <b> and it will be allowed in searching.So,if i search for b,in paragraph with this HTML: <b>Hello</b> this is an example It will find b,which i don't want. 2.My script is selecting the whole paragraph instead of one word.I don't know how to add color only for word.Will i need to add new css class tags between word?
  5. TheDarkHacker


    There are two new Indonesian users!Very nice...Do you really have that much slow internet? Anyway,HI and feel good here.Read the Read Me and follow the rules.I don't need to give you link,try to find it yourself
  6. Very interesting website.Original URL: http://www.namestation.com/ It will automatic give you 20 domains which are random cool names.It will say are they free to register.You can specify length,maximum and minimum and you can specify the domain.There is favorites option,and if you like some domain you can add it so later can use it.There is details row in the table with domains and link with details.If you click analyze new window with few informations about domain,is it for sale,or not,is it available
  7. Hey people why you say it is really annoying...If you continue spamming instead of posting,by the first mycents will be gone.Second this forum will be gone.And third if you promote website your hosting will be down.There need to be problems with hosting.There isn't hosting with no server problems if it is popular.That is why i love to see small and not popular hostings which are more cheap and they never go down.But i will always use Xisto and post here,and with and without mycents.But i will not spam.There should be more users which will click on the ads so trap will get money to buy new servers.
  8. Honestly,i wouldn't find this forum if there weren't mycents.But still i always want to talk on forums and i am registered on many forums.I am here because PHP (but there aren't people here which are asking for help) is my favorite programming language and because i know it.This forum helped me to get domain,and i am working on it and i love it.The idea is perfect,and 100th time,but on other way,with other words i will say: "I love to see creative people"I feel something with this forum,it is not just virtual image.
  9. I don't know...They have added filter in the router.Here in macedonia on schools computers we don't have internet this year Few years ago we had internet and it was pretty fast because we have 20 computers.In our computers some kids are adding viruses and uninstalling anti-viruses.That is the hardest thing...The computer i use is infected with virus,so after logging in the keyboard stops working.You can simple write username or password but after logging it just beeps.It is not hardware mistake,it is virus.
  10. Maybe someone hacked your account.Choose harder passwords and try to remember them.Admins and staff are good people so i am sure they didn't add ads to the website.Anyway this is BUMP
  11. This PLAVEB is nice website.And the name is weird but interesting.Is all this yours,or you got some gadgets and snipets from HTML websites?Everything is nice and perfect design.I never saw that good website which doesn't look like others,which is made by 1-10 users.
  12. I think working in Drupal or Joomla is harder then making template with HTML and CSS.So i don't think Joomla is hard because it is not yours,so you it has very much bugs and translating can't be good.So i think you can use WordPress.If not then there is no way without coding in Dreamweaver.
  13. BUMP donneo :PThis is very old topic.I can't see why dell is complicated?But that one mistake can destroy everything is correct.New computers are very expensive,if they have good graphics card-it is enough,gaming graphics cards are 500 euros for normal gamers,for pro there are to 1000 euros
  14. Corel is for vector drawing.If you need to manipulate with colors and do very much effects use Photoshop.They are two very good software and you can't choose one they have other options.Adobe is very popular and have very much products.Can't vote for one!
  15. Specially for you i wanted to upload that file from my computer,but my internet is very slow.It can be found in C:\Program Files\Outlook Express so please download it from https://www.dll-files.com/msoeres.dll.html Click on Click here to go to the download of msoeres.dll Add it to the directory i specified,C:\Program Files\Outlook Express .DLLs are very big problem and very simple virus can remove them.You should not play with them because they are important for software and windows.
  16. For me best wap site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it will redirect you to the wap version,if you use mobile.I think it was youtube.com/wap or wap.youtube.com or youtube.com/m I am sure it was one of these.You can simple watch movies and i really love it with Windows for phone, because it will open Windows media player when playing.Youtube rocks!There is new feature in Youtube and now you can see the last comments about some youtube.It isn't public yet,and can't remember it.It works for wap too.Ohhh that directories...I always forget what is their name.Is it mobile or it is m
  17. This is only the graphics method.Still using Ctrl+A on Desktop all files including the invisible folder will be selected.This will not hide the file,so using Search option file can be found.Go to your file and right click it.Open Properties and check the hidden option.Now go to Control Panel,Folder Options,View,Do not show hidden files and folders.This is the real way and it will work better.Again if some person which knows comps comes they will found the file or folder simple.The only way is to try to remove using software,not right click then Delete,and empty Recycle Bin.If you need that file/folder,don't send it to Internet,just copy it to memory device and use software to remove file/folder.
  18. Sims are very good games.I have Sims 2 with two expansion packs: Pets and Nightlife.I have been playing Sims 3 but i can't find it legally here.There are lots of Sims CDs with cracks but i don't want that,i want the legal way.If i had credit card i would buy it using online order.But,not i don't have.Sims 3 have very good graphics and gameplay.They rock!
  19. Yes maybe this phone will come here.There are people with money here The price would be much i am sure because everything is new and popular is not cheap...Old phones were very much from 300$ to 400$.They didn't have GPS,Bluethooth or WLAN but they were expensive.Every new modern phone is looking good if it is from popular brand.Example,Sony Erricson with XPERIA new versions.Sometimes LG wasn't that much good brand,like now.There are very good phones...
  20. The second should be Windows Phone,but it is just concept.I never saw real transparent phone,this will be cool-and maybe popular
  21. donneo,please stop from coping and pasting...You should write your topics with your minds,not to use macedonian texts and translate them to English.I am not moderator so i can't edit your thread,but please this is your second warning.The same text can be found on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but with google translate and few corrections it will be extractly the same.
  22. I am sorry but this is copied&pasted from macedonian portal called IT and it is just translated from google because i can see few grammar errors,which are made in translate function on Google Try to edit this topic,and say more about it.But this is very good thing,and lets go back to the topic.Photoshop will be very good for phones...Hope it will work for more mobile cell phones,with support of more OSystems.Wow 2GB is very much,that photoshop.com is not joke.Opps and please edit zakachuvaat with upload
  23. It very legal to redirect user to google search and i don't believe that he's promoting Google.This is very simple tool and everyone can use adsense.Nothing if Google will find out this is just small game/joke for people which want to know what did user before them searched for.Only thing i don't know is the name,because Google is copyrighted so,just to be sure he should not write Google corporation,or steal theirs logo.This is very good idea i need to say :PMay this searcher will be popular like Google,i want to see traffic infos about this website.There are lots of users,i can see that that aren't just random names,because there are lots of real names,popular things etc. I will never spam this service,but they should make few security scripts so you need to wait 5-20 seconds before searching again.
  24. What about to remove all that $noqueries because you don't need them,MYSQL is very simple.I haven't time now to look good at the line,i have work,try to remove the @ and all that noqueries.Hope that will fix your code.
  25. Yes they are updated plus this is super fast,after posting you will get myCENTs updated.The only problem now we have is the database errors last few days.In the Billing and Support page there is update,on email i don't know i didn't check but myCENTs are growing very much.I didn't saw database errors on Xisto but i didn't get any email from Xisto for registering.That is not problem...Now i can have prove that you can really get domain and hosting from here and i will be very happy and i am gonna post very much just to make this forum better and i am gonna promote this website if there is enough space for other users
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