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Everything posted by TheDarkHacker

  1. No,i wasn't waiting for mycents when i was buying this domain,i was waiting for mycents for my first domain,filipd.com which now i am not working on it.I do not have some number of visitors,max. online guests were 5-6 days ago,12 guests online That is a number,but it was only a minute,and guests fast disapeared.I am working hard,and i am Joomla Lets hope you like the design,and everything,about the color,i like more dark websites,and i like combination of blue with gray color.You can see the techie in the design , look at the RSS icon isn't it good,look at the buttons hover,do you like that? I am trying to make good website
  2. I am sorry for double-posting but no one is answering...No replies for this site,do you like it,what should i add or remove,should i change something in design,content,color?Do you like it,can you rate it or something like that.Lets hope someone will see this I do not know but lots of people were spamming on shoutbox,and someones think that shoutbox is not needed.There is a idea,for other not public versions,to see how website will look like with more admins.WhoWho?! feature will be released soon,Forum is hidden,but published,Comments,are hidden,but published.So we need to find or create a database for Translator,and that is out hardest thing.When we will finish database for translator,we will publish first stable version,1.0.0,tested,and fully workingBy the way,news:-Website was destroyed,and now is restored-Website was destroyed because of forum installing,and index.php was replaced,now forum is moved and soon we will release version 1.0.0,sooner then expected.-more content in eWeek feature-fixed content
  3. After the first version i released second Beta version,now with more articles and tricks.Website can be found here and we will have more features but that will be in new releases...Few bugs fixed,shoutbox removed,forum removed.Our 1.0.0 version will release in January 2009,we are sure.We are not ready to publish it,because of administration needed.We need more articles and more ideas...Currently our website is not dynamic because of: -Shoutbox is not wanted -Forum is too old,we need vBulletin,but we do not have money -Comments feature removed because of bugs We will release news in the 1.0.0 version,our first stable version,and we will add few features like: -WhoWho?! -Translator -Forum -Comments If there is some serious webmaster,he can join us,and he will get permission to the website but we have backups,and if he is gonna destroy website,we will ban him,and restore this website
  4. Sometimes i am editing on the macedonian edition and and i hate spammers.On macedonian's wikipedia you are free to edit without registering,and i like that because it saves lots of time.That doesn't say that we have more spam then the english one...You can visit our wikipedia using this url: mk.wikipedia.org I enjoy when my edit is accepted and i do not have some experience but it is good to help some website,specially from my country because we do not have some good websites like Wikipedia.I own only one website but there is no one visiting it,only my family and friends and people want IT.First time i edited article it was removed,because i did not know about references and i wanted to clean all that .Now i am not some special writer and i only write in school and on forums.I do not have some time to use it to write on Wikipedia and i do not have time to search for references that all that i had written is true.
  5. RSS actually is Really Simple Syndication.It is button or image,and when you click it,you go to the RSS channel.On more simply way,it is thing which will inform you for everything new on some page.RSS channels are updated when the website is updated,so you can find out news without typing the address of websise (ex.https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl) If you do not know how this works,open Firefox or other browser which supports RSS and click on the icon with rss in it.Then try to follow instructions,and click on the button for adding the channel.In Firefox you can add RSS on two places.I usually add them on the toolbox. When you will find where you added your RSS,click it and few new things will come.With every starting your browser RSS channel is updated.I am not sure you will understand how this is gonna be,so i think,what i explained is the most simple way/level.If you have crazy idea that maybe RSS are updating without Internet connection,you are wrong - because RSS is using Internet connection to get all contents which the website is providing for the channel.If you open RSS with web browser which doesn't support RSS you will see some crazy stuff like <item> blablblalba</item> and they are used to write all the items...
  6. I do not understand you,what can you relate to language.You are not right,your language,english is one of the most simple languages.Try to learn macedonian and then say about your English.Just go to Google Translate and you will see something when you will learn,that you can't translate english to macedonian with machine,there is completely another grammar and we can't compare this languages.Back to the topic,no sense to talk about that...As i said in another thread,i would not switch to linux,if i see that windows is going good on my computer,but if i destroy my OS,i will install linux.Linux is not interesting for gamers and i think it is more for programmers and for school.Here in macedonia we have Edubuntu-Linux on macedonian language.We are not allowed to turn them on One time one girl turned on the computer server,and all monitors were ON,and we saw how Edubuntu is looking like.Very interesting was,that my monitor/mouse/keyboard were connected to the computer server and i was allowed to turn off the server,and i needed,so that was so fun.When i clicked on turn off,on every monitor which was on my computer server,got screen with one bar,and after completing the bar,computer was shuted down and few commands and blue screen were appearing on the screen last few seconds...Adventure,ahhh.The edubuntu was looking pretty good for school,it had enough options and everything was nice translated i saw.
  7. LOL,should we explain that much times?Read the topic from the start...For example i add the word "akira" on my website.And lets say that word akira is in the list of Google bombs.And,when Google will index my webpage it will see the word akira on my page and it will make the link of my website on Google to be first.So on the simplest way,Google bombs are things that make your website more popular - to be first on Google search results.But i am not sure how much from these are working now.That is not Google's fault,but Google should take care a little to make this bombs not working,because it is not fear somebody to pay to get first on Google,somebody to use Google bomb,and be first on Google results.Yes,you are right this is a little dangerous for Google but it can be fixed.
  8. I did my website,i bought casualtechie.com yesterday.Xisto didn't allowed my domain still,because status is "Pending".Anyway,my mycents are updated and i have 4$ now.Lets hope they will allow my domain,and i will wait day or two for DNS update.I will use only Copyright,i do not need Trademark.I did not start with creating a logo,but i will do that on friday...Now i have one test at school,and i don't have time to do it.Now i am slowing down a little with posting but still i am here and i am active.
  9. Well,i remove techrone and junkie from my list,then.But are you English,do you know what is junkie really?Anyway,no one is voting for junkietech so i am removing from the list.So the best one is casualtechie.com really.It is a little long but it is trendy,cool domain name.I am gonna buy it if one person more vote for it.After few more posts some moderator should close this topic and i will start working on my new portal.I have few tests tomorow but i had learned all and i will learn half hour more.After that,i will go to Xisto - Support.com/billing and i will order what you think is the best.I need to take care really about the name and domain so that is why i needed help and i started shouting about this on shoutbox and i opened this topic.
  10. HAHAH lets hope you are joking.Yes it is available and i will register it i know it is cool and it is very interesting but lets see what others will say Junkie Tech is good but i am not sure how much junkie is connected with tech...
  11. OK so this is the list of domains i have for now...Final domains from the list:1.techrone.com2.casualtechie.com3.junkietech.comAhhh i am gonna kill the guy who will steal one from this domains I like all these but i cannot chose one because all they are very good.One friend has website with hyphen but still his name is good.Anyway i will believe you and i will not use hyphen,like the domains i specified in my final list.All they are good you need to say and i needed to other them with number,what i think which is the best.Tech Rone is very good one,but and CasualTech is interesting.I am not sure for Junkie Tech but maybe i am gonna buy it.If i got enough people,min. 4 for domain,i will buy it.I do not want to make mistake like my other domain,which was very stupid.....Lets hope this one will be very good.
  12. Lol people instead of asking all this questions which are so stupid,why you do not learn how to program in PHP? It is so simple and you can do a simple quiz script.There are two ways,using switch-complicated way,and using simple lines of code-simple way I thin you will understand more the simplest way,so i will explain.You will need to have number of pages as you have questions + 1 page for result.First page should look like this: <form action="two.php" method="post">What is PHP?<br><br><input type="radio" name="answer" value="1">Process Hosting Processor <br><input type="radio" name="answer" value="2">Printing Hlocal Process <br><input type="radio" name="answer" value="3">PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor<br><input type="submit" value="Next question"></form>Second page should look like this: <form action="three.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="firstq" value="<?php echo $_POST['answer']; ?>">What is Firefox<br><br><input type="radio" name="answer" value="1">Image tool <br><input type="radio" name="answer" value="2">Web browser <br><input type="radio" name="answer" value="3">Email client<br><input type="submit" value="Next question"></form>Third page should look like this: <form action="result.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="firstq" value="<?php echo $_POST['firstq']; ?>"><input type="hidden" name="secondq" value="<?php echo $_POST['answer']; ?>">What is IE?<br><br><input type="radio" name="answer" value="1">Image tool <br><input type="radio" name="answer" value="2">Web browser <br><input type="radio" name="answer" value="3">Email client<br><input type="submit" value="Next question"></form>And the result should be somthing like this: <?phpecho $_POST[firstq]."<br>".$_POST[secondq]."<br>".$_POST[answer];?>Remember that this is only echoing the answer number,not the score.But this could help you to create quiz script.
  13. Thank you very much for your fast,but very good answers which helped me.I am in other timezone so i needed to wait one day to see,normally i need to sleep...Because Nameless_ was very good member,only he wasn't ignoring me and only he helped me,and sent me PM i would like to give him reputation on someway.So i nominate him.Only thing i need to specify is that my domain needs to end with ".com".Sorry because i want very much,but here we are to help.All domains Nameless_,sent to me were perfect and he had lots of work as i can see so Nameless,please copy your message here,to get mycents,please.HE gave me domains which are available,and to find that much big list of available domains is not easy.I liked all them but they were available only for ".net" and ".org" not ".com" which i want.@inverse_bloom,what you said? I am not starting real company,to go to local trademark office.Still i am not 18 and still am not that much serious.I will only create a simple web page and a simple photoshop logo with some font i will download and i will do the plan i have.
  14. Simple to read,write and remember but still i think is not shortt.Anyway,always the author of something always say that his work is not good,really! If i got that much success in my webpage,maybe i will start promoting it,but usually it will be for tricks i want to teach others,websites i like and what is their function,products i like,and describing them...I got plan how it will look like and i started coding it,but i am not sure.The problem i don't like is that casualtech.com is not available so i will need to add "-" in the middle.Will "https://www.casual-tech.com/; be good website? I know that only i am in the "Casual Tech" team so the content is very important and that i will have very much work,but that is other and i do not need to discuss about that in this topic,i want to discuss about your feelings about the name and domain.The domain is pretty long for me so that is the thing which is scarying me...I need help,that is why i started this topic
  15. This kind of files are really good way to store lots of data,but if they are not important.Because if you store passwords in files,hackers will find out the file and only a half step is separating them from hacking your website or stealing someones password.The half step is decrypting which is possible if you only use md5 to encrypt passwords.You should always use more complicated way to encrypt passwords if you use flat files.Flat files for example are very good for logs.I have a little script which is storing everyone's IP and time he visited my website,and all that data is stored in one file which i can see.If you use flat files for passwords i cannot give you the principe i use this principe to encrypt passwords: function enc($string){$second=sha1($string);$third=str_replace("a","z",$second);return md5($third);}So this code first encrypts string in sha1,then it replaces a with z,to make hash not decryptable,then it is encrypting the sha1 hash with md5 method.So this will always return the same result,and that is why this function will work...If you do not believe me,try to add this code in php page and refresh and you will always see the same vode.So you need to use this to check is the password correct:if(enc(the password user specified)==enc(the password which should be){ the code should be executed } Remember that you need to replace bold things with real variables or code.Flat files are better if you need to do some operation fast,without any complicate code and without errors.Remember,FLAT FILES SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR THINGS LIKE PASSWORDS IF THEY ARE NOT SECURED
  16. First time i found information about trap,that is web program (or if you hate program-website) for earning money.First time i saw the link i was a little suprised how stupid is to read that name and i was thinking that is lie.Now i like the name so much and i know it is not lie because i have bought domain name few weeks ago,now i am ignoring the website,because it was personal and there wasn't fun like my new idea,creating portal.I never felt video games when i was wondering how trap looks like.But i do not know why i was ignoring that much good site,Xisto.Now i am very good poster here. People,how much more you click on ads,that much more you help.Trap is WONDERFUL
  17. I use the new Windows Media Player and i do not need new thing because i don't need some special options or things.Windows Media Player is very simple and helps for me.When you need some radio/networking or streaming i think wmp could help you.I had lots of programs and games but few months ago my computer's hard drive needed to be reset and i backuped only few things that i need.But anyway Windows Media Player is enough for me and it helps to open all kinds of video and audio and i can watch all my movies on it because i have installed codec.I think that there is different sound from one player to other but Windows Media Player is the best and it is not slow,as wmp was sometimes for me.There are lots of players and i cannot chose one from them,but if i do not need to upgrade Windows Media Player is very good for me.
  18. I am creating new website portal which will be called Casual Tech.I do not want to promote my website but i have a little problem,is the name good...? It will be for tips/tricks/IT news/websites etc. and i know i have competition because there are lots of websites we know for tutorials,tips,tricks,it news,pictures and websites on the web.But i will say this webpage to my friends and family and i will say it for you,trap users.I know that the name is little bad but i am not sure what you will say so i need just what you think.Name is always our decision but what you feel and what you think is other thing and i need little help.This is still plan so domain is not bought,only template is chosen.
  19. You need to have at least 5 posts.Still you have 4 posts,and mycents can't show up.Did you register on https://support.xisto.com/ ? You need to register there with the same email as you registered on this forum.So,for example you registered with bigtimedrama@gmail.com here,and you need to register with bigtimedrama@gmail.com on Xisto - Support.com When you will do all that,your mycents will show up for few hours and you will be allowed to spend them for domain or hosting.If you understood all that,i am sure that you will get mycents.As i can see you are newbie,so please read rules,readme,and post good things if you want to earn more mycents and being good member.
  20. The problem is that,i have this problem before i buy the battery.
  21. I have problem with laptop.I bought a new battery and i cant charge.the battery icon on the taskbar will charge 5 times and then will give me a msg that i havent dedicated battery.After 2 minutes thet mgs will delete and the ikon on taskbar is telling me that the battery is pluged in,charging but on the icon on the taskbar is staying i the position as usual (without charging) and telling me that i have 5 % of battery.Somebody Can halp me by telling me what could be fake ??? Please help me to solve the problem!!
  22. AJAX prototype is very good library and a simple way to replace forms.Instead of webpage submitting and refresh with ajax you can get lots of results without reloading page.Every form can be replaced with this,just with few lines.AJAX Prototype can be found on this webpage: http://prototypejs.org/ and there examples and help,downloading link and lots of information.AJAX can send and request data from server scripting technologies like PHP or ASP.This example shows simple prototype syntax: function send(){new Ajax.Request("people.php", { method: 'post', postBody: 'name='+ $F('name'), onComplete: what }); } function what(req){ alert("Alert your last name is:"+req.responseText); }This code first sends the name to people.php,and then it searches for output from people.php,and it alerts it.When you download the library you only need to specify the source of library in every page you have,and you just need to write your ajax code.There are few options in prototype,not only for request,like $F[] which is requesting value from id.
  23. The first website guest specified should be removed because of illegal contents and script which is avoiding from closing website.I needed to use Task manager to end Firefox only for this page.Thanks to wireless,because it stopped working,if it continued working,the page would open again It should not be nominated as the most annoying website because it contains video with lots of things...About seromath it doesn't work,but as the name guest specified,again that is the same type of website.The website discovery ip is very very annoying and i nominate it for the most annoying website and thanks to that website i nominate webishqiptar for comedy user From where are you finding all this stupid websites,is there special database containing them I can't watch in my monitor when i open this website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Note:All these websites are created from "special" creative artists.
  24. Most languages have C syntax.A little C is annoying because i don't know it.If your codes are complicated,and long i don't know how much you will love it because there are tons of errors which can come and there are little things you sometime forget,and they are making errors.Only one character can destroy code.Every programming language will give you error,and every code i have written in my live,when it was executed there was error.But it is better to work with solving errors,instead of thinking you are programmer if you use templates (programs which automatic create games/websites/programs for your needs).It is better on the complicated way,C++ which is more customizible then using some free game maker.
  25. I think Nameless_ is very good member and his posts are long,good informed etc. I hate people which are pressing enter so much in their posts,because adding empty line should be only added if you think on that way people will read it better,paragraphs will be separated.Sorry because last few weeks i wasn't on this forum and i did not post that much,but i had lots of tests in school and i had very much work.If i posted more +20 posts Trap will got.Lives at Xisto should go to me because i can't live without this forum and that is the motivation why i got that much mycents and posts here for 1 month.I can't nominate so much because i am not here so much i need to stay minimum 3 months to see how much really this members are good.This is the whole list,from people i can nominate:Moderator of the Year-rvalkass-very good member which is helping muchMost Helpful Member-Nameless-good poster,good helperWelcoming Committee-Sky-i think Sky has very much welcomings :)GFXtrap GFX Elite-i can't choose member...As i can see most nominations goes for Baniboy,so include me there
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