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Everything posted by TheDarkHacker

  1. You could use one of most used libraries called AJAX which works with JavaScript.You will need installed PHP on your server.AJAX can use PHP or what programming language you want to get response.So AJAX is connecting JavaScript with PHP.AJAX can send and request data from PHP...Get your code from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and make new file called ajax.js with the same code.Now make new page called a.html and add this code: <script src="ajax.js"></script><script>function sendRequest() { new Ajax.Request("get.php", { method: 'post', onComplete: pak }); }function pak(es){document.getElementById('kom').innerHTML=es.responseText;sendRequest();}sendRequest();</script><div id="kom"></div>Now make get.php with this code: <?phpecho file_get_contents('http://mywebsite.com;;?>So this will add the all page in the div,what you want to do with the page you can do that.Try to get title from the DIV.
  2. Photoshop it its not like coding.How did you made the whole template?You need some graphics editor.So i mean to change some colors or buttons with gradient,shadow etc.,with blending options.Your template is very good and because i don't know what your website will have,what it will be,blog or simple private web-site.If it's blog i offered server-side functions,and Photoshop.Me too,i don't like using pirated copies of software,and i don't want to talk about my Photoshop...
  3. Hmmm i am not sure but i think that problem should be your router.Try to connect more devices with your router at one time just to see maybe,your router is problem,cuz some routers aren't good (they are cheap)) and they accept 2-3 devices max.If your devices connect then lets see,do someone set up your router,and if yes do you know whats the configuration IP,example or whatever.If you know it try to open it with your web-browser and see is there some access point.If there is try to allow access to all devices you see on the list.Remember i am not getting response if you allow access to someone other so see which devices are yours,which are other computers
  4. If there wasn't HTML,how PHP will work?PHP is server-side language which usually prints all data got from MYSQL,Oracle,text files etc. etc....But if you think do we want to use PHP,you should change your title Normally that there are kinds of websites.If you want to make interactive website like Google,MSN or Yahoo you will need to use PHP or other server-side languages.But because the best sites like Trap,Google,MSN or whatever,they need to use server-side scripting to store and search data from bases,to calculate.I think this forum is using PHP...
  5. And i was thinking for that how can Xisto be that much good and popular service.Very sad starting...But one "bravo" for the OpaQue.He's idea to make Xisto and the name,are very wonderful.I thinked that this was professional site from the start,and from the start you had to buy lots of servers.But that is not that.Your story is very complicate but still i think this is very professional website and you will have more donations.I don't now from where you get that much money from our posting,so we can get domains/hostings just with posting.I am very new member here but i know i will be here while Xisto exists.You are the best paid hosting because we can paid with our posts and threads.We need much time to post but there is good reason to post...
  6. Well make one page and write this code:<script>parent.document.title=".tk Title Hacked";</script>Then host it to your hosting company and open dot.tk website which makes your URL shorter for free.This is how it works: 1.You write full and your new URL 2.Website is checking for correct information 3.Website makes new .tk domain 4.Adds one frame where source=your webpage Write your full URL to Dot Tk and then write some short name,and write captcha letters.Then open your short URL.Title will not be updated.If you go to Java Console on Firefox you will see for your short url,few details:access is denied.That is because you can't do that.
  7. Yes there are but usually bots aren't using that avoid system.This would help us but i haven't see any spam in my Inbox.But i don't know if there are spammed people,i think there aren't.Why to disturb admins only for captcha when we haven't special problems with spamming,they should focus on problems with Domains/Hostings and now,our problem are myCENTs.
  8. I can help you to make nice portal with few scripts which i can made speacially for you.The portal can have the same name but new design and very much pics.First most popular will be Need for Speed:Shift with few photos and one video.If you want we will make some shoutbox and your website will be promoted on other forums.Just give me the link with Admin Panel and make me admin,beleave me,i can make this website wonderful.If you don't want it there's backup
  9. Hello Mordent.You can't manipulate with the frame,content in frame can do something with the page which have the frame.For that i am sure that parent object will work.For example i have HTML page called frame.html with this source: <a href="java script:parent.document.write('This is good website')">Click here</a>P.S sorry you need to remove the space between java and script,this forum doesn't accept the full word and i have HTML page example.html with the frame: <iframe src="frame.html"></iframe>So when you click on link "Click here" frame can change the content of example.html.About changing frame source i am not sure,but you can try to use function do get element which is frame and to something with that but i am not sure.Give a try to this code: <iframe id="myFirstFrame" src="somebody.html"></iframe><script>document.getElementById('myFirstFrame').document.write('Lets hack somebody.html');</script>Remember that he needs to give you all he's files for the game because one site can't get access to other site.So your scripts can only access your frames,he's website can only access he's frames.
  10. You should use the Hard drive manager which can change letter.Go to Control Panel,Administrative Tools,Computer Management,Disk Management,and see if there is your external disk.If it is right-click it and press Change Drive Letter and paths.New window called Change Drive Letter and paths for name will open.Find button called Change and choose Assign the following drive letter: and choose the letter you want,but it couldn't be some existing drive letter.Now go to your My Computer and see if this helps.Hope i helped you.
  11. Yes,that is why books for young kids are full with graphics and every page have own good graphic.But adults normally they want to rate the book by content,not by graphics but not including typographers .Normally we want to see good pictures after 20-30 pages just to see how author thinks the story or whatever it is.
  12. This topic is old...So he's joomla directory is moved and now only he's normal website exists.So i will need to vote how only the normal site looks like.Because it's Joomla! i can't say that it's good because it is template and you didn't made it.About content you get add more pages in one,your texts are very short but you have lots of pages.About logo,if it is your,but i don't beleave it's your it's very nice.About visitors,you haven't much visitors and your website haven't energy,how to say...You haven't enough images,photos,screenshots etc.About speed i think you shouldn't use Joomla,not only because you make your website slower,you will use much resources and make all Xisto more slower.My rank for your web. is 6/10
  13. You are very right.Second virus "makers" are from the anti virus companies.And how much more viruses are,there is more motivation for hackers to make virus which gets personal information.You aren't wrong, but anti-virus companies need to make and real viruses which can destroy computer,not steal information...And they make theirs products more smaller,just with good design.But we need to use anti-viruses and we love them.
  14. Hmmm i've seen lots people that say this is the scariest move.So i needed to make one poll and search on internet for people which are scared.Paranormal Activity is the winner.That is film is made with 10,000$,man...I was searching for videos with this film and the video i found is this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. You really think that.Get dumprep virus and then say this.It looks like this is Adobe Reader file for launch but you will found it in System32 directory.Ohh that System32 memories in my brain.Your dumprep first will slow down your welcome screen,than you will need to login without welcome screen,then it infects your USB with few ini files including some boot.ini or how it was,and then windows errors,on the end you will get graphic card blue screen and you destroyed your computer because Avira logs others,but not the dumprep.While installation AVG shows errors,so my friends computer will die,without NOD32. Remember,it wasn't my computer.For my computer this is the story:
  16. Admins,if you have servers or if you have financial budget to buy Counter-Strike server we gonna make few banners and promote it.Like in other forums this is just idea.If there are enough players we don't need bots,but if there aren't few bots will help us.I can be admin on the server and i will ban all the cheaters.If not we can have deal when we can run Dedicated Servers from my computers plus i have fast connection and good configuration.That is better way,because we don't need money for Dedicated Servers.For example we will open tread called "Counter-Strike Xisto Servers" and servers will be opened from me every Sunday and Saturday from 11 to 13 hrs GMT+1:00.
  17. What a mail!You shouldn't never do this...Only kids are laughing when they say give me 10$ i will give you 20$.Who is that much stupid to do this.The thing makes us to beleave in this scams aree the promoting pictures.OK nothing happens if you click on the link for earning,you will not get virus,but in the address bar you will see theme=win or something like that.Remove that "theme=win" and open the page now.All that pictures and red backgrounds will be missing.A normal form will open,without saying that you are lucky,you earned something etc. That says that they want to lie you that you need to win just to give your money for them.If they just post few big posts on Xisto they will get triple more money
  18. Yes you are right.Simple using one script you can send mail to somebody from unknown address with unknown name...There are lot of scams we now but this is one of the funniest The stupidest scam is with giving money and on that way you really give money and info to the sender.How? 1.He sends email to you: You earn $10000 USD.Click here to get them. 2.When you click on that link he gets money from features like Google Ads,but not that popular. 3.You are redirected to the spammer's site.A form opens and you should write personal information. 4.He gets all the information and he again runs script to get money. Then you don't get nothing from this.I don't know why this scam is made and what use they get
  19. Or you can use the best Microsoft tool for editing videos,for simple users called Windows Movie Maker.If you can't find it go to start menu,click Run,and copy following: C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\moviemk.exe Your Movie Maker will start.Now using your cursor drag your video to the list with files called Collections.See if there is button Show Timeline,if there is not just ignore.Drag your video from collections to the timeline.Remember that your video should be dragged to the start of timeline.Then find the link called Save to my computer on the left side.Choose name and your folder to save.Press Next and choose Best fit to file size.Then choose how much your video to have size.REMEMBER,THIS IS NOT CUTTING VIDEO,THIS IS JUST MAKING YOUR VIDEO MORE SMALLER TO GET SMALL FILE SIZE!
  20. You want to promote AVG... Just explain good,why you want to use AVG?One friend had AVG and he got virus.Nothing happened but AVG didn't save the computer,NOD32 save it. There are people that say my anti-virus is the best,my anti-virus is the best but they can't prove that.Every anti-virus application have bugs or some viruses aren't scanned so i think if your AV allows,you should use 2 anti-viruses one should be normal like AVG and one premium anti-virus like Avast.But usually anti-virus package scan directories for the most popular anti-viruses.
  21. I can't beleave!!!The same i was falling in one hole,but it wasn't black,it wasn't dark...2-3 seconds before hit i woke up and i didn't know what to do.I wanted to cry,but i didn't do that.And yes i was that much scared that i didn't talk 1 minute.Maybe that says that it's possible to die on that way.Now,other thing:I was dreaming that i said bad word and God made one thunder and i was dead.I was teleported to one place with bell and was very dark.There was God and i was very scared.My heartbeat was 100000/minute litteraly.That was like killing me These are my dreams i hate.There is one good and funny but it will be offtopic if i said that.
  22. Multi-player games are the motivation for new users.All my friends are having facebooks only because they want to play multi players games with me.This is interesting and makes Facebook bigger.My favorite Facebook games are Street Racing,FarmVille and Mafia Wars.For me YoVille it's not interesting so much and i don't want to play it but there are lots of ads for YoVille.Sometimes i want to play Pet Society but that is not very much.I can't choose only one from my favorite games but usually that is FarmVille.Nice design,nice animations,nice sounds and scripting.
  23. I know that Kaspersky is very good anti-virus.I was using one old version.But i did one remove and Kaspersky was deleted.After half year i got one virus because i was using Avira.Now i can see that Kaspersky was very good anti-virus but after deleting it i destroyed my computer.Now i am using Avast 4.8 Home and i don't know nothing about Kaspersky AV 2009.I can just see good topics on other forums that Kaspersky is the best anti-virus.I can't change Avast because now it's my favorite Anti-Virus but i get money go buy it i will use Kaspersky...I never use illegal way to get thing which is my security.
  24. Yes i accept all this answers.Try to use flash,no flash,different angles,difference lighting settings.And do lots of pictures and find the best picture.That is the best way.Normally you shouldn't make bad shoots but try with different settings and positions.Other thing is the place from where light comes.And not always your picture should be focused in the center.If there's nice background camera should be focused a little bit left from the center object.Then you will make very good pictures and your photographs will be just just FUN.When you will learn how to make good photos it will be simple and you will need to take care only for angles...
  25. OK,thanks that is good reply.To be honest i have patched uxtheme.dll and i know what is DLL.But for saying that patching Windows file is not cracking you aren't right.That is good information but how you can say that Microsoft,that much big company didn't came up with solution but group of programmers find the way that Microsoft can't .Sorry if i am wrong but i think everything in the WINDOWS directory is not for patching or hacking or something else.But is not possible that much companies to be illegal because they want you to patch uxtheme so you need to be right...
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