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Everything posted by TheDarkHacker

  1. Meta refresh is possible using HTML. <?phpecho '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://gotoSomewhere.com/" />';?>Remember that meta refresh can make problems and can be disabled.Using headers redirecting to website is more faster.If you use meta refresh few miliseconds user will see how admin or control panel is. So meta refresh usually can be hacked...I am not 100% sure that script can avoid clicking a link and destroying website if you use Meta refresh.
  2. IDF Defender (Galil) helps me much if i want to make short headshot.But the AK-47 always help if you want to make big headshots for seconds.That is when i am Terrorist. Terrorists are my favorite but sometimes if there is no place in terrorists force i go to Counter force and i buy M4A1...That is the best weapon in Counter Strike but terrorists with skills can destroy CTS with m4a1
  3. I accept that but why to buy if you don't know nothing.First start with websites,then go to course and that is the best.If you don't want that and you are alone you can simple buy book from some website,like user681 said and you will learn,learn...For 1 year you will success and you can start making good websites and selling projects.You need minimum 5 years to be an "old" programmer who can really get money from programming.But if you don't need money you can help people and make useful projects.I'm like that.If you know syntax of C++or something similar you can programm in PHP,JavaScript etc.
  4. I want to show you my new project,chatting.I am sorry because it is on Macedonian but the idea is that what i want to show you. I haven't domain so i needed to use free-frame domain http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The script is working on this way: 1.First JavaScript need to use AJAX to connect with PHP.Then PHP checks how much chat is written.If there are more then 10 lines it starts new page,to prevent scrolling. 2.If PHP checks that there aren't 10 lines it shows everything what is stored in one file with the chatting history. 3.When you click on the button to write message JavaScripts send the username and message to PHP 4.PHP is storing the message to the file with history. This project is open-source and you can see the script for ajax in the ajax.js file.Remember all that 200 lines aren't written by me,that 200 lines are to make AJAX working.Last lines,with comment //zapocnuvanje na chatot (starting chat) are written by me.The PHP script is not open-source and its hidden.If some user wants it,i will give him
  5. I am Advanced user with PHP i can connect PHP with JavaScript,MYSQL,Oracle and i can help so much.The place i learnt that is http://www.w3schools.com/ and http://php.net/ for function syntax
  6. This is big problem with families when parents want their children to learn cooking.One time i saw one girl which was punishable because she disagreed to learn how to make bean.That was so funny for one boys and that was she's secret.I am male and i hate cooking.Maybe sometime and i will cook! :-)
  7. This is very scary forum but still,i want to talk about this...I want to die while i sleep,peaceful death is the best.All my friends like that like,me!But i think we shouldn't talk about death and we should live in our life and our brain should be focused on other thinks.Hope you accept that.Anybody will die sometime but that will be when he will be focused on something other.We don't know what happens after death.The body is in the world but the spirit is not here.Maybe that is like sleeping it goes so fast and we don't know did we really sleep and how did we sleep.The only thing we know are dreamsI don't understand is there somebody who wants to die in painful way.On that way people will cry more....Sorry if you didn't understood me,i am from Macedonia and my language is not English
  8. Its more simpler to make one file called users.txt then use this functions: <?phpfunction checkPass($nameOfUser,$password){$content=file_get_contents('users.txt');$arrayWithUsers=explode("\n",$content);foreach($arrayWithUsers as $userPass){$data=explode(":",$userPass);if($data[0]==$nameOfUser and $data[1]==md5($password)){return true;}}function newUser($name,$pass,$email){$handler=fopen('users.txt','w');fwrite($handler,"\n".$username.":".$pass.":".$email);}?>
  9. This is very nice game...Its not simple to solve this kind of games and you need time and good eyes Programming games like this is harder then to solve this game...Just "Bravo" for programmers
  10. I know you are bored from the old old Windows XP theme.In this tutorial you will learn how to use program called Styler. First you need to download it from some website,i am giving you this link crystalxp.net/galerie/en.id.551-styler-1-401.htmlThen you need to right-click on the taskbar of your XP and press Properties>CustomizeFind Styler and choose Always hide.Then click on the arrow near the computer clock and find the icon of the Styler,then press it!Now choose theme you want to add and you are finished!!!
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