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Everything posted by TheDarkHacker

  1. Ahh nice,mahesh2k you remember that i live in Macedonia.You don't need to do something,i will find authors and i will do something.I tried to write a link on macedonian forum and some people are visiting it,but only few times.I need guests witch will bookmark or remember my site and don't stop from visiting it.That are real visitors,but i don't have them and i need some banner/link exchange because my website is the only one without banners and popups.And,i don't understand what you think,you mean i to make a option,so everyone can post articles,or what...?And everyone who wants to join in Casual Techie's team will need to have about 300 posts here,just to be sure that he's are serious member,and he will give me some content,just to check that he's good.Then i will create account for him,and he will be allowed to manage with my site.If he do bad things he will be banned,and my website will be restored from changes.In one sentence,you need to be good at writing.Remember anyone,i am paying for this and this is not a joke.If you want to donate content you can PM me,but if you want to enter in my team you will need to send a little info about you,and you will be "test" author.If you are not good at writing you will lose rights at my website.Just look at this website and if you want,join my team.
  2. I know i shouldn't,but i did that because that email is not private for me,and it is not the webmaster one.I have bilions of newsletters on that email so i don't care if i got 1 ton more If you saw,i didn't add my email on my website because that email will be spammed.
  3. We need more publishers.Everyone can join our team,and if he publish good content,and he publish more content,he will be payed.We have 3 places for publishers,for now.Be the first who will join our team with sending email to filip.arena@gmail.com If you want to be in some website's team,feel free to join.Do not understand this as some promotion,just as news,and for making this website better.
  4. I am not some professional but i am good at website managing,scripting,server hosting,and a newbie at Photoshop...Normally that everyone can use brushes and filters like me,but there are some pros like Baniboy which know more.So after all that posts we can see that this website isn't the best.Bad results come,no popularity,no automatic scripts...That isn't something good.Anyway anything can be fixed and solved.As i said in post number 8,you don't need a remake,but take care at your fonts and background.And are you using a free hosting for this? If you are using it,why you are buying domain for it...This isn't beta version,this still should be test #1 and you should make it unpublic and test it.404 errors,no font styling,no background.Primary mistakes And,is there difference between design/style and content copying? No,anyway you are copying from the site,which usually is copyrighted and secured.Creating a template isn't hard,but you need some art genes and something which can't be learned.Everyone can't be HTML/CSS pro.As i can see if you are new at this,say to us that you are newbie,and we will help you.If you want,you can learn it.Not for a day,but for a month you can create 5 times better page.Why you don't use popular CMS like every site is using? I can see your host is allowing php and if it allows mysql,install cms.Because you can manage your website from administration panel instead from FTP client and you don't need to edit source or any code.You can find tutorials how to create templates for content menagement system like Joomla! is.You will only need to create a xml file where all template details will be typed,and type few lines in your index template file.As i read in this forum,livecportal,you are more advanced user,and i have feeling for you,that you can make something better then this...I think you should try more,or get some help from others.Making PHP form is easy...Add a form like this one and link it. <form method="post" action="submit.php">Enter your name:<input type="text" name="nm"><br>Article<textarea cols="20" rows="30" name="content"></textarea><br><input type="submit" value="Send"></form>Then,create submit.php and add only this code: <?php$f=fopen(rand(0,1000).".txt","w");fwrite($f,$_POST[content]);Header("Location: index.php");?>And if you look at your site,you will find file called only with a number and extension ".txt"
  5. Haha :) you are good at writing posts...specially i like when you say "Dear Friends" :D

  6. Backing up a website is simple.First you need a good FTP client because sometimes servers are disconnecting you from ftp when you are downloading much and you are destroying server.Install Filezilla and download your public_html folder.After 10-20 minutes your client will get all the files.Now only thing is to backup database.There is something wich can stop from working your website if you are using CMS (Content Menagment System).If you have the same hosting,and you aren't changing it you only should backup your database and import it on your new site.Then using ftp client again,upload all the files.But if you change your host (example from 110mb to Xisto) you need to edit your configuration file and change mysql server,username and password.This will backup your website and all the blog articles,polls,links will be here.This is not some simple name but if you know what is phpmyadmin,where can you export and import database,and you know how to connect using ftp client you can do it.This procedure works for Joomla,Drupal,Calendar,Wordpress,HTML pages...If your website doesn't need database you can jump the part with backup and importing.
  7. Do not hear webish,he wants to make your website with bad rating and SEO...He tricks you Do not copy from news portals and magazines...If you need to copy first,modify something and change styling.Other thing is if you need copy from personal sites which aren't popular.And,if you do not know some programming language instead of copying,ignore and add some plus content.So making a good website is not simple.I started my website like you with copying but now i am doing that and now it is better for me and my public.I need to accept with him,your website looks old but you do not need some special remake.You need beter hover effects and never use white background with that style.It looks like old frames and it isn't cool.It reminds me on my router configuration If you want i can make one tutorial for CSS/PHP/HTML/XML.I always want to help but i do not have some time so i can give you a tutorial or two.And are you scared from bad results,i didn't saw but other do. If you are allowed to modify your poll add a "Very bad" option for voting
  8. I do not prefer white background.Your website looks great if i ignore background.Change your font,because Firefox uses default - and if i change Firefox's default your website will look terrible.I do not know how much you worked on your website but i can see you didn't care about some small things,the most important ones are good.So in the "group" of most important things is text font and background So that is all you should do it.After that you can care about your content,and other things like images,videos etc. If i need to rate i would choose something between great and very good.If you want from one to ten,i would choose 7 or 8.Now,because i work in PHP,i want to say something to the link called "Submit articles or C/C++ projects" Why we need to email you when you can create a script which will store all the information user send in the form.If you have a database,any - mysql,mssql,oracle,why you don't make a form which will send a simple database query? So you should more care about your font and background.That is the most important and you should fix it soon.If you fix that you could add something to make it more cool,like images and effects.Because i need to be honest,your website looks a little old.Normally if this is your first project it is cool.Other thing,everybody can see 404 error page with lots of ads and popups.Do x10Hosting allow customizing 404 error page or you do not know about htaccess?
  9. Is there some discount or you need to pay exactly like buying domains ($10.9)? Anyway i am new here,and i owned my first domain about 3 weeks ago.So i am not here so much time and i do not all the things you did all the time Do someone saw or know some information about drive and errors and all that stuff? I only know that i need to have enough money to renew my domain (i do not need now,i will need for next year)...
  10. I am starting with writing my articles.I have 4 owned to now.Yesterday or a day before your site wasn't working.I can see you restored it,or not? Your website is full now,everything is working you have some comments,visitors and people active on it.I can see it is hard to define which link is the read more link on your website and like starscream,i saw that your posts aren't short,they are cutted on your page.You have lots of comments and shouts on your site.I like the way you created your website and everything now looks super.Just a thing,do not put a link of your email,everyone (bots) can spam you.Lets hope bots and hackers will not visit your website and everything will go as it should be.Now i want to launch email system but i will need expensive hosting plan.So i will run it like now for now.My plan is to work and work on this website,and never stop from working on it.So i am earning some money for next year so i can renew my domain
  11. I wrote my third article without copying! Thanks people! I have some feeling now Like i own something important. Now i like when i read my article This is really good! Now i got feelings like my website was owned from others,and now it's mine.Thank you anwii,and mahesh2k.I didn't spend so much time to write it.If you can see,i written article about Facebook hacks.They are so bad and lots of accounts are hacked in Macedonia.I explained something about them,and i wrote few tips how to secure yourself.
  12. Blog?! It is portal, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There are lots of websites which are like feeds,for example very popular site, http://www.computerworld.com/ By the second i am not quoting or something like that,and i am getting informations from lots of websites.I use eWeek only as an option for me,very updated news,so if someone hate my website,he can press links on the left side Here in Macedonia no one is writing all we are copying I will try to make more content without copy-pasting,i see that people which are not from Macedonia aren't liking my website with copies.Thanks and i will try to do that,but i do not have some time,so if you can help me,thank you very much.I think you are commenting much withoiut just viewing this website,it is not blog by the first,by the second i have public and they are visiting my website sometimes...Look at the content by the first,and look at the features,eWeek is used for RSS and that is allowed.
  13. I just help eWeek with giving them clicks using their RSS.My eWeek system works simple.They post news on RSS,my website gets their RSS,and it displays links of their sites.They normally know about that,just click on eWeek link and you will see ref="casualtechie.com" in the source.That says that they know about my website,and links pointing to hem.There is nothing bad to that,and they know about that,so if they wanted,they would report my website,but they didn't!Why i would modify content,when it is the same,and my website is something like Google's spider,it gets data from websites,and it is indexing.I am not a pro,but i am not amateur,too.
  14. I agree with all users and their posts.This is what i think.For starting real hosting you need team,and two friends can't beat Xisto's team.You need to have own servers,and you need to pay your team.Starting hosting is real work,and that is not a hobby or something,that is profession.You need to take care about servers,and you need to pay for banners and ads.Ash you are serious member i can see,and i like everything but you need to work hard to make it.Just for a little website like mine,you need to work 2hrs/day,but for hosting...Erm,that would be 6hrs/day.Still this is good idea,but real hosts should not use free scripts.If you buy one,that would be cool,but i think you could program one script very simple.If you have some friend,or guy you know it which works with hosting and it menagement,he can help you.I can see for now this site is just an array of empty .html pages
  15. I am not working with torrents and i am not reading news for sites like this.In my live i have downloaded not so much torrents.So what this says,that we can't get illegal things from mininova.org now? ARGGG these not very good news.But here we are not allowed to talk about warez and illegal things so i am not gonna talk about that.I can see that there are only few torrents now so if i search for windows 7 i got only 10 torrents: translations and tricks/tips.Good move for the web,because that is good,illegal content is not allowed - and now mininova will lose some Terabytes There are lots of sites providing torrents links which are working but also there are trackers...PS: If i search for full,i got only full albums instead of full pack with keygens/serials
  16. All you need is to backup your database,using phpmyadmin,and only copy the text from the export menu,and paste it to your new version of Wordpress.I think these steps will help you:1.Go to PhpMyAdmin and click your database.Open tab "Export" and select the tables,click OK and copy all the text in the text area.2.Install newer version of Wordpress everywhere you want,on your local server,or on your internet website.3.Go to your newer Wordpress database and choose SQL query,then paste all the text you got from the option Export.Then submit.4.Your newer Wordpress will have all the posts,comments,menus and everything like old one,but it will be newer version and upgraded...
  17. I am specifying the source eWeek Sorry if you didn't saw that all links...I do not have enough publishers,and i own only 2-3 texts,all other are copied,that is true.I am not journalist and i do not have from where to find out for example that Microsoft's servers are down? My country is small,and i do not have money to travel everywhere and do all that.I know i have other option,to copy text,and then modify it,but i do not have some special time for that.If someone want to join me,he's free,but i will not pay to him.So i started this site from 0$ and i will continue it without paying for nothing.
  18. I don't like to it sugar without nothing but i eat it with something for example like strawberries.I love sweets and i eat 1 chocolate/day .Everyone eats chocolate,drinks juice,or some candies.You see them every where,and why not to try them? Yesterday i ate a little cake with fruit,yuuuum! Anyway all we should care about our kilos,shouldn't we? Caries is another thing,too.So i want to stop eating a sugar some days,then i continue again,and sometimes i eat very much,sometimes nothing at all.If we make a list of everything we ate and drank,we will see that we consumed lots of sugar Sugar is good for brain,or i am wrong?If you eat so much sugar you will become addicted to it.
  19. There is no problem...He was just asking to get answer,because he wants to know every line for what is,i think...As you can see in the script ?op=login is used to show error,that you don't write correct information.Making login scripts is simple,all you need is a place where you will store all usernames and passwords,and a script which will check is the username existing and all data is correct.Now i am trying t create a forum but i did only posting system,i don't know how to make WYSIWYG editor.I tried to make editable div,and a button for bold,italic,underlined and it works,but it isn't that good as other editors.Can someone give me WYSIWYG pack?
  20. I like your design,but a little bit smaller buttons would be the best.You still do not have lots of visitors but your shoutbox is full I think you are viewing your page only in IE now,and you forgot to change your favicon If IE doesn't support favicons that doesn't mean that you should stay with Trap's logo.Anyway good design,and everything is OK...Try to clean your shoutbox a little,there are noobs and losers You can change your font's color if you have time to make it better for reading,because i need to higlight all the text to see the form for Free lockerz invites.By the way,i am using Opera (i hate Opera,but Firefox doesn't work on this comp )
  21. We can't say it is competition,but we can say that it is visitor competition.Your website has very different content then mine.You are very interesting with the BooHooo and Arghhhhhhhhh I do not have blog currently.Sorry because i said that about your signature on that way,i just wanted to say that it isn't some perfect way Lets hope you will make your website like you want and like you imagine.
  22. @NamellessSorry i did not want to express that on that way,you did not got me too I hope you will get more visitors on your web-site,and i think you did good work but not like me It is more simple to promote your website on Skype/Messenger/Facebook/MySpace/school/Forum then to wait and wait-because there is no visitor which will guess your domain name.I did not want to say that you did bad with promoting using a very big link,i just wanted to say that signature doesn't look good on the forum.But i do not say that you should remove it,just make it a little smaller 4-5 pixels.And why you added "A Philosophical Blog of a Modern Teenager",why not Charmaine Lo?Anyway good website/blog and try to make more content,and defeat all other sites like mine And your code,is working now.What you did? Did you added it do css file,or? Because if you add it to some css file it NEEDS to work,it will not be formated.NEWS and NEWS,i released new feature,programming help.Now if you have problems with C,C++,Java or PHP our experts can help you.Just enter your subject,your descriptions,error which comes,or codes you use,and you will be emailed.We do not spam,so you can add your email with every format you like,because it will be readed from humans,not machines.So you can add email like this: example[at]example[dot]com.Visit programming help using http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ help
  23. Offf i do not like your signature,it looks like you are very disappointed from numbers of visitors,and you are creating very big banners.I do not know but i am not sure is it allowed to create that much big link.Anyway,you can do it with a a paper,and 10-20 copies,ad add them,everywhere where you will not be punished,i do not know in which country you live.LOL,i do not think for older members in my family,i think to say it to some young like me,because no grandpa has Skype And look at your website in the footer,can't you see this text: As i can see Wordpress is formatting your HTML,you need to change it in the style.css,not using WYSIWYG editor.
  24. OK so i know about images,but i can't integrate them with my website,because they always have white background,opposite of my website,which has gray background,so i will need to open Photoshop for every article and i will need very much time,i do not have it...There is no secret,i said the website to my family and they added on their status on Skype/Messenger and my status is promoting the website.Other thing is that i wrote a paper with a URL of my website in school If i add white,there would be three colors,that is good,but the combination isn't perfect It is simple to read,just click on Read More and read what you want I launched Beta 2 for 2-3 weeks after my Beta 1 version,which was released 1 week after buying domain.There is not some big work,CMS is tested,and no bugs are here,so i should not worry about them.
  25. Monkey I do not know really,but i would be something which people will not kill it,because i do not want to die I like all animals,but if i need to choose what suits for me,i would choose some animal like dog.Mayne i would be,but i do not know why,maybe because i love dogs and i am playing much with them.Yesterday i had only 2$,and i used them to buy food for dogs for 1$,and a a little pizza for me-1$.It is good to be animal,but you will loose in fight with humans.Maybe and cat is good animal I can't choose one...........
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