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Everything posted by TheDarkHacker

  1. Should i ignore old topics I want to make all topics full and make this forum better and you are saying BUMP .OK now back to the topic,why servers are empty?In my country games like Counter Strike and WoW are very very popular,normally everyone can't love one game but when we aren't in school in Macedonia everyone buys Counter-Strike and lets make server,lets find password,lets join them,lets go to Internet Caffe,blablabla.There are people who want to buy server hosting for Counter-Strike...Because Dedicated Servers are hidden and you need IP to join them no one plays on them,only with friends or loosing money for banners with IPs.
  2. The C++ syntax is very simple.Now i am programming in PHP.That is very simple languages without events,dlls etc. Normally if you are an advanced user you should learn how can PHP connect with other pages,text files,images,databases etc. But one simple user can use his first function for output This is example which shows the PHP syntax similar to C++ and your first PHP function ECHO: <?phpecho "Hello trap17.com;;?>Every line should end with ";" to prevent from errors.Every script should start with "<?php" and end with "?>".Every text should start with " and every variable should start with "$".This example shows how to declare variable $trap and write the variable called trap. <?php$trap=17;echo $trap;?> Variable can be double,string,integer etc. This tutorial shows how you can echo more variables using "." <?php$string="trap is very good.";$integer=17;echo $string.$integer;?>I think this is the best tutorial for the beginners.Start learn PHP from http://www.w3schools.com/
  3. Dot TK is very simple service.How it works. 1.You write your address 2.You write how you want to be your new address and fill the code verification 3.The script makes new subdomain called your name.tk and the source of tk is just one frame which is full screen and the url=your name Isn't that simple?There are no ads but cookies are disabled,so forums,login scripts etc. aren't enabled with the .tk subdomain Remember,.tk is not domain it's subdomain.Why?Because the website is not www.your name.blabla its www.your name.tk.If you don't understand the difference between domain and subdomain: Subdomain is your name,dot,their name Domain is your name,dot,some word
  4. Hmm is that legal?!I think it is not legal to patch windows files to get some themes working...OK this is just because i am not sure that you are allowed to post illegal contents like hacking/patching/cracking windows dll files.Sorry if i am wrong but patching it's the same like hacking and cracking system files.Plus if you destroy system file only the Windows CD can help you.
  5. Check,maybe you have some problem with your counter strike files.Sometimes if you are using bad words on server,they can add commands which can change your nick,your keys for moving etc. Try to reinstall Counter-Strike and say do you have problems. If you have problem only with your server than you should check the users.ini file if you have amxmodx mod.Other problem can be some mod...Try to remove AMX and MetaMod and the file which executes the metamod.If problem is not solved,then there is virus with your computer,scan it with Anti-Virus!
  6. Sometimes you can have luck and automatic a button for download will appear but is not always.But this site want to get money for premium accounts and you need to wait.But this is popular service and i use it.I it is better to wait...With premium accounts you can have parallel downloads,no delay and faster download.The biggest problem for RS is that lots of accounts are hacked and now are destroyed,so no one wants to register.Everywhere it's with delay,but because RS delay is not much and it is popular,all my friends are using it
  7. OK i am gonna learn that but i can't enjoy cooking,i don't know how to say it is not one of my things i want to do.That is like programming game for Windows Me Isn't that thing you need to do but you don't like...?I can live from buying things and fast food.Why to cook?! :P I think i can't cook because i don't like that.OK its your choise,this is poll and you can say what you think
  8. Yes i accept that.For example rapidshare is the most popular download&upload service.I know sometimes ads on Google for RapidShare are very stupid...For example if you write pen download you will see lots of ads for example download your favorite pen etc. Ontopic: This is not very popular service and doesn't have any promotional banners so it is not used.Services which aren't popular and used aren't safe,normally who wants to download from that service...But its normally every service to index some virus + here are included sites where is writen "This file was scanned with blabla and its 100% doesn't have virus" because that is lame.Who will scan every file if it's very popular and so much users are uploading files.So i support MediaFire and RapidShare.I don't want to talk about the most used illegal way to download something but i am sure that you know what is that
  9. If you think about how much domain how can use,usually domains expire after 1 year.Then you need to reorder them again.I think if your website is very popular you should reorder your domain 1 or 2 days before domain expire because after reordering you should wait 24 hours and your website will be not working
  10. Sorry i removed that 5 php lines that make history dissapear.After you post i added the code and it works now...For the design i know.I am not good with that thing but i don't want to use free css html templates because my web-site will be the same like others with that template.This wasn't to show you my design skills it was to show you my php chat program.If somebody wants to give him the script i will add new features and admin panel.This was just a project to show that AJAX can make connection with PHP and that PHP chat can work without refreshing site,without forms submiting
  11. HTC Hero,Sony Erricson Satio,Sony Erricson Xperia X2 are better then Iphone.The menu was the best from Iphone but now its boring.Just look at pictures of HTC Hero,Sony Erricson Satio and Sony Erricson Xperia and you will see how much better camera and performance they have.Just look at comments with videos of the phones i said.You will see that Iphone is not that best.OK good move from Apple was the new Iphone 3GS but again there are lots of good phones which aren't popular but are very nice and very cool!I am gonna buy one SE W995 its very cool and have 8 MP camera,including 8BG sd card and add-ons...But if we talk about Htc Touch is more professional and its not like Iphone.I choose Iphone from this comparision.
  12. Are you sure,as i can see on the website with the link you gave the limit for the file is 100MB.Plus what kind of hosting is this?Can you host for example php files or its just for hosting and then other people download from the hosted files...It have nice design but the rule that your file will be active for downloading only 7 days...Its better to use free hosting,you can get 200MB from one host.I can't say which because i am not sure how much users they can host so if there are lots of people hosting server will be slower.
  13. Thank you so much for the links,but i have visited them...Yes i will respect forum rules,and i will make big posts.For now i have only 0.67 myCents but i have more,for 1 or 2 hour myCents script will run and i will check am i rich .I am trying to make very big posts and i am trying to remove all my mistakes in english...Doesn't matter what OS i have but i love this forum.I am 1 day latter with introduction but doesn't matter i am not here for that.I will discuss with all you and we will solve problems,answer questions like in every forum.I want to learn how other people in other countries live,how they want to die
  14. You didn't see the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ not read again
  15. Well how much your site is big?If your site is very big and it have illegal content it will never be listed.If you have 10 to 20 visitors/day,50 pages maximum,link to Google for 12-24 hours your website should be listed.But for big websites example torrent sites,they need to pay to get listed in Google
  16. Why you don't like games like this? I like because every game has way how its made.I like this games but normally 3D games with good graphics are the best...But if you have slow computer i don't know how much games with 3d and directx you will play...Sometimes and maze games are very good,for examples you are on vacation on the beach...You are bored and you are to the last page of your book.You want do something,you don't want to swim and what?You will play Need For Speed Shift on your phone I thing people who are making special games,applications etc. like this are more creative then 3D programmers who are more precise then creative...Sorry if i am wrong
  17. I have one game without graphic or Flash.It is called War of Angels,with template and photoshoped logo.But now i destroyed the file for playing so you when you will login it just says Welcome in town.Here is blabla group.If you don't want to register,i will give you username and password: username:a password:a This is the game: War of Angels
  18. I am playing Counter Strike 1.6 with my brother using LAN or sometimes i am playing on servers.Other game i play multiplayer is flash game and that is Club Penguin.Sometimes when i get bored from these games i am searching videos how people are playing multi-player games...But that is not that much nice like playing!
  19. I am not sure i understood but as i can see i don't need myCent i need?earned myCents.When i will have 10$ earned i could register that domain again.About 24 hours i know,because trap should get all files from my server using nameservers and add them to my domain http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is nice Thanks
  20. Thanks to everyone.Normally i love everyone here not only Admins and Moders.Thanks for the link with rules.I hope everyone will respect them.I always do that.I know only this forum which have myCents feature.Yes i am more comfortable here but i had little problem with one user :PEveryone,please forgive for the chat with me and lets have fun here!Thanks for everything this is the best forum i can see.And you have fun too!!!
  21. Yes,yes meta refresh is made for that so with <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://gotosomewhere.com/; /> you will be redirected for 0 seconds,but if you change that parameter like this <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="4;url=http://gotosomewhere.com/; /> you will be redirected for 4 seconds.That is replacing JavaScript function to redirect.So i don't like JavaScript only because its open-source and JavaScript can be disabled.If it wasn't i would add onmousemove on every my project
  22. Google is much bigger and all servises are working with scripts and without humans.Google is powered by Perl...Normally that better translation will have Facebook but i think Google is better because you can get result for seconds.Other thing is that Google can translate website that is another plus for Google.Normally that script can't learn grammar so you can see very funny things in translation...For example:great on macedonian=голем(big)great on macedonian=одличнo(great,fantastic)"That is great" will be translated on macedonian to "That is big" (Тоа е големо)But still i choose GOOGLE
  23. Help me please.I have registered to the Billing website and i added domain.For payment i choose myCents and this is what appear: So what should i do?When domain will be activated?i have 0.60$ myCents or more...When i will get 9.99$ domain will be activated or domain will be activated for few hours? P.S: Sorry i am not opening a new topic...
  24. Well this is nice template.Its simple but i don't like your background.Make it more complicate to look like template which is downloaded but add copyright that you made that template.Everything other is nice...You just need to photoshop it.If you don't have Photoshop i can give it specially for you...You don't need to JavaScript it!Just few PHP lines and you can make nice blue shoutbox.When you will finish that please publish it!I will give you what you want for the website,because i can see there is design in your spirit I can give you free hosting,no ads,free php,free photoshop and everything just i want to see this template how will work on the Internet.I can make some php script to count your visitors without any ads from free counters...You can make very very nice website
  25. Hello my name is Philip and i live in Macedonia.I don't speak English nice but i understand and i can discuss with you.I think this is the right place for me and i will enjoy here.There are lots of forums here but normally because i want programming the PHP forum is for me .The think what i think is the best on this forum is myCents and i love all Moderators and Administrators for doing this.Specially i like the visual editor.That is for the forum...Now about me.I like programming,watching good films and listening to good Pop music.Sometime i can hear few songs in the RnB and Rock category.I love computers and i want to have the a big server.I know i will never have but that is what i want .I have Windows XP but i have theme for Windows 7 so my sounds,cursors,windows,font are very different from XP.The only thing which shows that i have XP is System Information where is writen Windows XP
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