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Everything posted by truefusion

  1. The RSS feed is too general to implement concerning the current rough draft. For the current rough draft, we just need the following forums: GFXTrap.com Updates, Sigs::Showoff, and Sigs::SOTW.
  2. Looking good, though that WordPress logo in the background seems a bit odd being there. I would only suggest a slight modification to the navigation, the margin or padding used to spread the navigation items apart, make that padding for the anchors themselves. And for the ones in the blue area, have the padding stretch from top to bottom. The turquoise-like "bar" at the top, are you going to be using it for something? If not, i would recommend reducing its height.
  3. I don't think this deals with our brains perceiving time on their own or even with our help. This sounds more of the case being not using one's brain enough, or not keeping up with the times quick enough. Think about it, twice your age, thrice even? Were computers even around when they were your age now? It just so happens that you grew up around the time that technology was growing to where it is now. Of course, i'm assuming you are at most in your twenties, maybe thirties.Your body will wear down as time goes by, but there are ways to reduce the impact age has on your body. For example, stretching every day will allow you to bend and reach down with less if any trouble when you get older. Many of the wisest thinkers took their wisdom to their old age—they may have had nothing better to do than to think about things all day, though. Excel while you are young, and you'll take much of it with you when you are old.
  4. Oh, i should have mentioned that i was viewing your site on a 13" monitor, which only allows a maximum resolution of 1024x768. The 80% width you had made the content seem a bit tight. But now you have increased it from 80%, and it is looking better. Hmm, i didn't realize the root items in the navigation could be clicked on, had i not hovered over them. Here's what i would suggest (which will require some extra time to implement): The navigation at the top seems lonely. You should add the navigation at the left to the top and keep the tree-like structure but with drop-down menus. This may or may not help emphasize the fact that the root items in the navigation can be clicked on, but it will allow more room (for the left column) for other ideas. The search feature you can probably move to the right of the header area, which is the area to the right of the top navigation. The archives will do fine on the right side. As for the what-would-now-be an empty left column, you can place a login form there, with a register link at the bottom of the form, rather than having them as a link on the right side. Of course, when logged in, i'm not really sure what can be placed there (whether or not WordPress provides some kind of control panel for logged in users), but you could just remove the entire left column, i guess. An idea to help emphasize the fact that the root items can be clicked on is to have an arrow on the side of those with children. The arrow will be used to show the children and not the parent item, therefore creating some kind of separation. From what i am currently seeing, the colors look fine to me. The introductory statements for each post actually make me want to read more, so the content is quite well.
  5. Better. The theme reminds me of the GTK theme clearlooks. You mention whether or not a better logo should be considered. For now i'd just make the current one less blurry, and maybe center it. For the content, i'd place "Filed under" and the tags below the post. It feels a bit weird reading the topic title and reading further down only to come across those two things before the content that i would be interested in. Perhaps go with a fluid design? The content seems a bit crunched up in the middle there, even if they are spoilers. The arrows in the navigation makes me feel like there is a sub-menu waiting to pop out upon hover (only from experience), though i do realize the default interpretation of those arrows is to give the impression of following the link. Maybe, also, have the links in the content have a different color than the current grey. It doesn't seem like there is enough contrast between the content and the links.
  6. I don't know which browser is better, or which one can contain the most features while keeping a small footprint or loads up quickly, but i don't let that bother me. Yeah, the browsers take a while to load up the first time (on my system could be from 2 to 5 seconds—depending on the browser), but due to the fact that once you open up a program in Linux, closing it and re-opening becomes almost instant. If it is not almost instant, then i would have to question what program we are talking about and your system specifications. Firefox for me on its first-time load takes about 5 seconds. Chrome takes about 3. I'm typing this message in Opera, so i can't really tell you Opera's first-time load time right now. But after closing Firefox and Chrome, opening up them up again takes no more than a second. I should mention, though, i don't use that many extensions in Firefox (i currently only have 9—if that can be called not much).
  7. Maybe it's me, but is your website supposed to have a design to it? You talk about a template and a logo, but i see none. It looks like styling has been "turned off." Here's what i see: Or is this what you meant by keeping it simple?
  8. I see what you mean. I wonder if it is due to features not implemented (Konqueror still hasn't passed the Acid 3 test). Would you happen to know if Konqueror has their own comment hacks or similar like IE? Increasing the margin should fix it, but Firefox, Chrome and Opera (still haven't checked IE) display them fine, and i don't want these browsers to show that much of a margin. Hmm, i haven't thought about inverting the color, but i'll try it out. I used CSS (border-bottom), since it is quicker and requires less work, though i could have probably used horizontal rules and applied a background to them (since they provide their own shade), but i also added a dark, fading, gradient background to the same elements.
  9. Open-source programs do not own the market (yet), nor do they inherently contain bad code. While it may be the case that open-source projects allow for people to submit their own patches from a random developer (whether they are a noob programmer or experienced), the patches are not automatically accepted but are only considered by a select few (if at all more than one) and verified before applied to the actual source code. For who would want to accept anything they are given? But popular projects often require more than noobish programmers, as they are often significantly sized projects where many noobies wouldn't even bother getting their hands dirty with.The analogy you give concerning applying the open-source philosophy to more physical occupations doesn't follow from what you previously said. You were talking about being free and a lot of nooby workers. A lot of those jobs require certification. Nevertheless, concerning construction and plumbing, they don't have to have an open-source mentality to be unqualified or offer their services for free. The very house you live in could have been built with bad standards, and you won't figure it out until it starts crumbling on you, which you will continue paying for.Open-source doesn't apply to the workers but the work itself. Open-source means you get to do whatever you want with the work, whether you pay for the work or not. Remember, the word "free" when it comes to open source doesn't have to do anything with money. Many open-source and open-source compatible licenses allow you to charge for the work. Some go even further and allow you to later make your work closed-source. The work is there if you want to use it; it is not mandatory to use.As for the opportunities it leaves open, since open-source normally deals with software, we don't have to look any further than web hosts. You say it ruins opportunities, but web hosts, and web development, use many open-source programs and has opened up many possibilities. If you are running a business, be glad that you can start one without having to dish out so much money just to get it started in the first place, by going with popular open-source projects.
  10. I like the orange horizontal lines, but i don't think they need to go everywhere. I've updated the source again and added in the orange horizontal lines, but i restricted them to header elements. I've also switched the top right column with the top middle column so that the news is on the right and the SOTW in the middle. I've attached an updated source (let me know if you can't download it). gfxtrap.zip Can you figure something out for the top left buttons, on making them appear special? My attempts aren't getting satisfactory results. As for making the content more "graphical," i am opened to ideas. We also can't have it being too graphical where the text becomes hard to read. If background images are to be used, they should be able of displaying for any screen resolution while keeping their file size at an acceptable level—and where will they be used?
  11. I don't recall hearing about it being updated, but since we're nearing the completion of the layout, there should be something started concerning the RSS feeds for the GFXTrap section of the forums. I'll PM BuffaloHelp about it. I would just let graceful degradation take its toll on older browsers. Things should still be placed on the same spot, just no rounded corners. The only browser i know of that has implemented border-radius without a prefix is Opera, but that is for their latest alpha build. We may have to work something out for IE7 and below, though, as i don't expect everything to be in place with those, especially IE6. I took the source code and modified it a bit (i've only tested it in Firefox 3, Google Chrome and Opera 10). I made it more self-dependent with the CSS and moved it more into the favored color scheme. It still needs some spicing up, graphics-wise, as it looks dull and reminds me of one of those place-holder websites that you'd run into for "dead" URLs that have search keywords as its content. The way i set up the links on the left (concerning their color and emphasis) is still a rough draft, as i don't have any ideas for making it stand out more without them standing out too much. But here is the updated HTML (copy and paste will work): <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd;<html lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>GFXTrap Template Example</title><style type="text/css"> html { background: #1F212D; } body { font-size: 11pt; color: #BDC2E2; margin: auto; padding: 0; max-width: 1240px; font-family: Arial; } a { color: #BDC2E2; } #footer { padding: 0.5em; text-align: center; clear: both; background-color: #34374D; } #header { color: white; background-color: #F0611D; margin: 0; height: 55px; padding: 0.7em 0 0 1em; font-size: 28pt; letter-spacing: 3pt; border-bottom: 12px solid #BC4C0D; } .border_radius, .left div.box, .left a.button, .middle div.box { border-radius: 0.5em !important; -khtml-border-radius: 0.5em !important; -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em !important; -moz-border-radius: 0.5em !important; } .top_left_radius, .right div.box { border-top-left-radius: 0.5em; -khtml-border-top-left-radius: 0.5em; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0.5em; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0.5em; } .top_right_radius, .right div.box { border-top-right-radius: 0.5em; -khtml-border-top-right-radius: 0.5em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 0.5em; -moz-border-radius-topright: 0.5em; } .bottom_left_radius { border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5em; -khtml-border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5em; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5em; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0.5em; } .bottom_right_radius { border-bottom-right-radius: 0.5em; -khtml-border-bottom-right-radius: 0.5em; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 0.5em; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0.5em; } .box { padding: 1em; background-color: #495168; border: 1px solid #495168; } .box * { padding: 0; margin: 0; } .box ul { list-style: none; } .container { padding: 1em 1em 0em 1em; clear: both; } .content { background-color: #DEE2EB; color: #495168; padding: 1em; } .left, .middle { float: left; padding: 0.7em; } .left { width: 230px; } .middle { width: 250px; } .right { margin-left: 35.5em; padding: 0.7em; } .left a.button { font-size: 16pt; display: block; padding: 1em; margin-bottom: 0.7em; } .right div.box { -khtml-border-bottom-left-radius: 0; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 0; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0; -khtml-border-bottom-right-radius: 0; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 0; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0; } .right a.button { background-color: #DEE2EB; color: #495168; text-align: center; display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 0.7em; padding: 0.3em 0 0.3em 0; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; width: 100%; } a.button { padding: 0.3em; } a.button:hover { background-color: #dff4ff; color: #495168; } dt { font-weight: bold; margin: 1em 0 -1em 0 !important; } dd { padding: 1.3em 1.3em 0 1.3em !important; text-align: justify; }</style></head><body><h1 id="header">GFXTrap</h1><div class="container"> <div class="left"> <a href="#" class="box button">Show off your work.</a> <a href="#" class="box button">Request a sig or banner.</a> <a href="#" class="box button">Find tutorials and tips.</a> </div><!-- // Left --> <div class="middle"> <div class="box"> <h2>Latest News</h2> <dl> <dt>Topic Title 1</dt> <dd>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla eu erat lectus. Aliquam viverra fusce...</dd> <dt>Topic Title 2</dt> <dd>Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin pellentesque magna id risus sagittis gravida viverra sapien turpis duis...</dd> <dt>Topic Title 3</dt> <dd>Duis convallis erat vestibulum sapien pretium at scelerisque justo ullamcorper. Maecenas dictum amet...</dd> </dl> </div> </div><!-- // Middle --> <div class="right"> <div class="box"> <h2><abbr title="Signature of the Week">SOTW</abbr> #43 Entries</h2> <ul> <li>Maximum Size: 450x300 px</li> <li>Theme: Chickens</li> <li>Deadline: 25 Mar 2010</li> </ul> </div><!-- // Box --> <a href="#" style="width: 50%; float: left;" class="button bottom_left_radius">Submit Entry</a> <a href="#" style="width: 50%;" class="button bottom_right_radius">View Entries</a> <div class="box"> <h2><abbr title="Signature of the Week">SOTW</abbr> #42 Winner</h2> <p class="content">Clickable thumbnail here.</p> </div><!-- // Box --> <a href="#" class="button bottom_left_radius bottom_right_radius">View Runners Up</a> </div><!-- // Right --></div><!-- // First container --><div class="container"> <div class="left"> <div class="box"> <h2>Other Stuff</h2> <p>Links to other unmentioned sections go here.</p> </div><!-- // Box --> </div><!-- // Left --> <div class="middle"> <div class="box"> <h2>Latest Show-offs</h2> <ul> <li>Topic Title 1</li> <li>Topic Title 2</li> <li>Topic Title 3</li> </ul> </div><!-- // Box --> </div><!-- // Middle --> <div class="right"> <div class="box border_radius"> <h2>Most Recent Posts</h2> <ul> <li>Topic Title 1</li> <li>Topic Title 2</li> <li>Topic Title 3</li> </ul> </div><!-- // Box --> </div><!-- // Right --></div><!-- // Second container --><div id="footer"><p>We are not responsible for loss, damage or nuclear war resulting from the use of this website.</p></div><!-- // Footer --></body></html>Haven't heard much from the GFX Crew members about the current rough draft. Would it be safe to assume that they accept it on some level?
  12. The SOTW winner part of the site, i don't think that is something that can be easily generated or obtained through RSS feed. Possible solution could be to make a sub-forum in the SOTW forum specifically for displaying winners. But that may be too drastic. Another possible solution is to manually update a file on the server side and include it. Although RSS feed for the GFXTrap forum isn't currently accessible so we can see if a new reply pushes the topic up, i'm sure it can be reactivated (with admin help). But looking at the source code of the available RSS feed, channel::item[#]::title, channel::item[#]::link and channel::item[#]::description means it is possible, assuming the feed does display the active topics, and it also means we wouldn't have to download and parse the feed again to change the currently displayed topic. But to make things appear more intuitive if it is going to be listing the active topics of the Show-off forum, rather than "Latest Show-offs" it should be "Active Show-offs." But before that change, we'll have to verify if older topics that were bumped up would be reflected on the RSS feed. I'ma assume the padding and margins are also rough draft material for the HTML demo. I'm liking the 230px width for the left column (size includes the padding of the button, but with less padding of course). 25% for the left column implies it'll resize on bigger resolutions (note, i'm judging with the standard resolution being 1024x768), but i don't think the content of the left column justifies the need for resizing. The middle column may have to be taken care of separately for each half. That is, the upper half (i.e. the latest news) will have spoilers, so 230px seems too small, and 25% for a 1280x1024 resolution is a bit too much for the bottom half (the topic titles only), unless we can find a size for both that will work. By the looks of it, i think 250px in width for the middle bottom-half would do. We should make use of the CSS property max-width, limiting the page from stretching too much when, for example, viewed on resolutions bigger than 1280x1024. We should also use it for the middle top-half, since the right columns will always have more content. Since rounded corners will make the site look better, we should also make use of border-radius. We shouldn't make any images rounded ourselves, since setting any images as background images can make them appear rounded using border-radius (it's a trick i use on my own site). This way if we want the image to loop on a certain axis, we wouldn't need two separate images, and we can pick and choose which corner we want rounded. The right column, of course, can take up as much space as it wants. But, yeah, (as inverse_bloom mentioned, in his post before this one) the buttons for the right column below each box will stretch to meet the width of the container above them and run along the bottom edge of the box in the finalized template. Concerning the fold, we can't worry much about where each row becomes visible, since the height will be mostly resized by the current SOTW requirements topic in combination with the SOTW winner and maybe news. However, if we use the CSS property, overflow, we could probably keep things at a certain height, but if it were me, be it any site, i wouldn't want my view of the content to be restricted like that, unless perhaps what is being restricted isn't that significant. I'm not sure how browsers render elements whose width is 100% while all the other elements on its side take up their own space, but if it doesn't push things off the screen where it shows a horizontal scroll bar for the view port, then we can give the right column 100% width. The max-width for the middle column, i'm not sure of a value, but what can help us determine a good max-width is seeing the expected content within the column. And how many characters should we allow before cutting off the current news spoiler? 100 characters, perhaps?
  13. The GFXTrap banner, i would say, shouldn't be big. A big banner would take up some of the spot light, and the forum content should have all the spot light we can give it. The banner doesn't have to be complex either, just plain text and a background color (perhaps a gradient, i'm thinking of that orange color in the favored color scheme) should be enough—maybe even add some special design to the end opposite of the text. Yeah, other GFX websites tend to have huge and complex banners, but i don't think this website calls for one. I'm thinking of a banner no bigger than 100 pixels in height. I think this design can work on some level. I would agree to swap the latest SOTW with the SOTW winner so that the latest is on top. Concerning the latest news, i feel the text should be aligned vertically to the left side of the latest news box rather than the common horizontal text at the top of the box. Following from that, the text should be clickable to hide and show the current news. By default it will be shown, when clicked a cookie should be set or updated. I can do all the JavaScript work. Since the buttons on the left and the news in the middle won't be much, the right column should have the most room rather than each column being the same size. The color for the buttons (those on the left and those under the current SOTW, not the latest news one), a color should be introduced for it. The latest news one i'm thinking to go with the orange color, but the other buttons mentioned i think should have a bright and warm blue—the green in the favored color scheme seems out of place for buttons, and the other colors don't have that "click me" feeling to it, if you understand what i mean. In between the show off button and the tutorials and tips button should go a button for those who want a design done for them—advertising for the request a sig or banner forum. I also agree with the footer. I think the design should be, by the way it is going, a full three column design.[2] [1] GFXTrap; Xisto news seems irrelevant here. [2] I don't think updating it in real time is required, since the goal is to get the visitor to enter the forums. Let's let refreshing the page do the updating. We should go with a complete three column design here. The design should stay "cut" in half the way it is, but for the bottom half, the left side should contain links to other sub-forums that aren't advertised already. The middle part should display the latest topic titles for the show off forum. The right column should have what you suggested, the first post for the latest topic in that forum. Similar to the SOTW box, that box should have their own buttons on the bottom. The middle section can be used to change the content of the right column, and under the topic titles of the middle column could have a link to the show off forum. I realize that is basically dual advertising for the show off forum, but shouldn't matter.
  14. Licenses like the GPL allow you to sell your program or source code—if you sell the program, you have to provide the source code along with it (or at least inform the buyer where to freely obtain the source code). You don't see developers doing this probably because the GPL, in turn, allows the person who purchased the source code to give away the source code for free afterwards. I don't know what license you have for your code (or program), but if you use the GPL, it allows you to sell your program. Note, you can also charge for support—but it sounds like your programs aren't complex enough to confuse users.
  15. I can't tell if the gallery uses tags, but if it does, then we could use the tags as a way to differentiate between images that would be appropriate for GFXTrap and those that aren't. For example, if the image is tagged as a "sig," that would make it eligible for being displayed. Of course, this would require a more complex RSS feed and this would also require some user cooperation (since the tags would have to be specific keywords).
  16. @fstabGRUB 2 uses a slightly different syntax than it used to and it is no longer located at /boot/grub/grub.conf. The menu file is now at /boot/grub/grub.cfg.@bluedragonI unfortunately do not have enough knowledge in GRUB 2 to provide you with steps on how to manually remove these older versions, but if i were to take a guess, it would require deleting a certain file from /etc/grub.d and running grub-mkconfig afterwards.
  17. truefusion


    What i would like to see is a law that says that a service cannot be demanded by law. For example, car insurance; if i don't want it, then i don't need it. I see it completely absurd for things like car insurance to be required by law, which of course applies to every other insurance, like health insurance. I would also like to see a law that states that your property can't be taken away for things unrelated to it. I hear failure to pay for certain federal taxes can get your property taken away, though you paid fully for the property and therefore have full ownership of it. I would also like to see a law that says that after paying off the mortgage, no one living there can be later issued a mortgage unless the property is sold, and if sold, banks do not take control of the property.However, who are passing laws today? I know we vote people into office, but that shouldn't mean making every decision for us. As for the voting process, i don't know of any way that would prevent false results, and without such a way, it can be as if nothing has changed.
  18. In either case, aren't we still declaring "what is best" for either? What is the point of gender equality?—you have to ask. True gender equality, doesn't that imply giving the very same tasks to each other? That doesn't necessarily imply complimenting each other, let alone something either would be glad to have. I'm pretty sure a lot of the things men do, women wouldn't want to do, and vice versa. Gender equality, i would say, then, is merely allowing for people to have their "options open;" give them a larger array of choices from what they currently have. One of the implications for gender equality is that what would follow would be more women in areas that they may otherwise would not have been in, and likewise for the men.So assume that it is the case that both men and women are open to the same areas, the same array of choices. Would we see more women in more "manly" areas? And would we see more men in more "womanly" areas? The choice of where and what a person wants to work in is up to the person themselves. The rhetorics and emotions normally surrounding gender equality tend to be impractical—the only thing that is obviously practical about it is that it may actually turn heads. But they may actually place blame where blame is not appropriate. So i hear that women earn less than men. I would understand the feeling to want to fight for more income if they were doing the same kind of work as the men, or if it were the case that women are being turned down at higher positions for being women. But i've never heard which position exactly they are currently in, what are their expertise and qualifications, and other relevant information that is required to even argue for gender equality.Yeah, a house wife wouldn't have much time for higher forms of education—or other things for that matter—with children around, but, also, unless the working husband has had some form of higher education, his income won't be much. The complications surrounding the household do not, or should not, touch on gender equality. Those are things that need to be worked out by the family. Even with having the option, the current situation may not allow for higher forms of income. There are some things that can be fixed and there are some things that may never be fixed.I haven't looked at anyone's paycheck (for why would they want to show me such a thing?), but what i can observe, at least here in the states, is that any reason for their income being low would be due to the kind of work they are doing. Sure, the topic introduced India, which i am not entirely sure of how things work, which may or may not have a law that says an employer cannot deny someone for gender, which may or may not be the case that India contains abortions that favor male babies. But i would rather do away with any misleading or deceiving information than to argue for it.
  19. If the new site (design) will be mostly dependent on RSS feed, i feel complex menus are not required. From the current site from the main menu horizontally placed, the only one that we would "need" is either the "Web Hosting" one or the "Xisto Network" one—which will be mainly for SEO reasons. All the others are unnecessary, redundant and will serve no purpose. Concerning the "GFXTrap Menu" vertically placed on the left, depending on how the RSS feeds are implemented will (should) decide which ones exactly should be considered. Unless mistaken, one of the purposes of the site is to lead visitors back to the forums (specifically the GFXTrap section). Before deciding on a template, we should first figure out how exactly the RSS feed system will be implemented. Content shapes the design, and there is a lot of content that can be generated through RSS—which may or may not be necessary to display. For example, for certain there should be an area on the main page that informs us on the current GFXTrap news. But how much of the news is required to display to the visitors? Topic titles only, which link back to the original topic? Perhaps show a small spoiler and cut it off with a "read more" link? If the current news are not always updated (i.e. if there is rarely anything new), then its publicity shouldn't be much. If the current news doesn't require much publicity, then what should we show along side it to take up the remaining space? Again, how much of that is required to show? Technically, no sub-sections of the site itself is required, so everything can be placed all in one page. However, i don't think that will do much to provoke the user into interacting with the forums, especially if they feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the content. A good design should make the user feel comfortable with what is shown. The website, if you think about it, if all goes well, will eventually be dropped by the visitor and will head directly to the forums instead—which is one of our goals, i believe. The current website doesn't do much promotion or "advertising" to cause any visitor to want to interact in the forums. It's dull and if i were a user, i wouldn't dive further into the navigation and probably wouldn't think of returning. In both instances we would have a visitor dumping the GFXTrap site, but only in one of them would we have a new user. One of the things that i would believe would make a new visitor consider interacting would be if they saw that things are still active. While on some lower level we may be trying to at some point advertise to the user some form of web hosting, the site, at least on the front end, is geared toward those who are into graphic design. So in thinking like a graphic artist, one of the things that would catch my interest is knowing that there is a place for me to show off my work. Personally, i would only be interested in other people's designs if i were looking for motivation or to perhaps see what is the current trend people are into now-a-days, et cetera. Therefore, unless otherwise stated, i feel a link to the Show Off forum should be emphasized. We shouldn't need to display topics or topic titles for this. Following from that, unless otherwise stated, i feel this forum's gallery should be somewhat disclosed somewhere on the GFXTrap site. As mentioned before, one of the reasons for viewing someone else's work would be for motivation and other reasons. I feel there should be some integration with this forum's gallery, at least a thumbnail view, which displays images at random. If this forum's gallery is currently "out of order," it should be brought back up. I don't think these thumbnails would require much emphasis, therefore they should do fine somewhere in the bottom of the page. Also following from what was previously said, competition is something any one of us would be interested in, as it is part of showing off. Therefore the SOTW should be showed on the main page. I feel this one would require displaying at least the first post of the topic, so the user would have a quick glimpse of the requirements for that SOTW. For interaction-provoking reasons, right under that "post" there should be at least two buttons: one that says something along the lines of "View other entries" (which will take them to the topic directly) and one that says something along the lines of "Add your entry" (which will take them directly to the "Add Reply" page of that topic—in other words, it would be as if they had clicked "Add Reply" in the forums). Since older SOTW is of little interest, we shouldn't need to display more than the latest one. Therefore a small link that says something like "View past SOTW competitions" should be placed below, which will direct them to the SOTW forum. Placing emphasis on the last SOTW winner should be okay, but i wouldn't say it should be to the extent that is shown in Tramposch's rough draft. If i were a graphic designer, making sig or logo designs for others would be nice, but i would probably consider it on a lower level than the other areas mentioned, as it is advertised more for those who can't design or do not have the time to design things. Therefore this should have a spot somewhere on the side, which implies having at least a two-column design. But i also feel this should have some place near the top of that side, at least above what is considered "the fold." Since a graphic designer would be interested in learning new tricks of the trade, the tutorials and resources section should have their own emphasis, but this i'm not entirely sure how to go about in implementing it—and perhaps some other things. So i'll stop here and wait for feedback. I'd vote for that color scheme too, assuming we also follow how they were implemented in the image.
  20. Looking to revive an old project of mine, i have decided to start from scratch with a different way of approaching the matter. I have decided to make it part of my content management system to ease the process of updating it for publicity's sake and to make my CMS seem more complete. It is written in PHP and requires at least PHP version 5.2 (which isn't a problem for us Xisto-hosted members ). This project is still a bit immature, but most of it has been tested and seems suitable for many practical situations. Most of what you would normally find in an HTML form have been turned into their own PHP classes (see here). This has made the process easier to create other fields, and it should allow for other kinds of inheritance. Generating the HTML forms themselves have been left to their own classes (see here). The abstract class, AbstractHtmlForm, should be the base class used when making your own form classes. Some default classes have been provided for convenience and as a blueprint on how to go about in sub-classing the abstract class. Some things should be noted about this project: For starters, by default it makes use of an HTML 5 attribute, the required attribute (which some browsers, at least Opera, have already implemented). This will cause current XHTML compliant pages to not validate. To avoid this scenario, when instantiating a new field make sure to pass the boolean false to the field's public method, showRequiredAttribute(): $field->showRequiredAttribute(false);Secondly, for users who are XHTML Strict, when instantiating a new form the name of the form is passed in the constructor of the form. XHTML Strict does not contain any name attribute for forms, therefore XHTML Strict pages will not validate. To avoid this you can pass NULL to the name parameter of the constructor and later set the form's ID using the public method, setFormId() (if you want it to have an ID), or you can pass in an actual name to the constructor (to perhaps be used internally for setFormId()) but later pass NULL or an empty string to the public method, setFormName(). Note: you must set those things before calling renderHtmlForm() on the form object. Thirdly and lastly, one of the reasons for its current immaturity (as of revision 66) includes the fact that the select HTML element does not yet have its own class. Therefore drop down menus and multiple select fields have not been currently implemented. Also, while check boxes and radio buttons have been implemented, they have not been tested or used in any working example. And the FileUploadForm currently has trouble uploading multiple files—though this appears to be more of a browser issue and not something inherent to my script. Example usages can be found at the end of the file, formtypes.formgenerator.php. You may look at the convenient form classes to know how to implement the abstract class, AbstractHtmlForm, and to get a better understanding of the system. Future plans for the project include implementing JavaScript related attributes (e.g. onmouseover, et cetera), implementing any missing elements, and assuring stability.
  21. I can't recall any system freezes, but any system failures were solely on my part messing around with kernel modules and other system configurations, mostly related to the X server. Thankfully, i can separate my personal files from the system files onto separate partitions. Reinstalling the system is not a problem for me (i do it often—not necessarily because i ruined anything ; sometimes i just want to try out the latest beta, or i just want a "cleaner" system). I will admit that Ubuntu used to be slower in some of its previous versions, but once 8.04 and higher came into the picture, it has been becoming faster. Before those versions, distros like Mandriva (and those based on it, like PCLinuxOS), Gentoo, Zenwalk, et cetera, were faster. I stick with Ubuntu for its hardware support and because it is easier to maintain the system. Otherwise i'd probably be using Mandriva or Gentoo again (though, Zenwalk was a good distro too). Mandriva had something i would love to see something similar to in Ubuntu: Mandriva Control Center. It's not as necessary in Ubuntu as it is for Mandriva, but it would be nice to have.
  22. The Arctic Silver 5 thermal compound is a very popular brand, but it's not the only brand. If you go for the Arctic Silver 5 thermal compound but can't get your hands on it (perhaps due to it being sold out), then i would recommend as an alternative the Tuniq TX-2 thermal compound. But really, all you'll actually need is whatever comes already applied to the new heatsink (unless you buy a brand, like certain Kingwin HSF, that provide the thermal compound but you apply it yourself, or if you are using an already used HSF).Likewise, if Arcticlean is out of your reach, go for rubbing alcohol with about 99% alcohol to wipe off any thermal compound leftovers. I say this only because of this one post on a random computer forum, where this one person literally drowned one of his computer parts and after it dried, continued to function. Do note, though, that you don't have to fully remove the paste where the product looks like it never had paste on it to begin with. You just have to remove enough to where it won't make a difference, that is, to where it won't separate the heatsink from the processor any further.
  23. From experience, they tend to not work as expected or are hard to implement properly, so i wouldn't recommend any. Likewise, while you could suggest for the user to upgrade to IE7 or to switch to another popular browser, i would either avoid the use of transparent PNGs (which you may never need) or simply not care. I am not sure what instance demands for transparent PNGs, especially since we've been doing good without their use in web design for a long time, but what kind of dilemma are you in?
  24. Steam is one of the reasons why i avoided buying Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2, for PC (not that i have purchased it for consoles). While there is no guarantee that i would come across the same problem as you and others have, just the possibility of not being able to play a game i purchased is enough to get me to stray away. Yeah, it stinks that legitimate customers are being burdened because of piracy and those who promote piracy. CD keys were at least a decent idea; though they don't really help concerning single-player games, if the game is centered around multiplayer, then it isn't a burden to legitimate customers.
  25. Not being able to enter safe mode sounds more than just a simple validation problem. I'm not sure how old this system is, or what happened before this problem started occurring, and while i would rather leave reinstalling the entire system as a last resort, if the current system is not letting you do anything, then i would suggest using another system, if any (which it sounds like you do have another one). I've always been able to enter into safe mode, so i've never had the problem you have. If you don't have any important files in there, then just reinstall the system. HP should be able to help you out here. The Windows activation key should be labeled somewhere on that computer in case you need it. If you have some files you would like to keep, then i would suggest pulling out the hard drive (if possible) and put it in another system and take what you need. Then put the hard drive back and reinstall Windows. I, unfortunately, am not able to provide any further assistance, due to lack of experience. So, if what has been mentioned is not possible for you, then you'll have to wait for someone else to respond.
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