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Everything posted by SpiderVV

  1. I was talking about a disc inside the drive that could make a conflict. But since it's resolved,
  2. Welcome Myke! Enjoy yourself in the forums and if you want a guide to web hosting, be sure to Read the FAQ's, everything about MyCENTs and the Xisto account linking then to buy a package when you reach the required price! Enjoy, post a lot (not spam) because this is the objective to get moneyz! To create a website, it's easy if it's just a forum. Assistance with T17?, post Here.
  3. Okay, first the website could be more organised. But it's good. Then it's the skin, it's too default as said before and what made you come up with that site category? :)I don't have much to say as others have already answered to it.I'd give a 4/10
  4. Wow, I always thought he'd win until he died. Seems that Uncle Billy spent too much in Windows 7 or in the Mojave Experiment People paid and then they said "I WANT MY MONEY BACK!".
  5. Okay, I requested a cancellation. I hope my money will get back
  6. Hello. I was going to buy a host in Xisto and I clicked Checkout thinking it'd save it in some cart. Now I am dueing invoices. Isn't there a way to cancel the buy? Thanks.
  7. Never heard of him. But I also never heard of a cure to AIDS, or either I am too late or idk. Also @ the topic title: I don't think AIDS will ever disappear, it was a disease that lasted centuries and almost more than 5 million people died of it, so I don't really know if even a cure will make it disappear, it's just... too strong.
  8. Okay, vBulletin has some little features that are good like rep, etc etc. But I still think Invision Power Board is way better, they have a vast database of mods, easy Admin CP, posting etc. It's just my 2 cents though.
  9. Ninety? AFAIK if I download a 200MB file it may take me around 120 seconds but maybe that depends on ISP, location and many other factors. Also my review of MU is: Upload: Easy. But their servers are a bit slow and there are more restrictions that there were back in the days. You can upload, rars, avi's, zip's, etc all great so I'd give a... 9/10 Download: Okay, real deal. It's just crap that you have to insert a stupid CAPTCHA (Not stupid for the safety of the website, of course) and then wait some seconds but it isn't that what stresses me up. What stresses me up is the crap servers they have in a hour and then suddenly I get 1MB/sec. If I download 2 files, the speed is around 1MB/sec, if I download more 2, it decreases to 500kb/sec and then if more it keeps decreasing to 100, it's just boring and another thing is that they give free premium for like only two hours in the morning. I'd rather get it during all night. I know MU is American but why not think about Europeans and others that use GMT0 or 1? Overall: 6/10
  10. Swine Flu, seriously. AIDS is way more fatal and it's worse. In here we have a lot of cases but still if there were an AIDS attack and a Swine Flu attack, I'd rather go for the Swine.
  11. I saw it, it's just based off Ubuntu with stuff added so it's not major. Not worth downloading, in my opinion and I downloaded a beta version and it ended up to be from... 2005.
  12. Oh my God. Stupidest theory ever. Flexibility on "humans" () is easily gathered by a thing called practise, do you think Jackson didn't practise before he did that? Otherwise we would of be falling in every videoclip and instead of music it would be a comedy scene, no?
  13. Yes, they exist. Of course nobody knows where are they going to You just die and... idk. Or maybe I have been watching too much Futurama? Nah, they exist I think.Also, isn't this the wrong section? Freebie Stuff??
  14. Disagree. But yes, do more and you'll certainly do better! To release a CD just see if you have a good voice, etc
  15. Leave it to the shoutbox, guys. :)Do what they said, also do a virus scan to see if you have no weird hidden processes because sometimes, some processes don't appear on Task Manager and they can spend a lot of RAM.
  16. True. Watched recently a documentary in NatGeo Wild that explained a lot about it, first temperatures get hot and then the sea gets hotter until it starts to do massive hurricanes, the earth will be a supercontinent, etc. In more million years nobody will face the apocalypse, just Earth itself as we all know there will be no human life in these years due to the reasons I stated above.A conclusion is, Earth will die just the way it born. It started as lava, formed a supercontinent, Nature started to grow up, Oceans to be created, human life had an evolution... Then it's this s*it (Thank God I'm not born, just if I am a tree or something in afterlife) how it will die: Temperatures will start to increase, greenhouse gas will attack Earth, Nature starts to die, Human existence starts to die, oceans start to disappear, their temps going up and forming huge hurricanes and earthquakes, the supercontinent is formed again and in more around 1500k years it'll die as lava due to the Sun's imploding. Europeans are worse, much worse but as the topic says, we have to blame OURSELVES and no one else. We did the gases, cars that use pollutant gasoline, etc. And electric vehicles or anything will not repair it, we must face it.
  17. I do agree both suck, though Yahoo Answers have some lulzy topics. I once saw one that a girl asked if she could get pregnant just by sitting in a public toilet, and many others. lolAnd I never liked Facebook. As Bart Simpson writes, "It's Facebook, not Assbook", I disagree completely.
  18. I've been told some times to register here. I've been especially guided by -Sky-, who has his website hosted here and me, I was looking for free webhosting for years until I found this forum and got directed to it by him. I started by being confused with the cents system, etc but it's now all sorted. I am looking for decent hosting for my website and I've saw this is very good!
  19. Well, we all know piracy appeared since the money crisis started almost 20 years ago. People started not to have money and let other people buy it then to rip them to CD's. As far as I remember, it started with CD's being sold in the streets or in the black market and then the uploading websites came. It was a complete internet riot, illegal Windows to one side, applications to other, etc. Also until they started to decode serial numbers, CD-keys and creating cracks.I think piracy should end and that it shouldn't at the same time as it's illegal, but it also helps the ones who don't have money to pay certain applications or pirates really, I don't really endorse piracy but I've downloaded it a lot of times in the past.
  20. The Simpsons Movie The second playthrough as I've seen it when it was released and 2 days ago again.
  21. Is that you in the photo? With your alternative b& stick? :P

  22. A new energy source will be found certainly. Some countries are already planning in invest on electric cars which also help the Planet but if we run out of oil, the crisis will increase and people will start to get mad, especially the government. Then the Earth would run out of money and financial issues would also increase.Just my thoughts.
  23. Hello! But there's another topic about it here so maybe you can post there Greetz, SV
  24. Well, here we have almost 100 cases. Nothing in my town but this is getting a bit serious, imo, worse than the aviary flu.
  25. I did have the latest drivers. It just crashed out of nothing while I was recording a video with fraps about a monster truck bug, though I think the crash was because I was constantly teleporting from one side of the map to other because of the glitch, too much GFX power maybe since my GFX Card sucks. (nVidia GeForce 8500GT)Though in the betas of it (SP2) I tried it on my laptop and it seemed faster but this one, no deal and I never tried the betas of Vista but I have seen screens, seemed reasonable, excluding the f*** load of bugs it had.
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