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Everything posted by SpiderVV

  1. Well, you'll need a lot of posts though. For each 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, etc posts you also get rewards. It'll help you get there.
  2. Wow. So this is true. I have heard of this before but I never thought it'd be true.
  3. Welcome. Enjoy yourself in the forums and if you want a guide to web hosting, be sure to Read the FAQ's, everything about MyCENTs and the Xisto account linking then to buy a package when you reach the required price! Enjoy, post a lot (not spam) because this is the objective to get moneyz! To create a website, it's easy if it's just a forum. Assistance with T17?, post Here.
  4. Well, yes, ConvertXtoDVD is the best for me. If you have a good processor it takes around 20 minutes to compress a 1h 30m movie. There is also an HD Converter by IMToo I think. It's also great, can transform SD into HD.
  5. That's used to mount a virtual CD Drive, where you can't write in. The method in this topic is to make a writable disk where you can also install an OS.
  6. Oh well. Nowadays you can get Sun VirtualBox and install an OS in it to test! Can work as a virtual drive in a way
  7. I have a kind of order in which GTA games I like best 1. GTA: San Andreas If there was any such thing as "the perfect game" then this is it! Not only do you have the biggest area ever (in gaming history, I'm sure...) to roam at your will... The missions are great and you have alot of stuff you can do. People like to complain about the size only being so big because most of it is countryside/desert but I find that a GOOD thing!! The countryside is fun to roam, especially when you believe some of the myths, lol... And the desert is great to race around on a bike for eternity. If it was all city, that'd be cool too... But I enjoy jumping off the huge mountain and roaming all 3 cities. To be honest, each time I play I usually stick to one of the 5 areas (3 cities, 1 countryside, 1 desert) because by the time I've finished having fun in one, I've played for long enough to just finish Not to mention the modding capabillities... Whoo! 2. GTA: III There's something I just love about the simplicity of GTA III. Even the blurry newspapers blowing across the street, which doesn't happen in any other GTA game... The theme and style is just classic and this is always my 2nd favourite GTA so far! 3. GTA: 2 Going back in time, GTA 2 is great. I love the gang-choice system and the amount of mayhem you can cause by rapidly shooting anyone, anything, anywhere. The features may be limited and when I think about it, this game is very restricted... But there's just something about the arcade style of it that I love. 4. GTA: London This was my first GTA. I bought it seperately for Playstation. I used to play it every day for hours. Just roaming around with my selection of about 6 guns and shooting the hell out of everything, everywhere! I will always have a soft spot for this GTA, but I doubt I'd choose it over the other things that are on offer. 5. GTA: Vice City People say that Vice City is one of the best GTA's out there... But there is something that just doesn't quite meet the criteria for me. I've not played it that much, so maybe I'll learn to like it more when I play it more. But usually, a GTA game get's me hooked within the first few minutes. Everything is there in Vice City... But it feels like a bad version of GTA 3 for me. I'm sure it's a good game though! 6. GTA: IV GTA IV... Long awaited. It changed everyones thoughts about GTA. Alot of new fans of GTA occured and alot of old fans of GTA were lost. I'm one of those people who think that GTA should have kept it's GTA III engine. Or at least kept alot of the things that were featured in it. Don't get me wrong, GTA IV is a great game. But in terms of GTA... It scores low. GTA is so much better than this and to me it's a completely different game, but with the same title. I guess it just looses the few last traces of it's "classic" style. And breaks into just another one of those modern games for me. Maybe I'm just too oldskool. But especially in terms of features, GTA IV is wayy down on the scale. 7. GTA: 1 GTA 1. At the bottom. Not because I think it's bad. It's great! But I wouldn't really play it. It's not the old, 2D thing I don't like... I just think if I was going to go back to a classic GTA, I'd go with GTA 2 or GTA London. Best Features? San Andreas, definately. Best Map? San Andreas! Best Physics? I do like the GTA IV physics... But it's not what I want in GTA. I'd rather play a different game with ragdoll-ness. GTA III is one I find great with physics in many ways... Except you can't "fly" as much in a car. For me, it's a cross between San Andreas and GTA III! Best Graphics San Andreas features some of the most cheesy and badly made textures ever... But somehow, it looks good in-game. Most of the textures just need looking over and maybe modifying a little... The textures are not so good, but the effects are great! Not the particles, just the lighting and the way stuff looks altogether (in PC version). The features the best made textures, above the weapons and characters (which I think are absolutely horrible!). I love the way the floor looks when it's raining and dark. And the way the sunset looks in the desert etc. GTA III also seems to have nice effects... Everything just feels right in both games. Warm and comforting. Whereas I find GTA IV doesn't feel calm. A cross between San Andreas and GTA III, again! Most Original Definately has to be GTA III or the older, 2D games! Best Moments! I found San Andreas to have the best moments... Like the last mission and the last cutscene, where all of the main characters pull out their gun... I also found GTA London to have pretty good moments too, suprisingly Best Main Characters I do like Niko Bellic... He's a pretty good character. But all in all, I like CJ's humor and wit. "You learn pretty fast with the police on your *bottom*." "You do know I'm black right? And not Chinese." Response to girlfriend: "Yeah, yeah..." Claude is also cool... Because he doesn't talk... Yet at the same time, that's a bad thing. There's alot of possibilities, lost. Best Other Characters San Andreas has the wackyest, most varied collection of characters. From masturbation-addicts to hardcore conspiricists and geeks... San Andreas has the best characters from the previous games too! And that basically sums up my GTA preferences
  8. Mmm... This? Not sure it's what you want, but it's a good old game anyways... I hope you find what you're looking for!
  9. I love the old Tekken games on PS. So fun to play for hours even though it's pretty simple.
  10. Hmm... Gaming is a big addiction. I don't feel addicted to it. In fact, I have to convince myself to play it as I know how fun it is but can usually never be bothered to play. But gaming, unlike other addictions is pretty risk free. The only risks being eye-strain, some sort of brain condition or very sore thumbs :DI reckon it should be pretty easy to give up gaming... Just get a big hammer, some tissues and vodka. Then, smash up your console, wipe your eyes and drink the vodka. Dadaaa! You've left you're gaming addiction and taken up alchoholism Just make sure you don't get mixed up, pour the vodka on the tissue and use the console to wipe your eyes... Because that is just the complete opposite of what we're trying to do... Good luck :DI don't think time spent playing games is wasted. Whatever makes you happy, is something you should be doing throughout all of your life. I like to live life for fun rather than grades and a place in civillization. Fun and love are the most important things in the world! And if something makes you happy, it's more important than anything else. Anyway, I've found gaming to be a huge learning experience. Most of my time is spent making websites about games and modifying them... Making them better than the person who created them in the first place - Still, I'm not addicted. I do more modifying than playing really
  11. Hmm... I don't think a dream could kill you... But maybe send you insaine. Although I guess you'd have to be nearly insaine to have that kind of dream anyway, so don't worry about it. I've had alot of weird dreams before though... I think the worst that could possibly happen from a dream is going into a coma or something... Maybe your mind could somehow forget to wake up - Unlikely though... Although, you could consider the afterlife to be a dream... Or even the current life to be a dream. There's alot of theories of life associated with dreams. But the thing is, I don't think we'll ever know for sure. And that doesn't really matter at all
  12. It'd be hard to find the worst thing on the internet... There's soo much rubbish out there. Biased conspirecies, hateful stuff, sick stuff, viruses and just general worthlessness :)I'd guess that at least very 5 seconds something bad appears on the internet. But, I guess if you want something as huge and "free" as the internet... You're gonna have to put up with some bad stuff...
  13. I'm on Wireless and find that the internet is increasingly slow. I think due to how fast normal internet can go, webmasters don't think alot about the speeds of slower internet services. And since wireless is increasingly popular (for some reason), I think websites should be reconsidering the loading speed of their websites. I'd like to have faster, but for now I'm stuck with my rubbish wireless
  14. Here are some Command Prompt tricks I have found useful over the years... Shutdown Commands Shutting Down I sometimes find that, especially after having my computer on for ages, that Windows will simply not shut down. Sometimes a few things will close, but it get's stuck or there ends up being loads of programs that want to be ended first... 1. Open up command prompt. (Start > Run... : Enter "command" or "CMD") 2. Type "shutdown [PARAM]". Replace [PARAM] with one of these parameters... -i - will display a dramatic windows interface telling you that the computer will shutdown in xx seconds. -s - shut down the computer. -r - restart the computer -t [xx] - to be used with the "i" parameter. Customize the amount of seconds till shutdown (replace [xx] with seconds) -c [abc] - to be used with the "i" param. Customize the message that shows on the shutdown message. (replace [abc] with whatever text you like. 127 letter max!) -f - this is a useful one! It shuts down the computer without waiting for dead programs to end. It will end all the programs immediately. Aborting A Shutdown It is common for us to be in a situation where the workstation is shutting down when we quite simply don't want it to! Sometimes this is when we cause a big error, but it can also be due to malware or just general "Windows stupidness" 1. Open up command prompt. (Start > Run... : Enter "command" or "CMD") 2. Type "shutdown -a" and hit Enter(Return or w/e you wanna call it). Note: You may have to repeat this a few times as it seems to not always abort first time Browsing For when explorer just won't do! General Browsing If explorer is giving you errors saying your access is denied or something, you can try using Command Prompt. 1. Open up command prompt. (Start > Run... : Enter "command" or "CMD") 2. You will probably be in you system32 directory, as that is where cmd.exe is located. Type "C:" to go to you're C drive. 3. If you want to go to a different drive type "[DRIVE]:". 4. Now, type "CD [DIR]" to go to a directory. 5. If you want to see what's in your current directory, type "dir". 6. If you want to go back into a previous directory, do: "CD [DRIVE]\[DIR]". 7. If you know the exact path, you can type that too! Here is what I would type if I was trying to find a file in "My Documents", but didn't exactly know whether it was in "Administrator" or "All Users". C:CD Documents and SettingsCD AdministratordirCD C:\Documents and Settings\CD C:\Documents and Settings\All users\My DocumentsdirSimples! Note though, that Command Prompt may still not have access to everywhere, but will have alot more access than explorer.exe! Opening A File Simply follow the instructions for "General Browsing" and do this when you have done "dir" to find your file. Read what the list says and when you find the file that you want, follow this step: 1: Type [FILENAME]. [FILENAME] - Your files name, I.E: secrets.txt - Note that if your file name contains spaces, you must wrap it in double quotes (" "). Copy, Move, DeleteI like to call this "CMD". Copying No, not illegally. Sometimes, we will be unreasonably denied permissions to copy something our own computer... Yes, our own computer! The thing WE bought and WE have control over telling us that we can't do something on it! Fortunately, there is a way around this... 1. Open up command prompt. (Start > Run... : Enter "command" or "CMD") 2. Locate the directory where the file you want to copy is (see: Browsing) 3. Use this command: "copy [FILENAME] [PATH] [PARAM]". Using parameters... [FILENAME] - Replace with file name. IE: myfile.txt [PATH] - Where the file should go (note: start with drive. IE: C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\ etc.) /v - Verifies the files get copied properly /y - Overwrites other files without warning. /-y - Gives a warning if overwriting files. Moving You can move a file using the same principle as with copying. Just replace "copy" with "move". Note that some parameters from copy will not work here. Use "move /?" to see the available parameters. Deleting Useful for troublesome files! By now you should be used to using Command Prompt! 1. Open up command prompt. (Start > Run... : Enter "command" or "CMD")2. Locate the directory where the file you want to delete is (see: Browsing) 3. Use this command: "del [FILENAME] [PARAM]". 3a. You can also use: "erase [FILENAME] [PARAM]". Again, use these params... [FILENAME] - Your file or directory name or path. /p - Prompts for confirmation before deleting files. /f - Force the file to be deleted (useful for malware!). /q - Quiet Mode. Don't ask if ok to delete (also useful for malware!). /a [PARAM] - For use with directory deleting. Use these params: R : Read-only files. S : System files. H : Hidden files. A : Files ready for archive. - : Prefix. Means "not". "del" and "erase" are indeed, slightly different. But it shouldn't matter too much. You can also bulk copy, move and delete. Hope you enjoyed this tutorial... I didn't enjoy writing it as much
  15. Very nice Get some money like some of us and you can buy hosting and packages!
  16. I disagree. Whenever I use Opera it's damn slow loading websites, Mozilla Firefox loads them in seconds even in crap internets (I don't have 1 though). I have a feeling that Opera doubles the download size of pages and then it's slow. People also say it's the best for Javascript. False for me, very slow. Safari, same. It's just slow, but its interface is cool. Some websites load fast, other slow, meh. I still prefer FF.
  17. God... A reason I like more Europe than the US. No offence but the keyboards suck and they're too difficult for those who are used to the QWERTY ones.
  18. Did you see the date of the topic? This is bumping And does that have anything to do with the topic?Also, why do you always hide text in your posts, man?
  19. Are you sure that isn't a scam website? Many people do that to get your IP and details and then play with it. I'd not recommend anyone to join.
  20. That's for Messenger, man. Well, I don't think T17 needs more emoticons as any spammer can increase his spam by doing loads and loads of emoticons in a post... That'd just give more chances to them to spam.
  21. Maybe the Admin was 17? When I've heard about the site I was like "Trap? lol" I also thought this was some sort of spam site since it was recommended by a friend of mine xD but well, it's an imaginative name lol.
  22. No probs. Here, people always help, everyone's friendly!
  23. Well I used to create favicons. But I would have no imagination for a tiny icon, it was applied successfully but it looked *BLEEP*.
  24. Not really. Vacination costs a lot of money and who knows what the heck are they doing now...
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