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Everything posted by sxyloverboy

  1. i dont know of any myself. but i think your not going to get far tyring to look for one. i think there might be some laws requireing you to be 18 years to be 'responsible' enough to handle money. so maybe you can get your parents or something to sign up for google's adsense and then you just implement it into your site or somehting.
  2. aww how sad. but then again i had to laugh. thanks for sharing this. this certainly made my day. i hope its not real.
  3. hey there technocrat. welcome to Xisto. i think youll really like it here and youll certainly find you can help many people with your language knowledge. you can check out the computer languages forums to see if anyone needs help at the moment with somehting :huh:glad to have you on the team Notice from mayank: Deleted double post as requested
  4. well i have had quite a few social sites after me. first of all i went to snowboard.com which is as you can probably guess a snowboarding comunity but it has like gallerys for photos and videos and you had a journal and somehting. it was pretty cool actualy but once you because 'famous' it was lots of preasure i think. then i joined skateboardvillage.com which is like exactly the same thing except for skateboarding and the color scheme is a bit diffrent. and now i havent been to any of those 2 for like 2 years. then i think the next site i joined was gaiaonline.com which was actualy really fun but then i got tired of it. its basicly a huge role play community where you have a avatar you can dress up and stuff.(no, no nudity) lol. and you got 'gold' for every thing you did on the site and you could buy cloths from it and special items. and it was funny because i always cheated it and stuff. but yeah im gone from that now too. and the one i went to after that is the one which is still goto most on because i am a photographer and its an art community. i think this is probably the most famous one from the ones ive been to. its deviantart.com(link to my userpage). here ive had many good experiences and i stoped for 2 months once i think but now i am there again. its great integration of showing your art and communicatying with the other people. also they have chats which are done really well. most sites ive been to had some badly deisgned half hearted chat that didnt work most of the time but here it works really well. i once had a short stop at communites.com but i got sick of that. that one is basicly just people that need to get to know poeple and its about nothing else. anyway thats my summury of my like in social websites. id like to hear what other people have done
  5. hm this is a pretty silly idea i think. it says "evebody from some college now get all their emails forwared to their gmail account" i mean like since when is it new to have email forwarders. i have it to for my Xisto hosting accoutn to forward my emails to my gmail accound and i cant really see any diffrence in this now.
  6. wow this is pretty intresting. ill be sure to check it out. im glad it says that photoshoped fixed their problems. but this is kinda stupid. i heard something about msn messenger too one time. i think messengers are a vulnerable more easily than other programs. anyways thanks for sharing this.
  7. well there are many kinds of cmses. cms means Content managment system and is used to update many sites at once without having to edit each file by itself. the way it usualy works is you have one master template/skin and all the content is put into that. if you downloaded a program then its probably going to give you some html files which you can upload with ftp here to trap when you have your hosting. in your template you can choose where you want lets say the content. and then in a diffrent file you have the content for news, links ect and it generates the site putting the content of your content files into the template. webcmses like xoops or somehting do the same basicly. and they have the admin interface that enables you to do everything wihtout knowing the tinyest bit of html or php or anything. you onlyhave to know it if you want to make a template other than the standart one but theres alwyas people you can ask or download some. but when it comes to websites: originality is the key :)hope this helped you
  8. hm for me the best mobile phones are still the ones made by motorola. i currently have the Motorola Razr V3x. which is the second version of the really thin one from the ads. its pretty nice because it has a 2mp camera and UMTS. i made a post about it also. maybe you want to read it. [link] anyways i think your in the wrong section. there is a mobilphones subforum in the technology forum.
  9. i dont think you can put music download files to download without violating any TOS. but if you have your own band or make your own music you can make that available to download without a problem. also i think you can post lyrics to songs without violating any TOS. The same aplies to movies/videos as to songs. if they arnt yours. dont put them there without written permission. What i noticed is that you have 2 menus on the main page and also 2 server lists which differ from each other. you might wanna remove the second server list and the second menu 2 because personaly i see no point in it. if you want my opinion on design i would say it needs a lot of work but i wont go deeper into that bvecause i didnt think youasked for crtique on the design. now as for advertisments i think it is your own choice. if you want ot make some money its a good idea but then again it compromises on the site design except if you find a way to integrate it well onto the site. I also saw it said on the lisyt of thing you want for your site. in legal terms i think its ok to make that music available for download if the artist themselves upload it. but make sure you have some sort of TOS there also that they accept you making it available for fownload. hope this helped
  10. im not sure what you mean by indexing actualy. reading the first reply im guessing you mean indexed onto the list of websites in a search site database or howerver you say it. i dont think it really depends much on the software you use but on firstly what it says(like dragonfly said) and on what you do to get it indexed. If you use software to get it indexed into many sites at one time is one way to do it. also you can goto special websites that submit your website upon request to a number of search engines. As for creating a blog this is not very hard. there are blog websites like blogger.com(no ads) which either hosts it on their own server or you can define one via ftp(ie. your Xisto account.) Another thing you can do is install one through fantastico in your cpanel. i think there is BlogPress and Wordpress and a number of other ones. Now something that applies to both blogger.com and the fantastico version is thatyou make skins for it. like for any other cms. which are very customazable. so basicly you have no boundaries to your creativeness with the design hope this helped in your quesiton ofhow to create a blog. i dont know much about indexing. sorry to double post but you might want to read this topic: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33072-the-most-important-seo-tips/ Notice from BuffaloHELP: Please use REPORT to merge your posts.
  11. Hm i dont know. i havent actualy tried many of these things yet. ive tried mambo but i dont like it a lot. mambo is somehting that isnt good for my type of stuff. my friends band runs their band site with joomla and i really like it from what im seeing. it has all the important things that any site should have. Right now i am using Minigal2 for my site(miginal.dk) because i have a site with photography and stuff so it works really well. but then again it has some bad things to it. lots of restrictions if you dont know php and you can change the source code to your needs. but a good thing about it is that it is VERY easy to make templates for it. all you need to know is some html and just need to put the php variable in the right place. ive also seen some very nice sites done with wordpress. i think its easy to make a template for that too. it has some nice features.
  12. i think that your site design is very good. i reallylike it. its pretty plain but its still intrsting. i mean its a nice white deisgn that you have. First ill assess the menu. It looks good from the design. but there is not enough lightness/darkness diffrence between the text and the background. you might want to make your the background a hint darker. but when i look at it its the bottom of it thats a bit strange in the eyes. you might want to lower the bottom end of the gradient a bit. Next is the banner. its generaly OK. but one thing is that you dont have the same gradient in the banner as in the background of it and it shows where the banner image starts and ends. you might want to take a look at that. its just something suble but its something that can change the impression of your site and yourself as a whole. Now about the images over which it says Clock/Calander or Login, ect. I think it kind looks like the ends have been hacked off. you know what i mean? it needs some kind of border on the left and right. and the same thing is for b_plugin_footer.jpg . it needs some more border type things on the left and right ends. anyways that it for now. hope this helped you a bit maybe.
  13. hm i think its a great site for people form pakistan. but your layout really needs some working on. take a look at the thing goosestaf did for you to think about how you can work a bit with it. put some more color into it. and play around with some fonts and sizes for your sections. but have a similar colorsyle for each section. or you have have maybe lets say a diffrent color for one collum of items. ie. the left bigger one and one collum for the right one which is smaller. i mean like one style for "News from Pakistan" and all the things under is. and then one for "Quote of the Day" and all the things under that one. also try to work with gradients maybe. gradients always look nice. other than that there not much i can say. cool site
  14. wow that gradient thing really turns me on. but i think it only works in IE. can someone confirm or unconfirm(wtf) it? :(and yeah as wassie said. maybe you want to explain the code a bit. put an explenation in comment tags so that people can copy your code and not have to remove the help or think that it dosent work because the explenation is messing it up.
  15. hm well what method are you using right now to change it. can you show us your code? or link your page?
  16. yes it comes with everything package one comes with too. here is what you get : once you have acuired 30 credits you can goto the hosting forum and use the hosting form generator thing to get free hosting.
  17. hehe i know you didnt want to hear this but right now i have the ring tone that Marissa from "The OC" has. im not a total fanataic of the show its just i though it was really cool when i heard it once. its just some basic beeps. I used to have a short version of Baby i got your money from odb. and i had this Fatman scoop song once. i generaly dont listen to that kind of music but i think rock/metal ringtones just sound really bad.
  18. hm well yeah you can learn from it but basicly what most html gallery programs do is make a table and generate thumbs put them in <img> tags and then you can define the thumbs max width and height and also how many rows per page and how many thumbs per row ect. and then it just makes all the html pages. and it usualy makes a page for each picture you can click on. If you are VERY new to HTML it might help you a bit but its nothing you can learn from to code by hand because what there programs do is take a whole load of workload off of you. You can look at download.com for some software that makes HTML GALLERYs. if you get shareware their most likly gonna watermark your images or put some text on your website that tells it was made by that program. so see ifyou can get freeware but im not sure those dont watermark it either your gonna have to look around. if you dont find anything search for THUMB GENERATOR or somehting like that. if you have any more questions feel free to ask
  19. i like the design a lot. though there are some things which are a stain on it. for one thing i dont like how close the header text/logo thing is to the top of the browser. leave it some space to breathe. and in Firefox im seeing a pretty big gap at the bottom of the page with nothing there. i think the design is meant to go till the bottom of the whole page and not leave that blank of maybe 300px that im getting. other than that very nice and clean design.
  20. hahaha there goes your theory LocalSeer i guess its some remaining code snippets from the army system that give every user some number. maybe all the people that didnt join the game have the same number and the other is like. number of soldiers or somehting.
  21. its a nice theory but i think its not like that. i think its just a bug in the code. but i dont know. firstly im very sure this forum isnt hosted remotly because of security resons and stuff. Secondly i saw someone with the Number one and he or she was from Thailand and according to your theory it would have to be 1 at lease for it to be true and i dont htink theres so little people from thailand on all the IPB forums.
  22. hm there is also another possibilty to store image files in a data base apart from saving the link and some other info. what you can do is store the image in the database as a binary data. then you can have like lets say id be the primary key and have it auto increase and then you can call the image up with a small script to call the picture and then have it be like <img src="img.php?id=2"> for the second image in your database. i can show you the code if you want and its not a very big one either. it has an upload page and like an image.php page. you can password protect your upload page to prevent people messing around with it. and as for the search thing you can just add another column to your database table called Name or Keywords and then have a list of words in there and have a search thing where you have the mysql query WHERE $keyword or something like that. well not like that but thats how you would build up the code for searching. tell me if you want to try this and ill give you the code or if you dont understand something or yeah.
  23. yeah i have a flip phone too. i think they are really a lot better than the non flip ones. Because as you said you dont have to lock the keys which usualy dosnet work to well and you end up calling people or you just forget to do it and yeah. Also i think flip phone are a lot my stylisher than other ones. Take the motorola V3 for example. For me its the best looking phone of all time. and it is very good for how thin it is but then again it sucks if you compare it to most phones today. (just 5mb space, only VGA camera.)Then theres the V3x which im using right now and its great. its still pretty thin. Not as thin as its older version but you get lots of stuff. All the Non-Flip phone that are out at the moment are pretty big and ugly to begin with because they try to keep up with todays standards but they cand do that and make them nice and small so they end up big. which apart from not nicelooking its also bad to carry around if you like to have it in your pocket like me. What does someone else think? tell us which type you have and which you preffer and why.
  24. What im wondering at the moment is what do you guys want to do with people that have lets say a "short post" posting habbit. I think we should be welcome to new members as they help bring content to Xisto and maybe encourage them now and then to post a bit longer when replying in a topic or something like that. Try to teach people not to make new topics with just one line or something like that. Many people arnt that experienced with going on forums and writing what they have to say in a manner that is constructive and not just a one-liner because also most other forums dont care about how long the post is they just want conversation and thats what these people are used to. If you guys are thinking we should "weed out" these members with a consitent short post histroy Xisto would loose many many of its members. Im sure the a majority of the posts made on this site wouldent qualify as "good post" for you. Also Plenoptic i hope you know that 150 characters is NOT 50-70 words. and going by 4 characters per word on average (which is proabably below the real average) your going to 200-280 charaters per post at minimum as you say which i hope you know is a lot.
  25. its ok for now. but i dont think its to good. full flash sites generaly arnt very compatiblewith many computers. it requires every computer that wants to see you website to have flash. and im sure many computers dont. also i dontlike how the preloader is like that. maybe make a square with a fill around it so it dosent looks so misplaced. or put it in the middle of the circle like someone said. If you want to have flash animations on your site i suggest you make a banner in flash with the menu being flash too and then just have html or php for the rest of the site.
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