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Everything posted by sxyloverboy

  1. lol ok dawiss weight means how heavy you are. like i am about 75 kg. thats my weight. my HEIGHT is 180 cm. and theres quite a few americans here that go by feet? ithink im about 5'10" maybe you want to ask a mod to change that for you dawiss
  2. if its waiting for you to press enter or submit or whatever it measn its saves in firefox or ie or whatever browseryour using. the problem is not on gmails side. maybe you can find a way to delete saved passwords with your browser or something. not as for the cookie thing:if you do happen so check the remember me function you can either just press the logout button in your gmail or delete the cookie in your cookies folder. hope this cleared a few things up. -Lucas
  3. hm looking at this thread i see that the problem was a curly brace "{" that wasnt closed. look though all of your code to see if you find something that you havent closed. if that dosent help i dunno.
  4. I dont really goto musicals a lot but one that i did like was one called Billy Elliot. Well i like it till the frst break and the it got kinda boring because you pretty much knew what would happen anyways. I saw it when i was on a class trip to london with my class. But all in all if your generaly intrested in musicals i would really recommend Billy Elliot. The kid that plays Billy is briliant. Actualy im not sure if its still on. maybe someone from london can confirm this or not.
  5. and now your trying to get more money by us clicking it? geez. let me tell you that here in the forums referrs are not welcome.
  6. hmm idunno maybe you can try this: change <?php echo date('d-M-Y',$news[$i]['post_time']); ?> - <?php echo($title); ?></a></td> to: <?php echo date('d-M-Y',$news[$i]['post_time']); ?> - <?php echo $title; ?></a></td>
  7. can you post codelines 150 - 170? that would give some more insight on this problem.
  8. well first of all why are you posting the whole phpbb index page here. you could just say. i wanna add a shoutbox to my phpBB forum or something. secondly apart from you showing so much of your stuff you still havent shown everything. you still need a file called shoutbox.php which contains some data. I think this shoutbox works without a mysql database/table and it stores the info into arrays and only holds posts or somehting. if your serious about learning php read some tutorials. to learn the basics and then try to think about it.
  9. ..OR you could try to make the button in flash and then it would be a lot easier to use the sound when the button is clicked. because i think the way your doing it now would take a long time before the sound comes after the button is clicked. (More than 1 second) which might not sound like much now but its quite some time if the sound is sposed to be of the button being clicked. In the flash file you can make it load the sound file before the button can be clicked so even for people with slow internet it will work without problems.
  10. i never knew paint had templates and im kinda not getting what this was for apurva: There is a tutorial on templating websites in php that you might want to look at in the Tutorials section. If you havent gone there yet do check it out there some nice stuff there.
  11. lol they are so hard. i only knew the first 2. then i looked at the code for the godess one and then im stuck. lol.
  12. someone this dosent work for me. has anybody actualy tried this thing out and gotten it to work? someone other than the guy who posted it?
  13. how are you doing this if you have 1 post? id be verysuprised if you have a hosting account already. read through Xisto before posting so you know how this works.
  14. You might want to take a look at this guys post/thread http://forums.xisto.com/topic/30888-free-php-scripts/ he was nice enough to post quite a few arguably usefull scripts including a loginscript. ofcourse it wont look exactly like that but im sure you can makeit look a bit like that.
  15. Hm i know a nice song thats slow rock. Sleep - The Dandy Warhols Also maybe some songs from Coldplay.
  16. wow man im very impressed. its very nice simple but yet not to plain. everything is very good. nice font you used for the section names. if you want to have someone that makes this site with you id be glad to help you if you want. -Lucas
  17. *sigh* you should know your not allowed to do that. -,-
  18. Uhm...There IS a PHP forum. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/59-php-programming/
  19. Tutorial on how to change background color with PHP I will be descibing to similiar ways that you can change the background color of your website with php and leave it at that till the user changes it again. We are going to do this with CSS. You can either have your cSS info on your page or in a spereate document. The first thing youll have to do is decide if your going for the linked stylesheet or directly on your page. IF you link it you'll need to have this code in you <head> </head> tags. <style type="text/css"><?php include ("style.php") ?></style>This isnt actualy real linking because i dont think you can link css stylesheets that end in .php. Anyways now were going to the read core of this thing. make your style.php file in the same folder where you have your index file or however you call it and put this code in it. /* CSS Document */<?php$colour=$_GET["bg"];?>body { background:#<?php echo $colour ?>; }/* and any other style stuff you want to have */Now back to the page where you want the background changeing to go on. This is going to be the link that you have <a href="?bg=000000">Black</a> if you want a black background. now you can change 000000 to anyof the RGB color that we use in the web. The thing is right now the persons gonna go back to haveing white as their background color if they click any link other than that link for the balck background. so what your going to have to do is. Add a "&bg=<?php echo $bg; ?>" to the end of all of your links. that way it always tells it what the color for the background is. and you can also type in background colors into the url itself. so if you type in http://ww38.yoursite.com/index?bg=FF0000 your going to have a red background. Now using this method you can change your whole color scheme of your website with one link and have your visitors choose how they like to have it, just remember to use diffrent variables each time. it could be a for background b for text color c for link colors and so on. So then guys and gals. Happy Coding. If you have any question feel free to ask me and ill see if i can help. And Merry Xmas and Happy New Year too. Wheee. hahaha
  20. so xJedix your using your computer to help hack a code that isnt even for something valuable and its probably gonna take over 1400 days and you might have a very tiny tiny change of winning 1000 dollars?
  21. well i what you CAN do for sure is just make it a redirection on the site where you got your second domain and make it redirect to the first one. that way youll have people goto your site wichever site they goto inicialy. but as for full dns (if thats what its called) fucntionalaibility i dont think you can have 2 domains.
  22. actualy sorry disregard that. but i cant get it to work as a web server. it times out when i connect through ip adresse. from yown computer or a friends.
  23. Uh oh i think i did it wrong or somehting well it seems to work. In The XAMPP control panel everything is running and stuff. but when i tryed to goto the php test page thing it said "The Connection Was Refused When attempting to contact localhost"snlildude87: do you know what could have happened?
  24. you know maybe you should read the forums befor you post. because there has been a post about this since like afew months ago and people weres still recently writing in it. Also maybe you should put this is the Free stuff section.
  25. Wow this is like the coolest thing ever. you know i am in fact writing this reply to with eyeNAV. the browser thing they have here. thanks psychiccyberfreak. lol. seriously this thing is awsome. though i think the user to user comunication should be made a bit better. like maybe an IM thing with a list of online and ofline users or something. XDXDXD haha.
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