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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. And I am also in a bit of a crisis now!!! I was writing on a post on how nothing is impossible, but now I realised that some things can be impossible, so therefore, my post is now nothing!!! Now I will have to find something else to write about and I have something on tonight and it has to be posted by today and there is no one at the shoutbox trying to figure out my problem!!!
    Now I will either have to write something from anew or change my current post so that it is now good (but sadly not as good as my previous two posts) and true... sad.gif BOO HOOOO!!! Someone help me!!!

    Hey cool down a bit! :) I appreciate your enthusiasm for wanting to post only quality content on your website but for doing that you don't have to push yourself to "crisis" level! I understand that you want to increase the number of posts on your blog soon, but for that don't become too extreme. Think calmly for a while what exactly you want to speak about in your blog and then your mind will clear after which you can compose the post.

  2. That sure is interesting to read but I don't know how much it will work out for most people. The site itself is plain and informative (which is good) but it isn't exactly helping out with its suggestions. Also, the owner, who has obviously made this post, hasn't appeared here to give more info about this site and etc. It's useful for getting a general idea about how to earn on the internet but beyond that I think it's not much of a help

  3. Adsense was very cool and understanding in the early days but now since many members are abusing the service Google has turned into a mini-villain too and is abusing even genuine users :) That's why I prefer not to use it (I can't use it even if I want to - they suspended my account!)

  4. Wow that's weird.... :) You're saying the system restores are not working, so I'm making a wild guess that something might have gone wrong in the registry (wild guess!) I'm saying this because if all the programs are still intact and are just not opening then something must have gone wrong with the functioning of the OS itself, which brings us to the registry. If this is the case (better wait till someone more experienced comments on this), then you could try using a registry cleaner to try and remove any errors in the registry and that might just work...

  5. By the fastest car you mean the fastest petrol or diesel engine based vehicle?. Check out the ThrustSSC, a turbo fan engined based vehicle and the current land speed holder at 763.035 Mph or 1227.986 kmh -

    wow I didn't know about that! Then these newspaper folks should do their research before declaring this one as the fastest car in the world! That vehicle you mentioned looks more like an airplane - so it's surprising that it broke the land speed record :)

  6. thermal activity is a miracle? boy, they don't get out much do they. i used to swim in hot springs all the time. that's all this is is a hot spring that popped up

    well that's what you get from a village :) Well some people like the geologist in that video are trying their best to make these people see sense and stop believing blindly in superstitions and "miracles". It's surprising that the people who believe this to be a miracle haven't done anything yet. Usually when people think something to be a miracle they all come together and do something amusing all out of innocence...

  7. I too have an interest in podcasts rather than traditional radio. I've never really tried out internet radio because many stations are either filled with ads or do not have what I'm looking for. Podcasts can be searched based on subject and that's why I prefer them to radio. Anyway podcasts are a form of Internet Radio, isn't it? :)

  8. hmmm...maybe that is for the web packeage 6.66 or higher and not the 1.99 ones? ya think? smile.gif i sprang for the cheapie. now i am really curious what is in there. i didn't even read anything about in any web hosting feqatures. they always mention fantastico though. i want it durnit!!!

    No, softaculous is available for the $1.95 plan too - I used it until 2 months ago when I upgraded to the $6.66 plan. The latter has the same features as the $1.95 and the extra features are in terms of bandwidth, disk space, and number of addon/paeked/sub-domains as I said before. There are other features that not many members need (eg. Shell Access, JSP etc)

  9. I have had over 100 mycents and it has said ready for a couple months now. Why is it not transferring? I've only came on a couple times during the last month or two but its been over 100 every time.

    Did you register at XISTO with the same email address that you used for Xisto? If no, do so now by going to this link and register there with the exact same address that you used to register here. If you already have done so, I suggest that you open a support ticket regarding the matter and they'll be able to solve is soon.

  10. that is very exciting. i can never get enough of watching someone pull up a yellow bucket. i wouldn't drink the water....but i sure would make that hole bigger for an outdoor hottub...
    the people in the video didn't seem too excited. maybe it was because of what the man was saying in the background...sorta makes me glad i didn't understand a word of it...but i did get a kick out of the yellow bucket that appeared about 6 times. again...very exciting

    Well there's nothing much to get excited over that, is there? Some of them were thinking that this is a miracle, but as an elderly man in the video said, there have been wells like this in other places too. Actually there's a geologist in this video too (in a sweater if I remember correctly) and he explains that it's a natural thing and have been seen in other states of India as well.

    All this seems to be the work of a local website (voice of MP) - that's impressive, coz we don't have many of those here! :o

    sorta makes me glad i didn't understand a word of it

    There was nothing special in what was said - the owners just said that all of them, their neighbours and the whole village were surprised by this and a lot of them even took a bath with the hot water to see if anything happened! :)

  11. M8, i dont think your addicted!
    An addiction is where you absolutely can't stop yourself from the action, day to day. But for you it sounds like you know your wasting your time a bit, you probably could do something else, but you find it pleasurable to browse and discover the Internet, for which you find your time quickly slips by unnoticed.

    Thats kinda like how i get with computer games. Although I'd be just as happy to go rough water kayaking, or going to the pub for a couple of quiet ones. It looks like you've found a very cheap and easily accessible activity and its for that reason you seem to gravitate towards it, but if you could do something exciting, that would probably grab you more.

    You sound like me, your BORED.

    Well maybe you're right - maybe it's less of an addiction and more of a....well I don't know what else to call it :) I'm just happy that day-by-day I'm learning to avoid/control it.

  12. You can install Windows on a Mac using software like Parallels OS and it will be legal, but you can't legally install Mac on Windows :o And it all depends on the kind of work you're going to perform on your computer- if you prefer gaming a lot then use Windows and if you have a lot of professional work to do, go for a Mac.


    But either way, on lockerz, you're going to have one heck of a competition for these prizes :) Anyway I wish you all the best for it.

  13. cpanel, fantastico and softaculous, a service like fantastico, but with many more packages to select from and also having more recent versions so you do not need to upgrade a newly installed package to get the newer version with the more recent security patches/fixes.


    I highly recommend using softaculous instead of fantastico for that reason alone.

    Um...the name is actually Softaculous :) And yes, the packages in it are more in number and newer when compared to Fantastico, and some packages on Softaculous take up lesser space than what Fantastico does.

  14. This question is for those belonging to the old "HOSTED" group; the people who were with T17 right from the beginning till the end of the old credit system. After that, of course, free domains were introduced and myCENTs took over. But do you still use your old sub-domain from those good-ol' days? The only one I know about is saint-michael.trap17.com which is regularly updated :) A lot of "HOSTED" members are still active even today, so I would like to request them to answer this question :o

  15. yea, they are neccesary when you no longer want to host something somewhere or want to hide where something is hosted, etc... but this doesn't apply here so don't confuse nameless. you're right. this isn't his issue and he is confusing his own self because of what other people are telling him. it's not usefull in his situation PERIOD. that was my whole point....not that it was usefull in other issues....

    Lol yeah - too many cooks spoil the redirection (or broth? :)) - I think all of us together have succeeded in confusing Nameless_ and ourselves on this issue!

  16. smile.gif obviously you haven't experienced alot of the changes and the consequences of the changes the internet has always offered.

    You could say that again - although I've been close to the Internet since 10 years, I've only been using in the real sense since the past four years so yes, maybe I can't really appreciate the significant changes that have been seen over the years. So the place is still kind of new to me and I'm just starting to realize the true potential of the internet....

    For me, t17 is cool right now


    Hmm okay maybe it's too simple to sum up what I think about trap, so I'll try to be a bit more realistic. Maybe I'm wrong but after reading your posts above, you're concerned about Xisto's position in the internet bubble. As you said things on the internet can change without a warning and the bubble may burst, as it has for many entities in the past.


    Xisto has completed five fierce years in the world wide web already and we have a bustling community today, always ready to help out each other (looking for a few myCENTS in return :D ) and we also get some quality hosting for free. Compare this with other similar companies which shut down without a notice causing their users to fume over such post2host policies...We've come a long way and we have every reason to be proud about it. So, it's time to look ahead, you say? Let's do it :o

    although i agree with his original thoughts in a sense, they were very vague and i for one will worry because times ARE changing.


    i mean....is there money saved for r&d? does he have programmers that understand where we are heading and the new technology? can he afford any software that wont be free in the future? is he relying on open source or freeware?


    it's not my intention to question opa, but to wonder if he has given this any thought and taken any precautions thus far.


    on the surface, i do agree that trap is cool right now....but on a more deeper level and realistic one, trap isn't cool right now if no thought has been given to the near future.

    Hey we have one bright side to look at - we made it through the recession! :D (Bad) Jokes apart, I will be looking forward to the answers to these questions that you posed - OpaQue mentioned in a thread how he felt about the running of the company - he confessed that he too, like many others, had intentions to close it down. But he didn't and he's done well and is continuing to do so even today. So I'm very hopeful that OpaQue indeed has some backup plan for the future even if something were to go wrong.


    Speaking about money, we have quite a few members who pay for their hosting (I'm considering that option too in the near future) and the ads are hopefully bringing in enough to support our ever-growing community. As for programmers, doesn't the "evil group" speak for itself :D They're surely doing a lot of stuff in the background...


    And finally talking about adapting to technologies like Wave, I guess I'm not too well-aware to speak about things like that. I just think for the whole community to adapt to things like that, it will certainly take some time, and in the meanwhile it will be clear whether that new tech we're speaking about is just a fad or really very useful.


    I think my thoughts are also kind of whirling - I don't really know what I've said till now :) So I'll stop for now and wait for the others to respond.

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